I Told You So 485

War Games

Just like I told you would happen, Russia and China are having their war games in Eastern Russia with the other nations previously mentioned. The size of the Russian force is being down played by the West (they wouldn't want to worry you people) and they are talking about its proximity to Japan but not the US and our oil and gas.

Those war games have positioned a lot of troops very close to the US at a time when Russia, China, and their allies are ramping up for war against the US and Europe.

The question is, "Is the Eastern Alliance going to use this war games to stage and position forces to invade the US and escalate WWIII?"

They are in a perfect position to invade Alaska to seize control of the US gas and oil, while the Latin American nations invade the US from within and the south, attack Japan from the north and south (Senkaku Islands) to tie down Japans forces there, the forces for Chinese war games around Taiwan to invade Taiwan, and North Korea to invade South Korea, tying down US forces in the Pacific Area and the US just as Russia and other allies like Africa launch an invasion of Europe to the West.

Gee, what a bunch of magic coincidences. People, if it looks like a fish, smells like a fish, and swims like a fish, it ain't no duck.

Their timing for all of these things is impeccable, which is why I believe the US should give a few dozen tactical nukes each to Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan for defensive purposes. That would slow the Eastern Alliance down a little.

At the same time, I am seeing the propaganda channels putting out massive amounts of propaganda about how Ukraine is devastating Russian forces again, you know, like we heard before Russia destroyed a lot of Ukrainian forces and took a lot of land.

I am keeping an eye on this because Putin seems more concerned by their war games than what is going on in Ukraine, which tells me he isn't losing there. We are STILL being lied to.

With all of this talk by the West putting down Russia and telling us how she is being devastated, you know, like they did at the start, I am wondering if the upper class trash are trying to talk up the people into supporting a war with Russia?

That is the only thing I can figure out what the upper class trash is doing because nothing else makes sense, well, other than making more money selling Ukraine more weapons.

We are suddenly being bombarded by so much bull crap by the upper class trash and I get the feeling they are using the Queen's death as a distraction from what they are doing. I am not seeing anything but the Queen's death and bull crap in the news as the left is making their final move for control and power. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

I am trying to read around the Queen's death to see what is going on but there is little else in the news anywhere.

I am wondering if the left attacking the Queen is to open the door for the left to be allies with Meghan and Harry because they also rebelled against the Queen. By attacking the Queen, the left can make it look like Meghan and Harry are rebels like the left wants you to believe they are. It could be to get the conservatives to accept rule by the royals by making them think the royals are conservatives, when they clearly are not. Hey, any lie or con to get what they want.

Keep an eye on this.

BTW, King Charles is making visits to at least the major Common Wealth countries to make sure his British Empire is falling in line behind his rule.

BTW, I am seeing propagandists saying that some of the Common Wealth nations have left the Common Wealth but they have not, not one has. They have simply set up fake republics for the royals to hide behind while still remaining members of the Common Wealth, you know, just like Britain is a monarchy hiding behind a fake republic. Hey, it fools the people.


In all of the military industry propaganda sites I am seeing that the mighty decimated Ukrainian Military that is begging for more weapons has crushed the Russian Military, putting it to flight...

Hold it, where have I heard this before?

Oh yeah, a few months ago when the Russian Military faked defeat and retreat to draw the mighty decimated Ukrainian Military begging for more weapons into a number of encirclements or Russian cauldrons and destroyed a few dozen battalions of the mighty decimated Ukrainian Military begging for weapons, while taking more land.

I am also seeing reports, even from the propaganda sites, to help sell more weapons to Ukraine to make the military industry more money, that Ukraine is already desperately begging for more weapons just a few days into their offensive.

What does that tell me?

Ukraine never had the weapons to defeat Russia and put her to flight so here we go again with the morons commanding the Ukrainian forces charging right into more Russian cauldrons to be destroyed because the leaders are too stupid to learn and clearly have the memory of a gold fish.

What did I tell you?

The invading army has to have at least 3 to 5 times more troops than the defending army because their losses will be at least 3 to 5 times greater. In the military, that is a known fact.

Putin had reached a point in his advances to where the enemy were dug in and, to take those areas, Putin would have to suffer heavy losses and he does not like suffering heavy losses, especially with him ramping up to invade Europe.

So what do you do?

You bring your military to a halt some distance from the dug in enemy to cause the enemy to think your forces have run out of momentum or "stalled out" so the enemy will come out of their defensive positions, where they will be more exposed to enemy fire, and stage the offensive against your troops suffering the heavier losses. Then, after you decimate their troops some, you fake a defeat and retreat to drawn them into an encirclement or Russian cauldron in an open area to finish those troops off.

It is a sucker punch the leaders of the Ukrainian Military keep falling for.

With those enemy troops gone, you can take much more land with many fewer losses until they bring in more troops, of which Ukraine has very little left, and dig them in and, with the idiot commanders of the Ukrainian forces, you just rinse and repeat because they will never learn.

Putin came up against Ukrainian forces (what is left of them) dug in at Odessa and Kharkiv. If he shelled Odessa to weaken the defending forces, it would stop the grain flow supplying Russia's allies in Africa. So Putin "stalled his forces out", it caused the idiot Ukrainian leaders begging for more weapons to stage an offensive to "take back land" without enough weapons for the offensive (smart move).

How the idiots planned to do that without enough weapons and troops is beyond me.

"Hey, they are running! Chase them even if we don't have enough weapons and troops! We are winning! We are winning!" It gets them out of their fortifications and onto open ground where they are much easier targets.

In just the first few days of battle, the Ukrainian forces have almost run out of weapons because they clearly didn't have enough weapons to put Russia to flight, while chasing the Russian forces into another Russian cauldron.

BTW, Ukraine running out of weapons and begging for more should tell you that Russia is destroying the Ukrainian weapons faster than Ukraine is destroying the Russian weapons. Oh Yeah, they are really kicking Russia's butt.

Do you get the picture yet?

They contradict themselves all of the time.

When Putin is through roasting the Ukrainian forces in his cauldrons, he will be able to much more easily take Kharkiv and Odessa with many fewer losses and without disrupting the grain going to Africa. It may even be possible for Putin to "just walk through Ukraine" taking whatever he wants because Ukraine probably won't have much left to fight with.

Keep an eye on this.

People, Ukraine begging for more weapons should tell you that Ukraine is too decimated to win this war. You have to understand that Ukraine is not just short on weapons, they are also short on troops because, when you take out the weapon system, you also kill most to all of the troops using that weapon system so you also need trained troops to operate the new weapon systems and it will take a year or more to train the troops to handle those weapons systems and this war is only in its 7th month following Russia destroying about 65% of the Ukrainian forces and all of their Navy with no major troop training program anywhere to replace the killed troops. More than weapons, Ukraine needs at least a few hundred thousand trained troops.

Hey, go park a race car on the race course without a driver and see how well it does in the race.

Weapons without operators are Russian target practice.

You can send the Ukrainian Military all of the weapons you want and it won't do them any good because they will not have enough troops to use those weapons systems for at least another 10 to 12 months, probably longer.

Ukraine doesn't even have enough forces to fight Russia to a standstill, they were losing ground; forget about winning.

People, this has nothing to do with winning a war but is all about making money selling weapons by laundering your tax dollars through another nation. They are doing it in such a way that it is compromising our national security and the greedy, arrogant fools don't have enough brains to figure out that, after the Eastern Alliance conquers us, they will round these greedy, arrogant fools up and shoot them all. National security MUST come first.

BTW, I just read that the US just delivered the US Patriot System to Poland to defend against the Russian Air Force, when she invades Europe with her decimated military, after being soundly defeated in Ukraine. /sarc

This video tells you about that and note that he says it is "in case the Ukrainian War spills over into Poland."

Hold it, if Ukraine is pushing the Russian forces back, how will Russia "spill" this war over into Poland, you know, on the opposite side of Ukraine from where they are fighting? Kind of gave that one away, didn't they?

Uh, why are they not building up the forces to such an extent in other nearby nations? If the Ukrainian War "spills over" into other nearby nations, won't it also spill over into nations like Romania?

It is clearly because the West knows Russia is ramping up to invade Europe and the best way in is through Poland into Germany and then France just like I have been telling you.

Why are the upper class trash not being transparent concerning the coming invasion of Europe by Russia so the people can prepare for it?

Because then the people will know that their glorious upper class trash royals are causing this war because they won't leave Russia alone because the upper class trash royals just have to have their global dictatorship, which requires them to get rid of Russia. But, hey, the royals plan on depopulating most Europeans anyway.

Pay attention to all of the details and connect all of the dots to see the truth. Even when they lie to you, they tell you enough of the truth to figure it out.


Remember that I told you that it was only a matter of time for EU/NATO nations to start jumping ship for gas?

I just got this from Markets Insider by Huileng Tan;

"A new Gazprom plant is shipping its first liquefied natural gas cargo to Greece just 6 months after the EU vowed to drastically reduce Russian gas imports"

Guess who was the first to jump the EU/NATO ship for gas?

Greece just beat them all to the punch and you can bet others will soon follow.

Can't you just here them saying, "Hi, comrade, nice gas. Let's be friends." That is Greek for, "We surrender, comrade."

I told you this would happen, didn't I? Now, how many of you are stupid enough to believe that Ukraine is crushing Russia in the war?

The stampede out of the EU has begun with the first step.

BTW, why is the UK suddenly talking about using nukes to defeat Russia?

Because they know that using nukes is now the only way they have even a remote hope of defeating Russia. The royals are desperate enough to risk an all-out-nuke war to get their global dictatorship. They are insane. Hey, it is the inbreeding.


I see big shot economists, who got dem duh right degree from duh right unkneebursity, arguing about how to bring down inflation this way, that way, and every other way that won't do it.

How do you bring down inflation?

You undo the things the Commierats did that caused the inflation. That is a no brainer.

When you realize that the single biggest cause of inflation was the massive printing of fake money, which increased supply in relation to demand, decreased the value of the dollar, and is making you spend more less valuable dollars to get stuff, then it becomes obvious you have to reverse the process.

So, what do you do?

You pull all of that extra money you printed out of the economy and the reason the big shots don't want you to do that is because they laundered that extra money into their bank accounts, from which you would have to pull that money.

Gee, I wonder why the big shots don't want you to do that?

So they make up lots and lots of fairy tales about what "really caused the inflation" to distract you from the truth so you won't take your money back from them.

People, pulling the extra money out of circulation the criminals dumped into circulation, that is causing this inflation, will do more to reverse the inflation than anything else and probably more than everything else.


Remember that I have been telling you that, if the left doesn't want Afghan Joe impeached and replaced with a conservative president, they better move quickly?

This video shows that the GOP has ALREADY drafted 8 articles of impeachment against Afghan Joe.

Gee, do yuh tink dey plans on impeaching Afghan Joe?

I am wondering if the reason they have not already started making the moves to get rid of Afghan Joe and replace him with someone who will be much more difficult to impeach is that they think they can rig the election enough to not lose control of either the House or Senate because control of both is required to impeach and remove the president? Are they planning to see if they have lost control of both houses before they replace Afghan Joe, which would be very risky and cutting it very close? Are they foolishly letting their irrational wishful thinking destroy their last chance to retain any power? We hope so, huh?

Remember that they only have today and 10 more days to do it before the election and only 17 days total to do it between the election and the first of January. That is really cutting it close without a special session. They will have to really ram the entire process through the House, one step after another.

Are the upper class trash so arrogant and stupid they are about to blow their only remaining chance?

I kind of got the opinion that Turley is finally fighting mad at both the Commierats and the stupid members of the GOP.

Lock and Load

Remember that I have been telling you to secure your red zones and lock and load?

Watch this video and you will see part of the reason why. The upper class trash are encouraging criminals to commit crimes against you by not punishing them for their crimes and then turning those criminals loose on you, knowing they will commit crimes against you.

People, by definition, that is crimes against humanity and they should all go to prison or, if they cause people to be murdered, they should be hung.

They are using criminals as their Gestapo thugs to terrorize you to control you. People, the lefties are not just stupid, they are also evil and doing these things to you on purpose to cause you harm. They clearly hate you, the people, even their own stupid voters, who they are right now killing off because the upper class trash don't want to share their planet with any of you.


Remember that I told you that it looks like what they are doing with the Queen's death is trying to sell other nations in becoming under the rule of the British Royal Family?

Then I found this video on Fox where that is exactly what they are doing. Notice that he said having a monarch as a "non political figure" over your nation it "does bring a certain degree of stability". What a con.

I am trying to figure out how a non political person can bring a degree of stability to your nation's politics. Hey, I know, it must be some more of that lefty magic, you know, maybe the royals have fairy dust in their butts. No matter how stupid is sounds, you know the stupid people will believe it.

Gee, I wonder if the big reason they are causing all of this chaos is to get people to want "a certain degree of stability" so they will want the British Royals to rule over them?

"Why, it would be so wonderful to have ye ole British Royals rule over you with their global dictatorship/monarchy to provide your nation with a certain degree of stability", you know, like with King Harry and Queen Meghan. You just know the stupid people are going to believe that.


I know, let's do the math. You know I like math.

The "stabilizing" Queen was funding Soros and hundreds of other lefty front people for at least decades and probably more than half a century, who funded the lefty DAs, mayors, governors, and judges who keep turning criminals loose on you to commit crimes against you, destroying our civilization. They funded other royals like Obama who caused much of our current problems by starting this internal war in 2012. The Queen and her lefty cousins running the Commierat Party gave us wars from at least Vietnam to Ukraine, including Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and others. They funded nonprofit corporations like NGOs that did things like recruit poor people from throughout Latin America and other nations, especially Muslim nations, and funded them illegally coming to the US to help destroy the US and make the royals more wealthy with human trafficking.

BTW, using Soros as her front has worked really well because most people have not yet figured out that she is using him and others as fronts to cause harm to the people.

The lefty people and organizations the Queen has been funding through her front operatives have been intentionally destabilizing, breaking down, and destroying our nation so she can gain control of it and use it and you as pawns to set up her global dictatorship.

Then they are going around telling people she was conservative and a devout Christian, while she was funding the worst pagan lefty organizations and people in the US that hate God, the Bible, and Christians and are right now waging war against Christianity around the world.

Wow, she really sounds like a stabilizing conservative Christian to me. /sarc

From what I am seeing, Charles is going to be much worse. He and his PM have already stated that they are going to start a nuke war with Russia so they are more violent and less patient plus Charles has already stated he is a pagan "defender of all religions", well, except Christianity. At least he is being honest about not being a Christian.

Think Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, and Tamerlane, the worst butchers in history, only with nukes.

You better bet that Charles and his sons, William and Harry, are going to be even less patient with the US remaining a free Republic. It is going to quickly get much more nasty in the US.

The ugly truth is that the royals have caused most of our problems for thousands of years and ye ole Queen was one of the worst but the absolute best at covering up her mischief with a great PR program to cause everyone to believe she was a saint. She was not a creator being but a destroyer being and that is purely satanic.

The ugly truth is that the royals are about as stabilizing as a 10.0 Earthquake in a 5.0 hurricane with 5.0 tornados dropping down all over the place. They have always caused better than 90% of our problems while blaming others.

The royals and their oppressive governments held mankind back for thousands of years until the people finally broke free a few hundred years ago and began taking control of their lives innovating and building the best world in history.

Do you get the picture yet?

This is psychological warfare to con the stupid people into submitting to the absolute rule of the British Royals with their Globalism to get a "certain degree of stability" or reprieve from the chaos the royals are right now causing. Basically, it is the royals saying, "If you will let us have absolute rule over you, we will stop destroying your lives as much but only a little less. But, hey, you will get a certain degree of stability, you know, your positions as our slaves will be stable until we kill you."

You watch just how many stupid people will fall for this great sounding evil crap. This is the same crap the royals have been using to con the stupid people into submission to the royals for thousands of years and it still works.

You are being played. Don't be a fool.

You just know that a lot of really stupid lefties will fall for this con because it sounds so good it just gots tuh be true and that is what the royals are doing, is get enough stupid people to fall for it to get their global monarchy over everyone so you will own nothing and be happy they didn't also kill you.

The upper class trash royals are doing EVERYTHING they can to get their global dictatorship/monarchy and this con is just part of it.

You can bet that, just like PM Johnson, PM Cameron is a member of the British Royal Family he is conning you into submitting to their absolute rule over you. They are proving again and again that they will never stop until they get their dictatorship over you or they are dead.

The royals cannot stand to see anyone who has anything they have not stolen or they do not control.

Then I saw another video that was selling lies about the British Monarchy not having any control over the British Government, which is not true, and using the con that they are a means of "political stability" (it is the royal talking point), you know, to stop the political "instability" the royals are causing in the US to cause you to want them to rule over you for "political stability".

They are telling you that you are going to be seeing a lot more about the royals providing "political stability" to con you into submitting to their absolute rule over you. Hey, they are not political, they just rule EVERYTHING. People, they ARE the political instability in the US because they own and are the US Commierat Party causing our political instability to bring our government down so they can get their colonies back to use to rule the world. The royals are waging psychological, cultural, political, economic, and other forms of war against the US and our people. They are our greatest enemy and greatest threat just like I have been telling you for years.

Then I found out that the media are now calling anyone who tells the truth about the Royals, especially the Queen, "haters, race baiters," and other lefty names they call conservatives proving that the Royals are lefties and control the Commierat Party and you will see more such proofs showing you that the royals are NOT apolitical but are very political and very far left in their bias. They are the political problem and not the solution.

What should all of that tell you about the Queen?

She was a greedy, power mad, radical and violent lefty, poser Christian, closet pagan, and fantastic actress who should get the academy award for living.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load because this just keeps getting uglier by the day. You better keep an eye open for more lefty sites promoting the US having a monarchy to "provide political stability".

Do you understand why God has to eternally incarcerate these lying, thieving, murdering royal slime in the Lake of Fire to protect you?

If God turns these evil things loose in Paradise, they will quickly destroy Paradise just like they have destroyed Earth for thousands of years only it will be much worse because they will be immortal and will be able to oppress, enslave, and torture your immortal soul forever.

If you are a good person, you will praise God for eternally incarcerating these vile, evil things in the Lake of Fire to protect you from them. Then and only then will we ever have lasting peace.


The left is flipping out because a true conservative has taken over CNN so it will no longer by a propaganda machine for the left as is shown in this video.

This is what has to happen, the rich conservatives must start taking control of the media away from the left because the media are very powerful. Too many lefties and even many moderates just blindly believe the propaganda they see on TV and then act and vote on it.

The conservatives need to start taking back a variety of the major media including TV, movies, Newspapers, magazines, and especially on the Internet to put out the truth and stop the lies.

I have been concerned about the lying lefties controlling the media ever since I found out how much they are lying to us in the early 1970s. It is good to see the rich conservatives finally start making the right moves instead of short term money making. They need to wake up to the fact that, if the left takes over control of this nation and the world, almost all of the rich conservatives will lose everything to our increasingly tyrannical government, including their lives.

Note that the left is responding in anger calling CNN the "Christian News Network" proving that this is really a war between Satan and his spawn verses God and His people so that we need to deal with it that way because Satan's spawn are dealing with it that way by waging war against us.

US War

Remember that, before 2012 I told you that God told me that this war in the US to destroy the US by the Commierats would begin in 2012?

It began in 2012 when Obama, working with the New Black Panthers, created a subsidiary of the New Black Panthers called "Black Lives Matter" and they first began rioting, burning, and looting. Yep, this war has been being waged against you for a full decade.

This video shows another thing Obama did to start this war and is destroying this nation.

BTW, that was Obama protecting his BLM fighters from prosecution for their crimes against you.

Do you get the picture yet?

Note that Tucker also tells you that "this is the way civilizations die" and I have been telling you that the left has destroyed the Republic of the United States and it just has not finished kicking yet. Gee, what a coincidence.

Hey, the lefty royals know how to destroy a civilization.

After viewing that video, do you believe me yet that our Republic or civilization has been destroyed by the left and they are finishing it off?

Just in case you have not already noticed, the gates of Hell have already opened and all Hell is already breaking loose on this planet. Your only hope is God so you just might want to talk to Him.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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