I Told You So 483

I Told You So

This is really fantastic and very telling because this video shows that Afghan Joe has been holding the ambassador seat to Italy for Pelosi since he came into office, you know, a nice plush, easy job that Pelosi wants, hanging out with the rich and powerful in Italy along the Mediterranean Sea. Gee, what a coincidence.

Gee, you don't think this is what they were planning to give Pelosi to get her out of their way from the start, do you?

I have been wondering how they were going to get her out of the way so they could put someone else in as president and now we know. This makes it very obvious everything was planned out from before they put Afghan Joe into office including the deals to get them out of the way when it came time.

People, Pelosi was going to lose the seat in January anyway so the only reason to give her that bribe would be to get her to leave sooner so they can put someone else in to replace Afghan Joe before they lost control of the House.

They had planned to get Pelosi to leave the position of Speaker of the House for the ambassadorship so they could put someone else in as Speaker to work their way up to replace Afghan Joe as president and, by the strangest of coincidences, they were planning this at the same time Meghan left England to run for president in the US.

Now, what bribes do they have waiting to get Kruella and Afghan Joe out of the way?

They have to start making their moves soon and them releasing information about that ambassadorship could be telling us they are about to start.

BTW, Hillary has suddenly decided she is not going to run for president again. One minute she was ramping up to run again in 2024 and the next minute she has decided to not run again, you know, like someone told her to not run because the upper class trash have other plans.

Gee, what a magic coincidence.

WWIII Escape

Remember that I told you that the lefty upper class trash royals would flee the US and Europe just before this war goes hot to get out of the way while these nations destroy each other so they can set up their global dictatorship in Mystery Babylon?

By the strangest of coincidences, this video shows they are right now leaving in huge numbers though they are using other excuses, which would be normal because they don't want to expose their plot, which could cause all of these nations to make peace and go after the royals, who are causing this.

The timing in relation to everything else that is happening and coming together concerning the escalation of this war is impeccable. Gee, it must be one of ye ole royals magic coincidences.

Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.

You better keep an eye on this because it is about to go hot really soon and the upper class trash are proving they know it with their actions.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load.

So, how many billions of people do you think they will kill with their insane, inbred greed and lust for power?

Note that he points out that some of those royals are moving to places like Turkey and Jordan with lame excuses, you know, not too far from Mystery Babylon. Then they question the real motives for these rich people fleeing to places in the Middle East and other places because they don't believe the lame excuses these rich people are giving.

Note that, with their guessing about why these rich lefties are leaving, they never considered this escalating war against the US and the war within the US the lefties started to destroy the West. They don't seem to be able to connect all of the dots. These lefties know what is about to happened because they were involved in making it happen and are now suddenly cutting and running before it does happen.


Remember that I have been telling you that, when Russia shuts off the gas and oil to Europe, Europe will go to pieces very quickly?

This video shows that is happening even faster than I thought it would with large numbers of people in a number of countries protesting in streets. This happened so fast it surprised me. I figured we would have to wait at least a few weeks, not days. Things must be much worse in Europe than we are hearing.

Remember that I told you that Putin crushing Europe would cause Europe to stop sending weapons to Ukraine?

Turley told you that, in Czechoslovakia and Germany, the people were demanding their leaders stop sending weapons to Ukraine. Plus there are protests in other countries like France and the Netherlands and Turley points out the significance of Italy.

What EU?

People, Germany, France, and Italy are 3 of the top five European nations and this thing is looking like it could be done very soon. The UK could very easily end up standing alone in Europe very soon and will probably also implode.

Europe is already falling apart so fast that it is looking more and more like Putin may not have to invade Europe to stop the crap. I am wondering how much longer it will take the idiot upper class trash to come to grips with the obvious fact that their beloved globalism is dead.

Putin is destroying Europe without firing a shot.

This is getting funny. This morning I saw a headline that said, "The EU to Propose a Price Cap on Russian Gas," you know, the gas they are no longer getting.

Wow, that will really encourage Putin to start selling them more gas, won't it? Do you still think the upper class trash are more intelligent than you?

The upper class trash are really arrogant and stupid.

"Why, we will learn you to not sell us gas! We will limit how much we will pay for the gas you are not selling us!"

Does your brain hurt yet? Do you believe me yet that my farts are smarter than they are? Do you still think they are smarter than you because they stole more than you can earn?

Remember that I told you decades ago that intelligent people don't risk going to prison to steal what they know they can earn.


Remember that I told you that the US provided the Soviet Union with a lot of very good weapons to fight back against Nazi Germany? Remember that the left tells you that what the US provided the Soviet Union was insignificant and just some basic materials like metals and wood and not much in the way of weapons?

This video shows that the US provided the Soviet Union with some of our best weapons and quite a few of them just like I told you.

I told you that from the time the Germans drove the Soviet forces back east of Moscow and until quite some time following the Soviet offensive started, a Soviet "weapons factory" was a truck full of tools to assemble the weapons the US shipped into the Soviet Union.

Super Duper Stupid

You want to see just how super duper stupid the lefty upper class trash royals really are?

This is going to hurt your brain.

They started planning their global dictatorship in 1947 right after winning WWII. While controlling most of the planet and its resources and having the strongest economies in the history of the world they worked to set up their global dictatorship for 75 years and they just failed with the greatest failure in history.

By the time Reagan left office, they almost had control of the world, they had control of almost all of the global resources, the Soviet Union had just fallen, China was in the process of falling, Cuba was being propped up by the US and France, They had the greatest military power in the history of the world, the British Royal Family alone controlled more than $500 trillion, they had control of the greatest technology in the history of the world, they had the greatest civilization and culture in the history of the world, and the inbred, brain dead, greedy, power mad, psychopathic lefties began making their move and they spent 3 decades destroying everything they had and turning Russia and China into two of the greatest and richest powers in the world to topple the upper class trash royals, destroying their evil plans because of their insane greed.

With all of that power, wealth, resources, technology, and 75 years of planning, and they just blew it all.

Is that pathetic or what? You think they are smarter than you? Really?

The arrogant, inbred, psychopathic royals remind me of the story of the little dog who had a bone and he was walking across a bridge when he looked down into the water seeing his own reflexion. He thought it was another dog, who also had a bone, and decided to bark to scare the other dog into dropping its bone and running away so he could have both bones, dropping his own bone into the water, losing it, and ending up with no bone.

The arrogant, lefty upper class trash royals just lost their bone.

God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they made themselves fools," and they just made themselves the greatest and most magnificent fools in history and, if you keep voting for them and supporting them, you are dumber than unusually stupid rocks and you make my farts look like geniuses.

Man plans, God laughs.

Upper Class

Remember that I told you that when the very rich upper class start going broke, they will commit suicide in mass?

In the business world, we call this "stepping out of a tall building" and that expression comes from the 1929 Stock Market crash because so many of the rich who lost everything stepped out of tall buildings in extreme depression and fear to end it all. This was so bad that the big cities all made building codes requiring the windows in tall buildings to be bullet proof so rich people couldn't just step through them and take the gravity elevator to the ground, ending it all.

Since then, many more rich people, who lost everything, also took that big walk to the bottom proving gravity still works.

I just got this from Newser via CenturyLink by Bob Cronin:

"The chief financial officer of the embattled retail chain Bed Bath & Beyond died Friday in what New York City police said seems to have been a suicide.

The body of Gustavo Arnal, 52, was found near the skyscraper where he lived, the New York Times reports, and police said his injuries indicated he'd fallen from a high elevation."

He was CFO of Bed, Bath, and Beyond and was being sued by shareholders for their losses. He was losing everything and I read elsewhere that he stepped out of a 13 story window.

Get used to this because, with the upper class trash destroying our economy to set up their global dictatorship, many more rich will lose everything.

I keep teasing that the rich, you know, like Zuckerberg, who lose everything, will end up sleeping in a cardboard box in an alley or under an overpass, dumpster diving for food but the truth is that the vast majority, almost all of them, will commit suicide because poverty absolutely terrifies most of the middle and especially the upper class.

If these mega rich people, most people look up to, had gone through what I have gone through the last 25 years, they would have killed themselves at least 20 years ago, when my world caved in on me because of my prolonged illness. They definitely would not have continued fighting the way I have. When they get here, they will just give up like this guy did and kill themselves. I have seen this happen too many times over the last 60 years and read about it in history.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

Why do I keep fighting instead of giving up and killing myself?

First, because I am a Christian and God determines when I live and die, not me. If He keeps me alive, then He has work for me to do.

Second, because I am not afraid of poverty because I was born and grew up in poverty and I didn't get out of poverty until after I was 21. I clawed my way out of ye ole gutter the hard way, I know that road well, and I know that all poverty really means is that you just have less money so that you have to learn to survive with less money. The people who were born rich can't even begin to imagine trying to survive with less money. They only know how to survive with a lot of money.

God blessed me by causing me to grow up in poverty and learn to claw my way out of ye ole gutter and cursed them by causing them to be born and grow up rich so they didn't learn crap about surviving. I thank God for causing me to grow up in poverty so I am not afraid of poverty and He taught me so very much from it that most rich people will never learn. God made me what we used to call a "scrapper, fighter, and survivor". When you grow up and life is tough, you learn to be tough too to survive. God taught me that a hard life is good for you because it makes you strong.

Keep an eye on it because, the way they are destroying our economy, you are going to see a lot more rich people step out of tall buildings. There is an old saying that, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

Poser Christians

Mark sent me a link to an article that is very good and most people need to read it. According to that article, the percentage of people who claim to be Christian and are not Christian is very high and it is the single most common religion in the US today because Satan's spawn have infiltrated our churches and turned them satanic to destroy Christianity.

When poser Christians convert in mass to Islam, after Obama has imposed Sharia Law on the US, there won't be many Christians left. It is going to get just a wee bit lonely for true Christians in this nation. This is no longer a Christian nation and the proof for that is that God is severely judging and destroying this nation by letting the pagans have what they want.

Thanks, Mark.


One of the most important things for succeeding at anything in life is opportunity and money is a very common opportunity for the rich, which is the real reason why most rich "get rich", they were already rich.

For example, Bill Gates' mother was on the same board as the CEO of IBM and talked him into giving her son's business a chance by using Microsoft software.

Bezos started Amazon with $300,000 from his parents and more from rich friends.

Buffet was the son of a powerful Congressman who owned an investment firm.

Musk's father owned an emerald mine in South Africa.

All of those rich people had a lot of seed capital or access to the rich so they did well and it was not because they were just very intelligent.

I learned a long time ago in going to college that the most important thing about attending a "right university" is the rich kids you meet who can open doors for you because mommy and daddy have a lot of money. I remember some rich friends telling me that "it isn't what you know but who you know that counts", you know, not brains, dollars. In other words, it isn't how smart you are but how well connected you are with rich people.

They also told me, "It takes money to make money."

Having more money does not mean you have more intelligence. It just means you have more money, which means you have more opportunity and Jesus referred to this when He said, "To whom much is given, much is required and, to whom little is given, little is required." That is because you can do much more with much more and much less with much less.

But, I have also seen poor get rich and rich get poor. Life happens and God controls life. I believed the arrogant crap that professors told me about how, if you know enough, you can do anything and then God said, "Really? Let's see." and closed the doors on me. I learned the hard way that isn't true, you know, like that CFO just did.

People, I researched for years to find a business I could start with pocket money. I researched at least 200 to 300 potential businesses in dozens of industries and never found anything I could start with just pocket money. It takes money to make money.

Pray long, pray hard, pray often for everything in life. Be sure to appreciate and thank God for your blessings.

Religious Leaders

I just saw that a newly named cardinal said that gay sex is not a sin for non-Christians.

What does this clown think, that God gave us different sets of laws for different groups of people?

No, God gave EVERYONE the same set of laws for everyone to abide by. What is sin for one, is sin for all.

As I thought about it, I realized that there will be a lot of religious leaders literally leading a lot of people to Hell. Hey, they will keep each other company for eternity burning in the Lake of Fire.

Population Density Stress

I just remembered that I told you decades ago about how the population density stress of so many people living in big cities was driving people nuts and now we see that is true because most of the people in those big cities are bonkers mad. I even explained the science as to how and why this is happening.

Now we see the people living in those big cities killing themselves and their children off with most of those big cities having gone blue or nuts. Their increasing lefty insanity is turning them into lemmings charging the cliff and death. They are so nuts and bonkers mad that they love their suicidal insanity and refuse to give it up for real sanity because they believe that the sane are the insane and the insane are the sane.

At that time I also told you that this is not just being caused by population density stress but is also being caused by the microwave signals being put out by all of our electronics and electricity, the most obvious of which is things like TV and radio transmissions but also the microwave signals being giving off every time electrons flow through anything.

This is because those microwave signals cross our nerve and brain cells causing random electron flow in those nerve and brain cells, which is what we call "static electricity" and that causes stress within the brain, which will eventually drive people nuts like we are seeing in those big cities right now.

The people who subject themselves to this stress the most by using electronics the most are most likely to become violent and suicidal. I see it happening right now just like I warned you about decades ago.


Why has China not already invaded Taiwan?

First, Taiwan has a number of allies that would come to her aid.

Second, if you do a basic strategic analysis, you should see that China has more than her hands full.

An invading force has to have the defending force outnumbered by at least 3 to 1 and as much as 5 to 1. With China having to cross 100 miles of open sea, she better have 5 to 1. Don't forget that.

China has a 2 million person standing military with a half million person reserves. Now, she has been using enlisting people via the draft for two years at a time to train them and letting them out to quietly build a secret or ghost reserve of several million though she may not have enough weapons for all of those troops.

China has her 2 million troops spread out in the South China Sea, along the Indian border, next to North Korea, in the Xinjiang province to keep the Muslims from rebelling, hiding as sleeper cells inside the US, and in various bases in other countries around the world so that China probably can't field more than one or two million troops in an invasion against Taiwan without making herself vulnerable elsewhere.

Taiwan has 1.5 million standing troops in her military with 500 thousand in her reserve and an unknown number of veteran soldiers, who can be quickly be called back into service, and they are all concentrated to defend Taiwan, which means that Taiwan's defense force would probably outnumber China's invasion force, which almost guarantees China would lose, especially if hostilities open up against China somewhere else forcing China to not be able to commit even a million troops against Taiwan.

To have a reasonable chance of successfully invading Taiwan, China has to field a force of at least 6 to 10+ million against Taiwan. Do the math.

Man plans, God laughs.

Taiwan may be small but a small viper can kill you faster than a big python. That little nation has a big bite.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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