I Told You So 498


I am wondering if the reason Musk turned against the left is because he realized that, after they got their dictatorship set up, they would turn on him and the other rich guys next like I told you they will? Will other greedy oligarchs figure that out too and switch sides to save their own butts?


Remember that I told you that Zelensky is intentionally trying to start a war between NATO and Russia to keep the Western money flowing to Zelensky's bank account?

This video shows he is persistent and still trying to start WWIII for money. He is showing that he is not going to quit trying to start WWIII and the West knows they do not have the military to fight a war with Russia so this is a threat to the West.

All Zelensky cares about is himself and his bank account.

I expect that they may have a little talk with Zelensky and, if he persists, they will kill him and replace him with a more obedient puppet or they may just kill him now. When they kill him, they of course will blame it on Putin.

Keep an eye on this.

Poser Christians

Remember that I have been telling you that most professing Christians are poser Christians and not true Christians?

Pay attention to the numbers at the start of this video.

Remember that I keep telling you that my estimates are always conservative?

That video proves it and it is worse than even I am telling you. I have been telling you that it is probably about half, maybe a little more.

According to that survey, about half to 2/3 of the people who claim to be Christians are not Christians and many of them don't even know it. 55% do not believe the Bible is literally true. 56% agree with the New Age satanic religion that God accepts worship from ALL religions. 43% don't even believe that Jesus is the Son of God or God manifest in the flesh. Me thinks they have probably never read their Bible through or didn't believe what they did read.

They ain't Christians, people, and you better watch your back around them when the shooting starts. You need to know this before the shooting starts.

They are spawn of Satan in Christian clothing infiltrated into your churches, often as the preacher.

The world hates God, His Word, and Christians because they love their sins or crimes against God's Law and they don't want to give up those crimes for God's love, which God requires them to do.

They love Satan's one law of "Do as you will". Under Satan's law, they can do no wrong, which is why our world is in such a mess; everyone is trying to do as they will and they will to lie, steal, enslave, and murder others for their own benefit, especially to increase their wealth at your expense.

The preacher points out that most people do not want to admit they are evil and you see this with the upper class trash royals. They do not even acknowledge to themselves that the harm they are causing you is evil so they dream up bull crap justifications for the evil they do (it's for the good of something) so they can believe their evil deeds are good, which is why they call evil good and good evil. They believe their own lies because they want to believe those lies. They are dishonest with themselves so you can't expect them to be honest with you.

Note that, about 15 minutes into the video he tells you that Jesus says, "You are of your father, the Devil," you know, the spawn or children of Satan just like I have been telling you. It is because they chose to be the children of Satan.

At about 18 minutes into the video he says that the spawn of Satan or pagans will call good people the evil they themselves really are, you know, just like lefties call others the evil things the lefties really are. Gee, what a coincidence.

What the lefties are doing is called denial and avoidance.

What the preacher teaches you Jesus had to deal with is exactly what we are dealing with today with the lefties because Satan and his spawn have not changed in thousands of years.

God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Do you believe me yet about poser Christians? Now, do you understand why Satan's lefties hate the truth and are offended by it? Do you believe me yet that we are in the middle of a war between God and Satan and that you MUST choose sides because to not choose a side is to choose Satan's side?

You have to actively choose to follow Jesus to Heaven but can passively follow Satan to Hell.

The most hated doctrine is the truth and you see that hatred when you tell Satan's spawn the truth.

Note that he mentions "false forms of Christianity" or poser Christianity.

EU Splitting

Remember that I have been telling you the EU will blow itself apart?

This video shows that it is quickly getting closer because they are divided on this one issue so bad that they are getting violent towards each other and there are plenty of other issues they differ on how to handle. The division will grow until the EU breaks up into 2 or more camps plus some individuals taking off on their own. This winter may be enough to finish it off.

This video shows more division between Germany and Poland.

Let me explain a few things.

First, this shows how militarily unprepared Germany is because she had 36 Patriot units during the Cold War but only has 12 now with two in another nation.

Second, her offer of one unit to Poland was just a token offer because its protection would be negligible. The Unit would have to be within range of an approaching missile and could only work against a handful of missiles.

This offer was assuming that Ukraine would only fire a few more missiles towards Poland.

Third, none of the major nations are supporting Germany giving war reparations to Poland because that would be a precedence for all major nations being required to pay war reparations to any and all nations they invade. That would limit their abuses of power and start a landslide in already invaded nations demanding reparations from the major nations.

Four, Poland turned down the missile system because they are heading into elections and the leaders don't want to be perceived as being friendly towards Germany, much less in any way dependent on her.

Wow, that EU thingy is really working out, isn't it?

It proves what I said about the European nations not being able to get along during any stressful situation. They all have a history of "you did this to me back when" that will continue to turn them against each other. Europe's history is a steady stream of violence against each other.

And they think they can peacefully rule the world together? Really?

This video is another example of the EU splitting up and the idiots running it pretending to do something, while doing nothing.

This is clearly most of the EU using and abusing Italy, Spain and Greece as a buffer for migrants, while doing little, if anything to help them. There is no true unity and never was.

And, if you think the split between the EU countries is bad, you should pay attention to the growing split between the US and EU as shown in this video.

Remember that it was primarily the US and UK who caused this mess by staging the Ukraine coup under Obama, continuing the hostilities against Russian people in Ukraine, and forcing Russia to invade to stop the insanity.

Then, when the US and UK decided to wage economic war against Russia, they literally forced other nations like German and France to go along. This is all devastating Europe while the US is being hurt too but is also milking Europe to lessen that damage and making the highest profits from the war.

Now the EU is saying enough and turning on the US openly pointing out the profit making for the US on the Ukraine War, while also making some profits from the war themselves but not nearly as much so there is quite a bit of hypocrisy in their charges against the US.

The entire Western Alliance is blowing itself apart because the leaders are all jerks and no one can stand a jerk, not even another jerk.

This video shows more about how really bad the upper class trash royals have destroyed Europe's economy and the mess they have made because of their insane greed and lust for global power.

Do you believe me yet that you are living through the death and fall of Rome II?

And the idiots just keep making it worse. They are beating the poor thing to death.

Putin and Xi must be laughing their butts off at the West. The Western leaders are a bunch of savage political cannibals feasting on each other to save themselves.


Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty media are lying about Russia's economy being in trouble? Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty media are lying about the West crushing Russia?

This video shows a number of things.

First, it shows that the West has not been able to beat Putin at anything just like I have been telling you.

Second, it shows that Russia's economy is booming while the Western economies are the ones in trouble, really bad trouble.

Third, it shows just how bad of idiots the lefty upper class trash are.

Fourth, it shows that the EU price cap is just meaningless showboating by the upper class trash to make it look like they are beating Putin, when they are losing their butts. It is just another one of their con jobs to fool the people.

Mass Shootings

Remember that years ago, I told you there is an interesting pattern with the mass shooters?

This video is just one example out of many for that pattern.

In more than 2 decades of closely following the mass shootings, except for Muslim terrorist attacks, I cannot remember one shooter who did not turn out to be a lefty, was not seeing a lefty shrink, and was not on a drug all of the shrinks know causes the person to be violent. These shootings always happen when it benefits the left and the media immediately start singing the same lies. This is just too much to be a coincidence.

What it looks like is that lefty shrinks (probably with orders from the upper class trash because their timing is always the same) are working with psychopaths to turn them into shooters they can send out when it is opportune for the lefty cause. By using the drug they all know causes people to be violent, they can easily brainwash these people to go out and murder people on command from the shrink. That would be too easy to do and everyone involved should face capital charges. Hey, the lefties plan to murder you all off anyway.

Don't believe me?

Keep an eye on it because, if you pay attention, it is just too obvious. If it swims like a fish, looks like a fish, and smells like a fish, it ain't a duck.

The People

Remember that I told you that, if you steal more from the people with things higher inflation and other expenses, the people will have less money to spend on products and taxes costing both governments and businesses revenues?

This video shows that because, even on this Black Friday, very few people showed up to shop even with much lower prices. The upper class trash are destroying the economy and government revenues to fill their own greedy pockets. It should be obvious that the people don't have much money left.

Maybe, just maybe some of the businesses and rich should turn on those causing these problems with their Marxist agendas?

Spoiled Rich

Remember that I have been telling you that too many of the spoiled rich think they are above everyone else and arrogantly believe they should not have to abide by the same rules and laws for your lowly peasants because they are too out of touch with reality living in their mansion bubble world?

This video shows you the problems these spoiled rich have when they run right into reality, face first. They quickly find out that they are not superior to you.

Guess what, the richest people in the world will all also eventually die and stand before God regardless of what they WANT to believe. They can be killed just as dead as any of you peasants. Their ignorant arrogance cannot protect them.

Do you believe me yet that the rich are some of the stupidest people on the planet?


This video is very interesting and tells me that very corrupt Macron is attempting to do a number of things with India.

First, Macron needs to save France's economic butt by increasing weapons sales to India.

Second, he is trying to undercut Russia to hurt Russia's economy by decreasing Russian weapons sales to India.

Third, he is trying to draw India out of the Eastern Alliance and into the Western Alliance.

Fourth, don't be surprised to see Macron try to make a deal to buy Russia oil and gas from or through India to get around the EU and Western sanctions against Russian oil and gas to save his butt.

Keep an eye on this.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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