News 573


Remember that I have been telling you that a rebellion is quickly building in the US against this tyranny?

This video shows and details very well that the rebellion against the tyranny is quickly building.

This video shows that the rebellion is building and that the upper class trash puppets are getting scared. They are finally having to really earn their filthy money for committing their crimes against you.

What caused the American Revolution?

A rebellion just like this where some British soldiers shot some people at one such protest, that started a war, and the shooting got worse until the British lost.

An easy prediction is that, if, at this point, the bad cops or military show up at a protest and just one of them shoots a protestor, the rest of the protestors will start carrying guns and the fight will be on. We are right now one gunshot away from another revolution.

The evil, greedy, power mad tyrants finally got the people angry enough to quit their jobs and fight back, the people realize that, if this tyranny continues to grow, they won't have anything left to lose, and the people are quitting their jobs in mass making them free to fight in a revolutionary army with the good guys in the US Military already having most of those armies or militias built, armed, and trained for this war. The Minute Men are ready and waiting.

This video shows that this rebellion against the upper class trash is increasing globally. The people are angry enough they are fighting back more and more. He shows that even judges and others are now fighting back.

Turley shows that I am right in that EVERYTHING the left is doing is failing and even backfiring against the upper class trash. This will just cause the left, especially the upper class trash royals, to get more violent and desperate because they have proved me right in that the ONLY thing that will stop them is death.

I am hoping and praying that will be when the military will "come to the aid" of the US people and stop this crap but I realize that, according to what God told me, that will only result in a nuclear attack on the US by the left that will create a temporary stalemate that will cause the soon coming Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 followed by us having to fight another war caused by the left for freedom.

This video by Tucker shows how corrupt the upper class trash are with their constant lying.

Let me explain exactly what is going on in this world that has been destroying nations and murdering people for thousands of years and will continue until all of the upper class trash die.

The top level of people in the upper class trash are rarely CEO's with most CEO's being either their family or hired puppets that answer to the upper class trash elites. Most of the CEO's either do and say what they are told to do and say or lose their jobs. Most of them are front men and women for the upper class trash elites.

It is the very highest level of the upper class trash who cause better than 90% of our problems and they are almost all members of the Euro-American royal family that has been causing problems and murdering people for thousands of years.

The upper class trash elites cause all of these problems because, without them bribing our politicians, bureaucrats, and CEO's, those upper class trash puppets would be too stupid to do most of the things they do. It doesn't take much brains to be a corrupt puppet.

The way it works is that the upper class trash elites hire corrupt legal firms to write bad laws that cause harm to the people and benefit the corrupt members of the upper class I call the upper class trash. The upper class trash give those laws to the corrupt politicians and pay those corrupt politicians to submit and vote on those bad laws making the upper class trash crimes legal.

They also bribe and order the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to do and say whatever they are told to do and say, you know, like Fauci.

Does that sound anything like what you have seen on TeeBee about how things work?

No, because they intentionally keep you believing that the political class is the ruling class, when very few of them really are, so that, if things go wrong, the upper class trash elites are not the ones who lose their heads, the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are. Basically, the upper class trash elites are the wizards of Oz and the stupid political and bureaucratic puppets are the curtain the elites are hiding behind and they are both evil.

Here is another video by Tucker that shows another type of corruption by the upper class trash that is destroying our dollar and nation, while making the upper class trash more wealthy and you less wealthy that I was trained to understand when I got my M.B.A. He does a pretty good job of explaining it.

Remember that I told you that printing more money destroys the value of your money and that the upper class trash are using this $3.5 trillion spending bill as an excuse to print a super massive amount of money to purposefully destroy our dollar?

He does a good job of explaining how that works, confirming what I have been telling you. They just keep proving me right.

He also gives you a great example of how these criminals use a special language we in the business world call "B-Speak" to confuse and throw people off from the truth.

"Transitory Inflation"? Really?

It is just a way of lying without making it obvious they are lying. It confuses the stupid people. In the business world, we call this B-speak, which is designed to fool and confuse the people while conveying information to other business people.

I just want to get all of this crap over with and move on to better things but ye ole lefties just can't leave other people alone so they have to be gotten rid of so we can move on.


Remember that I have been telling you that greedy, power mad people cannot be satisfied and the only thing that will stop these evil people is death?

This video tells you the same thing in a sermon from the Bible. Pay attention.

You cannot be merciful to evil and expect it to change or stop. You have to eradicate evil and that is what God will finally do on Judgment Day when He sends all of the evil people and demons into the Lake of Fire forever. God will be finally putting an end to evil in order to finally stop evil.

Remember that I have been telling you that we are right now being punished for our crimes against God's Law but many preachers tell you that we will not be punished by God because "we are special, we are different", which is one of Satan's lies?

This video tells you that God is right now putting you through the same judgments and trials as He put Israel through just before they lost their nation as punishment for their crimes against God's Law. Gee, what a coincidence.

And you think you will not also lose your nation because of your same crimes against God's Laws? Really? We will soon see, won't we?

With God's Law, the Law is the Law for all of us and not just some of us so that NO ONE is above God's Law. We all must obey God's Law or pay the same price.

Note that the Lake of Fire will not have a special air conditioned place for the upper class trash. They will all burn the same as the rest of the damned forever.

You better get right with God, repent of your crimes against His Laws, turn back to Him, and call on His name for Him to save us because we don't have much time just like Jonathan Cahn tells you and I have been telling you for years or we are really screwed. God has already told me that we will lose this nation because of our sins just like Israel did and have to build a new nation just like Israel just did but we will only get to build a new and better nation if we turn back to God.

We screwed up, people, and now we have very little time to make things right with God to avoid even worse punishment. You better pray long, pray hard, pray often.

Note that Jonathan calls for massive revival starting with repentance just like I have been telling you. If you want God to change things in our lives, we must first make changes in our lives called repentance.

Tribulation Prophecy

Here is something I have never seen one preacher seem to realize concerning the prophecy of the two witnesses during the Tribulation and it makes me wonder if they flunked math but it is probably that God has not opened their eyes to this truth.

The Bible says that the two witnesses will prophesy for 1260 days or 3.5 Hebrew years (360 day years) and the preachers ALWAYS assume this is from the middle point in the Tribulation until the end of the Tribulation, which is also 1260 days or 3.5 years.

This would mean that the two witnesses would prophesy right up until the very end or last day of the Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon but that isn't what the Bible says.

First, the Bible says that the two witnesses will be murdered by the Antichrist and lie dead on the streets of Jerusalem with the entire world watching for 3.5 days.

Hold it, if the two witnesses prophesy for 1260 days or until the very last day of the Tribulation, then the two witnesses lying dead for 3.5 days, would put the two witnesses lying dead on the streets of Jerusalem 3.5 days past the end of the Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon.

Oops, see why I wonder about their math abilities?

Plus the Bible also says that, after the two witnesses lie dead in the street for 3.5 days, God will raise the two witnesses from the dead and call the two witnesses up into Heaven, after which the Hebrews will realize their mistake in surrendering and submitting to the rule of the Antichrist, rebel against the Antichrist, run him out of Jerusalem, and the Antichrist will bring enough people in his army to invade Israel and murder every Hebrew so that, when Jesus kills them all in the Battle of Armageddon, their blood will run through the Valley of Megiddo up to the bridle of a horse, which is about 5 feet deep, which will take at least another six months to move and assemble such an army to invade Israel.

The problem with all of this is that, if the two witnesses begin preaching at the mid of the Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon will take place more than 6 months into the Millennial Reign of Jesus.

Yep, not very good math.

Therefore, it should only be common sense that the preaching of the two witnesses MUST begin more than 6 months before the middle of the Tribulation, sometime in the first half of the Tribulation and the two witnesses must be murdered by the Antichrist more than 6 months before the Battle of Armageddon because the scriptures tell you that, if you pay attention to ALL of the details.

This kind of bad understanding of Bible prophecy is why you MUST pay attention to ALL of the details in a prophecy to really understand it.

Also, remember that a few nights ago, I spent hours using scripture to discuss Bible prophesy with my daughter. Before that night, I had never used any other translation of the Bible except the King James translation and I currently use a Scofield Edition of the King James Bible.

It is an excellent Bible and very accurate. When I wrote my book "Yahweh", I used that Bible in conjunction with the Hebrew Chumash and Tanach, which are both translated directly from Hebrew to modern English with the Hebrew scriptures included so they are very accurate, I went through the first six books of the scriptures verse by verse comparing the scriptures I used for my book in all three books, and I did not find one significant difference that effected meaning in any way.

My daughter regularly uses at least four different translations and she was clearly skeptical of me saying that the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 was not the same at the Battle of Armageddon because she had been taught differently by her preachers, while trying not to make it obvious.

We had started out using 3 of her translations but I kept noticing that something was missing in all 3 of them concerning the two battles so I went and got my Bible. As I read through those same verses in my Bible, I pointed out what was missing in her 3 translations so she pulled out her King James translation study Bible and, sure enough, those missing items were in it so she now knows that the two battles cannot be the same.

The two things that were missing from her 3 translations that made it possible for her to even question whether those two battles would be the same battle, was that in Ezekiel God said that He "will leave one in six" of the invading army for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, which means He will cause the death of 5 of 6 or 83.3% of the invading force but, in Revelation, for the Battle of Armageddon, God said that He will cast the Antichrist and False Prophet into the Lake of Fire and then use the sword proceeding out of His mouth to kill ALL of the rest of the invading forces or 100% of the invading forces (He will speak and they will all die).

People, the very fact that God said the mortality rate for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 will be 83.3% and the mortality rate for the Battle of Armageddon will be 100% is ABSOLUTE proof that they cannot be the same battle or God is either wrong about one of those battles or is a liar. Keep in mind that there are many other differences between the two battles.

Since God cannot be wrong or a liar, then those preachers MUST be wrong and those two battles cannot be the same battle.

I believe that they believe in wrong doctrine because they are probably using bad translations that either leave out important details or add in details.

Be careful what you read and, when in doubt, cross reference with the old King James translation and not the New Kind James translation, which had the information missing.

This information is the reason why I KNOW that the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 MUST take place before the Tribulation begins because there is no place after the Tribulation begins in which that battle could take place. Even the very last battle in the Bible at the end of Jesus' Millennial Reign, God says that He will kill 100% of the invading forces, which means that can't be the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 either.

Every detail in a prophecy is critical because God gave you ALL of those details so you would know what to expect and when a prophecy was fulfilled. If an event occurs in which 100% of the details for a prophecy do not take place, then it wasn't that prophecy but was just a similar event.

It is this mistake by many Christians and preachers not paying attention to 100% of the details that will lead them to believe that the Battle of Ezekiel will be the Battle of Armageddon, in spite of the fact that also none of the details for the Tribulation will have come to past, so they will be expecting Jesus to come and, when He does not come, those people will lose faith and turn away from God to pagan cults, even some of the true Christians we are told (even some of the elect or saved will be deceived.)

Question everything.


One thing the left is clearly doing with this shipping mess is they are trying to destroy Christmas because they hate God, the Bible, Jesus, and Christianity. They think that, if they can keep people from having Christmas presents, the Christians just won't have Christmas but true Christians will return to worshiping God instead of presents and/or make presents at home. You can also bet that some people are already ramping up to produce Christmas presents to sell locally.

Now, the pagans and poser Christians are the ones who won't have Christmas without presents because they worship the things of this world and not God.

The God hating lefties are ecstatic about you Christians not having Christmas presents to come between you and God. They are overflowing with joy at the mere thought of it.

"Oh, oh, look what we are doing to the Christians. We are denying them presents to come between them and their God on their most holy day for worshiping God!" It is like I have been telling you, the first and most important requirement for being a pagan lefty is to not have a lick of common sense.

Let me get this straight, they commercialized Christmas to get everyone thinking about and worshiping presents or worldly things instead of God and now they believe that taking those things away to keep them from coming between you and God will drive you away from God? Really?

You see, these satanic pagans are so worldly and pocession oriented that they can't understand that the Christmas presents are not the most important thing about Christmas, why, it is to them.

What you Christians should do is plan on having the absolute best Christmas ever WITHOUT presents to come between you and God. Even the poor can really celebrate this Christmas. Quit worshiping the presents and return to worshiping God. Those presents can't save your butts, only God can.

Isn't salvation from God enough of a gift?

Remember that I have told you that, if you put ANYTHING between you and God, God will take that something away from you to remove it from being between you and God? Do you believe me yet?

This will actually backfire on the left because man plans, God laughs. Hey, God is going to use it to get His Christians back to worshiping Him instead of presents because true Christians don't need presents to worship God.

So, all of you true Christians, have a very merry Christmas without presents to come between you and God. It will be the best Christmas you ever had and help save your butts from your sins and the pagans.

I also just found out that these shipping problems are greatly and quickly increasing shipping prices from overseas where the upper class trash are using slavery to increase their profits and destroy your jobs and the economy. It seems like shipping prices have about quadrupled from a few years ago.

This is hilarious because the rapidly increasing shipping prices will increase product prices to where people will begin to make stuff in the US again to compete against the higher prices they will have to pay for stuff from nations like China. That will crash China's economy, which will crash her ability to wage war and expand to take over other nations.

This also means that people will begin to produce the products locally that are in short supply and high demand because there won't be much, if any, competition from products that are not here or are over priced and here in limited quantities. With the increasing cost of shipping, it also won't be as hard for them to compete on price with the products that are still making it to market here. This entire thing is backfiring on the intellectually superior upper class trash and China.

This means that God is using the problems caused by the upper class trash corruption to destroy the upper class slave labor in nations like China.

Before now, I was wondering how we could keep people from buying from places like China so we could much more quickly rebuild our economy and build it even stronger following this rapidly accelerating war. So this is how God is going to take care of that.

Man plans, God laughs.


What is Fauci doing?

Fauci is mocking America and insulting the intelligence of American people because he thinks most Americans are stupid. Fauci gave Americans the worst insult he could when he bragged on National TV that he was a liar AND telling us two more lies at the same time. He showed you that he thinks you are so stupid that he can brag to you about being a liar while telling you two more lies and you are stupid enough you will believe those lies without question.

The bad thing is that many Americans are stupid enough they did blindly believe those two lies from a man who was telling them he is a liar and has zero credibility so that you can't believe a thing he says, not one thing except that he is a liar.

Fauci has proved conclusively that there are a lot of very stupid people in America who don't have a lick of common sense because they will believe lies from a person who is telling them he is a liar.

What has happened to America?

Most Americans have turned their backs on God for their sins, are following the spawn of Satan to Hell, and God has taken his wisdom we call "common sense" away from us so that we have become a nation of idiots and fools or lefties. Too many Americans have become so stupid because of this that they will believe and follow any person to Hell knowing that person is a liar and a fraud.

What we, as a nation, must do is repent of our sins, turn back to God from following Satan to destruction, call on God's name so He will give us back His wisdom or common sense so we can clean up this mess we let Satan's spawn cause.

Without God, we have no hope because God is our only hope.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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