I Told You So 540


Remember that I told you that Russia decreasing her activities in Ukraine was to regroup and for planning?

This video intel explains everything Putin has been doing though the commentator may not realize it.

Remember all of the cauldrons Putin has functioning spread throughout the battle front from north to south?

Those are traps Putin has had in place to keep drawing NATO/Ukrainian troops into to die. They keep sending their soldiers into those traps and Putin keeps killing them by the thousands at a minimal cost in troops and weapons for Putin.

Putin knew that the West has been providing Ukraine with troops, weapons, and munitions and they were planning to stage an offensive as soon as the ground got dry enough. Ukraine was keeping their offensive forces back out of the fight while sending in cannon fodder to keep Russia from moving without realizing that Putin isn't going anywhere until after he destroys the NATO/Ukrainian offensive in his cauldrons. They just do not understand the man.

Putin isn't going to have his troops step out from behind those deadly cauldrons into direct battle with the NATO/Ukrainian troops and lose a lot of his own troops. He isn't stupid. He has been patiently waiting for those NATO troops to come to him and charge into Putin's death traps to die.

And Satan's spawn upper class trash lefty royals are so given over to reprobate minds that they cannot see or understand what Putin is doing to them so the idiots think that the reason Putin is still "hunkering down in defeat" is because he is stupid and scared so they can believe they are winning and will beat him. They are what we used to call "butt ostriches", you know, with their heads up their butts.

The recent and brief decrease in actions by Putin was because Putin had his traps set, he needed to restock his munitions and supplies and reinforce his troops for the soon coming NATO/Ukrainian offensive. Now they are setting there waiting, while the NATO/Ukrainian troops have started moving into the area of the front lines for their soon coming offensive and Putin's traps.

As soon as the NATO/Ukrainian troops moved into their positions and also moved their munitions, fuel, and headquarters into the area, note that Putin has started shelling those areas taking out those munitions, fuel, and headquarters to weaken and cripple the NATO/Ukrainian forces. He shows you that is where Putin is putting his biggest efforts now.

This also explains why Putin has not finished encircling the NATO/Ukrainian forces with his men and only restricting their movements in and out of his cauldrons with artillery fire. He wants that new offensive to attack right into his cauldrons. "Come on in, boys."

Then he told you that NATO/Ukraine deployed troops trained and armed in other nations so Putin doesn't have to worry about those troops and weapons showing up after Putin's troops are out in the open taking ground. Putin has been waiting for those troops to also go charging into the cauldrons.

Putin is about to spring his traps on all that is left of the NATO/Ukrainian forces and finish them off. Putin has been waiting and preparing for this, which is why he has not really started his offensive yet. All hell is about to break loose soon.

Notice all of the new little purple spots representing the NATO/Ukrainian forces that have just moved into the area of the front line.

Also notice that by keeping the fight in a reasonably local area, they maximize the damage in those areas so that the NATO/Ukrainian troops don't have as many buildings to hide and fight in, while not doing as much damage to other areas.

One of the things I hate about some of the people who interview people like Macgregor, Ritter, and Shaffer is they are very ignorant and brainwashed by the lefty media and don't even know the right questions to ask.

Then I found this video which proves that the Ukrainian war was all planned out years in advance by the West as a means to draw Russia into a proxy war with Ukraine so they could destroy Russia, the leader of the BRICS alliance, to get her out of the way of the lefty globalist royals setting up their evil global dictatorship. They started training Ukrainian troops in Canada for this action in 2015; 7 years before the war began.

Let's do some math about what is going on.

In 2008 Obama got elected and 3 months after he took office, the US State Department began funding the rebuilding of Babylon hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars a year up until now, with the British Royal Family, the Catholic Church, China and others having land where they plan to build Mystery Babylon and China buying the oil rights to a massive oil area nearby where they plan to build Mystery Babylon and, about the same time, they began dredging the Euphrates River for major shipping all of the way up to Mystery Babylon, which was finished more than a year ago, the US CIA staged a coup of Ukraine and its pro Russian government, putting in a pro US puppet dictator.

In 2012 to 2016, all under Obama, 400 million people converted to Islam between April 2012 and September 2012 as a magic coincidence, to bring the global Muslim population back up to 1.6 billion people and the Vatican stated in April that, if by December 31, 2012 Jesus did not return, the Catholic Church would convert to Islam, with the Pope making a visit to Iraq years later to negotiate an unstated deal with the leader of Shia Islam in Iraq, they invaded and brought down the governments for Russian allies Tunisia and Libya and toppled the government for Russian ally Egypt but the Egyptian military reversed that coup, and they started the effort to topple the government ally for Russia, Syria, started shelling civilians in the Donbass in 2014 and, a year later in 2015, Canada started training 15,000 Ukrainian troops for the war with Russia, while the US and Europe trained up and armed 600,000 more Ukrainian troops inside Ukraine to fight Russia.

Following Trump being elected president in 2016 and the fake investigations about Trump colluding with Russia taking up most of Trump's time and efforts, started by Obama just before he left office, Afghan Joe took control in 2020 as Obama's puppet.

After 8 years of Ukrainian troops shelling the Donbass and murdering 14,000 ethnic Russians in Donbass, in 2022, Russia invaded to stop the shelling and murder of women and children.

Oh no, this was not all planned out to get Russia out of their way so the WEF globalists could set up their evil global dictatorship, was it? /sarc

Do you get the picture yet?

Remember that man plans, God laughs.

Then I found this video that provides a lot of good information and tells us that word is going out to the lying lefty media to change their song about Ukraine winning the war. Hey, if they slowly change their propaganda, most of the stupid people will forget the lies about Ukraine crushing Russia.

He also explains the international legalities and technicalities concerning the drone being downed by Russia and puts war drum beating Lindsey Graham in his place. It appears to me that Lindsey is fixated on all the money he can make from the military industry, if we have WWIII with Russia destroying massive amounts of US military equipment so the US Military would have to buy or replace that equipment. The guy is obviously greedy crazy.

Then I found this video which gives you some serious updates about how things just keep getting worse and worse for Ukraine AND the West. He tells you about the Ukrainian losses in this war and it is pretty staggering.

The longer they continue this war against Russia, the worse it gets for the West, the more their dream about their global dictatorship slips away, and the more they decline towards becoming third world nations.

Note that he points out that the super crazies refuse to quit no matter how bad it gets for anyone, except for them because, with all of their wealth isolating them from most of the chaos, the less the chaos will affect them. Note that he tells you that the crazies refuse to give up on destroying Russia to set up their evil global dictatorship and keep sending more and more weapons and munitions, further draining our military resources because the idiots have been given over to reprobate minds.

"Hey, we need to keep doing more and more and more of what isn't working."

My solution to end this war sooner with less damage it to send those crazies to free Bakhmut armed with BB guns and water balloons (hey, they like balloons.) Then we can sit down and talk peace with Russia.

Wow, Macgregor finally tells you that the trouble makers in the US Government are lefty, neo con, globalists.

Has he put together that this is all about the lefty globalists trying to get rid of Putin and Russia to set up their global commie dictatorship? Is he just being careful not to say so and maybe he finally got mad enough at them to mention it?

Then later in the video, Macgregor called the trouble makers the "radical globalists". He finally opened up and laid out the truth I have been telling you. I think he has had enough of their bull crap. That was great to see. I told you so.

Keep an eye on that.

Then the next video I saw was about Putin and Xi "crushing the globalist world order."

Turley tells you that liberalism is finally dying and, with it, so is Marxism because increasing numbers of people have learned the hard way that, if you give the upper class trash complete control over your lives, they will not "take care of you" the way they promised but will control, oppress, and impoverish you to take care of themselves at your expense. In case you have not noticed yet, the upper class trash lefty globalists are getting more wealthy while you are getting less wealthy.

More and more people are wanting to take back control of their own lives because they have learned that the upper class trash only care about themselves and their bank accounts. "You vill own nutting so ve can have greater luxury at your expense."

It is reaching a point to where, if the upper class trash and their moronic puppets don't back down, we will have another Bastille moment and some of their heads will roll and, with them insanely refusing to back down, it is increasingly likely their heads will roll.

Remember that the idiot lefty upper class trash think they can bluff and scare Putin into submitting to their will? Remember that I have been telling you that they do not understand him?

I have been wondering whether Putin is a true Christian and I just found out that, in a speech, Putin said something to the effect that the US "loves threatening Russia with the atomic bomb; we are not afraid; we will go to God, if we have to."

Yes, Putin is a true Christian, he is not afraid to die in a nuke war because he knows he will just go to Heaven, and he will invade Europe and the US and fight a nuke war to stop the evil upper class trash. I warned you to not mess with Putin before this war began.

Everyone is under estimating Putin and they better stop soon or they will pay with their lives. Putin will fight to the death for Russia. Putin is a Christian warrior king.

Mean while, I have been watching the lefty upper class trash and they too are more willing to "fight to the death" in a nuke war with Putin but, instead of putting their faith in God, they are putting their faith in man with their rich boy nukie shelters. They are very busy building nuke shelters to save their lives showing their simple minded ignorance and stupidity.

"Hey, I am so wealthy from stealing from the people that I built me a rich boy nukie shelter that will save my stupid butt."

Listen, the nuke shelter at Cheyenne Mountain is at least a 100 times better nuke shelter than anything those spoild rich, simple minded, ignorant upper class trash nukie shelters are and I know how to beat it. Those rich boy nukie shelters will be a piece of cake for Putin to beat and you better bet he has the nukie shelters for the most important upper class trash targeted for destruction. Those idiots are going to die in a ball of fire because their fake god, man, ain't going to save their stupid butts.

All of those nukie shelters built by the rich idiots won't take a direct hit by from a 10K to 100K tactical nuke and Putin has spent more than a year in the Ukrainian War showing us his missile guidance systems are accurate enough to hit those babies, even underground with hardened warheads with delayed detonation devices. Then, if Putin knows of one that is truly hardened, all he has to do is park a 100K tactical nuke right under their rich boy nukie shelter, it will create a huge pool of molten rock under the shelter, the upward force of the blast will weaken all soil and connections enough that the nukie shelter will fall into that pool of molten rock with the implosion that always follows an explosion, shutting off all possible escape routes out of the nukie shelter, while that molten rock roasts their stupid screaming butts. They are going to find out how lobsters feel being cooked alive.

People, that is one reason why the idiot upper class trash keep pushing Putin for a nuke war, they have put their faith in man to save their butts so they feel safe in causing a nuke war with Putin. They don't care about you getting fried and don't know that man can't save their stupid, arrogant butts.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they have made themselves fools," dead fools.

Lefty Media

Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty media tell you what the people who own them require those fake journalists to say?

In this video he gives you a couple of examples with the New York Times and Washington Post being owned by members of the upper class trash and their journalists coincidentally putting out obviously lefty biased propaganda that benefits those members of the upper class trash.

ALL of the lefty media do that, which is why you cannot blindly believe ANYTHING the lefty media tell you. You have to question EVERYTHING they tell you.

Sailboat Cruising

One thing I have noticed is that they are almost constantly fixing quite a bit of stuff on their boats with a lot of it being pretty serious. Almost every time they pull their boats out of the water for regular hull maintenance, such as repainting the hull, they find really major problems with things like leaks that cause rotting that destroys significant amounts of the boat structure and take a lot of time and money to fix.

Their boats SEEM to being doing just fine most of the time until they have to repaint their hulls because the paint wears off and then they find out that the boat needs other major repairs.

I was just watching one couple who only pulled out to repaint the hull only to find their rudder is seriously damaged from water and cold damage and now he found he has a rotted bulkhead he has to replace.

This happens to most of them when they "pull out" of the water. If you don't enjoy busting your butt fixing big projects on your boat on a regular basis, don't go salt water cruising. That salt water is very destructive.

UK Military

Remember that I have been telling you that all of the Western nations' forces have been reduced because of the greed of the upper class trash to where they would not do more than maybe slow down the Russian forces?

This video tells you about how much UK's military has been diminished by the greedy upper class trash sacking their military budget "to put that money elsewhere", you know, in their greedy pockets. Keep in mind that, right now, the UK military is the best military in Europe.

He gives you the numbers and tells you just how much weaker the UK forces are today than in 1991, at the fall of the Soviet Union. Keep in mind that he only hints at the equipment they do have is not all operational and ready for war because the military doesn't have enough money for parts and maintenance plus the UK recently admitted they only have enough artillery munitions to last one day and enough troops to last a week in a war with Russia.

And they insist on picking a fight with Russia? Do they have a death wish or what?

Oh yeah, a war between Russia and the US and probably try to keep at least some of their forces out of that fight along with the forces for the other 53 Common Wealth nations that would all be under the command of the King of England.


Remember that I have been warning you that the idiot lefties are forcing Putin to invade and conquer the US and Europe, especially with the morons issuing a warrant for Putin's arrest?

In this video Macgregor flat lays it out for you about how vulnerable the US and Europe are because of the stupidity of our upper class trash royals and their moron puppets and you better bet that Putin knows this even better than those upper class trash fools.

When those imbeciles issued a warrant for Putin's arrest, they signed their own death warrants. Putin simply CANNOT not conquer our nations and/or kill all of those human demons off because they won't stop until they are dead and they have proved that again and again.

Note that he states that the reason why Putin didn't stage his offensive in January was because the ground wasn't frozen enough but I told you that it was because Putin was using his cauldrons to wipe out all of the NATO forces and their munitions he could before he began his offensive and Putin has done an excellent job of that. When the West cannot present much resistance, that is when Putin will make his move and we are getting close to that.

He also still thinks that the problem is that the West betrayed Putin for regime change as the West's end game and he isn't dealing with why the West betrayed Putin, which was to get rid of Putin and Russia so the West could set up a global dictatorship and, until that has been stopped, Putin can't stop. The real problem is that the West refuses to give up on their global dictatorship because they are insanely obsessed with it and that is ultimately what MUST be dealt with to end this insanity and that requires that at least the worst of the lunatics must die because that is the ONLY way to stop them.

They still don't understand Putin and the problems he is dealing with because they either don't truly understand our evil leaders or don't want to admit the ugly truth about them.

At the very end, he tells you that the arrogance of the upper class trash is what has caused and is still causing our problems but our arrogant leaders are too stupid to learn that and stop it. Just like I have been telling you, they are the biggest problem in the world.

BTW, I am waiting for BRICS to soon put out a warrant for the arrest of the Western leaders and upper class trash after the Western nations have been conquered, especially for those leaders' crimes against humanity with all of their wars and economic and financial crimes.

Don't be surprised to see that happen because Putin is smart, two can play that game, and Putin knows how to use psychological warfare too.


I just saw a headline about people being surprised that someone is planning to arrest Trump on false charges.

I am surprised he is still alive and would not be surprised to see him die in custody for the left to get rid of him, you know, pull an Epstein.


Remember that I have been warning about China, Russia, and others like Latin America infiltrating people or troops into the US?

This video tells you that it is quickly getting much worse, especially for China, you know, when the tension is ramping up for WWIII.

Remember that I told you China is planning to invade the US, especially from the west and south?

That invasion is quietly taking place right now with the help of Afghan Joe.

He told you that he expects China to stage an attack on the US West Coast when she stages an attack into Taiwan. That attack would be to tie down US troops in the US and to continue their attack in the US.

Biden Crime Family

We have been watching the Biden Crime Family making money from other nations for favors using various shell games. This video shows you how they use other businesses as "shells" or "playing the shell game" to launder money into the Biden accounts. These are not just blatant criminal actions but are also treason.

I Told You So

People, me writing so many "I Told You So" essays should be a red flag telling you that all hell is already breaking loose and getting worse because of the upper class trash and it is going to get much worse before it gets better. All of the bad things I have been warning you about for decades are finally happening.

If you want to see tomorrow's news, go back and read yesterday's posts.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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