I Told You So 541


Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty upper class trash royals will never quit their evil deeds until they get what they want or die?

This video is more proof that is very true because the US upper class trash turned down another brokered deal for peace in Ukraine. They are making it increasingly clear that the only way the upper class trash will stop their insanity is if they get their global dictatorship or die and them getting their global dictatorship will just cause their insanity to explode all over the world, murdering billions of people.

Note that he said it is the US and UK, you know, the British Royal Family in both the US and UK, doing this for their own interests just like I have been telling you.

Putin knows this very well and he also knows that he is going to have to go to war against at least the US and UK to stop the insanity.

I am so fed up with these evil spawn of Satan and pray that God will deliver us out of their hands soon. Come on, guys, you have reservations in Hell.

I am watching the lefties be amazed and just now figuring out that China is on the same side with Russia, you know, a member of BRICS.

I told you about that decades ago and they are just now figuring it out.

Then I found this video showing the situation on March 23, 2023. Interestingly, the Ukrainians finally got someone with intelligence and knowledge to counter the encirclement in Bakhmut by encircling the flanks or pincer movements like I told you they could do. They increased their troops by 60% but the Russians still have both air and artillery superiority and there are ways to counter their counter.

Having studied Putin very closely, one thing you should definitely watch is for Putin to have his troops start by fighting hard to maintain those pincers and then suddenly fake defeat and retreat back to create other cauldron pockets to draw the Ukrainian forces into in order to reverse that trap quickly. I have seen Putin do this a number of times and they do it very well so keep an eye out for it.

There are other flanking movements the Russians can do to turn this offensive against the Ukrainians.

We will see if the Ukrainian leaders have enough smarts to quickly maneuver and position to counter any maneuver and positions the Russians do.

There is no such thing as a perfect plan in combat. You will start with plan A and, as soon as it fails, jump quickly to plan B and, within a few days, you could be on plans G or H or just winging it. The one who counters the best and fastest will probably win it but, even though the Ukrainians have temporary numbers advantages, the Russians have artillery and air superiority, which can pretty quickly beat the numbers game.

Note that Ukraine is doing an isolated attack to free Bakhmut and, if that fails, they are screwed. They don't have enough forces to make such a powerful attack throughout that battle line and remember that the Ukrainians are staging their offensive with about 300 to 400 thousand troops against about 400,000 Russian troops with another 300,000 Russian troops in reserves. That is why the Ukrainians are focusing their offensive in one or two areas to outnumber the troops in those areas.

This video tells you much more and he tells you that the idiot statements by our leaders are just justifying to the Russians, Putin, and their allies such things as Putin's continued action in Ukraine and even in going to war with the US and Europe, just like I have been telling you and the idiot leaders don't get it that the best thing they can do is keep their stupid, arrogant mouths shut.

Every time those clowns open their war drum beating mouths, they just make things worse.


Remember that I told you one or two decades ago about European nations wanting to break up into smaller nations?

With Europe quickly imploding, don't be surprised to see a sudden surge in smaller places within those nations breaking away from the rest of those nations just like I told you years ago, especially since those nations have been weakened and economically devastated by the Ukrainian War. This is especially true with all of the riots already taking place in those nations.

Watch for things like Catalonia and the Basks breaking away from Spain, Britain breaking up into England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland breaking away to join the rest of Ireland, and Belgium splitting into two smaller nations.

Based on what I told you years ago, I expect almost every European nation to break down into two or more smaller nations. France will probably break down into at least 3 nations, Germany will probably break down into at least 3 nations, and Italy will probably break down into at least 3 or 4 nations.

I expect the EU, NATO, UN, WHO, and other organizations to become history, especially after the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.

This will probably cause a few of the richest lefties from the West to flee to Baghdad to save their economic butts and maybe their heads to become part of the last Caliphate based out of Mystery Babylon. This will be the iron mixed with the clay.

Remember that I have been warning you that the idiot upper class trash are actively waging war against Russia?

This video tells you that they are now openly going to war against Putin openly starting WWIII. The charade about it being Ukrainian forces fighting Russia is finally over and it is now openly NATO (the US and Europe but mostly the US) fighting Russia.

Remember that I told you that I thought Putin would keep his troops in Eastern Ukraine to draw the NATO troops to Eastern Ukraine and into Putin's super cauldron about 9 months ago?

He did it and the idiots running the West just fell for Putin's sucker punch. As soon as the 300,000 NATO troops get back into Eastern Ukraine to fight Russia, watch Putin attack down through Lviv from Belarus on the Western side of Ukraine to cut off the NATO reinforcements, resupply, and retreat, trapping the NATO forces inside Ukraine so Russia will have almost no resistance to Russia invading Europe and the US.

Now that the US has engaged and tied its troops down in combat with Russia you better watch for China, North Korea, and Iran plus all of their allies like Africa and Latin America to go on the war path against the West just like I told you months ago. The idiots finally did it and I knew they would. WWIII is now on. I want to thank you lefty voters for making it possible for your upper class trash leaders to cause this war by you continuing to vote for them and you already have blood of your hands because of them.

Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today.

You better give hugs and kisses to everyone you love because a bunch of them are going to die.

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash royals are starting a war between Russia/China and the US to destroy our militaries so they can set up their evil global dictatorship? You know what they are doing with this, right?

They are in a hurry to set up their global dictatorship before Trump can get reelected and stop them.


Remember that I have been warning you that the Republic of the US is dead and just has not finished kicking yet?

This video makes that VERY clear. There should be no doubt about it now because the left is well into staging their insurrection for control of the US Government.

Welcome to the lefty US police state.

Upper Class Trash

Remember that I have been telling you that the left is failing because they have been given over to reprobate minds and can't think well?

At about 1:30 into this video he tells you how people think with reprobate minds. They are simple minded, they don't think things through, they don't plan things out well, and etc.

He tells you that these people with reprobate minds are at the top and even in control of the Pentagon, you know, the people in the military who got promoted to the top because they are politicians and not because they are good military officers. They can't even do good strategic analyses and, with them as our leaders against Russia, who has shown they promoted officers because they were good military leaders, we are screwed, if we don't replace our military politicians with good military officers.

That is why they keep failing.

Fighting Bad Health

More than 20 years ago, my health was failing, I couldn't get any doctors to run tests on me because of our corrupt insurance companies, it got to where I couldn't do most things I had been able to do, just about everything else was getting worse for me too, and I was fighting depression, which would be normal and expected under such severe circumstances.

More than 60 years ago, we knew in biology and medicine that depression decreases your health and laughing increases your health. I knew that, if I let myself get depressed with my health failing, it could cause my health to decline enough for whatever was decreasing my health to kill me so I developed a strategy to prevent that.

You have to understand that, before they started running tests on me, I got so sick that all I could do was sleep 15 to 20 hours a day, fix one or two TV dinners for meals, and sit in a chair looking at the walls the rest of the day for the last 1.5 to 2 years before they started running test. I was almost dead and, after they started running tests on me, they started telling me I should have died years before, all because of ye ole insurance companies saving money to stuff in their greedy pockets. They told me that most people would have died before they got as sick as I got and they felt the only reason I was still alive is because of the permanent changes I made in my body because of the high level of fitness I developed as a marathon athlete but I have to give God the credit.

What I did was I developed a little rule I lived by that said, "If it doesn't kill you, learn from it, laugh at it, and keep on trucking." I still live by that rule.

You learn from it to improve yourself and your situation, you laugh at it to not let it get you down, and you keep on trucking so you don't let it stop you. That has obviously played a significant role in keeping me alive and going. It is definitely a lot healthier and better to laugh your way through life than to cry your way through life.

So, if it doesn't kill you, you learn from it, you laugh at it, and you keep on trucking.


The left definitely knows that Trump can defeat anyone they run in 2024 and they are desperate to get rid of him or they would not be doing what they are doing to him.

You better pray for him and he better watch his back because, with all of the people the upper class trash has murdered, they have proved they will kill him to stop him.

If he is still alive and is president in 2025, it will be because God's hand is on him but I would not be surprised to see that there won't be an election in 2024 and the left is working on that right now. Keep an eye on that.

You have to know that this is at least in part to be a distraction for Afghan Joe's many real crimes to get you to focus on Trump's one fake crime.

Things are already starting to hit the fan right now.

Since I wrote that the grand jury refused to indict Trump and it "has been put on hold."

BTW, when you see all Hell break lose because of the upper class trash royals and their insanity, which is already happening, watch for all Heaven to break loose soon after and that is already starting to happen too. This is going to be a wild ride, people.

Deadly Fungus

It is no coincidence that there is now a plague of a deadly fungus on us right now. You watch and this will prove to be another biological warfare attack on the people of this planet by the lefty upper class trash as a terrorist attack to control and distract the people and to murder off more people. Believe me, on Judgment Day, you will agree with me that these horrid and evil people should be incarcerated in the Lake of Fire forever so they can never cause harm to anyone again.

The evil things are making their last grabs for absolute power to set up their global dictatorship and murder off more than 7.5 billion of you.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, and get right with God.

Then I found out that they are preparing to turn the Bird Flu loose on you and are starting the scare propaganda for the "endangered monarch butterfly" population for more control. The spawn of Satan are coming at you with everything they can all at once to finalize their control over you to finalize their dictatorships over your nations so they can use the combined power of those national dictatorships to set up their global dictatorship and begin their genocide of you.

Do you believe me yet that these human demons won't stop until they are dead?


Commiefornia has been taking a really terrible beating this year and I am convinced God is passing judgment on them and punishing them for their crimes against His Laws. God is crushing that state because of their many sins.

Keep an eye out for that earthquake storm God warned me about and I warned you about. It won't be long now.

Most of the nations on this planet are already being judged and many more will soon be judged.

Remember that I told you that more than 50 years ago, you almost never heard of an earthquake that was 6.0+ and almost never anything over 6.5 but today, they are having 7.5+ quakes on the same day or during the same week all over the world. It is like I told you years ago, this planet is dying.


Remember that I told you that most of the nations in Africa are taking the side of Russia and China against Europe and the US?

This video shows that 40 of the 54 countries in Africa attended a conference with Russia concerning their union with Russia and Russia forgave the debt of those 40 nations.

They are right now organizing against the West and are increasingly isolating the West from the rest of the world.

War Crimes

When the West put out a warrant for the arrest of Putin, it opened a can of worms that will not close easily. Increasing numbers of the smaller countries that were bullied, terrorized, and decimated by the Western wars are now making claims of war crimes by Western nations, especially the US and UK but you should expect to see claims against many other Western nations. Those war crimes by the Western nations can be used as grounds to invade those nations.

This could easily cause warrants to be issued for a number of other Western leaders including Obama, Bush II, Afghan Joe, Johnson, and even Clinton. Everything the West tries, fails and backlashes against them.

Keep an eye on this.

Dying Earth

Remember that I told you decades ago that one thing the Bible is predicting in the book of Revelation is that the planet Earth is dying?

Part of that proof is with the increasingly worse earthquakes predicted by the Bible and the confirmation is the increasing worse earthquakes over the last half century. The planet is rapidly dying because its structure is breaking down.

But, it is worse than that. Remember the "falling stars" listed in Revelation?

Most of those falling stars will clearly be meteors and we are increasingly in more and more showers of really big asteroids coming closer and closer to Earth because those asteroids are falling from orbit at the outer edges of our solar system to the sun and all we have to do to be hit by one will be to get between them and the sun.

When really big meteors hit Earth, they cause structural damage that will accelerate the destruction of the planet so earthquakes will get much worse much faster until the planet destroys itself.

According to those scriptures, this planet will be on the verge of self destructing AND the sun will be on the verge of going super nova when Jesus returns. That means that for the planet and sun to last another 1,000+ years under His rule, He MUST heal both the planet and sun or "there will be no flesh left" just like the Bible tells you.

You are right now witnessing the science and current events proving what the Bible said would happen 2,000 years ago. You are right now being warned by God that the Tribulation is about to happen so you better get right with God, pray long, pray hard, pray often, and make sure you are saved. All Heaven is about to break loose on this planet and all of those who have chosen eternal damnation, by the Battle of Armageddon, will be burning in Hell by the end of that battle.

Murder Vaccines

Remember that I warned you that the COVID vaccines were actually meant to help depopulate the planet by murdering people off?

This video provides some very interesting intel about that probably being true. It shows that the higher vaccination rate during 2021, the higher the mortality rate for 2022.

I keep seeing more and more evidence proving me right on this and that is not a good thing.

Middle East

This video shows that the Sunni and Shiite Muslims in the Middle East are uniting for the first time since Muhammad died 1,400 years ago. It looks like they are getting ready to put together their last Caliphate to conquer the world during the Tribulation.

Then I found this article showing they are rebuilding the Ishtar Gate and it is supposed to be finished by this summer. They have stepped up rebuilding all of Ancient Babylon.

It looks like they may be wanting to finish at least the most important parts of Ancient Babylon before they begin building Mystery Babylon. I still can't find anything about the modern construction of Mystery Babylon but something has to be made public soon.

Every day we get one day closer.

Keep an eye on this.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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