I Told You So 523

Sailboat Cruising

Remember that I have told you that people are taught by the boating industry that cruising is a relaxing life laying on the beach and having drinks?

If you want to see the truth, watch this video about a couple who pulled their boat out "onto the hard" after only 3 years in the water and look at how much work they have to do.

They normally pull out every 2 to 3 years with most doing it every 2 years so they don't have quite as much work, when they pull out but they still have a lot of work to do. It will take them months of working almost every day to get that boat ready to go back into the water.

Question everything you are told.


Remember that I have been telling you that the European nations can't defend themselves against someone like Russia?

I told you that they were all hiding behind the US Military but that the UK could assist the US some. Again, I was being conservative and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I just got this video that tells that the UK has not been a tier one military capable of defending itself for at least a decade or since at least 2013.

She tells you that the Western nations "should get serious about their militaries; something that has not happened since the Cold War", you know, just like I have been telling you. I told you that, since the Cold War ended in 1991, their upper class trash have been sacking their military budgets to where they barely have any functioning militaries in Europe today. People, Africa is planning to invade Europe and that should tell you a lot.

This proves what I told you about, if you combine all of the European militaries, they couldn't stop a Russian invasion and they are picking a fight with Russia while hiding behind a very diminished one front US Military. That isn't even intelligent enough to be stupid.

Do you understand why the moron Europeans and US leaders, especially the upper class trash, are working to keep Russia pinned down in Ukraine to keep her from invading Europe?

Remember that I have been telling you that, when Russia invades Europe, she will cut right through Poland and Germany into France, while taking Britain, while Africa takes Spain, Southern France, and Italy from the south?

Europe can't stop Russia and Africa from invading, conquering, and sacking Europe. The US Military in Europe would be tied down and then destroyed opening the door for Russia and Africa to quickly invade and sack Europe.

Hey, the European upper class trash royals don't need all of that money they stole from the people and their militaries. Just think how much better the African nations will be with all of that loot, after they sack the upper class trash.

Do you believe me yet that the Euro-American upper class trash royals have destroyed their own insane dreams and obsession in setting up their global dictatorship? Do you believe me yet that you are living the fall of Rome II? Do you believe me yet that the diminished one front US Military needs to stage a strategic retreat back to the US from Europe to protect the US?

None of the European nations' militaries can defend their nations.

Do you know what Putin meant when he said he was going to sink the UK?

He was telling you that he will wipe out their military, military industry, and leadership so that the UK will become a puppet state of Russia.

Climate Change

The upper class trash owned experts are telling you we are all going to die in a few years if we don't all buy their solar and wind energy and EVs but, if we do, they will magically save our butts.

Watch this video about weather and he shows you the different predictions for just a few days into the future from those different weather models.

And you think they can predict exactly what the weather will be like more than a decade from now? Really?

Note that he talks about weather people getting predictions wrong.

Just remember that Al Gore's scary weather model predicted that there wouldn't be any ice in the Arctic by 2013 and there is more ice there now than when he made that prediction to scare you into buying his solar panels.

And people are still listening to Al Gore?

Yep, there are plenty of stupid people and the upper class trash know it.


This video is providing really top class intel concerning what is happening militarily.

First, he tells you what I have been telling you about both sides using Ukraine to see what the other side's weapons can and cannot do in order to develop countermeasures for those weapons. He tells you that Russia has been refusing to commit their best but the US is now committing some of her best. Oops!

Second, he tells you that as soon as the US is tied up with Russia in Ukraine, China is planning to invade Taiwan because she knows we only have a one front military and can't fight both of them at the same time so we will lose both of them at the same time.

Remember that I told you that China has forces in the Bahamas to invade the US on the East Coast? Remember that I have been telling you that both China and Russia will attack the US? Remember that I told you that it is not if but when are the nukes going to fly?

He tells you that it is worse than that because we are pretty much surrounded because they both have missile ships just outside of our territorial waters that are armed with nukes to hit the US with. He only tells you about the nuke armed missile ships but you better know that they both also have nuke armed subs you can't see on the surface.

A lot of people are going to die because of our insane leaders.

Also note that he tells you that Russia has developed very advanced electronics warfare and ECM that can cause a lot of harm.

And our idiot leaders and their owners are still pushing to start this war? Do you believe me yet that you are living the fall of Rome II?

The more we find out, the worse it gets.

He also tells you that they believe that, most likely, Ukraine won't last more than 30 more days before she completely falls. Yeah, just like I have been telling you, the left has been lying to you.

Then he tells you something very critical that we were trained is an absolute sign that Russia is getting ready to use nukes, which is Putin told at least some of his people to "go underground" or to nuke shelters for the next 3 months because "there is probably going to be a nuke war".

Why did he not tell his people to go to nuke shelters?

Because Putin knows we have a limited number of nukes and will not waste them nuking civilians. We will go after his military, military industry, and upper class or leaders just like he will go after our's. Putin knows how to fight a nuke war.

I am convinced that Putin is going to nuke the Hell out of the UK because he knows it is the British Royals causing all of this mess, that the only way to stop their insanity is to kill them, and he intends to stop their insanity. Windsor Castle is about to become smoldering, radio active rubble.

He confirms a lot of what I have been telling you for years.

BTW, General Minihan told his commanding officers to be ready to fight China "by the end of next month" or by the end of February 2023. Think about that.

Why do I feel like this is December 6, 1941 but many times worse?

Remember that I told you that, when Russia, China, and their allies invade the US, Russia will take out or capture our oil and gas pipelines running from northern Alaska down into the US?

Watch this video and you better know that, after what the US did to Nord Stream 1 & 2, Putin will do the same to us that we did to him. He has already positioned troops and weapons in Russia that are not very far from Alaska to do it and I have been warning you about that for months.

And God said, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

Did you notice the arrogance of that lefty woman all but strutting about the US having destroyed Nord Stream 1 & 2?

Then I found this video and, after watching it, you are not going to sleep very well.

People, the military isn't just about numbers of heads in the military but is more about quality of soldiers and the US Military has proved that very well over the last 50+ years. When one soldier can kill ten of the enemy before they die, the same number of soldiers in the better trained army is 10 times more powerful.

After watching that video, my question is, "What army?" The lefty traitors have destroyed our military and just Russia OR China will destroy us.

Remember that I recently taught you about fighting and that the first and most important rule for fighting is that, before the fight starts, you better make sure you are the meanest one there.

The "soldiers" in that video wouldn't be the meanest in a kindergarten sandbox. They would surrender in a heartbeat to any army.

The more we learn, the worse the mess gets because our moron lefties have probably made the worst mess of a nation in history. It makes me sick. I served to protect these brats and they are not worth protecting. What a waste of time that was.

What it looks like what will probably happen in this war is that Russia will win against the West in Europe and the US but the West may surrender before it is too devastated but remember that God showed me that the US will not survive as a nation; China will lose in her war against Taiwan and her allies; North Korea will lose against South Korea and her allies; and Iran, Turkey, and their allies will lose to God in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often.

At about 6 minutes into this video the NATO admiral is trying to bluff and scare Putin and he lets you know that is what he is doing when he says that what he is saying is a message for Putin, inferring to scare Putin and back him down into submission.

That bluff is not going to work.

You have to understand that the Western upper class trash all think they are smarter than they are, that everyone else is dumber than they are, and all they have to do is say something threatening or scary and everyone will submit to them. They don't scare Putin but the upper class trash are too stupid to figure that out.

Then I found this video which is very informative and tells you much of what I have been telling you.

I am certain that, what Macgregor is concerned about or afraid of from our moron leaders is what will happen and they are already showing us it is what will happen. I think Macgregor is involved in wishful thinking concerning our leaders. Then he tells you what I have been telling you is the lunatics are "out of touch with reality."

Note that he said the West is not united, he thinks we are watching the end of NATO (and I feel the EU), and we are getting weaker while Russia is getting stronger.

He also tells you that, before the fall of the USSR, "Germany was the strongest military in Europe" but that, after that fall, "a bunch of leftist governments dismantled that military." Then he told us that today's German Army is so weak that the "Polish Army could invade Germany and conquer it in a week."

Keep in mind that Poland's military isn't that powerful either.

My question is, "How many hours would it take for Russia to conquer Germany?"

Did you notice that he said that Russian will conquer Ukraine in a few weeks?

Remember that I told you that we should not send our best weapons to Ukraine because Russia will find out the strengths and weaknesses of those weapons to develop countermeasures to those weapons?

Then Macgregor said that is the reason why we are not sending our existing M1 tanks to Ukraine because Russia will probably capture some of them and develop countermeasures, especially for the armor.

Right now, some times I get tired of being right.

Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39

I found out today that Israeli Mossad agents are now saying that the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 will happen soon just like I have been telling you and that Iran and Turkey will be in it against Israel like many others.

Keep an eye on this.

Every day it gets one day closer.

Keep an Eye on This

Watch this video and keep an eye on it because I would not put this above the evil upper class trash, especially with everything else they are already doing.

George Washington

This video is interesting and educational, plus it is a nice break from the insanity. Enjoy.


Watch this video and you need to know that Afghan Joe is afraid that, if he confronts Erdogan about this, it will cause Erdogan to become a 100% Russian ally and the US has military troops and weapons like airplanes plus about 60+ nukes in Turkey that we would have trouble getting out of Turkey, if Erdogan where to jump ship on us. You better know that he would at least hold them hostage and just take control of the nukes. Afghan Joe is afraid of Erdogan because he is a deadly wild card.

Note that none of those journalists knew that and I even put most of that in the comments section for them to read. Hey, someone has to educate the journalists to what is really going on.


Do you want to know why our lefty commie traitor college professors are brainwashing your kids to be communists and love China?

Gee, you don't think it might have something to do with China bribing those universities with hundreds of millions of dollars, do you?

China is clearly bribing our lefty college professors to brainwash our kids and the lefty college professors are selling you, your kids, the nation, and even themselves out to the CCP for immediate wealth.

I have been warning you for years that our lefty college professors are a very big part of our problems.

Climate Change

This climate change crap is about a combination of arrogant humans with reprobate minds who think they are pagan gods and can control things that they are not smart enough to even begin to control and greedy upper class trash who are using another "crisis" to steal money from the people in government grants to "save something" that they will not save or even needs to be saved. It is all a con job and a money stealing and power grabbing racket.

Afghan Joe and Kruella

Remember that I have been telling you that the left wants to get rid of Afghan Joe and Kruella before the 2024 election?

This video shows you how bad most of the left wants to get rid of Kruella and a little more than I have already showed you about them wanting to get rid of Afghan Joe.

So, what are the morons going to do because they got really stupid and didn't take advantage of the Speaker of the House to replace both of them with someone else while they still had control of the House AND were saying they were going to use the Speaker of the House to get rid of them?

Now that the GOP has control of the House, they would end up with 2 Republicans as president and vice president.

The arrogant fools have outsmarted themselves, everything they have done or are doing has or is failing, and they are not intelligent enough to think of what to do next.

I can't imagine the idiots could possibly be more desperate than they are now, which means that anything could come out of their feeble reprobate minds, you know, like staging a violent coup of their own Commierat Government to replace their Commierat Government with another Commierat Government. Hey, it would probably be a first time in history and I would put nothing beneath them right now, after all, they are out of touch with reality and irrational or raving lunatics.

I think the left is now allergic to sanity.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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