I Told You So 475


I found out that China has threatened to shoot down Pelosi's plane.

Then I found this video giving more details about the threat. It is a very precise threat and, when considered with everything else, is probably meant by China but, once again, all of the upper class trash are thinking, "Oh, China wouldn't dare".

It is very possible that the Eastern Alliance will use this as the catalyst to accelerate this war to a global level so keep an eye on it.

Think about it and you should realize that the timing is right. The US has tied down more than 100,000 troops and our F-22s in Europe facing Russia, which can't be pulled out to face China. They have our forces spread out all over the world, they have infiltrated only God knows how many soldiers in sleeper cells within the US and Europe, they are destroying our economies and this war will finish off those economies, and we are surrounded.

It sounds like a good time to attack to me. Keep an eye on this.

Then I found out that Xi is going before the CCP congress in a few weeks, he will be trying to get elected to his third term and even get promoted to Chairman. If he doesn't shoot her plane down or at least fire warning shots at it, he knows he will not get any of that. He does not dare show any weakness in this.

This means that him attacking Pelosi is very likely and it even looks like he has to or may believe he has to. Remember that we humans act on what we believe and not necessarily what is true.

Then I found this video that not only talks about China's threat to shoot her down but also talks about the US Navy sending a carrier task force to protect Pelosi. This is escalating pretty fast.

Then they quickly turned to analyzing the fall of the US in comparison to the fall of other empires showing we are definitely in the fall of the US just like I have been telling you for years.

They also point out that when you have to hire mercenaries to fight for you because you can't recruit enough of your own people to fight for you, your nation is falling. Remember that I told you that the Romans couldn't get enough of their own people to fight in their armies, they hired the Goths and, one day, Alaric, the head of the Goths, realize there wasn't an army between them and Rome that could stop them from sacking Rome so they sacked Rome.

Did you notice that we are right now having trouble enlisting people into our military?

They point out some very interesting things going back years that were part of this nation declining and they are just now realizing it.

Do you believe me yet that this Republic is dead and just has not finished kicking yet? Do you believe me that, because of the left, you are going to have to build a new nation? Are you getting the picture yet?

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

Then I found this video showing that the left is destroying our economy and weakening the US, you know, while trying to start a war with Russia, China, Iran, and South Korea among others.

She also shows you that the left are owned by China so, to keep making the big bucks from China's slavery, they do what they are told by China, just like the arrogant suckers and fools they are.

Then she tells you what I have been telling you about the greedy upper class trash for years, when China wants, she will take their businesses and their production capabilities from the upper class trash to use for China's own wealth gain leaving our greedy and stupid upper class trash broke. If China will steal from their own billionaires and murder them, she will steal from ours and murder them too and ours are too stupid to figure that out.

Do you still believe the upper class trash are more intelligent than you because they say they are?

Then she shows you the urgency of this matter and how the upper class trash lefties must be removed from power soon or they will finish off the US enough that China can finish sacking the US and the upper class trash.

We turned our back on God for Satan's people and their false promises so God is letting us have Satan's people until we repent and they are destroying our nation. You better get right with God and call on His name.

Upper Class Trash Lefties

Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash are not smarter than you because they stole more money than you can earn and they are actually very stupid from their thousands of years of inbreeding?

In this video Tucker shows you just how brain dead stupid they are. They screw up everything they touch and refuse to admit it is them screwing up everything they touch. "Hey, we touched it but you broke it."

These morons are so stupid that they have yet to learn that, in the long term, they are also hurting themselves. I am seeing that some of them are beginning to learn this but most of them are not.

Remember that I have been warning you that the upper class trash are doing everything they can to destroy the US, you know, commit treason?

This video does an excellent job of showing many of the ways they have been doing that and just how much damage they have done. It has to be intentional because you couldn't do one tenth of that damage by accident, I don't care how stupid you are.

Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash lefties are evil and the spawn of Satan?

If you want to see just how evil they are watch this video showing just how evil and satanic Elizabeth Warren is. She is using lies to try to stop nonprofit corporations from helping pregnant women have their children and raise them right.

Pay attention to the free services these centers provide for those women and their children.

Warren wants to stop ALL of those centers from helping those women and children and acts as if she wants to murder all of those babies.

Who knowingly votes for such an obviously evil and horrid person as Warren? Demons?

Probably the demon possessed who call good evil and evil good.

One thing these people are doing and why God is permitting them to continue their evil is that they are showing just how evil they really are and they are turning people from them to God.

Remember that I have been telling you that all of the lefty plans and efforts are failing?

This video shows another one of their great sounding stupid ideas backfiring on them causing them trouble.

Their illegal alien program is devastating their blue cities and states and increasing numbers of people have had enough of it.


Remember that I have been warning you that, when Russia decides to invade Europe, Putin will make one of his major points of entry through Poland to Germany to France to quickly eliminate 2 of the top 3 forces in Europe and the US Military proved me right by ramping up arming Poland and stationing a "permanent" unit there?

In this video he shows that the US is sending our best fighter bomber, the F-22, to Poland to prepare for this invasion. Note that they are not sending them to Romania, Germany, France, or the US; they are sending them to Poland. This is extremely significant.

This tells me that the US and UK do not plan to back off to prevent the war and will continue pushing Russia to start the war, probably thinking that Putin wouldn't dare, you know, like they thought Putin wouldn't dare invade Ukraine.

He gives you some interesting properties for the F-22, which tells me he got them from the US Military and he is probably publishing them as a deterrent to Russia. It looks like one reason why the F-22 has been moved there is to chase down and kill Russia's supersonic missiles that would be aimed at Poland, German, France, and the UK.

Then he tells you about other significant weapons systems the US has placed there or near there telling you just how much the US has beefed up the Polish defenses. It looks like the US is pretty sure Russia is going to invade through Poland into Germany and France, just like I have been telling you.

The statements at the end tell me that this video is meant to warn or scare Putin but I am sure Putin knows of at least one classified way to clear the skies of F-22s. This is not looking good and I pray that the idiot upper class trash are not trying to bluff Putin again because the arrogant fools never learn. They are clearly refusing to quit.

Eastern Alliance

Remember that I have been warning you that, when Russia goes into Europe, which it is increasingly looking like he soon will, the entire Eastern Alliance of at least Iran, China, and North Korea will go on the offensive?

This video shows you that North Korea is looking to join this fight too in order to tie down and spread out some US forces. It looks like they are all ready to do their part in escalating this war against the West.

They better give Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan some tactical nukes to defend themselves.

And you think the Western upper class trash are not nuts? Really?

What a mess. I am not too happy about being right about all of this crap. I would much rather have done without the upper class trash who caused it all and you will be soon too.


Remember that I have been telling you that Trump plans to fire tens of thousands of federal bureaucrats and replace them with good people and he has to be working with good people, probably including certain members of the US Military?

This brief video shows you some details concerning this project including a number of civilian organizations that are already finding and training people to replace those bureaucrats, which should tell you that they have to know who is going to be fired and what jobs they are doing to be able to train people to do those jobs.

This is very impressive and shows how deep they are planning on firing and replacing people and they are already preparing for it. To help them, they are working with former conservative members who know who is screwing things up.

This is getting interesting.


Remember that I warned you that Putin was a KGB officer and you can bet that he has an army of Russian spies in every significant nation in the West?

Well, they found a bunch of spies in Ukraine, surprise, surprise, surprise, and they just arrested a couple for spying in the US, surprise, surprise, surprise, and you can bet that is only the tip of ye ole Russian spying iceberg.

And the idiots are just now figuring it out.

And you think the lefty upper class trash are smarter than you because they stole more than you can earn? Really?

My farts are smarter than them. The heavily inbred and arrogant upper class trash are so stupid they make my brain hurt.


Remember that I have been telling you that the blue cities are being turned into future archaeological sites by the lefties?

This video is very interesting in that he does a comparison between the economics for blue and red states. Note that he says that the economies in the blue states are often dead but the commie leaders have not realized it yet (commies ain't too smart). They are economically destroying their states with their great sounding stupid ideas.

This is very important because the commies took over the big cities in which most of our industries and businesses were, which means our economic wealth and power. In a war between the red and blue, this would have worked in favor of the blue cities and states by helping them finance this war but those businesses and industries are fleeing the blue cities and states to the red cities and states transferring that economic power to the red states or conservatives, while economically weakening the commies. The red states will now be able to better finance this war.

Before this began, I used to wonder what God was going to do about this and I just got my answer. This is God prepping the economic battlefield for this accelerating war and is one reason why God has been taking His time with what He is doing. God's hand is moving in this.

So you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load because this is about to go hot.

This will also make it possible for the conservatives to economically strangle the blue cities and states called "blockading" the blue zones to where they can't fight sustained wars the way the North blockaded the South during the US Civil War. Within months, almost all of the blue zones will collapse in this war. This is working towards what God showed me in my dreams about the conservatives winning this war pretty easily and quickly.

Before this human and economic flight from blue to red began, the commies could have shut down the conservatives in this war by blockading supplies to them, making it very difficult for the conservatives to win the war but the commies helped us by reversing it with their tyrannies chasing everyone away to the red zones.

I want to thank the stupid commies for helping prepare the red zones to win this war. We appreciate your stupidity, greed, and power madness so much. Thank you, arrogant, simple minded satanic fools, for giving us the economic upper hand in this war.

If you study the economics of warfare, this is super massive. This guy is very intelligent so he could never be a commie.

Turley also gets into fertility rates and I have been noticing that, while the lefties are murdering their babies, sterilizing themselves, and being more homosexual, which doesn't make babies, the conservatives, especially Christians, are having 4, 6, and more children per couple, which will really make a huge change very fast concerning populations for pagans and Christians.

The pagans are failing at everything with their great sounding stupid ideas. They are easily their own worst enemies and the best thing they could do right now would be for them to stop thinking. They are doing an absolutely terrible job of it.

He also talks about how the major corporations are selling off and losing massive amounts of money on assets they had been buying up. I had recently been noticing that some of the major corporations that had been buying up stuff like land and homes to seize control were suddenly liquidating or selling that stuff off and now I know why. They bought so much stuff they stifled the markets driving the values down plus our current recession and are now having to sell them for a loss to save their butts in order to generate some cash for operations. Their evil plans are backfiring on them and a lot of them are going broke.

Man plans, God laughs.


When I first started out, I would think, "How can we solve this or that problem", then I realized that God has to solve those problems because no one person or team of persons can solve the extremely complex mess the left has created on this planet.

So, next I started wondering how God was going to solve all of these problems and God started showing me that He is solving these horrid and complex problems created by man. He has His people doing the right things in the right places at the right times to counter the evil being caused by Satan's spawn.

Then I also realized that me writing this blog is a small part in solving these problems by making you aware of what is going on, who is causing these problems, how they are causing these problems, and what should be done.

You just reading this blog and learning from almost three fourths of a century of life experiences, studies, and research to know what to do to recognize the problems, is God using you to do your part in solving, and to help prevent these problems happening again in the future and it is not making me a dime because God is taking care of me. Then, if you share this information, that will be God using you to get others to help recognize, solve, and prevent these problems.

God started me using the "I Told You So" essays to prove to you that I am a man of God and what I say is true so you will want to read more to learn more so you can do more to help solve these problems. God has also shown me much of the future in detail (not all of it yet because there are "secrets of God" we won't learn until Judgment Day) so I can teach you about what will happen to warn you so you can prepare for those things before they happen. That is called prophecy and note that I don't make a dime from it.

We are all part of God solving and preventing these problems by you knowing what the problems are, who is causing them, how they are causing them, how to solve them, and how to prevent them from happening in the future. Welcome to the fight, problem solver.

Another thing I see God doing is that He is creating confusion among Satan's spawn to cause them to keep failing at everything they are doing so keep praying for God's hand to keep moving in these things.


I am seeing that increasing numbers of US citizens are fleeing the insanity in the US for other countries and quite a few of them are fleeing to Central and South American with some of them not being treated well because they are taking their behavior with them instead of learning the cultures of where they are going to, while others seem to be well accepted.

I even have a friend I used to coach against living in Mexico and he is also surfing and still coaching kids racing bicycles.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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