I Told You So 146

This is definitely one of the most significant essays I have ever written, if not the most significant. I was just awakened by God at a little before 2 am and told to write, so I am.

Remember that I told you there is a power struggle between the basic power elements of the Euro-American upper class trash liberal commie Luciferians, Russia, China, and Islam? Remember that I told you that God showed me that Islam will win this power struggle only to be defeated by God in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39? Remember that in my last essay I told you that Islam is winning, is right now invading the US and Europe from within and from without, and, with help from Obama, can conquer the US and Europe and, after conquering the US and Europe, there will only be Russia and Asia to stop Islam from conquering the world?

God woke me to the knowledge that it is far worse than that and yet, we sleep secure in our lies to ourselves. Our punishment for our sins, the Islamic Horde, is not only at the gate and knocking but is within our gates and already fighting while we slumber.

Not only is Islam invading and in the process of conquering the US and Europe at this time, they are also invading and in the process of conquering every country on this planet from without and within at this time. China, Russia, and India are ALL also fighting the Muslims within their countries RIGHT NOW!!! There is not one significant country or power right now for which the Muslims have not infiltrated and are effectively waging war against them with that country refusing to admit to themselves that Islam is waging war against them. EVERY significant power on this planet is RIGHT NOW being laid siege to from without and within by Islam and, because we will not pull our heads out of our butts and admit that Islam is waging war against us, they are winning and will continue to win until we admit to ourselves that, even though we are not at war with Islam, they are at war with us. The fight is on and we are losing.

The idiot liberal hippies wanted to know what would happen if someone gave a war and no one showed up to defend themselves. They are right now getting their answer and it isn't pretty.

The Muslims are so close to winning that the only way they can be stopped by the hand of man is for all of us to pull our heads out of our butts, realize we are on the verge of defeat by Islam and immediately unite as one force to defeat them and that is not going to happen because of our sins of pride, arrogance, greed, lust for power, and others.

The Euro-American liberal commie traitors, who made this mess entirely possible by weakening the US and Europe from within so they could stage their coups of our nations for power and wealth, are so obsessed with their goal of setting up a global dictatorship, depopulating the planet so they don't have to share "their planet" with the rest of us, arrogantly believing they are superior to everyone else and cannot fail or be defeated by non whites, and believing they have everything under control that they don't realize that Islam is winning and on the verge of conquering the world and slaughtering everyone. Everything they have persuaded us to believe and try has failed miserably including their false pagan gods of democracy, tolerance, knowledge, and technology. Their lust for their sins has blinded their evil eyes to the truth and reality and they have doomed us by getting what they wanted.

The Chinese communists, who helped the Euro-American commies and the Muslims create this mess, are so obsessed with their goal of defeating the US, Russia, and Europe so they can conquer the world, depopulate almost all of it, enslave the rest, repopulate it with Chinese, and setting up their global Chinese dictatorship that they don't realize that Islam is winning and on the verge of conquering the planet.

Remember they have 300 to 400 million Muslims in China being helped to wage war against China from within the gates of China by Al Quaeda and the Taliban?

Russia, who helped our Euro-American liberal commie traitors and Muslims cause this mess, is so fixated on defeating the West and setting up their global Russian dictatorship that they don't realize how close Islam is to conquering this world.

Remember they are being war against internally by elements of Al Quaeda, who is within their gates?

It has reached a point to where none of these powers can defeat Islam by themselves without nuking a sizable part of this planet. Know this, if the liberals and, especially the Muslims, get their hands on nukes, they will use them.

At this time, the only forces on this planet which can stop Islam from winning this war and slaughtering all of us are Christian prayer and God, who will soon use the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to stop Islam from conquering the world before the Tribulation begins because God cannot be wrong and His prophesies MUST be fulfilled. Without Christian prayer, repentance, revival, and the mercy of God, we are screwed big time!

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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