
After posting the last essay, I woke up this morning with a couple of things on my mind. One was concerning a certain "coincidence".

In 1929, the stock market crashed destroying the US economy and creating the Great Depression while a Republican was in office and the mega wealthy upper class trash Commiecrats used it to put a Commiecrat, FDR, in office and keep him there, in spite of years of failed programs, until FDR died during his third term.

In 2007, the housing market crashed destroying the US economy and creating this super depression we are in now while a republican was in office and the mega wealthy upper class trash Commiecrats used it to put a commiecrat, Obama, in office and keep him in for two terms in spite of years of his failed programs.

A coincidence?

I think not. Remember that these leaders of the Commiecrat party are the approximately 300 mega wealthy old money Euro-American racist white fascist families who supported Hitler until he began to wage war against them and the other countries these families controlled. Some of them actually helped put Hitler into power before they lost control of him. They used the 1929 crash of the US Stock Market to put a known member of organized crime and bootlegger, Joseph Kennedy, in control of the Stock Market to customize the Stock Market so it would be easier for the upper class trash to control the Stock Market and use it to more easily steal from and control everyone else. Then they spread the stock market around the world so they could more easily steal from and control the rest of the world.

Remember that I was working as a broker's assistant in Los Angeles more than two years before Black October and everyone in the stock market industry was telling me the upper class trash Commiecrats were going to crash the Stock Market in either October of November of that year 2.5 years before it happened and how the upper class trash would cause it to happen?

Don't you just love all of these dots we get to connect?

Note that it was by the late 1920s that the commies and organized crime had already united in a combined effort to overthrow the US government and set up their dictatorship. Organized crime threw in with the commies because the US Government, especially the FBI, were quickly destroying organized crime during the 1920s and the commies welcomed the extra manpower. It was in the late 1800s that the 300 mega wealthy families in the Democratic Party (after losing the US Civil War and their slaves) saw the potential of communism setting them up with absolute power over the US and enslaving everyone else and either took over or set up the US communist party. Remember that Karl Marx wrote his beloved "Communist Manifesto" in the early 1800s prior to the US Civil War but those mega wealthy families still had slaves at that time and didn't need communism. It was after WWII that the US communists threw in with the British and French communist and even the Russians for the extra man power and ability to set up a global dictatorship. They weren't satisfied with just ruling the US any more. Remember that I told you that the power mad and greedy can never be satiated or satisfied, they always want more? The evil which is going on right now is the result of a conspiracy which has been going on and growing since the mega wealthy Democrats lost the US Civil War and their slaves, they want their slaves back. Get the picture yet?

In spite of his many failed economic and social programs, the upper class trash kept FDR in as US president to keep increasing their power and control over the US until FDR died from his illness while in office during his third term. It kind of looks like the upper class trash couldn't beat God back then, they won't beat God this time either.

In spite of his many failed economic and social programs, the upper class trash have kept Obama in as US president to keep increasing their power and to use as their fall guy and scape goat for when the upper class trash finally finishes off the US economy and sets up their dictatorship so that, if there is a revolution or civil war, the upper class trash can blame the blacks so the people won't be hunting the upper class trash down and taking their heads off plus they intend to use it as proof that blacks are inferior and should be eradicated. I guess the upper class trash never stopped being the white supremacist racists they were before the US Civil War?

Gee, what a coincidence. Get the picture yet?

BTW, how is that democracy thing working out? Ready for a Christian theocracy yet?

By now you are probably heading for your knees so I probably don't have to tell you to....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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