I Told You So 550


Remember that I told you that Britain is not a real democracy but is really a monarchy hiding behind a fake democracy because the head of the British Royal Family has final say over all laws and other government decisions and almost everyone in Parliament is a member of the British Royal Family?

Now all Britains are being REQUIRED to swear allegiance to King Charles, you know, just like in a monarchy but never like in a true democracy. Hint, hint.

I explained to you how the British Royals fooled the British people by setting up a fake democracy run by the royals for their family to hide behind and blame, when wrong was done or things went bad. Now that royal family is coming out of the closet to set up their global monarchy, they are requiring the people to pledge an allegiance to the monarchy.

For hundreds of years, the British Royals have played their own people for suckers and fools and most of those people are still falling for it, you know, just like a lot of Americans are being played for suckers and fools by the lefty American royals.

I just found out that the PM of Australia is going to swear allegiance to King Charles in spite of their plans to make Australia a republic, well, a fake republic ruled by the British Royal Family.

Charles is traveling to all of his Common Wealth nations to get their leaders to swear allegiance to him, making him their monarch and supreme leader. He is quietly reviving the British Empire with him as the absolute leader. It was their plan all along.

But I am seeing that many of the people in those nations, including Britain, are not seeing Charles as their supreme leader so the end game for the royals is also failing. Only 17 out of the 54 Common Wealth nations are so far showing support for King Charles.

The big thing is that the royals and their puppets arrogantly think they are smarter than they are and that everyone else is dumber than they are so the royals are consistently wrong in how other people react to their deceptions.


Remember that I have been telling you that Germany and France are showing signs of jumping ship on the US, UK, NATO, and the EU to avoid a war with Russia?

This video shows them doing just that. Scholz is openly telling everyone that he does not want a war with Russia.

Scholz and Macron may prevent Russia from invading Europe by jumping ship, except for maybe the UK. If the US and UK persist, Putin will still have to invade both of those nations to stop the insanity.

Ukrainian War

Remember that I told you that the Russian strikes taking place against newly arriving forces and their supplies could diminish the effect of Ukraine's offensive and possibly prevent it?

This video tells that the strikes probably prevented the offensive, which means Russia will soon stage its offensive.

I guess the Western leaders should have kept their fool mouths shut about the coming offensive the way we were trained to do during Nam?

This shows how stupid the upper class trash are with them failing at everything they are doing and then bragging about their plans so Russia can counter those plans.

"Hey, Putin, we are going to start shipping troops, weapons, fuel, and munitions into Eastern Ukraine for an offensive. See how many of them you can destroy before we can start our offensive."

Putin had been studying the supply routes for Ukraine during this war and knew where Ukraine had to ship their people and supplies to so all he had to do was watch, wait, and blow up the troops and supplies when they got there.

Do you believe me yet that the inbred, arrogant, stupid people are running the West?

Actually keep the offensive a secret so Putin would have to figure out there was going to be an offensive because of the troops and supplies arriving in position before he could do anything to stop them?

Nah, that would require intelligence and we know the upper class trash don't have any of that. They have been inbreeding too long to have an IQ.

Then I found this video showing how aggressively Russia is softening up the Ukrainian/NATO troops that are preparing for their "offensive". There may not be much of an offensive and it definitely won't overwhelm the Russian forces, you know, like 80,000 Ukrainian/NATO troops are going to overwhelm 750,000 Russian troops. This is nuts.

Do you believe me yet that the Western upper class trash royals are inbred lunatics?

Here is another video about Ukraine making excuses for delaying their offensive because of weather while Russia is staging their offensive, destroying Ukrainian/NATO troops and munitions and gaining ground, with the same weather.

Yeah, there probably won't be another Ukrainian/NATO offensive ever again.

Notice what they regularly referred to as "forests". There isn't much left there to hide in.

I have noticed that most of the news sites are making it look like Ukraine wiped out an entire oil facility when they only destroyed one tank out of about a dozen tanks of oil. Their deceptions are telling me how desperate the lefties are to win a war they cannot win. You just cannot believe anything the lefties say.

Then I found this video about the increasing artillery operations against Ukraine by Russia since the drone attack on Moscow. It looks like Putin has said, "enough", and is quickly ramping up for his offensive.

Notice several things in this video that are important intel. First, they tell you that Zelensky left Kyiv and is in the Netherlands, when he probably was not in Ukraine at all anyway because he sure got out fast, when the train trip from Kyiv to Poland is at least 9 hours.

Second, they keep saying so many "people" were killed and don't tell you how many were civilians and how many were soldiers so people will assume they were all civilians to make Putin look bad but you have to ask why no soldiers are getting killed. They are probably mostly soldiers and the media are trying to make it look like Russia is only killing civilians, when the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed and injured are so high.

Why would Putin waste so much munitions just killing civilians and not kill as many soldiers as he could with the same munitions? Do they really think Putin, who is kicking their butts, is so stupid?

You can bet that most of Russia's targets are military.

Then I found this video telling how the West has been trying to convince the small nation of Georgia on the Southern border of Russia to go to war against Russia to "open up a second front" because Ukraine is just about dead, with the promise that, if Georgia did, their rubble remains would gain membership to the EU.

Wow, what a deal!!! /sarc

People, this is sick and insane beyond belief because they were trying to get another nation to sacrifice them and their people to destroy Russia to get Russia out of the way of the insane and obsessed Western upper class trash royals setting up their global dictatorship in spite of it being known that the war the upper class trash caused in Ukraine against Russia has actually made Russia stronger, the West weaker, and Ukraine devastated.

"Hey, if it ain't working, do more of it!!!"

They are evil and nuts.

Do you believe me yet that Hell is a really good place to protect the good people from the satanic lefties, especially the inbred, insane upper class trash royals?

People, these evil, vile, upper class trash royals plan to murder off more than 7.5 billion people and destroy almost all of the planet so they can set up their satanic dictatorship over the survivors. They have to be the most evil people in history and eternal damnation is the only punishment good enough for holding them accountable for their crimes against God and you.

Do you believe me yet that the planet will be a better place with all of these evil lefties, especially the upper class trash royals, burning in Hell, where they can never again cause harm to anyone?

Rome II

Remember that I have been telling you that the West or Rome II is right now failing?

This video shows how bad and fast the US is falling, with most of that taking place in the lefty run blue cities and states. Those blue states are not failing alone because they are also taking down the red states because the inflation, crime, and everything else is spreading everywhere, tearing down all states at least some.

This is weakening and destroying the nation as a whole and a threat to the national security of all states and you can thank the lefty upper class trash for this.

God is permitting the left to use their woke and drag queen crap to chase out and deter the good people from being in the military so that, when Obama takes his army to invade Israel and cause the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39, it will be his pagans dying on that battlefield.

Remember that I have been telling you that increasing numbers of nations are turning against the West or Rome II?

This video shows you that very well. Only about 50 countries out of almost 200 nations are supporting the West now and it is getting smaller as more nations are adversely effected by the Ukrainian War and other Western agendas.

The idiots running the West are driving nations away from them to BRICS. The idiots are their own worst enemies and too stupid to realize it.

Biological Warfare

Remember that I have been telling you that this gain of function crap is just a con or cover for biological warfare labs?

This video tells you that the US alone has over 300 biowarfare labs scattered all over the planet because it is illegal to have biowarfare labs inside the US so they spread hundreds of biowarfare labs in less developed nations that need and appreciate the money those labs bring into their nations, you know, like China and Ukraine.

Gee, I wonder how the upper class trash royals were planning to depopulate most of the planet by murdering better than 7.5 billion people?

"Uh, we didn't do it, it was the bugs we created inside of our biowarfare labs."

Do you get the picture yet? Do you believe me yet that these people are very evil?

College Professors

Remember that I have been teaching you that the academe are some of the worst traitors and biggest causes of this mess?

Have you figured out yet why the banking industry is imploding?

Because the lefty academe taught those managers to manage banks so that, whenever the upper class trash want to destroy the banking industry, they will be able to easily do so.

Have you figured out why our economy and businesses are doing so poorly?

Because the lefty academe taught those managers to manage businesses and the economy so that, whenever the upper class trash want to destroy those businesses and the economy, they will be able to easily do so.

Have you figured out yet why our legal system is so screwed up?

Because their lefty college professors taught those attorneys to screw it up and destroy it so that, whenever the upper class trash want to seize control of our legal system, they can do so.

Have you figured out yet why our government is doing so poorly and causing so many problems?

Because their lefty college professors taught the politicians to mismanage the government so it will self destruct and take the nation with it.

Have you figured out yet why our military is such a mess?

Because their lefty college professors taught them to mismanage the US Military to destroy it so the upper class trash can set up their global dictatorship without much resistance from the military.

Everything the left is screwing up is because the lefty college professors taught their students to screw it up so the upper class trash royals can seize control of it whenever they want.


Remember that I have been teaching you that better than 90% of evolutionists believe there has to be a "higher intelligence" that caused evolution to happen so it would just be another form of creation?

This video shows you a few of the many reasons why they believe there had to be a higher intelligence to cause life to happen, even with evolution. It is simply scientifically impossible for life to have happened by accidence and coincidence, therefore, God MUST exist.

Even evolutionists believe life had to be caused by a higher intelligence, you know, a god being just like the Bible says. Yep, they have proved the Bible to be true about creation and refuse to admit it because, then they would have to accept that God is real, He lives, He exists, and we must live by His Laws and face judgment. They would much rather live by Satan's one law of "Do as you will" so they refuse to admit the truth, while lying to continue a bigger lie.

The only thing science has done is prove it is scientifically impossible for evolution by accident and coincidence to create the life forms we know or any part of them. Everything is so complex that it had to be designed and made to work the way it does.

If you don't believe me, go to college and study molecular biology and then tell me how all of that complexity happened by accident and coincidence. Just the simplest living cell happening by accidents and coincidence is many times more improbable than what science considers impossible. It never happened.

All evolutionists today believe what they want to believe and not because science proves it to be true and many of them convert to Christianity and creation science every year because it is just too obvious to them that evolution by accident and coincidence cannot happen, therefore life had to be caused by a creator being.

Stock Market

Remember how I taught you that the Stock Market was set up by French Royals hundreds of years ago to have better control of the farming and ranching industry, which is why it is called the "Stock Market", and has been expanded to include all big businesses and is terribly corrupt?

This video shows you how much more the upper class trash have corrupted the stock market to control all businesses even more by setting up their ESG program to control whether or not you will get investments from the different members of the upper class.

You either do as they say and play along with what they are doing or you don't get any investments for growth and development and can even be black listed.

Remember that I told you not to take your business public for short term increases in wealth but to keep it private to keep the upper class trash from seizing control of your business and using it for their agenda? Remember that I told you that all you have to do to control a publically held business is to own just 15% of their stocks and he points out that is what Black Rock did?

He also shows you how they give extra control and power to the upper class trash by issuing two different classes of stocks where the upper class trash have the voting rights and powers. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

He tells you how the upper class trash have organized things and groups to have better control over everything. Yes, they really do conspire to commit their crimes against you and they have very extensive meetings in these groups to plan out what they want to do to you to control you. He even named some of the bigger such groups that are being used to control you, which need to be done away with to decrease their control over you.

We need to do away with the Stock Market because it has become too corrupt and powerful giving the upper class trash royals control over ALL publically held businesses and their industries. The Stock Market has made it too easy for the upper class trash royals to increase their power and control over everything.

I warned you about this corruption. It is amazing how much your learn about the upper class trash corruption just getting an M.B.A. Hey, I am trained to manage all of their corruption.

Do you believe me yet how evil these upper class trash royals and their puppets really are?

They spend all of their time plotting and planning to set up their evil global dictatorship to murder off better than 95% of you.

Do you understand why they are working so hard and are so determined to get rid of Putin to get him out of their way of their evil plans against you?

Have you noticed how these intellectually superior upper class trash plans keep backfiring on them? Maybe they are not as smart as they like to think they are and you are not as dumb as they like to think you are?

As long as you get good intel so you know what is going on, you can keep making good counter moves against them, which is why God has me writing this blog for you.

Man plans, God laughs.

US Slavery

Remember that I told you more than a decade ago that the upper class trash, especially the Commierats and RINOs, are making money from the smuggling into the US and it isn't just the drugs but also human trafficking?

People, trafficking in humans is slavery and the upper class trash are doing it right now. They didn't quit slavery because the Republicans made it illegal following the US Civil War; they just changed the name to "Human Trafficking" and the way they use the slaves to keep making more and more money at other people's expense. They are pure evil and will burn forever.

This video shows you some of that slavery and the way it works. The upper class trash probably own but are at least working with the Mexican cartels with their crimes and getting kickbacks in the profits, which are huge.

Remember that I told you that the US Navy told Congress in 1975 that they could stop all of the smuggling into the US in just 3 months and the Commierat controlled Congress and the RINO President Ford IMMEDIATELY passed and signed a bill forbidding the US Military to try to stop smuggling into the US because it was not their job?

It is because the lefty upper class trash royals and their puppets are making billions of dollars from the smuggling, especially the drugs and slave market called human trafficking and that is the ONLY reason why we have not stopped the smuggling yet, especially with the technology we already had in the 1970s.

You want to know why the US borders are so open?

Go check the upper class trash royals' and their puppets' offshore bank accounts. That will tell you everything. The upper class trash and their puppets are the greatest criminal organization in history, by far. They are all above the law because they own the law. There isn't anything good about any of these evil monsters, which is why they MUST burn forever to prove God is just. Words cannot describe how horrible they are. If you can think of a crime that can be committed against humans, they are committing that crime.

These evil things cannot surprise me anymore because they surprised me too many times over more than half a century and I have studied too much of their evil history. They are horrid and evil monsters who will not deserve and will not get mercy on Judgment Day. They have earned the right to burn forever in the Lake of Fire and you will find that out on Judgment Day.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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