News 788


I am pretty sure they are blaming Mayorkas for the border problems and impeaching him to distract from the fact that Afghan Joe is the one who wrote those mandates opening the border to illegal aliens.

They are trying to help Afghan Joe get reelected. Keep an eye on that.

Remember that I have been telling you that the EU is dead?

According to this video, in the EU, they are saying they cannot stop illegal immigration into the EU.

Now, if you are ticked off Africa wanting to sack Europe and you know you don't have the technology such as troop ships to invade Europe, what do you do?

You infiltrate most of your troops into Europe and then smuggle in their weapons and ammunition to attack from within. Keep an eye on that because it should be obvious they are going to do the same thing to Europe they are clearly doing to the US.

He tells you that their new policies are tearing the EU apart. Countries will now start leaving the EU much more quickly.

Also, I recently saw some news organization say that the war in Ukraine is unifying NATO and nothing could be more false. NATO is increasingly more divided because of Ukraine and the war in Israel.


I just realized why God does not give a prophet complete information about events. If He did, Satan's spawn would just say it was not a prophecy but was written after the event. Therefore, God gives us enough information to warn us about the event but not enough to make it look like the event happened before the writing, which is why my prophecies have speculation about parts of events showing what God did not tell me everything about the event but they still provide you enough warning to prepare.

That proves that it was a true prophecy from God and not a historical recording of the event.


Why are other Muslim countries purchasing and/or building cities in North Egypt? Are they planning to use these as bases of operation for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39?

There is something going on here and it isn't just military, though some of it probably is. I am keeping an eye on this.


Why is Finland determined to make itself a nuclear target for Russia?

The leaders are making very aggressive and threatening moves towards Russia and Russia keeps warning them. They are now looking to base US nukes in Finland, which would make Finland a nuclear target at the beginning of a war.

Who is bribing those greedy idiots to sell out their people for money?


This video is one more example of citizens fighting back against the lefty traitors however they can. Every little bit helps.

I keep seeing too many conservatives being almost as brain dead stupid about some things like abortion because they believed too much of the lefty drivel, especially on TV, and don't know better. It is so frustrating and discouraging.

It is just common sense that, if you don't want to have a kid, you don't conceive a kid. Hello!!

They should be discussing the conception of unwanted children and not the murder of unwanted children.

And the media are the worst.


Remember that I told you that in Islam, Muslims are REQUIRED to eventually turn on and destroy all non Muslim nations they made treaties or alliances with?

This video shows Iran and Hamas reminding all Arab (Muslim) nations that they are supposed to turn on Israel in such a way most non Muslims won't understand the message.

They are telling the Muslim nations to turn on Israel and help them destroy Israel just like I have been telling you they were doing. That is what they were paid by Mahdi Obama and Afghan Joe to do; turn all of the other Muslim nations against Israel to unite to invade and destroy Israel.

Note that they keep saying, "Take action against Israel", you know, invade and destroy Israel.

They are condemning Muslim nations that are at peace or not waging war against Israel. "Why, how dare you not murder all of the Israelis and seize their land to set up our global Muslim Caliphate or dictatorship like us?"

Of course, after they kill off all of Israel, they will come after all of the rest of non Muslims just like the Koran requires.

People, they "normalized" relations with Israel with Trump's help because Trump does not understand Islam. Now those "normalized relations" must be betrayed and war waged against Israel, according to the Koran.

They tell you some of those nations who have normalized relations with Israel.

Most of the non Muslims in this world are clueless about Islam. They believe the bull crap Muslims have fed them without question. The Muslims are not going to tell you that Islam requires them to conquer you and the rest of the world and then enslave or murder you off. They want to fool you to the last minute to take you by surprise.

A big clue they actually tell you is that "Allah is the god of the sword", you know, a war god. Just in case you have not figured it out, a war god does not want peace. A war god does not reward you for saving lives but for taking lives.

Then I found out that Hezbollah may have started the Iranian revenge attack by launching about 100 rockets into Israel in 15 minutes. What they are trying to do is overwhelm Israel's air defenses with a lot of rockets at one time. Right now, they are also probing Israel's defenses.

Oh yeah, that was before 10 pm April 12 their time.

This video tells you that the US intel expected Iran to stage its strike on April 12.

This video provides more intel telling us Hezbollah has hundreds of rockets and drones aimed at military targets in Israel. It was probably taking place during the making of that video so it looks like the fight is on.

According to that last video, the attack was probably taking place at about 7 or 8 pm Israel time on April 12.

Remember that I have been telling you that I believe Iran already has nukes and they are secretly building an arsenal and not just one or two nukes?

With it being known that Israel has hundreds of nukes, of course Iran is going to want to have even more nukes. No one is going to be stupid enough to start a nuke war with just one or two nukes against an enemy that has hundreds of nukes. That is just common sense.

That plus Iran being the only nation to try to make nukes and taking more than 6 years to make their first nuke with them now having been "trying" to make nukes for more than 40 years plus they are now waging war against Israel, tells me they already have nukes and have instead built an arsenal of nukes to use in a fight with Israel, especially with all of the help Mahdi Obama and then Afghan Joe have provided them with.

Hey, Iran wants to be the first to use nukes on Israel and Mahdi Obama wants to be the first to use nukes in a terrorist attack on the US. If Obama nukes Chicago, it will make him the greatest terrorist hero in the history of Islam.

Now they are saying that Hezbollah only fired 40 rockets and a few drones at Israel BUT Iran has 100 cruise missiles they are getting ready to fire at Israel BUT you know it will be Hezbollah doing the firing unless Iran wants to more seriously escalate the war.

I keep waiting for Israel to take out those underground bunkers full of projectiles because they know where most of them are. She has hit a few of those bunkers but not many.

I guess she is waiting for Hezbollah to go crazy with them?

BTW, why are 57 Muslim nations waiting so long to go to war against Israel so they can unite to conquer the world? Maybe they are afraid of Israel and are waiting for Iran and her proxies to weaken Israel?

The Muslims keep hoping that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran will soon break Israel so they can feel safe in attacking Israel.

BTW, they keep calling Afghan Joe incompetent, giving him the benefit of the doubt. You need to stop giving Afghan Joe and the rest of the left the benefit of the doubt because they are doing the destruction they are doing on purpose and not because of incompetence. When you think they are failing because they are causing destruction, they think they are succeeding. It is only when everyone stops giving the left the benefit of the doubt and believing it is just stupidity that you can stop it.

They keep telling you they hate the US and want to destroy the US so quit giving them the benefit of the doubt for the destruction they are causing. They are telling you that they are doing it on purpose and not just because of their stupidity. They are also evil.

Then the next day, they are now saying that Iran attacked Israel with a big attack of from 200+ to more than 300 missiles and drones, mostly directly from Iran; paid for by Mahdi Obama and Afghan Joe because, without their financial contributions in the tens of billions of dollars, Iran couldn't have staged this attack. They and the Nation of Islam are direct accomplices with Iran in this war against Israel.

The first thing you have to understand is that, if Shiite Islam (Iran and Nation of Islam) run this war and win it, the Sunni Muslims will have to submit to the rule of Shiite Islam, which is one reason why the Sunni Muslims are not eagerly charging off to war against Israel. Sunni and Shiite Islam are two very different sects of Islam, almost two different religions. That would be like the Baptists wanting to be ruled by the Catholic Church.

The second thing is that Iran's proxies were barely getting anyone interested in joining this war and losing really bad so you can bet that Mahdi Obama and the Nation of Islam had Iran get directly involved in the war in hopes of drawing other Muslim nations into this war by turning the war around. You can bet that Iran staged this attack with at least the approval of Afghan Joe and company and probably with their encouragement, maybe even ordered to do so.

You think not? Then why did Iran stage that attack directly from Iran, directly involving Iran in the war, instead of launching those weapons by proxies in other nations like Iraq like she has been doing since October 7?

All she had to do was move those projectiles across the border into Iraq and launch from there.

Clearly, launching from Iran was to directly involve Iran in the war to expand the war and draw other nations into the war.

Third, there was a fake show of support "by the West" and a few Sunni Muslim nations that shot down a few of those missiles but it was only a token few, you know, dozens out of hundreds. Israel easily shot down most of them. Hey, they have to make you think they are on Israel's side so they can make you believe Israel betrayed them.

Listen, they keep lying to you and saying they don't want this war to spread or accelerate but their plan is to accelerate this war into a full invasion of Israel by the West and Islam. It is very likely that Iran staged this attack to get Israel to counter attack so they could claim that Israel escalated the war and I have seen crap like that before.

Then, later, I found out that Iran followed the attack with a statement that "it is over" and they will wait to see what Israel does. You know, we paid you back for defending yourself against us so, if you attack us then you are escalating the war, not us. Hey, the stupid people will be dumb enough to believe that.

Note their wording about how this attack was "a direct retaliation against Israel", you know, Israel caused it. They are using psychology to turn you against Israel by making you believe Iran was defending herself, when it is Israel defending herself.

They also said this part of the attack began at 11 pm on April 13, Israel time.

Keep in mind that it would only take one or two of those missiles to take out the Dome of the Rock or Al-Aqsa mosque and they kept flying right over the Temple Mount. If they really want to get all Muslim nations angry enough to join this war against Israel, all they would have to do is put one or two missiles into those two mosques to destroy them and then blame Israel.

In this video the IDF spokesman gave a briefing in English. Apparently most of the projectiles were destroyed before reaching Israeli airspace.

I am wondering how many of those destroyed projectiles were aimed at one of those two mosques?

I am finally starting to hear other people say this is the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39. Eyes are opening just like God told me and I told thee.

I am beginning to believe that the reason they are not getting the big picture is because they have short term memories, have not been around long enough to have seen what I have seen, they don't want to see the truth, and/or they are very simple minded.

I keep seeing them focusing only on Afghan Joe having given Iran $16 billion and freed them up to sell oil at a higher price so that Iran is now rich and can finance this war.

Gee, I wonder why Afghan Joe stopped oil production in the US? To drive up the price of oil so Iran can make more money selling oil so she can finance this war?

How quickly they have forgotten that Mahdi Obama gave Iran much more money than Afghan Joe, which made it possible for Iran to begin preparing to cause this war plus they are forgetting about the obvious fact that Afghan Joe is Mahdi Obama's puppet and is working with the people in his administration that were also part of Mahdi Obama's administration.

Then you have the ones who were around long enough to see but forgetting Mahdi Obama being buds with, hanging around with, and being praised by and praising Louis Farrakhan, with Louis Farrakhan running the Nation of Islam. Mahdi Obama obviously being a part of the leadership of the Nation of Islam. That, during Mahdi Obama being president and between April and September 2012, 400 million people globally converted to Islam, with many of them becoming closet Muslims, and everything else I taught you about that time such as about Babylon.

Then almost none of them were around to see Farrakhan being buds with the top Commierats, regularly visiting the Shiite Muslim leaders in Iran, openly telling how he was infiltrating Nation of Islam members into the US Government and Military to be trained by them, then leaving some in while taking others out to build the Nation of Islam Government and Military, so Farrakhan was also building the US deep state, and Farrakhan's bud, Jimmuh Carhtuh, forcing the Shaw of Iran out of control of Iran and permitting the Shiite Muslim leaders to take control of Iran.

Plus almost none of them have studied Islam the way I have and know the beliefs, goals, and plans for Islam during their end times, you know, to conquer the world and everything else I taught you has to go with that, like proving Mahdi Obama is the Muslim Mahdi and how.

Remember that I have been telling you that God showed me that Mahdi Obama will Nuke Chicago?

I am willing to bet that some of your refuse to believe he would.

Remember how extremely arrogant and narcissistic Mahdi Obama is? Remember that he was raised as a child up to being a young adult in Muslim madrasas or schools being brainwashed to be a devout Muslim worshiping the war god, Allah?

I have thought about it and I can't think of one person who would be more willing to nuke Chicago to become worshiped as the greatest terrorist or Muslim warrior in the history of Islam by 1.4 billion Muslims by committing the greatest act of terror against Islam's current greatest enemy and a debate about that would be the easiest debate you could win. OF COURSE Mahdi Obama will nuke Chicago.

Why wouldn't he?

If you understand psychology and human behavior, you should know that there are many people who are not as arrogant or narcissistic as Mahdi Obama and not even Muslims, who would gladly commit that crime to be worshiped by 1.4 billion people globally as the greatest terrorist or warrior in history and many of them commit suicide attacks killing far fewer people for just a little fame every year. Mahdi Obama is the perfect person to commit that crime, especially since he doesn't even have to die committing it and God knows all of that plus He sees the future. Heck, Mahdi Obama has already sold out the entire planet for Islam.

Now connect all of those dots with everything that is going on today, do the math, and you will get the entire picture of what is really going on. None of them have done their homework right so they are not getting the complete picture. Boy, are they in for some big surprises.

Israel has sworn to stage a strong response to Iran's attack. Keep an eye on that.

BTW, did you noticed that Putin moved some Russian units close to the Israeli border near the Golan Heights, Israel has since staged a number of attacks past those Russian troops into Syria, and Russia has not even tried to shoot down the Israeli planes or missiles?

I pray for everyone's souls on this planet at least several times a day and when I wake up at night too.

Then I found this video proving what I have been telling you about the US working with Iran in planning and carrying out what Iran and her proxies are doing. At about 3:30 into the video he openly told you that Iran contacted the US and told them about the attack plus that the attack was not meant to cause a lot of damage. Gee, what a magic coincidence. Hey, you have to check in with the boss.

Who could have guessed? Do you believe me yet?

Then at about 4:20 a Muslim tells you, "We hope that the attacks continue until Israel is destroyed." Even their people know what the rest of the people in the West don't know.

Gee, who would have guessed that the Muslims are trying to destroy Israel? Notice the support of all of the Muslims in Iran?

Then she shows that the West is playing both sides of the fence but, if it had been them being attacked, they would definitely respond militarily. Hey, let Iran attack Israel, pretend to help a little bit, and then refuse to permit Israel to defend herself the way they would defend themselves. By the time this is over, there will be a lot of upper class trash burning in Hell. That is an extremely easy prediction.

How many times are these traitors going to play this game on Israel before Israel counter attacks?

Mean while these same Western traitors keep escalating their war in Ukraine. "Do as I say and not as I do."

BTW, did you notice that they are demanding Israel "act with restraint" after being attacked by Iran but no one demanded that Iran "act with restraint" in staging the attack?

As a matter of fact, Iran said they contacted the US before the attack and no one demanded that Iran "act with restraint" and use diplomacy.

Do you get the picture yet? How much more picture do you need?

This video shows that, unlike the Western leaders and their supporters, the people of Israel know that, if they do not counter attack against Iran, it will just encourage Iran to keep coming up with excuses to attack Israel and they won't have to hide behind proxy armies any more. They know that, if they do not discourage Iran from attacking by severely punishing Iran, Iran will just keep attacking. It is just like our lefties letting criminals in the US get away with their crimes so the criminals keep committing more of their crimes.

This video shows you Afghan Joe's response and why am I not surprised?

His response this entire war has been, "How dare you defend yourselves and protect your people against our Iranian terrorist allies?"

It was a direct act of war but you better not fight back in that war.

Then it said, "The US official said that Biden & his advisers fear regional war could start if Israel responds."

I'm sorry but the regional war started when Iran attacked Israel, not when Israel responds to an act of war by Iran. It gets more obvious every day that Afghan Joe is working to destroy Israel and not to help Israel.

Biden will probably try to talk Israel into sanctioning Iran. "Hey, don't buy their oil they are selling to China. That will learn them."

Did you notice that Israel pretends to play the sucker and fool for Afghan Joe and his criminal accomplices but then does the right thing?

It is really ticking off our lefty commie traitors. "He won't do what we order him to do to destroy his nation! Why, he keeps proving we are not as smart as we think we are and that he is not as stupid as we think he is."

Then I found this video that tells you what I have been telling you about Afghan Joe and his accomplices working against Israel and not helping Israel.

He tells you that the Nation of Islam's deep state in the US does not want Iran and Hamas to be defeated and they need to be defeated.

Concerning the decision in that video that Netanyahu has to make, he already made it and he will defend his people.


Remember that I told you that the attitude about only a little more than half of the European NATO nations or 18 whole nations (other than the US) have started spending 2% of their GDP so everything is fine is really stupid, simple minded, and ignorant?

I just found out that Russia is spending 6% of her GDP, her GDP is much larger than any of the European nations, and she is decades ahead of them in weapons development right now.

Do you get the picture yet?

You have to look at the entire picture and not just one or two simple numbers. They are NOT going to catch the Russian military "sacrificing" to spend only 2% of their smaller GDP, with them decades behind Russia, and Russia spending much more and still gaining ground. Russia is running off and leaving Europe by leaps and bounds.

Does that sound like anything the idiot media are telling you?

Then I found out that Russia is manufacturing more artillery shells per year than ALL of NATO combined, including the US. But I have not seen anyone telling how Russia is stockpiling their weapons and munitions much faster by buying weapons and munitions from her allies to use in Ukraine so Russia can stockpile her own weapons and munitions to use against the West.

But, hey, the upper class trash Royals, while poking the bear, just can't stop stuffing too much of their GDP in their greedy pockets to rebuild their militaries, screw national security. Ahhhh, the sound of upper class trash Royal insanity.

It is called treason. They are betraying their nations and people because of their insane greed. They have sold their souls to Satan for money.

Oh, and that doesn't include Russia's allies, you know, China, Iran, North Korea, parts of Africa, and parts of Latin America, who will go to war on Russia's side.

And the US is invincible with less than a one front military? Really? What military umbrella for Europe to hide under? Oh, do you mean a cocktail umbrella? Does your brain hurt yet because of the stupidity, arrogance, and insanity of the upper class trash Royals and their puppets? How many of you would like to join me on my own planet away from this insanity?

Remember that I told you that Russia is ramping up for a surprise preemptive nuke attack against the West?

The West is saying, "Oh, that peasant wouldn't dare nuke us wonderful, magnificent, and superior elites." Boy, is Putin about to bust their bubble world wide open.

Mean while, Putin keeps testing, building, and deploying better nuke weapons but, hey, don't worry, he is just doing it for fun. "Why, he will let us destroy Russia without nuking us."

Arrogant wishful thinking is not going to save their inbred stupid butts.

Climate Change

The climate change lie has been proven false but the left continues to use it because they KNOW that the longer they keep talking about it, the more people will believe their lies and forget any proofs against it. We knew this in psychology more than 60 years ago.

The rule is that, if you keep telling a lie long enough, it becomes believed to be fact by most people.

Remember that Jesus said that the road to Hell is wide and heavily traveled and the road to Heaven is narrow and lightly traveled?

If you just keep telling the lie, people will begin to ignore the facts disproving it and just blindly believe the lie, especially if most of the people around them believe the lie. I see that happening right now with climate change.

The trick the left is using is that they keep talking about climate change doing this, that, and something else as if there is no evidence disproving climate changing and I am seeing increasing numbers of people falling for it.

If you control the media, you control what people believe, which controls how they think, which controls what they will do. Just remember that Satan is the father of lies and, right now, he controls most of the media, so I write.

So far, all of their scientific predictions have failed and the opposite is happening but people just keep believing the lies because the left just keeps telling the lies like there is not one proof against the lies. "Why, everyone knows our lie is a fact."

Lefty Academe

I am seeing increasing numbers of people saying that the cliff dwellings of ancient Indians were not dwellings, they were just granaries and they tell you they read it in book by some academe so it gots tuh be true.

I am seeing increasing numbers of academe making up lies to sell more books because a lot of the people on the left love to buy, read, and believe books that say something different or new because they think it makes them look more intelligent, you know, going around believing lies they read in books.

I don't know how many times I have seen lefty academe make millions in book sales because of their lies only to have someone come along later and prove those books were wrong.

Just because it is different, does not mean it is right.

For example, I have enjoyed studying those dwellings for decades and there is a lot of evidence in most of them that people lived there and there is never any evidence of any other type of habitat nearby.

So, if those buildings were just granaries, where did the people who used them live? Did those Indians walk hundreds of miles to get food for dinner every day?

With those dwellings are smaller structures that were used for granaries but most of those buildings were dwellings.

All you have to do is use some common sense to figure out that a lot of what they are telling you isn't true. Too many academe have learned that they can make more money selling lies than the truth so they lie all of the time. They have zero credibility and should be prosecuted for fraud because they are "defrauding you" out of your money.

Sailboat Cruising

Remember that I told you that, when a couple goes sailboat cruising, the women almost always get sea sick, complain about the constant motion of the boat in the waves, and even with the boat moving while sleeping, you know, like they actually thought the boat would be as stable as living on land?

This video is an example of it because she was always complaining about the boat rocking. Then they suddenly found some abandoned land on an island, started building a home on the land, and you never see them sailing, just working on their land based home.

Most of the time, couples going cruising end up one of two ways; either she will leave him and return to the land by herself, leaving him to cruise alone so you see quite a few men cruising alone or she will pressure him to give up his dream of sailing and return to the land.

Plus I am also seeing almost all of the cruising channels doing nothing but fixing or improving their sailboat and very little about sailing or exploring the nations they visit.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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