News 791


I keep seeing stuff being put out by "Christians" that tells me they have not read or paid attention to the Bible and do not understand God.

I just saw a title that said, "Where do babies go when they die?" and it added that is a tough question.

No, not if you studied Bible Law and understand God.

First, you have to understand that the purgatory taught by the Catholic Church is nowhere in the Bible and is a purely pagan concept. It does not exist.

Remember that I told you that the Church of Rome started hundreds of years before Jesus, was purely pagan, and, when they "converted to Christianity" in 312 AD, what they really did was just Christianize their paganism so they wouldn't lose their devout pagans, therefore, they kept the pagan idea of purgatory.

Right now, there are only four places that do exist; Heaven, Hell, the Lake of Fire, and Earth (the cosmos) and the only two places humans go right now following death is either Heaven or Hell. The Lake of Fire will be used to contain Satan and probably his demons during the Millennial Reign of Jesus and will contain all of the eternally damned following Judgment Day, with Earth and Hell being destroyed just before Judgment Day and a new Earth created afterwards.

God tells us that all humans have to be tested and, until they are tested, they have not chosen evil and have not sinned or broken God's Laws. Also, there is an age of accountability that I believe varies at least a little pending the person, possibly including very retarded people. If they have not reached the age of accountability, where they can be held accountable for their crimes against God's Laws, they cannot rightfully be sent to Hell.

That would be like them sending you to prison without you committing a crime.

Therefore, all babies and children that have not reached the age of accountability will go to Heaven when they die, return with Jesus following Armageddon, you know, as part of the hosts of Heaven thing, live here on Earth until the Millennial Reign of Jesus has ended and Satan is turned loose on Earth to tempt and test those who have not been tested, you know, including those children and babies who died before Armageddon.

Yahweh is a good, righteous, and just God, He isn't going to send untested babies and children to Hell.

That is why I believe that we humans will stop reproducing long enough before either the end of the Millennial Reign of Jesus or sufficiently before the end of the period of testing so that ALL conceived humans in history will have reached the age of accountability so they can knowingly choose between good and evil to be properly tested.

See, that wasn't so tough.

BTW, I believe that the people who are so mentally incapacitated they cannot make a fair decision between good and evil will return with Jesus in healed bodies so they can be fairly tested.

I believe these things because of what the Bible tells us and that I believe that Yahweh/Jesus is a fair and just God. People, He loves us enough that he manifested Himself as His own Son to pay for our crimes against His Laws as an amnesty program so we could choose between eternal salvation and eternal damnation. God is our sacrificial lamb to pay for our crimes against His own Laws. That is much more than fair so He is going to treat everyone more than fair.

My Recent Testimony

Today, God let Satan test me in a big way.

You have to understand that God told me in dreams that, at a certain point, he will give me a little more than $2 million and told me what I have to do with it. I told you about that some time ago.

Today, a con artist called me on the phone and said I had won $2.4 million in a certified cashier's check plus $125,000 in cash, plus a new car. I knew it was probably a con to steal money from me but, because of the amount of a little over $2 million, I played along watching for the catch because it could have been God giving me that money but, instead, it was God testing me before He gives me that money.

Now, imagine living in poverty like me when someone tells you that you won a couple of million dollars, which would lift you out of poverty. The temptation to give into greed would be normal for most people but I listened closely and saw through his racket, exposed his racket, and hung up on him.

I do not lie, I do not cheat, I do not steal and can't stand those who do.

There are some lessons in this. First, the reason why most people are going to Hell is because of the crimes most people commit against others for money. They care more about money than they do about people and God does not want to spend eternity with those evil people stealing from His good people, who work and earn what they get.

Go to the FBI home site and look at the different CATEGORIES of crimes and then look at all of the different types of crimes within each category. Those are a lot of crimes being committed by a lot of people against other people mostly for money.

Most people are liars, thieves, murderers, and adulterers stealing everything they can from everyone they can as fast as they can, you know, for the fast easy money or free sex.

Just look at the lefty voters, who keep voting for known criminals who keep promising the voters that the criminals will steal from you and give to them. What they are doing legally is aiding and abetting admitted thieves in the commission of their crimes by voting them into positions of power to where those criminals can steal from you and give to them.

That is like you driving a criminal to a bank so they can rob the bank, with the promise that they will give some of the stolen goods to you. That is called "aiding and abetting" those criminals in the commission of their crimes and it makes you complicit and an accomplice in those crimes.

Voting for those lefty criminals makes the lefty voters complicit in those criminals' crimes and makes them accomplices in stealing from you. They are all evil criminals by choice and God is going to sentence them to eternity (life for immortals) in His prison called the Lake of Fire because He is a just and righteous God and to protect you from them forever.

I love hearing these criminals whine that a good god would not send people, you know, them, to Hell to protect you and hold them accountable for their crimes. Why, Hell is so brutal, cruel, and inhumane.

No, a good God MUST send those evil people into eternal damnation to 1) protect you from those evil people and 2) to hold those evil people accountable for their brutal, cruel, and inhumane crimes against you. If God did not send those evil people into eternal damnation to protect you and hold those evil people accountable for their crimes against you, then He could not be a good, righteous, and just God.

They prefer a god like Satan, who only has one law, "Do as you will," so they can feel free lying, stealing, murdering, committing adultery, raping, enslaving, and anything they want because they are so arrogant, simple minded, and stupid they refuse to even admit that, what they can do to others, others can do to them and how many times in history have I seen criminals commit crimes against each other?

They always eventually turn on each other because, if others don't have protection from them, then they don't have protection from others.

You have to understand that these evil criminals can only think of right now and not years from now. All they want to care about is how much can they steal RIGHT NOW and not about others stealing from them later.

God gave us His Laws to protect us from each other, which is why the lefty pagans hate God's Laws for protecting you from them. "Why, how dare God protect you from me?"

Their love of money and their crimes drives them nuts and causes them to have reprobate minds without any common sense, which makes them fools and easy prey for others.

The thing that is tearing the Commierat Party apart right now is that the upper class trash have not stolen for their voters and given what the upper class trash promised to their voters to get those evil voters to vote for the upper class trash criminals.

The lefty voter eyes are opening just like God told me and I told you and those voters are rebelling because they have realized their evil leaders are stealing from them too and not giving to them.

So, what are they doing?

A few are moving to the right and seeking protection from the thieving left but most are rebelling against the current criminals in power to set up a separate party of other people promising to steal for them. You know, still voting for the same greedy lies they believed the first time and history teaches are never kept.

You watch, an easy prediction is that, with all of this contention by the citizen voters against their leaders and so many illegal aliens coming into this nation, the illegal aliens won't vote for those criminal politicians either. They will start running their own illegal alien politicians in their own party to steal for them because those people will never quit or change.

They will get eternal damnation because they have chosen eternal damnation by choosing to be evil.

BTW, these illegal aliens have already formed gangs in their new nations and the upper class trash are beginning to realize those gangs will take them down too. They are not going to serve the corrupt lefty criminal and political gangs.

Why would they?

You conservatives won't have to start this war because the left already has but you will have to finish it.


Remember that I have been telling you that the evil upper class trash Royals and their puppets will never quit or learn so the only thing that can stop them is death?

Yep, they just proved me right again with this video telling you that Burkina Faso has arrested French spies.

The French, you know, President Moron, used corrupt politicians, their military, their terrorists, and bribes to try to regain control of Burkina Faso so they can resume stealing what they were stealing before being kicked out of Burkina Faso. So they sent spies in to gather intel for staging more operations to try to regain control of Burkina Faso.

But the Royals never learn and never quit. They will continue poking the Russian bear and African lion until they get devoured by one or both of them because they have invented infinite evil because their evil is never ending.

Now, picture this, Africa has infiltrated a lot of their people into Europe as illegal aliens they can easily sneak arms into plus they have the Pan African force being armed and trained up by Russia to invade Europe to get back some of the loot stolen from them. Africa is increasingly in a powerful situation to where they can attack Europe from without and within at the same time to overwhelm Europe and the idiot Royals mismanaging Europe are too stupid to figure out the mess they have caused for themselves.

Plus, add to that the European citizens are increasingly angry with their leaders and are likely to help those infiltrated soldiers overthrow and loot their Royals and their puppets.

Yep, duh Royals is are be smarter dan yuze. /sarc

You just know this will not end well for President Moron and the others.

Something to watch for is Africa using its people in Europe to start terrorist factions committing attacks within Europe, especially France, you know, like France used terrorist organizations against the Africans to control them.

And God said, "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you."


Israel struck Iran yesterday but, by international law, Iran's direct attack against Israel was an act of war and no treaty for that war was signed so Israel is legally free to attack Iran any time they want as a preemptive attack. They are legally at war right now.

Remember that I told you that the sanctions against Iran by the US were all show to fake supporting Israel so Israel would not attack Iran?

He tells you that in this video; note that he said they didn't even touch Iran's oil, which is where she is making most of her money from.

Remember that I told you that nations like Saudi Arabia will not permit Israel to use their airspace to attack Iran?

This video confirms that by telling us there were also explosions in Syria and Iraq telling me they attacked through those two Iranian controlled nations to attack Iran. What Israel did was attack air defense sites to get her aircraft through and back from attacking Iran.

It looks like Israel didn't destroy anything but struck next to some targets deep inside Iran to send a message for Iran to back off. This may have just been a token strike and warning.

Iran is pretending it didn't happen and is saying they won't strike again.

This video provides you with more intel and he even tells you that it was more symbolic or a warning letting Iran know Israel could have destroyed targets deep into Iran.

Now do you better understand why the Muslim nations are reluctant to send troops to invade Israel?

It is going to take a Nation of Islam Army from the US to lead the others to invade Israel. No one else is going to lead that attack just like I have been telling you. I told you that the only reason Iran staged that attack was to test the Israeli defenses and they didn't like what they saw and now they like even less what they saw of Israel's offensive capabilities.

Do you believe me yet that Israel's military is grossly under rated and one of the two best in the world?

Israel would easily crush Iran and at least four or five other Muslim nations in a war and everyone now knows it. I think that, as bad as the West (including the US) and China have devastated their militaries because of greed, Russia is probably the only nation that can do battle alone against Israel. I know that sounds strange but they have really weakened our militaries to build their wealth. That is why the upper class trash are using Ukraine to fight Russia now and are backing down to Africa.

People, the Roman citizens probably thought the same about the Roman Army that you think about the US Military just before Rome got sacked.

Then, after I wrote the above, I found this video that tells you the same things I have been telling you about Israel. Note that he tells you about a number of weapons systems that are the best in the world, you know, better than the US, Russia, or China. A war between Russia and Israel would be very bloody.

He also tells you what I told you about there being ways to take out bunkers. They are not invincible. Hey, that guy has been trained to fight a nuke war just like me. That is a very good video.

One thing Israel did was use commercial flights in the area to hide her attacking force.

Constitutional Republic of the US

Remember that I have been telling you that the US Republic is dead and just has not finished kicking yet?

This video tells you that is true and why. Our government no longer serves us but serves the upper class trash Royals, making it a dictatorship and not a republic.

They literally destroyed the US Constitution. Welcome to the United Soviet States of America.

This is one more example of God opening eyes to the evil corruption of our upper class trash and their puppets. God is showing everyone how horribly corrupt this human garbage is and, if you still support their corruption, you are garbage too. Your choice, choose wisely.

Do you believe me yet that you BETTER pray long, pray hard pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load?

Hey, on the positive side, you are about to get a chance to build a new nation but first, you have to fight a war for control.

This video shows you what I have been telling you about the enemy being inside our gates. They are here on your streets and among your houses ready to wage war against you and many are already waging war against you because of the lefty traitors.

I am pretty sure that I told you that, when you take back control of most of this nation, before you can build your new nations, you must get rid of all of the lefty garbage that destroyed this once great nation and that includes people like judges and the academe because they will just destroy your new nation before you can finish rebuilding it.

This video shows that is true. Those lefty judges and DAs are causing most of our crime problems today and they have to be removed to have law and order to protect you and your families.

Remember that I have been telling you that, after you had defeated the left and regained control of most of our lands, you MUST let the left have official control of the legal name of the "United States of America" so the left will be responsible for the debt they have created under that name so you can start fresh without that debt to hold you back?

This video shows you how terrible that debt is and it is getting worse every day because of the greed of the upper class trash Royals and their puppets. You need to let them bear the burden for the debt they are running up.

Note that the upper class trash Royals sacking our nation explains why our military is not up to par. The lefty upper class trash Royals and their puppets have sold out this nation with the worst act of treason in history because of their insane greed. They have to steal more faster and faster.

Listen, if you can't even maintain your own military, you cannot build a new nation and the nation is more important than a name.

Now you have to put all of that together with the obvious fact the US dollar is decreasing in value because more and more nations are dumping the dollar and you ain't going to ever pay off that debt and will never be able to build a new nation, if you do not let the criminal left keep the official name of the United States of America to retain the responsibility for the debt they have created.

The ONLY other possibility is to round up and execute all of those who sacked the US, take back everything they stole from the US, and use that to pay off the debt they created, which isn't very likely and will take time. You will be hunting those criminals for decades instead of building a new nation.

Here is food for thought: How many problems has our government solved in the last decade?

I can't think of one.

How many problems have they caused?

Most of them.

This video shows another idiot fad the lefties have created in our schools to disrupt those schools and decrease the quality of education to dumb down more students so they can be brainwashed and be easier to control. Plus you have to understand that this and the transgender garbage is to distract you from more important things.

The left is destroying every part of our nation and culture they can to finish destroying our nation so they can finish setting up their dictatorship.

Note that it is really ticking off the sane people and causing them to fight back so that another great sounding stupid idea by the left is already starting to fail.

Space War

Remember that I told you a little about space war?

There have been all kinds of weapons and other technologies in space that very few of you know about.

This video tells you about the mostly declassified bits concerning a space war. You can bet it is much worse than they are telling you.

I told you that God told me in a dream that we are going to have another space war and that video tells me it is going on right now.

Just sit outside at night watch for "exploding stars". They make a nice orange fireball.

I just got some hope. I found out that Congress and probably certain people in the Pentagon don't know about the US Black Closet, telling me that the good guys in the military are keeping these things secret because they know the bad guys will either seize control of the Closet for them to abuse or destroy it.

It was said that one member of Congress was told by someone in the US Military that UFOs are from Earth, you know, like I told you years ago.

Most likely, only selective members of the military even know about the Black Closet so the rest can't accidentally give its presence away. This is a matter of utmost national security but, when this war cuts loose, you are going to be amazed.

This tells me it is still there ready to help save your butts and games are being played to keep it secret. Keep praying.


A quick update is that Russia is really hammering Ukraine right now, Z Boy is still out of country being protected, and the situation in Ukraine is deteriorating very quickly.

In this video the great, wonderful, magnificent allies of Ukraine are telling Z Boy that they cannot provide an air defense system that can stop Russia. Oops.

What? The West is just bluffing the way I have been telling you because they sacked their own military budgets? Who would have thought?


I just found out that the FBI is investigating Fauci's "COVID secrets". This should be interesting so keep an eye on it.

God Said, "Be not deceived, your sins will find you out," and "The truth will be made known". God didn't lie; Fauci did.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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