I Told You So 652


I just realized that, if the left succeeds in getting rid of Trump, they won't need to nuke Chicago to keep control of the US Government.

Since God told me they will nuke Chicago, that tells me that Trump will stay in the fight and running. Right now, that is the only reason why they would nuke Chicago, to maintain control of the US Government to set up their global dictatorship.

Remember that I told you that God showed me that the Nation of Islam would use an older model of a twin engine, 8 passenger plane that looked like a Cessna?

By the strangest magic coincidence, I just found out that the feds inspected an old, out of commission, twin engine, 8 passenger Cessna sitting in a guys yard. It can't even fly.

So, if you have an old, twin engine, 8 passenger plane that looks like an old Cessna, don't be surprised if the feds drop by to take a look at it soon. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

I wonder what they know that they are not telling us?

Do you believe me yet that, what the left is doing to Trump with these fake charges is backfiring on the left and turning more people to supporting Trump?

But, the arrogant, doped up lefty academe and gods cannot admit they have failed at anything. Why, it isn't failing because their ideas are great sounding stupid ideas; it is because they are not doing enough of them so they believe they MUST do more of their failing great sounding stupid ideas.

I don't know how many times I have seen the lefties say that over the last half century.

Why do you think they brought so many charges against Trump in so many trials?

They wanted to make sure they were doing enough of their great sounding stupid idea for it to work. "Hey, if we bring enough charges against law abiding Trump, one is bound to stick."

Not if he is law abiding; unlike them.

You have to understand that the lefties are so simple minded that they believe everyone else is like them and thinks like them so that, with all of them being corrupt and committing crimes, everyone else must also be corrupt and committing crimes, which isn't true.

So they keep digging to find the crimes that are not there but they believe must be there because of their own corruption.

You have to understand that is one of the justifications the lefties use for committing crimes so it is alright for them to commit crimes. "Hey, everyone else is evil and committing crimes so it is OK for me to also be evil and commit crimes."

They have convinced themselves that you are all evil and committing crimes so it is OK for them to be evil and commit crimes against you. They really are out of touch with reality.

You know what is really funny about them believing that?

They hate you conservatives because you are not evil and committing crimes like them but they want to believe you are evil and committing crimes even though they hate you for not being evil and committing crimes like them. They will believe anything that makes them feel better about the evil they do.


This is a review of the major events in Israel since October 7. The entire reason for this war is to get Muslim and Western nations to unite to invade, conquer and destroy Israel.

Hamas started the war and Israel responded by overwhelming and crushing Hamas in spite of their great sounding stupid plans. That plan failing is going to really encourage people to join Hamas in destroying Israel.

Hezbollah came to their aid by starting a war with Israel. Israel is now crushing Hezbollah, causing their great sounding stupid plans to fail, which is really going to encourage people to join them in destroying Israel.

The Houthis came to their aid by starting a war with Israel. The Houthis are defeating the West fake war but causing no harm to Israel so that great sounding stupid plan failing is really going to encourage people to join them in destroying Israel.

Iran came to the aid for all of them by staging a direct attack against Israel from Iran and got her butt seriously handed to her. That great sounding stupid plan failing is really going to encourage people to join Iran in destroying Israel.

Now Turkey is putting together an army of Muslim Arabs to infiltrate into Israel to attack from within but we know that man plans, God laughs so you know that great sounding stupid plan failing will also encourage people to join Turkey in destroying Israel.

Do you believe me yet that Satan's spawn never quit until they die?

Hey, at least the West and the Muslims are consistent in their great sounding stupid plans failing.

BTW, the pro Hamas terrorist protests are spreading to European universities now, especially in France. They are failing in the US by turning people against the protestors and Hamas so they are taking their failing great sounding stupid idea to Europe, while doing more and more of their failing great sounding stupid idea of protesting in support of the Hamas terrorist organization so it will magically begin to work. "Hey, it can't be wrong, the lefty academe gods dreamed it up so keep doing more and more until it magically works."

Remember that I told you that Israel will have to take Yemen and Somalia to protect shipping to and from Israel?

The Houthis are continuing to attack ships in the area, I have seen that the US, UK, and some other European nations have decreased the number of their military ships in the area, and not one is really trying to destroy the Houthi operations. It is all show.

The Houthis are also still firing Missiles at Israel.

Do you believe me yet that, after the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, Israel will be forced to take everything from the Euphrates River to the Nile River to the Gulf of Aden?

I am so sick of the lies and deceptions of our corrupt politicians.

This video shows such a deception with the heads of the US, UK, and Canada "imposing sanctions of Iran's drone industry". Why, I am so impressed. /sarc

Who buys Iran's drones?

Russia, China, and Africa; none of which will be effected by these worthless sanctions. They will all continue to buy those drones.

This is just sick, deceptive show boating, pretending to be supporting Israel while doing nothing that will help Israel. It is a con and you know the stupid people will fall for it.

Now, if these nations are really supporting Israel in meaningful ways, why would they do such a senseless show that would distract from the real ways in which they were supporting Israel?

They wouldn't because they would be able to easily point out the ways in which they really are supporting Israel. Them putting on this show is a confession that they are not really helping Israel in any meaningful way and are just faking helping Israel, while helping Iran.

If these frauds really want to help Israel and hurt Iran, why don't they stop funding Iran and place sanctions on Iran's oil and other money making commodities so Iran can't make the money to continue to finance this war against Israel?

Because they do not want to help Israel, they only want to fool people into believing they are helping Israel, and they want to help Iran destroy Israel. That is the ONLY reason they did this fake sanction.

Noah's Ark

One thing I have not seen any preacher talk about concerning Noah's Ark is the size and age of the animals that went on the Ark. They ALL assume and teach that fully grown, adult animals went on the Ark and, if you know biology, you should know that would have been very, very stupid. God would have never done that.

Those older and full grown organisms would not only have taken up too much room and eaten too much food but would not have reproduced too many more times before they died and God needed organisms that would be much younger and would reproduced many more times before death so they would have been much, much younger and smaller, when they went on the Ark.

You have to understand that the animals God put on the Ark were what we call "breading stock" so they had to be young and healthy AND that they would be on the Ark for a year. They had to be at the age where they would have their first offspring long enough before leaving the Ark so those offspring could leave the Ark under their own power AND soon be ready to start reproducing to increase their populations as quickly as possible so they could more quickly fill the Earth.

Some animals like cats and dogs would have mated and had their first offspring on the Ark, while other animals would have had to enter the Ark pregnant with their first offspring. For example, elephants carry their young for two years so the two young elephants would have had to go on the Ark with the female well into her first pregnancy and God knew all of this.

God is infinitely more knowledgeable and intelligent than humans. He is not stupid.

Two of each kind may have gone on the Ark but many of each kind came off of it to start filling the Earth.

Second, concerning size, let's look at two of the God haters' most common examples for there not being enough room, you know, T-Rex and Brontosaurus. "Why, they were so huge they couldn't have fit on the Ark."

Both of them laid eggs about the size of the American football, which is just a wee bit smaller than the full grown adults the God haters love to point to, hint, hint. They could have been anywhere from the size of those eggs to full grown.

Most likely, the young T-Rexs and brontosaurs God took onto the Ark would have been about the size of a human or smaller, they would have laid eggs once, the eggs would have hatched, and the young would have been ready to walk or run off the Ark, when Noah opened the door.

No big problem. God isn't as simple minded, ignorant, and stupid as the God haters.

Also, the Bible tells us that God changed the DNA for all animals to shorten their life span AND to turn some of them into predators but it doesn't say how long after they got off the Ark. It didn't happen immediately and God gave us a clue to how long after they left the Ark before He made that change.

The Bible tells us that, when God made that genetic change, God shortened the life span of man to a maximum of 125 years but notice that several generations after leaving the Ark, the humans lived much longer than that, which should tell you that God did not make that change in DNA until a few hundred years after the Flood. Everyone just assumed that God made that change right after the Flood.

The oldest living human born after the Flood was Eber, who was born 67 years after the flood and lived to be 464 years old so, clearly, God didn't change the DNA until after he was either born or died, which means animal predation had not yet begun so the global animal populations would have gotten much larger more quickly to fill the Earth sooner before the predation started.

Based on what I have read, I figure that God probably changed our DNA at least 200 to 300+ years after the Flood, which God told us CAUSED our maximum age to become 125 and would have been plenty of time for animals to spread around the world and sufficiently populate the world before predation began.

See how science and common sense destroys the God hater arguments?

The Ark was really big, the animals were not all fully grown but would have been much younger and smaller, and they would have had their first offspring on the Ark so more of each kind would have left the Ark than went on the Ark to populate the Earth much faster and sooner.

US Corruption

Remember that I have been teaching you some of the ways that the upper class trash Royals have set up corrupt systems to control the politicians, bureaucrats, media, academe, and generally the nation?

This video shows you one more way the upper class trash Royals are using to control our corrupt politicians by laundering money to them, you know, bribes.

As soon as the people find out one means of corruption and shut it down, the upper class trash Royals create another way to bribe the government, which is why I believe that bribing the government, academe, or anyone else should be a capital crime for both the giver and receiver so that, when their treason against the people is discovered, those criminals are prosecuted and executed to just get rid of them or they will find more ways to keep committing their crimes against you. Bribery MUST be considered an act of treason and a capital crime for both the giver and receiver.

This video shows more corruption by the left, especially by Soros. They don't care about anyone and are just funding and promoting their agenda against the will of the people.

BTW, did you know that Soros helped Obama get elected?

I clearly remember a picture of them together in a fund raiser in Chicago before Obama got elected as president. He is clearly in bed with the Nation of Islam.

When the rich fund things like politicians, bureaucrats, protestors, and other such things, they are working to achieve their agenda in spite of the will of the people and most of the time against the will of the people, which is them using money to seize control of the government, and they should be prosecuted for insurrection and go to prison for life or be executed.

People, when the rich fund things like this to get what they want, it is always against the will of the people and diminishes or destroys a democracy. When a rich person gets what they want because they bribed people, it is the government serving that rich person and not the people.

He tells you that these protests are being funded by way of "subsidiaries" or what the business world calls "shell organizations" so they cannot tell which criminal funded it. The only time anyone uses shells to hide the cash flow is to keep people from knowing they are doing something they should not be doing.

Remember that Soros has been funding a number of shell organizations to bring illegals into the US, which is a federal crime but no one will prosecute Soros because he owns too many of our politicians and DAs.

Remember that I told you years ago that Soros is funded by a British Lord who is funded by the ruling British Royal who, at this time, is King Chuck. Soros is a front man for King Chuck.

What they are doing is illegal, treason, an insurrection, and other crimes but they are covering it up with their shell games and with the help of our lefty media. They are the greatest threat to our democracy.

Hey, the King of England has to get his colonies and surfs/slaves back.


This video just shows one example of how they are deceptive with their war coverage. They never even come close to telling the whole truth. You really have to dig to get it.

One very common way of deceiving the people is that, if one side destroys one building in a city, they will show close up pictures framed to make it look like the entire city has been destroyed to make it look much worse than it is.

They always want things to look worse than they are to scare viewers/readers to watch/read their medium much more to increase advertising profits, you know, for the love money.

When viewing pictures, always look into the background as far as you can.

One thing they are doing with Gaza is to make it look like civilian casualties are much, much worse than they really are. They are doing that in several ways.

The first way is that they use the exaggerated numbers given to them by the Hamas terrorists, which I found out is exaggerated by at least 30%. If they say 30,000 have died, it was probably less than 20,000.

The second way is that they are bunching the military or terrorist casualties with the civilian casualties to make it sound like all of the killed were civilians when most of them were terrorists.

For example, less than 20,000 have been killed but about 10,000 to 15,000 were terrorists but they will say that 20,000 "Palestinians" were killed, referring to the terrorists as Palestinians.

The third way is how they frame the pictures of the battle area as if it looks like that for the entire area but it doesn't.

That is why I tell you to question everything they tell you. Don't take anything they say at face value.


Remember that I told you that Russia's goal is to get Ukrainian troops running back from the front line and keep them running faster and faster until it turns into a full stampeding route for Poland?

This video shows that, in some areas, Russia has them on the run and is keeping them running faster and faster. He kept pointing out when Russia took an area with "no resistance" because the Ukrainian troops kept running ahead of the Russian troops without stopping to fight.

It is only a matter of time until the Ukrainian troops break into a full stampeding route and it is beginning to look more and more like the West may not get their Muslim troops into the battle soon enough, which is why the West is now more openly committing NATO troops to slow Russia's advance.

One thing Ukraine is doing before fleeing a town is to mine the town to try to slow the advance of the Russian troops. The Russians have to demine the area but they only have to demine the area of attack, usually just the roads, to continue pushing forward while their backup troops demine the town more completely plus, with them fleeing so fast, they don't have much time to lay mines.

It is obviously not slowing the Russians enough to give the Ukrainians a chance to dig in to fight and stop the advance.

If the West commits its troops too early and gets too many of them slaughtered by Russia, then the Muslim troops will not change a thing. They have to get committed together but that is already not going to happen.

Hey, maybe Afghan Joe can use the $60 billion to throw a formal ball in the Sears Tower on a Monday. He can take Kruela as his date and invite Soros, Schumer, Pelosi, Newsom, and the rest of the commie traitors. /sarc

Hey, the Ukrainian War is just another great sounding stupid idea by the left that is failing worse and worse.

I wish we would hurry up and get to the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 because, when those troops are slaughtered by God and the Ukrainian troops realize ain't no one coming to save their butts, they will either surrender or throw down their weapons and run for Paris. This will all quickly be over without Russia having to nuke the West to stop our dead lunatic leaders. That will save a lot of lives.

At the beginning of this video he shows how Russia is gaining a lot of ground quickly and how Russia is literally forming a Russian "cauldron" around hundreds of Ukrainian forces to encircle them and force them to surrender or die.

Then he shows you how the Ukrainians are literally abandoning positions in different places without even fighting. It is happening more and more.

Then he shows you how the Russians have trapped thousands more Ukrainians in another cauldron by flanking them and blowing up a number of bridges. That is going to be a crushing loss in weapons for Ukraine, even if all of their troops manage to get across that river.

Then he shows you how Russia is probably working to form another cauldron to trap more Ukrainian troops.

Before this war got going two years ago I warned you about Russia loving to use Russian cauldrons to trap and destroy the enemy because that is a big part of how Russia defeated Germany in WWII.

Do you believe me yet that it really does help to know your enemy?

You want to know what they believe so you will know how they think so you will know what they will do. That is military law!

Russia is now crushing Ukraine like I told you would happen.

Something to keep an eye on is that those 3 cauldrons, where they are right now putting the most effort, are on the north/south battle line so that, when they break through, they can quickly rush to the west and encircle and entrap the troops south of them on the east/west battle line in a massive super cauldron like I told you about months ago. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

God shows me, I tell thee.

Then he showed you how Russia found the base for the foreign troops, you know, NATO, and blew it up bad enough that they had to redeploy the survivors somewhere else.

Then he showed you where Ukraine has positioned 6,000 Marines to attack across the Dnipro River.

My first thought was, with that many forces concentrated in that area, you just know Putin is going to bomb and shell the crap out of them. Keep an eye on that.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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