I Told You So 530


I have been waiting for women to realize and take a stand against "transgender women" who are really just men pretending to be women and increasing numbers of them are using this to oppress, steal from and bully women, denying the women their rights with the lefty Commierats supporting it.

Increasing numbers of women are waking up to this, taking a stand against it, and leaving the Commierat party that is now using the transgender thing to oppress women. Under the Commierat Party, true women don't have any rights because the Commierat Party is now a disguised patriarchy.

Too many women have not even figured out that men are using the transgender thing to oppress women.


Remember that I have told you that the cartels from Mexico operating in New Mexico and Commiefornia will eventually take over and destroy the tyrants running those states?

That is exactly what is going on in Pakistan right now. Pakistan gave refuge to a number of terrorist criminal organizations since the US invaded Afghanistan. Now that the terrorists' other threat has been removed, you know, the US, they are waging war against and trying to take over Pakistan.

The Cartels freely operating in New Mexico and Commiefornia are now feeling free of the threat from Mexico and will soon start waging war against and trying to take over those state governments the way the terrorists are right now waging war against and trying to take over Pakistan.

People, right now, the Mexican cartels have battles with the Mexican Army on a regular basis where as many as more than 100 people die in one gun battle. The Mexican cartel weapons have become very sophisticated so that it is difficult to tell them from the Mexican Army.

This video shows you an example of one such group founded in Pakistan that is working to overthrow Pakistan.

Note that bad guys have no problem with killing other bad guys, none.

So, how long do you think it will be before the cartels start killing corrupt leaders in the US? I mean, you don't think the greedy cartels will share power with the corrupt US governments when they won't share power with their corrupt Mexican Government, do you?

There is an old saying that there is no loyalty among thieves but the truth is that there is no loyalty among any bad guys. History teaches that they always eventually turn on each other when it first benefits them.

Keep an eye on this.

At about 6 minutes into this sailboat cruising video he tells you that the Mexican government arrested the head of a cartel and the entire cartel is rioting throughout that Mexican state, you know, staging a coup or rebellion against the Mexican government.

These criminal organizations are more dangerous than most people realize.

An easy prediction is that, as the globalists get closer to or become more desperate to set up their global dictatorship, this kind of crap will become more common around the world because as they destroy more law enforcement and military in more nations to set up their dictatorships, more criminal organizations will take over just like we are seeing in the US, Mexico, and Pakistan.

This world is becoming more dangerous because of the greed and lust for power of the upper class trash. They always make things worse and have for thousands of years. The Roman Empire became more dangerous when Rome fell and it will also become more dangerous when Rome II falls.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

This is just one of many reasons why I like to watch these sailboat cruising videos; they tell you what is going on around the world.

One thing I find interesting about these sailboat cruisers is that most of them get these sailboats to sail everywhere because sailing is so romantic and fun and every time they go sailing for more than a few hours, they complain about the wind, the waves, sea sickness, and other things. By the time they make land, they are tired, beat, and glad to see land.

They love playing around on the lands they visit but seem to hate the actual sailing.


Remember that I told you that most of the top officers in the Pentagon did not get promoted because of military prowess but because of political reasons such as they would say what the upper class trash want them to say?

This brief video tells you exactly that about Milley and he is the norm, not the exception.

These officers are worthless as generals and are only echo chambers for the upper class trash.

He is also right in this brief video about the military industrial complex. It is not as simple as the media make it look because you know the media are not going to want to admit they are complicit in the lies and misinformation used to make money via the military industrial complex.


I hate war but I know that, to stop bad guys, war is all too often necessary.

Something I hate as much as war is the "peace at all costs" group because they make it possible for bad guys to rule longer, get stronger than should be permitted, and take over countries, including their own because they are not willing to fight for their freedoms.

You have to be rational about war in understanding that it is all too often necessary because there are evil people who get away with pretending they are stupid people with good intentions so the stupid peace crowd will keep letting them get away with stuff and keep getting stronger.

The peace nicks fail to deal with the obvious fact that there really are evil people with bad intentions and they are not an anomaly, they are too common. The combination of the two is the reason we have to have wars and so many people die in those wars. If the bad guys were recognized as being bad and stopped sooner, fewer people would die.

Do you believe me yet that our biggest problem is that the lefty bad guys cannot leave other people alone?

The bad guys in this world are obsessed with stealing from, enslaving, and oppressing everyone else to their own benefit. They just can't leave others alone to live in peace.


I am seeing what appears to be some of the media, who have taken a stand against the abuses of power by the US, are starting to join forces with everyone who takes a stand against the US, even bad guys from other countries and that is dangerous.

That is really stupid because the long term of that is that, when those bad guys show themselves as bad guys, the media who associated and worked with the bad guys taking a stand against the US will be discredited and brought down, especially if, in any way, they aided those bad guys in causing harm to people.

The most probable reason they do this is money because they got used to making money from taking a stand against the US, they developed a following of people who hate the US and don't want to lose that following, and they have been making good money fighting against the US.

I don't hate the US, I hate the bad guys who have taken over the US and are working to destroy the US, and I don't make any money from this blog. If it were possible for good guys to completely take over the US and clean out all of the bad guys, I would be in support of that in a heartbeat.

My biggest concern is the good people of this planet.

I just can't stand the bad guys who can't leave other people alone and have to control, oppress, steal from, enslave, and murder other people for their own personal gain, you know, those people who chose eternal damnation and the planet and eternal Paradise will be much better off without.


Remember that I told you that the upper class trash intentionally cause and stop recessions by firing and hiring people?

Laying people off in mass the way the upper class trash are doing right now causes recessions because, after the people have been laid off, those people do not have as much money to spend, which cuts back on sales, which causes the economy to decline, which causes a recession.

Right now, the upper class trash are laying off tens of thousands of people to intentionally cause the recession they are predicting. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

We are right now going into a recession because the upper class trash are intentionally causing us to go into a recession. This is all planned out to impoverish and control you, you know, "you will own nothing".

The people who should "own nothing" are the greedy, power mad, inbred, elite upper class trash royals, who keep causing harm to other people so they can set up their evil global dictatorship. Hey, in Hell, they will own nothing forever.


Have you ever wondered who owns the businesses that run phone and online scams with hundreds to thousands of employees? Have you ever wondered why the law enforcement agencies don't aggressively go after these scammers?

The answer to both is the upper class trash, who also own the drug traffickers, smuggling organizations, and other mass criminal organizations along with law enforcement. They are not going to investigate and prosecute themselves.

This has to be true because, with today's technology, it would be too easy for law enforcement to put such big and regular crime organizations away quickly. The very fact they are still operating in mass like they are should tell you they are owned by the upper class trash who own everything.

These criminal organizations are just another way for the upper class trash to steal more money from more people faster.

African Union

Remember that I have told you that almost all of the African nations have joined with the Eastern Alliance against the West and their allies?

The first minute of this video is very important because 1) it shows you a meeting for the African Union and 2) it shows them escorting the Israeli ambassador out of their meeting. The rest of that video is a commercial.

Remember that, in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, the African nations from northeastern Africa will send armies against Israel and I told you that, after God destroys their armies, Israel will seize land on both sides of the Red Sea all of the way down to the Indian Ocean, which means part of northeastern Africa.

Keep an eye on this.

Government Money Laundering

Remember that I have taught you that the upper class trash royals have turned our governments into complex money laundering rackets to launder your money into their greedy pockets?

Keep in mind that this is just a tiny sample and nutshell version of what the criminals are really doing and we have to first start with a little history of their criminal processes and you have to keep in mind that the royal families are crime families.

Also remember that Jesus said that it would be "easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven" and I am going to show you a little of why that is true.

You will also find out why God limits the government to a 10% income tax because He already knew that the royals were already abusing taxes to steal more and more and more from you faster and faster and they have been increasing the sophistication for their money laundering racket for thousands of years. Today, the royals have their money laundering down to a science that will blow your mind.

God caused me to get an MBA so I would be trained to manage their money laundering racket for them and then nailed my feet to the floor here with my prolonged illness so I could study how they were doing it so I could teach it to you.

It all started thousands of years ago with the royal lie, "If you people submit yourselves to our absolute rule, we, the government, will take care of you."

Sound familiar?

It should because it is the same lie all forms of Marxism/communism/socialism/progressivism are based on, "If you submit yourselves to the absolute rule of the government (us royals), the government will take care of you". Same lie, different name.

Do you believe me yet that Marxism/communism/socialism was designed by royals like Karl Marx to replace the old monarchy your ancestors threw off and be the new monarchy?

The royals just changed the name from monarchy to Marxism/communism/socialism to fool the stupid people.

In the 1700s the people realized that the only people the royals were taking care of with their monarchies was themselves at the expense of the people, with the royals living lives of extreme luxury and the peasants living in extreme poverty so the people started overthrowing the monarchies and taking royal heads off. So in the 1800s the royals, who were academe (all academe were royals at that time), started working on a way to get their monarchies and peasant slaves back under a different name to fool the stupid people and they came up with Marxism/communism/socialism.

Gee, what a coincidence and the timing was impeccable.

More than 3,500 years ago, the royals learned that the more taxes they placed on the people, the more money they could steal from the people faster so they started getting innovative with taxes and have turned that racket into a science. They started by having an income tax and then having land taxes, camel taxes, camel food taxes (fuel taxes), purchase taxes, and taxes on everything else they could think of.

That is why God told us 3,500 years ago that the government could only have a 10% flat income tax and no other taxes. That way the royals have to manage the government on 10% of your income and not 80% to 90% of your income, which helps keep the government small and efficient, which decreases their control and power over you.

BTW, today they are managing the government on 100%+ of your income, which is why your governments are in debt. They are spending more than you earn. You will know that will not end well.

Before the 1700s the royals were the government and they could just stuff most of whatever they wanted of your tax dollars into their greedy pockets (they did have to have a budget to have a military) but, after the rebellions of the 1700s and early 1800s, they were forced to back off to save their evil heads and start using the government as a front organization to control and steal from you so they could just stuff your money in their greedy pockets without the fear of losing their heads.

This required that the royals come up with more innovative ways to launder your money from the government into their greedy pockets by buying your corrupt politicians to be their puppets and pass laws to set up the government organization as an increasingly efficient money laundering mechanism and, over the last 200 years, they have turned it into a very complex science so that it takes you at least 2 years of college to learn to manage it.

They write books I read on how to launder your money from the government into their greedy pockets and they have gotten extremely good at that money laundering over the last 70 years. The royals are easily the best and worst criminals and the greatest criminal organization in history. They ARE organized crime and always have been, which is why they got rich by stealing from the people. They definitely didn't earn the money.

Did you notice that the leaders of Italian Mafia are called Don's, which is an Italian and Spanish royal title meaning Lord?

That is because they are all royals. Some of them just broke away from the main royal criminal organization or family, started their own criminal organization or family, and became "outlaws".

Are you beginning to understand why they hate and teach their supporters to hate God, God's Word, God's Laws, and God's people?

Under God's Laws, they couldn't lie, steal, and murder the people to get richer and richer and richer like they are. That is why they have brainwashed you to hate God's theocracy. It oppresses them stealing from you and protects you from them. They don't want anything protecting you from them.

Do you get the picture yet? Do you understand why they secretly worship and serve Satan, while only pretending to be Christians, so they can do as they will to steal from you to make themselves more wealthy?

To them, Christianity is just a front for them to hide behind so they can pretend to be good while being evil so they don't lose their evil heads to you. According to Jesus, almost all of those royals who have already died are burning in Hell right now because, at the time of Jesus, almost all of the rich were royals and Jesus told you that almost all of the royals would go to Hell.

So how do the royals launder that government or your tax money into their greedy pockets?

They do it a number of ways. One way is that they bribe their owned corrupt politicians to give them government contracts making it possible for them to stuff large amounts of the contract money in their greedy pockets instead of giving those contacts to other people.

They often do this by using the stock market to buy controlling interest in a business and then use the business for their corruption, which is why I warn you to not take your business public.

Since the 1960s they have developed a scam using crusades to save things that don't really need to be saved like whales, polar bears, bees, and the planet but they hire corrupt scientists or academic whores to lie for them to convince people that things all need to be saved or we will all die soon.

The academe make a fortune from these crusades by selling books, giving speeches, and getting better paying jobs at more prestigious universities by getting themselves recognized as being experts, too often about things they really know nothing about but can make it sound like they know everything about.

The rest of the upper class trash make money by setting up nonprofit corporations with their puppets in charge, those corporations get government grants (free money - they are the only ones who get anything for free) to save that something, and then the corporations buy things like overpriced science equipment, boats, and planes from corporations that were purchased on the stock market and owned by the upper class trash, making them lots of money and not saving a thing and almost always causing problems with their solutions that they will get more money to set up another business to solve the problems they caused.

They will also do things like get government grants for some crusade like this green energy con to start a business and build solar or wind energy generators at a profit to them, with them also making money from the energy, and then they usually get more money in grants from the government for things like maintenance to increase their profits.

They have also perfected the "debt racket" where their political puppets spend more money than the government has to spend so it has to borrow money from the upper class trash so the government will have to pay interest or rent on that money then the political puppets launder that money back to the upper class trash to save something, which they never save, and so the upper class trash can loan your money back to the government for you to pay taxes to cover the interest on your money they loaned to the government so the government can launder that money back to the upper class trash for them to loan it back to the government.

They just keep recycling the same tax money stolen from you so you can pay more and more interest on your money they keep loaning you.

Let me show you how that works with a simple example.

I get my political puppets I own to launder $100 million of your money to me to do "something good", you know, I am going to save something or you are going to die soon and I am now worth $100 million.

I turn around and loan that $100 million of your money back to the government so you will pay me 3% interest on that $100 million I stole from you so I am now getting $3 million per year for that $100 million I stole from you.

Then I get the corrupt politicians I own to launder that $100 million back into my pocket for "doing something good" so I am now worth $200 million and getting $3 million a year from you for the interest.

Then I loan that $100 million back to the government so you will pay me another $3 million per year on that $100 million so I am now getting $6 million a year from you on that $100 million I stole from you plus you owe me $200 million. That is one of a number of ways the government quietly "prints money" out of thin air.

Then my corrupt politicians will launder that $100 million back into my pocket for "doing something good" making me worth $300 million plus I am making $6 million per year in interest.

Do you see how it works? And you think it is not a money laundering racket?

In a nutshell that is how the government debt game is played at your expense. It is actually more complex than that but you should get the picture.

What? You expect the upper class trash royals to earn money with hard work? Really?

You could write books about their many money laundering rackets. I know, I have read some of those books as text books for my M.B.A. classes.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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