I Told You So 471

Doped Athletes

Someone posted something on FB (Fascist Bullies) about bicycle racing that I replied to by saying that I don't watch professional sports anymore because almost everyone is cheating by doping and I can't make cheaters rich by spending my time watching them because that is me supporting their cheating. I said that my sources told me that none of the pro teams in Europe will hire an athlete who is not doping.

One person I used to respected responded for everyone to "remember that it is all just entertainment", basically saying that it is alright for the athletes to cheat by doping because "it is just entertainment", you know, stealing millions of dollars from clean athletes. You know, forget that you are making cheaters rich by spending your time watching them.

Too many people no longer have any morals, values, or ethics worth talking about. Just 30 years ago that person's comment would have drawn fire from most of the fans.

Today, they hero worship and teach others, including their children, to hero worship known cheaters and criminals. No wonder our nations are in the mess they are in. Too many of us don't have any morals, values, or ethics so our heroes can do as they will and we will still watch them and teach our children to watch them. "Why, they make fantastic role models for our kids."

And we wonder why our kids are acting like our role models?

Disgusting. Sorry, but my soul isn't for sale because Jesus already owns it and it would have never been for sale so cheaply. I can't sell out the kids to really bad role models.


Remember that I have been telling you about the corruption within the chemical industry?

This video teaches you quite a bit about that.

There were only about 250 comments so, hoping he might actually read what I wrote, I posted the following in the comment section:

"Why are the experts always wrong?

Because they are paid by the chemical companies to lie. When I started studying science more than half a century ago we were taught that your credibility was your most important asset in science but they quit teaching that. We used to call these scientists and doctors who lie for money from the chemical companies 'academic whores' but today, they are the experts selling you out for money.

If you do your homework, you will find that the chemical industry is every bit as corrupt as the banking and military industries. Almost everything they teach or say is a lie and that is being nice to them. I can't think of one thing the chemical industry teaches or promotes that isn't a con to make them more money. They belong in prison."


The royals have pushed the people too far again and the royals are too arrogant and stupid to figure it out. They have come so close to their evil dictatorship that they just can't quit and keep pushing even though they are now losing ground. "Why, just a little bit more and we will have our global dictatorship."

Sri Lanka is an example but the people quit before the job was done. They let the head of their government resign instead of taking down their entire government and now it is worse than before because their "new government" is persecuting them for protesting.

Learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them.

Now, in Ecuador, this brief video shows that people are standing up to their abusive royals but they better finish the job and remove all of the corrupt criminals or it will just get worse.

Because of their insane greed and lust for power, the royals have pushed the people to where it is once again Bastille time. If they don't back off soon, many of them will die because, the longer the royals push for their dictatorships, the more angry the people get.

Remember that during Bastille most of the French members of ye ole Royal Family fled France to keep their heads but today, they are causing their evil all over the world so they have few places to flee to so more of them will die because of their evil. That is an easy prediction.

The upper class trash are so evil they just can't leave other people alone but they will in Hell.

Keep in mind that the royals and their accomplices only THINK they are going to get away with their crimes against God and the people. They won't. They will get eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire for their evil, which is why they hate and are waging war against God, the Bible, and Christianity.

Hey, if they pretend that God doesn't exist, then they can feel safe in committing their crimes against God and the other people.


Remember that I have been telling you how the academe are a huge part of our problems, especially with them out of touch with reality and smoking dope in their white palaces dreaming their failed and regularly proven wrong fairy tales called theories?

Pay very close attention in this video to how the brilliant, all-knowing, all-wise, highly educated, natural elite, grossly overpaid academe had one wrong theory after another about racial intelligence. They were wrong every time.

If you study the history of any field of study within the soft sciences, you will find hundreds of years of failed theories, especially by the left, that have all eventually been proven wrong. They have the worst track record for any profession in history but ye ole upper class trash and their followers just keep believing one failed theory after another because their academic gods knoze ebrey ting and cain't be wrong, even though they have been nothing but wrong for at least hundreds of years.

Their problem and your problem is that they think they are smarter than they are and that you are dumber than you are. They are arrogant and simple minded with their solutions that don't solve a thing.

Right now, the idiots think that the solution to an imaginary problem they dreamed up in their white palaces out of touch with reality on dope is murdering you off. Why, if they just get rid of enough of you peasants, all of their imaginary problems will just magically go away, until they dream up their next imaginary problem.

I can't think of one real problem they have actually solved.

Sailboat Cruising

Remember that I have told you that increasing numbers of people are abandoning their boats because they found out that cruising isn't the carefree fun life they thought it was going to be and requires so much work and money, unlike what they show in the boating magazines?

Take a look at the boat graveyards for abandoned boats in this video and remember that this is just a tiny fraction of abandoned boats. Many are just abandoned to rot in the water until they sink and there are many more boat graveyards. Many of those boats sit in those graveyards for decades costing their owners a lot of money in storage fees.

There is a really big cost of ownership for the cruising life in both time and money and most people are not willing to pay that price while a minority of others will gladly pay that price and more because they love the life.

The boats that are not abandoned but are obviously being stored for years, are costing the owners large storage fees for those boats every month that add up to more than what the boats are really worth so many of them will sell the boats for very little and even give them away just to get rid of the storage fee.

I think the people in that video bought the boat they wanted for one Euro or about $1 US. I have read about others just getting free boats.

BTW, I saw a video by a couple who have a catamaran and the stress loading between the two hulls has caused damage to the bulkheads connecting the two hulls.

I had never seen this before because cats are pretty new to the cruising industry so I had not thought about it but physics tells me that the stress loading on the bulkheads in keeping the two hulls in proper position to each other, especially with rough seas, would cause such damage so we should see this problem more as more cats age, especially in rough seas.

I wouldn't be surprised to see bulkhead failures that could be catastrophic and even cause the boats to sink.

Keep an eye on this.

Space Aliens

Remember that I have been warning you that the lefty upper class trash are going to use "intellectually superior" fake space aliens to tell you that the upper class trash are more intelligent than you, know what is best for you, and you should submit yourselves to their absolute rule "so they can take care of you"?

I just saw a story where they were talking about NASA seeing a helicopter flying on the moon.

People, there is no atmosphere on the moon so a helicopter or any other propeller driven aircraft cannot fly on the moon, I don't care how fast their rotors turn. When they are pushing against nothing, physics says that nothing is going to happen.

But you just know that there are people who are ignorant and/or stupid enough to believe it.


You want to see a big reason why we are right now being punished by God?

Did you know that only 25% of Christians say that the Bible is the "actual word of God" and 58% say that the "Bible is the inspired word of God but not everything in it is to be taken literally," you know, God lied some of the time (nothing like a little blasphemy, huh?).

It is the latter who are already leaving the church for other religions and will do so in a massive way when pretending to be a Christian no longer benefits them and can even cause trouble for them.

I have told you that God is cleaning out the church, especially of people who think he is a liar.

If this is true on a global basis and there are 2 billion "professing Christians" globally, then there are only 500 million true Christians globally but it is probably higher than that. It is probably somewhere between 500 million and one billion true Christians globally.

We need to have a global revival. Pray for it.

Ukrainian War

I am looking for confirmation on a report that the Ukrainian Army is using white phosphorus on civilians in the Donetsk area, not on the Russian military. White phosphorus is an outlawed weapon to use on military targets so that, if this is true, they are committing war crimes against the people.

Question: "Who is providing them with white phosphorus to use on the civilians?"

Also, I didn't want to say anything before that report but, following the signing of the grain shipping agreement between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine reported (like I believe anything Ukraine says now) that Russia did a missile attack on Odessa but the video they showed was just a small commercial fishing boat burning and sitting alongside a concrete dock that anyone could have destroyed with a handgrenade. They didn't show any damage to buildings or the large commercial port the report made it sound like.

I am wondering if the Nazi battalions are working to sabotage that grain shipping agreement to make Putin look bad.

Here we are a day later and, surprise, surprise, surprise, the lefty commie traitor media are using these attacks to discredit Putin, you know, just like with everything else.

Let's connect a few dots here and find out what is going on.

Remember that Zelensky cannot make peace with Russia or the Ukrainian Nazi battalions will kill him?

Now, Zelensky made a treaty with Putin to be able to move grain out of Odessa and it looks like the Nazi battalions staged a fake attack against Odessa with the media helping them make Putin look bad.

Why didn't the Nazi battalions just murder Zelensky for making a deal with Putin? Because Zelensky is out of country, you know, in Kiev, Poland/England, so the Nazi battalion can't murder him so the only way the Nazi Battalion can sabotage the deal is to stage an attack against their own city killing their own people and blaming Putin for it, with the lefty lying media helping them?

That is what it looks like to me and, if that is true, then Zelensky better not go back to Ukraine or the Nazi battalions will kill him.

Keep an eye on this.

Biological Warfare

Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash, especially Fauci, are waging biological warfare on you, the people?

Just stop and look at all of the pathological magic coincidences happening to you right now.

First, they used the Wuhan Lab in China as a front to turn COVID 19, a bioengineered disease, loose on you.

Now they are turning diseases that you have not heard of for decades or never heard of lose on you from their many biological warfare labs around the world in places like China, Ukraine, Africa, and other nations but, hey, it's just a magic coincidence that this is suddenly happening all at once.

COVID 19, Monkeypox, polio, and now a deadly parasite, just to name a few. These criminals have been doing this for decades by turning lose reengineered diseases like treatment resistant tuberculosis.

Do you believe me yet that these evil criminals are waging biological warfare on you and that Fauci has to be a far worse criminal than the infamous Dr. Joseph Mengele? Do you get the picture yet?

All of this crap happening together like this is not just a magic coincidence. They are right now depopulating their planet or committing global genocide the way I told you years ago they would do. They are making their final grab for power for their global dictatorship and they are murdering off everyone they can as fast as they can, including their own supporters and thugs plus many royals because these diseases do not stop and ask who you are or support.

Violent Attackers

Remember that I have been telling you that the killers like the mass shooters are lefty people who are seeing a shrink, are doped up by those shrinks with drugs that cause them to be violent, and they are turned loose to kill people on command so that we need to investigate those shrinks for those crimes?

Here is a video showing some very interesting magic coincidences concerning the release of the Zeldin attacker.

If you don't think so, then they you have to answer some questions.

1) Why are the lefties mad when these law abiding people with guns stop the shooters from murdering more people, some of them lefties, by shooting and killing those shooters? Gee, you don't think the lefties know these are lefties sent out to murder, do you?

2) Why do the lefties think it is OK to keep turning violent criminals loose to commit more crimes with those violent criminals knowing that they won't be prosecuted for committing crimes that promote the left's agenda?

3) Why did the lefty government turn the Zeldin attacker lose within hours of being arrested and are upset because the feds arrested him for attacking a federal government official? You don't think they know he is one of them and he was turned loose to try again to kill Zeldin, do you?

Do you get the picture yet that they are turning these criminals and nuts loose, brainwashing and doping them up to make them violent, and then sending them out to murder people? How much more is it going to take before it gets obvious? Don't you think they should be investigating the shrinks, DAs, media, and upper class trash for conspiring to commit mass murders, especially with them KNOWING those drugs make these people violent? Are they going to have to murder someone in your family before you open your eyes to the ugly truth about these evil human demons?

The lefties get more and more obvious with their criminal activities every day and all you have to do is pay attention and use common sense to see what they are doing. People, this is clearly all planned out by the upper class trash and their puppets. They are evil people.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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