Dream 20

I really didn't want to post this dream until after Mahdi Obama nukes Chicago and fulfills that prophecy, giving me the easy way out for posting this because that prophecy being fulfilled would prove pretty conclusively that I am a prophet of God so more people would be more likely to believe this prophecy. But God woke me this morning telling me to post this today for several reasons.

The first reason is to test my faith in Him that what he told me is true and that He will prove it to be true when, where, and how He decides. I knew I would have to post this essay sooner or later and God said, "Right now."

The second reason is that, after Mahdi Obama nukes Chicago, fulfilling that prophecy I posted here more than 16 years ago, this Christian blog will go super duper viral all over the Internet and God told me He wants this intel on this blog when that happens. So, God's will be done.

God wants you to know this very soon so I can warn you that we are very, very close to the beginning of the Tribulation. You need to get serious about that and all of you need to get right with God right now, so I write.

Dream 20

This vision came to me shortly after God permitted me to remember my vision of salvation in Thailand in 1973. This was a three part vision which took place on one night. This vision had to do with the Rapture, Tribulation, and my assignments or mission in life, what come people call "my calling".

The Rapture

The vision started with me having just run out of a tall, multi-story building and stopping on the sidewalk, facing the street. At that time, the following things were made known to me: (1) I was in New York City (Note: I didn't go to New York until 15 years after this vision.) (2) I had been running from building to building and searching through those buildings looking for and calling out to my family (3) all of the buildings and streets I had been in were completely deserted and there was absolute silence all about me (4) the Rapture had just occurred and I had been left behind at the beginning of the Tribulation.

I had just stopped on the sidewalk and stood still for only one or two seconds when I looked down the street to my left. At the end of the block, it was as if someone had drawn a line across the street from the far end of the last building on the block I was on to the far end of the last building on the block in front of me. Everyone on my side of the line was gone and there was complete silence. On the other side of the line, life was going on as usual with people going to and from work, cars driving by, and all of the normal street noises of a big city with people talking and cars honking. I could only hear the noises from the other side of the line when I looked at the people on that side of the line. Before I looked at them and after I looked away, all I could hear was silence.

BTW, there was no big stink about the Rapture having just occurred. Everyone left behind just went on with life because they still had to work, pay rent, and buy food.

I next looked back at the block in front of me. Directly in front of me was a one lane, paved alley with cement sidewalks on both sides. To my right of the alley was a paved parking lot with only a few cars in it. To my left of the alley was a tall building of which the first floor didn't have any windows along the alley and only one door at the far end. The building was made of brick and the door at the far end was open and dark. It was made known to me that I was supposed to go in that door. I ran across the street, down the sidewalk along the alley and the side of the building, and turned left into the door.

Inside the door was a hallway that went straight in front of me through the building to a glass door through which I could see light. Immediately to my right and just inside the door was a stairwell that was completely open to the hallway. It was the metal type of stairs that climbed one story with two flights of stairs and is often used in fire escapes. As I ran through the door, I instantly knew that I was supposed to go up the stairs, and, without stopping, started to ascend the first flight. I was stopped half way up the first flight of stairs by a floating vision opening at the first landing. It was Jesus from the chest up and He spoke to me,"Don't worry, they (my family) are all right. They are with me. But I want you to stay behind for a little while. I have a very special job I want you to do for me."

The Tribulation

In the next instant, I was standing in a grocery store and it was made known to me that I was in the first three and a half years of the Tribulation. Standing to my left and beside me was an angel whom I knew was there to help me and provide me with information. I never looked directly at him or spoke to him but saw him out of the corner of my eye.

The grocery isles ran away from the angel and me off to our left. There were a number of rows going off into the short distance with a walk way directly in front of us and at the end of the isles. The building made up the right side of the walk way coming directly at us. The wall turned to our right about 30 to 40 feet in front of us and went out of our sight toward what I knew was the front entrance to the store. On the corner of the wall facing us were hung three black pay phones with a woman using the one on the right. To our right and in sight of me were three checkout stands with the old black conveyor belts. I knew there were more check out stands to my right and behind me but I did not see them.

There were very few people in the store and those few could not buy much. The people going through the check out stands only had a few small items each. It was made known to me that the economy had crashed and that people could barely buy food and clothes.

Suddenly, a woman appeared at my right and I turned my head to look at her. Surprisingly, I could still see the angel out the corner of my left eye. She asked me for a quarter and I thought that it was for food for her family. The angel spoke to me telepathically and said, "Give her the money." I gave her a quarter and she walked straight to the middle phone in front of us and started talking just idle chatter to someone. It wasn't even important. Suddenly, it was made known to me that, even during the Tribulation when people don't have money for food and clothes, many of them will borrow money and then spend it foolishly.

The Great Tribulation

In the next instant, I was cast to the floor of an intersection in a building where one hallway ended at the middle of another hallway forming a T. I was lying on my stomach in the end of one hallway facing the middle of the other hallway with my arms in front of me. The floor was covered with about three inches of brand new straw and I was facing brand new horse stalls on the back wall of the hallway my hallway intersected, across the top of the T. There had never been any horses in the stalls.

Directly in front of me were three over-sized, fat puppies. They were white with large brown spots covering them like fat beagle puppies except that their ears were shorter and flopped when they lunged at me and back from me. Their teeth were triangle shaped like the teeth of a saw, were made of very shiny steel, meshed together perfectly, and were very sharp. Their lips were curled back and they were growling like full grown attack dogs.

Randomly and out of sync with each other, they would lunge and snap at me with their sharp teeth flashing light. About once out of every three or four lunges, they would bite my arms which I was using to protect my face. When they did bite me, they didn't hurt me or inflict injury. They couldn't harm me because God was protecting me. Most of the time, they didn't even make contact.

To my right and standing along side of the puppies was a giant of a man who was laughing in a deep chuckle, amused at the puppies attacking me. It was made known to me that he was the Antichrist and the puppies represented his armies and how many years his war against me would last before I was killed by the Antichrist. Suddenly, he stopped laughing at me and said,"If you hurt my puppies, I will kill you." I knew that God would let me defend myself against the Antichrist's armies but not destroy them. The vision suddenly ended representing my death at the hands of the Antichrist.

The Meaning

This represented God telling me that I am one of the two Tribulation witnesses of Revelation 11 and one of the two olive trees and lamp stands of Zachariah 4. This is my commission by God or what most call my calling.

There are a number of other important things revealed in this vision. (1) The Rapture will occur the instant before the beginning of the Tribulation.

(2) The duration of the war the Antichrist will wage on me and the other witness before we are put to death on the streets of Jerusalem will be three years. We will not be put to death until 180 days before the return of Jesus at the battle of Armageddon. This is important for a number of reasons. First, the last seven judgments cannot take place until after our deaths for the reason I explained on my page about the Tribulation. Those judgments will take place in the last 180 days of the Tribulation.

Second, since the other witness and I will know exactly when and where we will be killed by the Antichrist, we don't have to fear death before that time and it will be easier for us to speak more boldly. We will be protected by God until that time and have nothing to fear from anyone or anything until that day. Just before that day, I am sure it will get tough as it did for Jesus just before His death. I am still human, I just have a different job.

Note: Only one other person had this same vision so I left out certain details that only he will know. That person is the other witness. He will be Jewish because God said He will raise up one like Moses from among the Jews. Of the two olive trees and lamp stands which will stand before God forever, one will be Jewish and the other will be Gentile to represent the people of the world before God. I am the Gentile. Therefore, I must also be the second and final fulfillment of Malachi 4 and my first job will begin sometime before the Rapture to let you know that the Tribulation is about to begin.

Some of the reasons God wants me to tell you this now is because I need to tell you a few things. First, we are within just a few years of the beginning of the Tribulation so you BETTER get right with God.

You need to know that all of the key people mentioned in the Bible concerning the Tribulation are right now here on this planet in various locations preparing for the soon coming Tribulation. That includes both of us witnesses, the 144,000 virgin Hebrew males, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist. The Bible just got real and you better take it very seriously. Everything else is a satanic lie.

Now, look at that job description and you will understand why I fought God for about 2 to 3 years to give that job to someone else, you know, like you. To prepare me for the Tribulation, God had already used my knowledge in science and other things to show me that the Tribulation will be much worse than I have heard any preacher ever teach so I really didn't want to go there.

God finally let me know that anyone who wanted that job would not do it right because they would not understand what they were getting into, so I had to accept it, especially after He let me know we could do this the easy way or the hard way and you never want God to get His way the hard way.

Who in their right mind would volunteer to spend 3.5 years living in the worst time in history on Earth and then be murdered by the most evil person in history, the Antichrist, just 180 days before Jesus comes?

That is the worst job description I have seen in my life.

Now, do you better understand why I want to hurry up and get it over with? Now do you also understand why God has me living in extreme illness and poverty to prepare me for that terrible time?

His basic training for that job is kind of tough, you know, His special forces training. You know, I ain't exactly going to be living the good life in really great luxury for those 3.5 years. I am going to be kind of dirt poor traveling all over the place but at least I will have my health back and, hey, I will get to camp out a lot. Hold it, I need to get a good tent.

God has put me through Hell to prepare me to live in Hell on Earth just like our military trains its best, which is for my good.

Now that I have posted this, I must wait for God to pick the time, place, and method by which He will prove whether or not this is true. That is His job, not mine.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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