News 785


This video is very funny.

Remember that President Moron has been acting the tough guy to try to get reelected this next election by sending a few troops into Moldova and Ukraine.

The video tells me that President Moron's intel people found out President Moron is being investigated by Russia's FSB for being involved in murdering those citizens in Moscow and is on Putin's kill list so he decided it was time to kiss Putin's butt to save his own butt.

I told you that Putin's FSB is very good and they could probably take down President Moron.

It was probably the CIA and MI6 who worked with Ukraine to stage that terrorist attack. You know Z Boy couldn't do it by himself.

You might want to keep an eye out for similar terrorist attacks being staged in the US and UK in the not too distant future or for Putin to say, "Enough" and just nuke our butts.

Note that President Moron is denying he had anything to do with it and kissing butt but Afghan Joe and Sunak are not making a big deal out of not being involved.

Then, the next day, I found this video telling me that President Moron found out he is on Putin's kill list and it scared the crap out of the spoiled rich little mommy's boy.

I am wondering, did Russia tell him about the Pan African Army Putin is going to use to invade France and that Putin was going to sell President Moron into slavery in Africa?

This video is very important because it tells us that France is still struggling to stabilize its economy, after being kicked out of Niger, telling us how much France was sacking or stealing from Niger.

It also tells us that Niger is experiencing the biggest growth in Africa since kicking out France and that is no surprise when you realize how much France was stealing from Niger. Without France doing all of that stealing, Niger's economy is going to explode.

An important thing about this is that, this sudden and extreme growth will encourage all other African nations to break away from the stealing and oppression by the West so you should expect to see more coups and/or nations taking a stand against their Western oppressors. This is going to open all African eyes to how much damage the West has been doing to them. If the African nations don't invade to sack those countries, I expect them to litigate in international courts for damages.

This should also tell you that the West is now taking a very big hit by being forced out of Africa and stopping the West's stealing from those nations. This is another big drop in the fall of Rome II that will accelerate the fall of Rome II.

Have you noticed that the pagan run West is now taking hit after hit after hit? Gee, you don't think this is God punishing us for turning away from Him to paganism, do you?


I just found out that a number of the aid shelters in Chicago are having disease outbreaks from the diseases the illegal aliens have brought into the US like I told you would happen.

Keep an eye on that.

Chicago is really taking a beating because of their idiot lefty paganism and their great sounding stupid ideas not working too well.


Afghan Joe just made the US look even worse as an ally by saying that he does not support independence for Taiwan and he believes in the one China policy. He probably just took another bribe from Xi to sell out Taiwan.

Taiwan making buds with so many other nations in that area tells me that they knew Afghan Joe is not dependable, especially since you know he was involved in selling out South Vietnam in 1975. You can bet they won't forget that.

This video shows you that plus telling you how Afghan Joe and his accomplices are betraying Israel and working for Iran and her proxies.

It is so obvious and others are pointing it out more and more how Afghan Joe is only pretending to help Israel, while helping the terrorists.

These attacks shown in this video by our evil government will eventually cause some form of separation between the red states and blue government so the red states will be able to protect themselves from the crimes the blue government is committing against those red states.

If they don't separate and then fight a war and win it, the red states will lose everything to our corrupt commie/Muslim leaders. The red states are right now fighting for their survival.

Remember that I have been telling you that the Constitutional Republic of the US is dead and just has not finished kicking yet?

This video shows you how dead it is with the lefties being in control of almost everything of importance. They have almost finished setting up the dictatorship of the US and only need control of our government for the next 4 years to finish this nation off.

Do you believe me yet that you BETTER pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load because these vermin have almost finalized their dictatorship over you and, at that point, the only way to stop them will be a very bloody war.

That is the only reason they keep trying to take your guns away from you. They are at a point now to where the only way they can finalize their dictatorship now is with a violent terrorist attack used to terrorize everyone to help them seize final control of our government with their Antifa/BLM military.

This video shows one more example how the behavior of the insane left is back lashing against them by opening people's eyes to how evil they really are. Most people are not as stupid as the left likes to believe they are so they realize what the left is doing and fight back against it.

The lefties and their evil plans are their own worst enemies. They keep waking more and more people up and driving them away from the left to fight against the left.

Collegiate Sports

I found this video that tells about Afghan Joe trying to pass a bill that would force all universities to allow transgender men in women's sports.

I posted the following comment under that video:

"I have been involved in this since the 1970s when they passed title 9.

To really understand what is going on, you have to go back a few hundred years and study the history of US collegiate sports.

Before sports even came near our universities, the arrogant academe loved to brag about how they were superior to the rest of us because they were entirely of the mind and not involved in anything physical. Why, anything physical like manual labor or sports were beneath them and an insult to them. The thought of anything physical like that even being associate with the universities was appalling to them.

Then students started forming off campus clubs to compete against each other in informal sports competitions just for fun. When the university academe found out about these horrid sports competitions between their wonderful intellectual universities, the academe went nuts and start kicking students involved in these clubs out of their universities. "Why, how dare you associate lowly sports with our intellectual universities."

That worked fine until those students started growing up and being the ones making donations to the universities and then the former students began to have their say, you know, "If you want my tens of thousands of dollar donations, you have to permit sports in your universities."

To keep getting that money to pay their inflated salaries, the academe backed down but they never quit. For more than 100 years the lefty academe in our universities kept working on finding a way to get sports out of our universities with regular meetings in those universities. I even got invited to a few of them but didn't bother to attend.

In the 1970s I was back in college to take a few more classes when the lefties finally dreamed up Title 9 and got it passed but the sports people saw that coming and got ready for it.

You have to understand that, at that time, there were very few women's sports programs in college so the lefties dreamed up Title 9 saying that, there had to be an equal number of men's and women's sports programs in our universities or they had to shut down all of the men's sports programs. They just knew that would force all sports out of our colleges and were even pretty arrogant about their potential success.

What the sports people did, while they were busy passing Title 9, was overhaul college sports. They dumped the less popular men's sports programs and used that money to form more women's sports programs, recruited all over the college campuses for women to join those women's sports programs and began recruiting female athletes from high schools for those programs.

By the time Title 9 got passed and was active law, they had an equal balance of men's and women's sports programs so the lefty academe couldn't use Title 9 to kick all sports out of our universities. They got just a wee bit ticked off. I know, I was there (I am 75; you can verify all of what I say by studying US sports history).

Well, ye ole lefty academe continued having their meetings to figure out how to get rid of all sports in our universities so they can arrogantly boast they are only of the mind and not physical so they are superior to all of us.

What the lefties are doing with this transgender thing is that they are trying to drive women out of women's sports so there won't be any true women's sports so they can use Title 9 to get rid of ALL college sports. It is a lefty con and Afghan Joe is part of it.

Do you get the picture?

With Title 9, if they can destroy women's sports, then they can get rid of all sports. Have your attorneys look Title 9 over and they will see what it is really about. It isn't about supporting women but about using women to destroy all collegiate sports."

Hey, I have been dealing with the insane lefties for more than half a century. I know how nuts they are. I got to study them in college the way I was trained to study animal behavior in biology.

Arrogant pride is their most common attribute, not intelligence. They arrogantly believe they are superior to everyone else because of this, that, or something else, which almost always doesn't mean a thing, you know, like them stealing more money than you or they can earn.

Did you know that, for thousands of years, the vast majority of the rich royals have not done one positive thing for this planet or the people on it?

All most of them have done with their worthless lives is they have gone around murdering and stealing for more money. That is the extent of their existence and achievements.

Very few of them, like Newton, actually did anything in their lives that was worth remembering, you know, with them being superior because they stole all of that money.

Why do you think Jesus said that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for those rich Royals to get into Heaven?

God isn't going to let a bunch of people who did nothing in their lives but lie, steal, enslave, and murder your ancestors into Heaven. He doesn't want to live with those horrid monster forever because they are almost all criminals, which is why life is a test.

You can bet that almost all of the rich Royals throughout history are burning in Hell right now because of their crimes against your ancestors, you know, lying, stealing, enslaving, and murdering.

People, taking a gang, army, or group of thugs around murdering hard working people to steal what they have is a crime by God's Laws. It is not being a great conqueror. Then most of them elevated themselves up to God's level or above by making themselves gods, which is blasphemy, you know, like their god, Satan, did.

The rich Royals are not above God's Laws and they think they are just like their god, Satan, thinks he is. They will get no special treatments, acquittals, or other excuses on Judgment Day for murdering millions of people for money.

People, with God, it does not make it alright for you and your pals to murder people for millions of dollars verses you and your pals stealing $20 on the street. You are still stealing.

They arrogantly like to think that them being Royals makes it alright to lie, steal, enslave, and murder but it doesn't because that would make them above God's Laws.

God said, "To whom much is given, much is required, and, to whom little is given, little is required." That means that God let the Royals have more than you so they will be held more responsible for what they do with that more and you can bet that almost all of them have failed to meet those higher requirements.

You can bet that all of those "great Royal conquerors" you have been taught to worship, like Alexander the Great, are burning in Hell right now for their crimes against all of those people they murdered and robbed. There are very, very, very few Royals who made it into Heaven; Jesus said so.

Those four daughters of the one British King, who spent their lives helping the poor, they are probably there with God.

You think I am wrong because you were brainwashed to believe I am wrong?

Wait until Judgment Day and you will see almost all Royals ushered off into the Lake of Fire to burn forever. Probably about 99.99% of them. They are evil people who only care about themselves and commit horrid crimes against everyone else so God does not want to spend eternity with them.

Ask yourself, do you want to spend eternity in Paradise with them doing to you what they did here on Earth?

I don't and neither does God.


Remember that I have been telling you that Afghan Joe is working to destroy Israel, while only pretending to support Israel.

This excellent video shows very interesting details of how Afghan Joe is working to destroy Israel. It also confirms what I told you about all lefty protests being organized by the left to deceive the people.

He provides solid evidence of Afghan Joe's treachery. With that evidence, there is no maybe about it; Afghan Joe is working to destroy Israel and working with Islam.

Have you noticed that everything Afghan Joe does fails and back lashing against him?

Man plans, God laughs.

Israel is taking the threatened attack by Iran against Israel seriously so they are anticipating that it will probably be a terrorist attack so they have closed a number of embassies around the world; I have heard 29 have been closed.

She is also preparing for a military attack because there is no telling what the CIA and MI6 are helping Iran plan. From the reports I am getting, Iran's attack is planned for April 6, 2024 but may be delayed a day or two. I am writing this part on April 5 and it can sometimes take me 2 to 4 days to write one such essay.

You can bet the Israeli Mossad is working over time trying to gather intel for this attack.

In this video he tells you how extensive the Israeli preparations are for this attack. You can bet Israel has positioned her tactical nukes just in case she needs them.

He tells you that Ramadan ends today, Friday, but the Internet says it ends this coming Tuesday, April 9.

Some things you need to keep an eye out for include that Hamas may have killed those aid workers or contributed to them being killed with bad intel and that Islam will destroy both mosques on the Temple Mount and try to make it look like Israel did it, to draw all Muslim nations to commit troops to invade and destroy Israel.

When I studied Islam, it was made very clear that, if Iran got nukes and they knew them using those nukes would wipe out all life on Earth, they would use those nukes because THEY BELIEVE that, if they wipe out all life on Earth with nukes, including all Muslims, Allah will come, raise them all from the dead and set up paradise for them because they will have martyred ALL Muslims for their god, Allah, which they believe is a good thing.

You need to know that Muslims will do ANYTHING for the cause of Islam including wiping out all life on Earth because of what they believe.

At about 2 minutes into this video he tells you that the US has become Israel's tactical enemy because Afghan Joe and accomplices are demanding that Israel lose this war.

I told you they are trying to destroy Israel, didn't I?

They tell you that this war is turning more Israelis to God and that explains a lot about what is going on.

Note that I am not concerned about what will happen to Israel in this war because the Bible tells me God will fight for Israel and, if you watch, He is already doing that fighting. All the people have to do is turn to and stand with God and He will take care of them. I know what will happen because God told us what will happen. God said He will wipe out 83.3% of the troops gathered against Israel in the north and the rest will flee for the Euphrates River.


I recently saw that others are beginning to realize that this is the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39. God is opening eyes.

Now, seeing how absolutely Afghan Joe and his accomplices are commiting their crimes, do you believe me yet that they are all working for the Nation of Islam to destroy Israel so Mahdi Obama can stand on the Temple Mount, prove he is the Mahdi or messiah of Islam to get all Muslims to unite behind him so they can conquer the world so the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama can rule the world?

It should be getting just a wee bit obvious by now and that is the only thing that can explain everything they are doing against Israel.

Think about this, Israel is fighting both the West and Iran, the West and Iran, the West and Iran, you know, like they are all on the same side working together like I have been telling you.

Remember that I told you that it is increasingly looking like the West, probably the CIA, gave Israel false intel to cause Israel to kill those aid workers so the West could use that to turn the Western world against Israel?

It is looking more and more like that is what is happening because they are using that to very quickly escalate this war into a defeat for Israel so Mahdi Obama can prove he is the Muslim Mahdi to unite all Muslims behind him so they can use that army of hundreds of millions of Muslims to defeat Russia because the US and Europe cannot defeat Russia on their own.

They need to be able to get both of those nations out of their way to be able to set up their global dictatorship.

Keep an eye on that.

If you think things are bad for Israel on the international stage right now, wait until after they go into Rafah right after Ramadan is over. All Hell will break loose against Israel and you will find out who her real allies and enemies are. You can bet her enemies will quickly escalate this into the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 because they are extremely short on time and are very desperate.


I keep seeing the Armageddon lunatics and clowns, who all they know about in the Bible is Armageddon, saying really ignorant stuff like, "Will the red Heifer cause Armageddon".

No, we are a minimum of 7 years, probably more, from it being possible for the Battle of Armageddon to begin because the Tribulation has not yet begun. The Battle of Armageddon can only happen 7 years after the Tribulation has begun and ALL of those prophecies concerning the Tribulation have been fulfilled, you know, like the Antichrist seizing and defiling the Third Temple.

Have you seen that lately, huh?

These Armageddon lunatics just ignore all prophecy details and just make up whatever Armageddon bull crap will make them look good right now to ignorant people or get your attention. They don't care about truth, prophecy, the Bible, God, or you.

There is still quite a bit of fighting left to endure that is in the Bible that has nothing to do with the Battle of Armageddon. They act like the only battle or war left to fight is the Battle of Armageddon and that is far from true.

I have to believe that at least almost all of these people talking about almost nothing but, "Will Armageddon happen in the next 5 minutes," must be Satan's people trying to lead you astray. It is just misinformation.

As of RIGHT NOW, it will be more than 7 years before the Battle of Armageddon can possibly take place. If Israel builds the Third Temple, the Battle of Armageddon CANNOT happen before 7 years from now. Anything else is satanic bull crap.

BTW, the only thing that is going to cause the Battle of Armageddon will be the Antichrist being run out of Jerusalem and Israel, after he murders the two Tribulation witnesses, God raises them from the dead, followed by a massive earthquake in Israel that will kill 17,000 Israeli men. NOTHING else can cause the Battle of Armageddon because the Bible tells us that is what will cause the Battle of Armageddon.

No red cow, no battle in Gaza, not battle with Hezbollah, no battle with Iran, or anything else can cause the Battle of Armageddon, NOTHING! The Bible says so.

For anyone to go around worrying about will this, that, or something else cause the Battle of Armageddon is NONSENSE! READ THE BIBLE!

What is building right now can only be the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, which MUST happen before the Tribulation begins so this battle has to be finished before the Tribulation can begin and the Tribulation has to begin AND end before the Battle of Armageddon can take place.

Do you get the picture?

Quit worrying about the Battle of Armageddon.


This video is big because he is telling you that Russia is putting a price on the heads of all NATO troops killed in Ukraine by Russian soldiers by giving those soldiers rewards for killing the NATO troops. They are paying and rewarding the Russian troops to hunt and kill NATO troops.

You better also bet that Putin will put prices on the heads of all of the Western upper class trash Royals and their puppets, when he invades Europe and North America.

That is going to be just a wee bit of motivation for the Russian troops.

The Big Picture

The upper class trash Royals and their puppets are losing the war in Ukraine to destroy Russia so they can set up their insane global dictatorship and Russia will probably finish winning that war in the next few months so the West won't be able to use the lie of saving Ukraine from Russia to wage a war against Russia to get the people to support them so they will probably cause another Bastille in your nation but they know that all of NATO combined can't defeat Russia and her allies so they would end up losing that war and their glorious global dictatorship they just have to have because they are nuts.

All of your insane, power mad plans are failing, so what do you do?

You have your Shiite pals in Iran use their proxy armies of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and others start a war with Israel that you just know they will win just like you just knew Ukraine would win so you can destroy Israel so you can have Mahdi Obama stand on the Temple Mount and prove he is the Mahdi of Islam so all 1.4 billion Muslims will be REQUIRED BY ISLAMIC LAW to unite behind Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam so you can send a few hundred million troops with all of the weapons and ammunition from all of those Muslim nations to defeat Russia and her allies but you have to send your troops into Ukraine before Russia can finish defeating Ukraine so you can get your people to believe you are "saving Ukraine", when you are just destroying Russia to set up your global dictatorship.

Yes, they are proving that they really are that nuts.

But then your Muslim proxy armies start losing the war against Israel just like your Ukrainian proxy army is now losing the war against Russia, you are running out of time, and you desperately have to come up with another great sounding stupid idea quickly so, what do you do?

You give Israel bad intel that causes her to kill 7 aid workers so you can beat the crap out of that fake drum to turn the rest of the world against Israel, while you provide Israel with intel that causes her to kill 3 top generals from Iran, giving Iran an lame excuse to go to war against Israel (she is already waging war against Israel and losing), while you stop providing Israel weapons and munitions because your great math that has failed you every time says that, if Iran and her proxies wage war against Israel with you not supplying Israel with weapons and munitions, it will cause Iran to win the war just like you thought Ukraine and Iran's proxies would win their wars.

Maybe they are not as smart as they like to think they are?

But your 100% failure rate tells me that is going to fail too and, since you are too insane to cut your losses and quit, you will desperately continue to escalate the war in Israel so you can win the war against Russia until you cause the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, God says, "Enough!", and God wipes 83.3% of your butts out, ending your insanity for at least a while.

That sounds about right to me.

You think I am wrong?

This video proves me right because the idiots are clearly permitting Ukraine to join NATO so they can use that to justify them going to war against Russia but they have to hurry to get the Muslim army behind them because they KNOW and have made it clear they KNOW that NATO cannot beat Russia and her allies. I have even seen some people starting to do really bad strategic analyses about NATO vs Russia and her allies to make NATO look better than she really should look.

They are losing badly, they are running out of time quickly, they MUST send their NATO army in before Ukraine is defeated, they are extremely desperate, this is a do or die mission for their global dictatorship, and that means they have to also have the Muslim armies with them, when they go into Ukraine, or they will get their butts handed to them. Remember that NATO is already losing in Ukraine.

To do that, they MUST get Israel out of the way as quickly as possible so Mahdi Obama can prove he is their Mahdi to force all Muslim nations to unite behind him and that will take time.

Do you get the picture yet?

They are insane so they can't quit so they have to keep coming up with more and more great sounding stupid ideas that keep failing to replace those great sounding stupid ideas that have already failed. Their Royal bubble world is imploding and everything they have been taught to believe is being disproved so they drastically, frantically, and desperately are trying to save their insane Royal bubble world. "Why, they can't be wrong! They are the Royals!"

Afghan Joe's "reasons" for suspending support for Israel are lies because Afghan Joe is murdering more civilians with his offensive in Ukraine to destroy Russia than Israel could possibly kill in Gaza. He DOES NOT care about civilians anywhere, much less in Gaza. He is clearly trying to destroy Israel to get her out of his way.

Then I found this video telling us that they are doing everything they can to prolong the war in Ukraine until they can get their NATO/Muslim army into the war against Russia. They are just buying time with that operation, while pretending to not be fighting against Russia.


Remember that I have been telling you for YEARS that China is infiltrating soldiers into the US to attack the US from within because they cannot successfully defeat the US Military with an invasion from without? Remember that I have been telling you that she already had at least a few hundred thousand inside the US before this illegal alien thing got ramped up?

This video confirms what I have been telling you. They are waking up to what I have been telling you for more than a decade.

Do you believe me yet? As these things get more obvious, it is getting kind of hard not to believe me, isn't it?

They are clearly working with the Nation of Islam and don't be surprised to find out that some deal was made where China will get part of the US, you know, like the West Coast but you know the Muslims are planning to destroy China too and you can bet that China is also planning to destroy the Muslims but, first, they want to destroy what already exists and they can't destroy by themselves.

Also remember that man plans, God laughs.

Remember that I told you decades ago that, if a Muslim makes a deal with a non Muslim, especially to work together to conquer someone else, that Muslim is REQUIRED by Islamic Law to turn on and destroy that entity they made the deal with as soon as possible?

Don't ever forget that because you are about to see that happen big time.

Concerning his comment about there being a terrorist attack inside the US, I have been warning you about the biggest one in history for more than 16 years now, which is exactly what nuking Chicago will be. I have been warning you that terrorist attack will be staged by the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama and then blamed on Israel to justify them taking their Nation of Islam Army to invade and destroy Israel for more than 1.5 decades now.

Believe me, I am not going to enjoy the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama proving me and God right about that prophecy.

Why is China doing so much information gathering on citizens in the US?

So they will know how to best control US citizens after they take over the US. That is the only reason they would do that.

Remember that I told you that China would steal technology from the businesses our idiot upper class trash took to China to get more wealthy using her slavery and then use that technology to compete against those businesses?

This video tells you they have been doing it for a long time and the greedy idiots keep taking their businesses to increase their wealth by using China's slavery because they are so greedy stupid they refuse to learn.


Remember that I have been telling you that I am surprised that the left has not murdered Trump yet?

This video shows some reasons why I am surprised Trump has not been murdered by them yet and will not be surprised when the left does murder him. They are pure evil. There is nothing good about them.

If I were Trump, I would hire some SEALs to protect my butt.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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