Biological Warfare 2

I woke up this morning with this on my mind and God showing me some very interesting magic coincidences, too many magic coincidences, and you need to know about this.

Remember that I have been telling you that it is obvious the upper class trash Royals and their puppets are waging biological warfare against you to depopulate "THEIR" planet? Remember that I have been warning you about them using the lies generated by our chemical companies to make them money selling bug and rodent poisons, you know, about free roaming feral cats devastating ecosystems, when it is scientifically impossible for them to do that, that have caused a rodent pandemic in the US, so they can cause a Yersinia Pestis or black plague pandemic any time they want to kill off most of you?

With me having studied biology, the sports sciences, and sports medicine in college and having been trained in biological warfare by SAC during the Cold War plus having had a good friend in biological warfare research during the Cold War plus I was hired onto a New Castles disease task force in San Diego in 1978, this is just too obvious.

First, we know that Fauci and company betrayed you by funding 29 biological warfare labs in just Ukraine with your tax dollars, we have no idea how many more he funded in China because they are not telling us but we do know he funded at least some in China, there is no telling how many more hundreds or thousands of biological warfare labs he funded in other nations around the world and I have been watching this since HIV magically went from monkeys in Africa to homosexuals in Los Angeles during an Ebola outbreak in Africa in the 1980s, which they also get from monkeys in Africa and recently made its way to the US.

Gee, I wonder why they didn't bring Ebola to the US when they brought all of those African slaves to the US hundreds of years ago, many of them from the same part of Africa where they have the Ebola outbreaks today? What? The Africans were not getting Ebola from the monkeys back then but suddenly started getting it from them since we started doing biological warfare research during the Cold War? Why didn't they bring HIV, which also comes from monkeys in Africa, to the US with those African slaves? Gee, I wonder how many biological warfare labs Fauci was funding in those African nations that were under Western control?

With the increasing coups and independence in Africa, we just might find out soon, which might be one reason why the West is concerned about those coups. Remember that God said that the truth will be made known.

Gee, what a magic coincidence. I have a lot of questions to ask about a lot of magic coincidences.

It got my attention when they had the SARS (another Corona virus) outbreak in China a few decades ago. I watched that closely and it seemed a wee bit suspicious but, hey, it was just a flu virus that killed a lot of people in China.

Did you notice the number 19 at the end of the latest Corona Virus name, you know, COVID 19, telling us this was the 19th in a series of experimental Corona Viruses so there were 18 others developed in their labs before it?

Gee, what a magic coincidence. That is what that number means at the end of COVID 19.

You don't think that, with all these labs, these dry or experimental pandemic runs, and them telling you that they are going to depopulate the planet by 95%, they are waging biological warfare against you right now, do you?

Nah, that is just another magic coincidence.

What God showed me this morning is that they are waging that war against you right now and they almost have that war won.

The virus we are going to look at is the HPV virus that magically and suddenly showed up in the US in the 1980s, you know, from monkeys in Central Africa (gee, what a magic coincidence), which I got from my second ex-wife in 1986. By the strangest magic coincidence, no one has done research on what this virus does to men because none of the doctors either know about it or they have been told to keep it quiet but God had me get that virus so I could do the research for you and it sucks big time. It is a long, slow, miserable death.

Why didn't we get HPV from all of those African slaves hundreds of years ago? Boy, those biological warfare biologists in Africa sure like playing with monkeys, don't they? Do you see the pattern and get the picture yet?

You men might want to pay attention to this because the upper class trash are using your false pagan "Free Sex" goddess to kill you off, you know, the "thou shalt not commit adultery" thingy. You just might want to listen to God about free sex. Gee, what a magic coincidence that they should convince all of you to enjoy your free sex (nothing is free) in the late 1960s and then all of these deadly sexually transmitted diseases start showing up in the late 1970s and 1980s from African monkeys that didn't come over with the African slaves hundreds of years earlier.

You women might want to pay attention too because your husband or sons may have some of these symptoms.

We know that, in women, it causes cervical cancer but that is all we know or they are telling us, women can have their cervix removed, solving that problem but making them sterile so they can't reproduce, which will magically depopulate the planet like they have been telling you they are going to do and it is obvious they are already doing.

Since I do know what HPV does to the male body, we will just ignore what it might do to the female body because, if they kill off all of the males, they will depopulate the planet within just one generation by those females not being able to have babies, especially after they have their cervix removed.

I am also keeping an eye on and wondering why I am not seeing the effects of HPV on the upper class trash men with me knowing they commit adultery like the worst whore mongers in history. They use women and children from around the world in their human trafficking as sex slaves and they are not dying off from what I am going to show you. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Do they have a treatment or cure they are keeping secret from you and me so it only kills the middle and lower classes off?

What HPV does to men and may not do to women is because of a very slight difference in human anatomy between men and women. The big difference is that we men have a prostate gland and women don't.

We have known for decades that HPV causes the prostate gland to be "enlarged" but they don't tell you that it also causes prostate cancer that can kill you, which I had and got treated with radiation therapy, but that is small time compared to what else it causes.

That enlarged prostate causes a restricted urine flow which fills up the bladder and causes it to back flush the kidneys, which will eventually destroy your kidneys and kill you. Back flushing the kidneys causes a medical condition called Hypervolemia or high water blood level, which can kill you too.

What a high water blood level does is it force diffuses water into ALL of your cells, causing the cell walls to become distended so they don't keep the molecules properly compressed together to get all of the right molecular activities fast enough and that causes several things.

It permits the molecules in the cells to do what we call "float" so that they float away from each other, either slowing or stopping those molecular actions responsible for cell life functions within the cell, which will cause 1) "chronic fatigue syndrome" like I have, or 2) just causes the cells to die and, if enough of the right cells die, you die.

The reason why it causes chronic fatigue syndrome is because the cells cannot do as much work fast enough to repair cell damage from doing work during the day so that damage remains in the cells so the cells will fatigue sooner.

Remember that I told you that the cell walls have to keep the molecules inside your cells compressed together so they function right?

Your cells can literally "drown" from too high of a water blood level and cause your death. A few days ago, I saw that some famous young man died from drinking too much water.

But that is just the beginning of your problems with HPV. It just keeps getting worse, baby.

The high water blood level automatically causes a condition called "Hyponatremia" or low salt blood level so you end up with a condition called Hypervolmic-Hyponatremia, which will eventually kill you.

The low salt blood level automatically causes the salt in your nerve and brain cell "sodium pumps" to diffuse into your blood stream to get your salt blood level back up to normal. Normal salt blood level is 35 to 45 milligrams per milli-unit of blood and, if it drops down to 15 milligrams per milli-unit of blood, you go into a coma and 95% of the people who go into that coma die.

My symptoms told me that I almost went into that coma about half a dozen times before I managed to get my blood tested before the symptoms stopped and found out what was causing those symptoms, meaning I almost died at least half a dozen times from just that before I began using my knowledge in sports medicine to prevent that from happening again.

The symptoms for Hyponatremia are that you feel dizzy like you were just spinning around but you don't pull to one side while trying to walk; you find yourself trying to step up to reach the ground.

The treatment I use to keep it under control and has prevented any more symptoms since then is I take salt tablets, put extra salt on my food, and keep Gatorade in the house to regularly drink a little to keep my salt blood level high enough to keep me alive. If I begin to feel even the slightest symptoms of low salt blood level, I quickly chug about 10 to 15 ounces of Gatorade to get my salt blood level back up.

This has been one extremely hard road to travel down and you don't want to go there but research shows that many of you will, more than half of you. God told me in a dream that He is going to have to heal a bunch of you before we can rebuild our nation.

But, hey, most of the people who have and are going to die from HPV are the free sex lefties and not conservative Christians who live by God's Laws. Gee, what a magic coincidence. One way or another, you conservatives are going to get your nation back.

Are you ready for that Christian theocracy yet to protect your butt from evil people?

That coma is caused by the sodium pumps in the nerve and brain cells not functioning right because of not having enough salt, which causes them to malfunction or just shut down and you die.

One of the problems they cause, if the brain cells malfunction, is that they don't maintain proper muscle tonus in your mouth and jaw muscles when you go to sleep at night. This causes those muscles to relax too much, which causes them to fall back against the back of your throat, cutting off the air going into your lungs, which causes "hypoxia" or low oxygen blood level, causing a medical condition called "sleep apnea".

Have you noticed that your blood takes one heck of a beating from that virus?

And guess what?

Sleep apnea will kill your butt too. Better than 90% of the people who die from sleep apnea die from cardiac arrest because your heart muscle isn't getting enough oxygen to function so it goes into "cardiac arrest" and you die.

For better than 90% of the people in the US, if their oxygen blood level drops below 70%, they will go into cardiac arrest and die, which is why a 70% oxygen blood level is termed as "life threatening". Better than 90% of the people who die from sleep apnea die from cardiac arrest and that is no coincidence.

There is something else that low oxygen blood level does. You burn better than 80% of your fat at night repairing cells in an "aerobic" or oxygen requiring process and, if you don't have enough oxygen while you are sleeping, it will cause a couple of things.

The first thing it does is it makes your chronic fatigue syndrome much worse because the cells never get fully recovered from the work they do during the day so they fatigue much faster and you end up with "severe chronic fatigue syndrome" like me and that really sucks because you can't do anything if those cells can't do much work, I don't care how smart you are. It will plunge your butt into poverty so fast your head will swim.

The second thing it does is it causes you to gain weight because, if you are not burning the fat to repair your cells because you are not getting enough oxygen at night, it is going to store that fat in your body, which can kill you by causing things like heart and cardiovascular disease, which is why I ration my food to keep my body weight down. I don't eat more than I burn doing as little as I can do.

Do you believe me yet that it is PURELY by the grace of God that I am still alive?

The permanent changes God made in my body to cause my body to function differently than normal by causing me to race bicycles and get to a high level of fitness along with the knowledge He caused me to gain by studying all of the hard sciences, because He knew these things would happen to me, are what God has used to keep my butt alive.

Now, I told you some time ago that research has shown that better than half the women in the US have HPV, which should tell you that at least half the men in the US also have HPV (if you get laid by someone you picked up at a wild lefty party, you have HPV too) and will probably be dead within the next 10 to 20 years, leaving you women to try and have babies all alone, which will depopulate the planet quite well. Gee, what a magic coincidence that their plan is working so well and only God can save your butts from them now.

Gee, maybe you should obey God and not commit adultery because it will kill you?

You just might want to pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones and lock and load, baby. This is already starting to be one heck of a ride. Listen, you will either get right with God or you will soon be burning in Hell and you can thank the upper class trash Royals for that.

Then I see some more magic coincidences like there being an HPV pandemic, a sleep apnea pandemic, and obesity pandemic all at the same time. Since those pandemics are all about half women, that tells me that, most likely, even without them having a prostate gland, somehow HPV is causing the same things to happen to women that are happening to men and is killing them too.

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash Royals are waging biological warfare against you and they are winning? Kind of obvious, huh?

One thing you have to keep in mind about this is that, according the the tests and doctors, almost all of you would have died off before you got half as sick as I got.

Now, I am wondering why I am not seeing these things, you know, like the obesity, sleep apnea, chronic fatigue syndrome and increased mortality rate among the upper class trash Royals and their puppets knowing they are screwing everything under the sun and almost certainly have all of those STDs that are killing you? Is it because they have a treatment or cure they are keeping from you so they don't die when you die? They are eating better than you and not getting fat like you because they are burning their fat at night, when you are not? Gee, you don't think their biowarfare labs created cures and treatments before they turned those deadly pathogens lose on you, did they?

Of course they did; that would be normal in biological warfare. That is what SAC taught me. You might want to keep an eye on that.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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