I Told You So 554

Pure Evil

I had to think about this video for a moment and realized that everyone needs to know about stuff like this. What he is exposing is an international kill list to get rid of anyone who exposes the ugly truth about the Ukrainian War. (This isn't the left's only kill list.)

It is funded by the CIA, National Endowment for Democracy, International Renaissance Fund, Ukraine branch of the Open Society run by George Soros and others. You can even donate to it directly.

Most of those organizations are nonprofit front organizations for moving money around to front organizations like this kill list to commit crimes, while protecting those paying others for committing those crimes. It is called a shell game and I was trained to manage them.

Remember that I told you years ago that Soros is funded by a British Lord who is funded by the head of the British Royal Family, which shows you how evil the bad royals are. Instead of sending people out to murder people the way they used to, you know, for thousands of years, they have developed shell games like this to pay others to murder others for them so that the royals are still murdering people like they have been doing for thousands of years, they just created a buffer system to hide behind to protect themselves.

What? You mean the royals are not as nice and wonderful as they have taught you to believe?

Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash royals and their puppets are evil monsters?

And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

And I bet most of you thought that the royals couldn't possibly be as bad as they used to be, right?

They are still evil monsters, they have just gotten better at hiding it from you.

Then they told you that the "whole West is corrupt", you know, the upper class trash royals and their puppets. That is just how horribly corrupt and evil these people really are, they murder people who tell the ugly truth about them.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often. We really need God to intervene and stop this evil to protect His people.

BTW, I went to that kill list web site but couldn't find out how to see it in English.

And you think Obama won't nuke Chicago? Really?

You better bet he knows about this and has used similar kill lists to murder people.

Do you get the picture yet? And you think the upper class trash are not Nazis?

You just know that Satan is so very proud of these lefty criminals.

Do you understand why God will eternally incarcerate these evil monsters in Hell and the Lake of Fire to protect you? Do you believe me yet that, for that reason, Hell is a good place for good people because it protects them from bad people?

When these people doing these things finally make it into Hell, none of them will ever again murder anyone else and that is very good.

Think about how savage these things are to in any way be part of murdering good people to protect their evil. They are all brutal, cruel, savages and there are tens of millions of them globally. People, these evil things are literally waging war against you and murdering you.

Remember that I taught you that almost all royals are members of the occult, especially Luciferians and Satanists?

Do you better understand why Jesus said, "it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man (royal) to get into Heaven"?

These evil monsters only pretend to be civilized to cover for their evil crimes. It is this kind of evil that God destroyed with the global flood we call Noah's Flood and God will soon destroy again with the battles of Ezekiel and Armageddon.

This tells me that, if I did get my own planet with just true Christians, it wouldn't last more than a few generations because Satan's spawn would take it over as soon as they could, you know, just like they quickly took over Noah's planet following the flood with just God's people.

I can't treat animals the way they treat humans.

British Royal Family

Remember that I have been telling you that it is the British Royal Family of the UK who are in control of and running this international global dictatorship racket and they are using the US royals to use the US as their front in causing this mess?

This video shows you that is exactly what is going on because member of the British Royal Family and former British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, flew from the UK to Texas in the US, at the bidding of the US royals, to tell the US Republicans that they better get on board with what ye ole British Royals want concerning the war in Ukraine.

It can't get any more obvious than that, people. The British Royal Family is hiding behind a fake democracy to run the UK and is using the US, by way of its family members and their puppets in the US in control of the Democratic Party as its front and proxy, to do their evil deeds in the world including setting up their global dictatorship.

Do you believe me yet that it is the British Royal Family that is trying to set up their global dictatorship and murder off more than 7.5 billion people?

Putin knows this very well, which is why he keeps threatening the UK for what the UK and US are doing in the Ukrainian War because Putin knows that the UK uses the Commierat Party to run the US now. The Democratic Party should change their name to the British Royal Family Party and Afghan Joe does what the British Royal Family tell him to do, which is why they rigged the election to get puppet Afghan Joe elected in 2020.

It wasn't the Russians who rigged the election, it was the British Royal Family and their traitor puppets.

You need to understand that, as long as the Commierats control the US Government, the British Royal Family has their American colonies back.

Do you get the picture yet?

Jimmy completely misses Johnson being the one giving the US Republicans their marching orders because he is so focused on the US Military industry run by the royals instead of focusing on the royals who own and run the military industry.

Do you see how the royals confuse and distract people to keep most people from realizing it is the royals running everything?

Did you notice that Johnson told the cowering Republicans that Ukraine is going to win the war?

It is because the Royals are so determined to get their global dictatorship they believe they can use Ukraine to beat Putin, which is why the British Royals keep escalating the war. They are determined to win at any cost to you.

They think that they are so much smarter than Putin that Putin doesn't dare attack them and will only destroy Ukraine. They believe and tell everyone else that Putin is just bluffing.

"Why, he doesn't dare kill the British Royal Family! We are satanic pagan gods."

Do you understand why most of the other European leaders are afraid to buck the royals, especially when they murder people who resist the orders of the royals, you know, like the royals have been doing for more than 3,500 years, just murdering whomever they want?

Those leaders are not resisting the US but the British Royals.

Do you now understand why Putin knows he has to nuke the UK and kill the British Royal Family to end this mess?

You have to understand that it isn't just Charlie and his close family but the entire British Royal Family in the UK plus others running the US, many of whom you never see or hear about. King Charles is just the CEO of their criminal organization or family. It also shows you that Johnson is a very high level member of the British Royal Family, which is why the US traitors called him in to set the Republicans straight. They probably complained to Charlie and he sent Boris.

This should tell you that the British Royals are NOT going to quit and Putin knows it. The only thing that will stop them is death and they know that, for them, it is do or die now. If they fail to set up their global dictatorship one way or another right now, it will probably be at least 50 to 100 years before they will have another chance to set it up. That is why they are so desperate they are exposing themselves to you.

With the UK royals increasingly and publically taking the lead in destroying Russia, that is the British Royals telling the American Royals, "Get out of our way and we will show you how to do it right." They are telling you with their actions how desperate they are.

People, the royals, especially but not only the British Royals have almost completely disarmed Europe, UK, and US to get what they want, which is to destroy Russia so the royals can set up their global dictatorship. They are placing a bet that they can completely destroy Russia with Ukraine as their proxy to prevent Russia invading and destroying their nations to stop them.

You better bet that the British Royals will COMPLETELY disarm all of Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and the US to get what they want. All they care about is what THEY want.

Do you believe me yet that they are inbred crazy?

God is taking His time to make sure you all know this so please wake up.

Remember that man plans, God laughs.


Remember that they told us very early in this war that Russia moved some nukes into Belarus near Poland and also near Finland but everyone has forgotten?

Putin is finally getting really ticked and ramping up for a nuke war. This video tells us that he just moved more nukes into Belarus near the Polish border, you know, after positioning 18 nuke armed bombers near Finland and a new nuke sub in the Pacific near the US along with the other troops Putin has been building up near Alaska, Poland, Finland, and in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans for years.

It is amazing that the media and most people so quickly forget such things. If you forget the dots, you can't connect them and the royals know that.

Note that the video tells you that those missiles are short to medium range missiles, you know, for hitting targets in Europe like London, Paris, and Berlin.

Notice that they said that Putin announced in March those nukes would be moved to Belarus, meaning that he has been planning and ramping up for this nuke war for some time, telling us that he knew the West would not quit trying to destroy Russia so they can set up their global dictatorship.

What Putin has been doing is taking his time to systematically destroy the Western forces and their weapons before he goes to war against the West. He is doing his best to stack the deck against the West so Russia has the best possible chance of winning.

Putin's actions are telling us that he is getting ready to go into Europe and the US to eliminate and stop the Germans, French, the British Royals, and the US. Every day, we get one day closer.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often because we really need it. You better get right with God or He will not hear your prayers and come to your aid.

Remember that it was the royals who put your ancestors in dungeons for the slightest reason and brutally tortured them for the meanness of it; it was the royals who owned all of the slaves including your ancestors regardless of color; it was the royals who impoverished your ancestors to live lives of luxury because your ancestors owned nothing and the royals owned everything; it was the royals who caused all of the wars, killing your ancestors so they could fight each other for more wealth and power, and it is the royals who now own all of the major corporations, organizations, governments, and banks and they MUST have more, which is why they are trying desperately to set up their global dictatorship so you can once again own nothing so they can own everything again.

Do you believe Jesus yet, when He said that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich (royals) to get into Heaven?

A lot of people are about to die because of the power obsession of the royals like has been going on for thousands of years. They never quit.

I just found out that UK is giving Ukraine more advanced drones to use against Russia inside Russia. They are publically telling Ukraine to not use those weapons inside Russia so Russia won't attack them but it is obvious they are giving Ukraine those weapons to use inside Russia. They think they are outsmarting Putin but Putin isn't buying it.

The British Royals must be desperate to win the war in Ukraine because they are being more and more obvious, being more aggressive, and being more demanding and forceful with everyone else, you know, like telling US Republicans to do what they are told to do. God is using their desperation to expose them for the animals they are.

You think the royals are not satanic?

I read that French Royal, Newsom got upset when Target stores pulled their Satan marketing program. God is exposing more and more about these human demons.

Eyes Open

Here is something to keep an eye on. They may be letting crime get out of hand to justify them using advanced control technology to keep an eye on you, while claiming it is to protect you.

It is similar to what they did by taking your rights and freedoms away from you to "protect you" from COVID.

Keep an eye on it.

I am also seeing increasing numbers of disinformation channels popping up on YouTube, especially for Ukraine. They keep saying that Ukraine is winning the war. They are obviously being funded and put together to deceive you. Be careful what you believe anywhere anymore because they are losing the intel war because their lies are now being proved wrong and they are getting desperate. They are trying to overwhelm the truth tellers with increasing numbers of liars.

Interesting Move

I just found out that Afghan Joe is building two big US Military bases in Iraq.

Is this the upper class trash setting up their personal security for living in Mystery Babylon, Iraq? Is the upper class trash about to start building and move to Mystery Babylon?

Keep an eye on that.


Remember that I have been telling you that it looks like Germany has been playing with the idea of jumping the NATO/EU ship and making buds with Russia?

Germany just went into a recession and it looks like they are considering making buds with Russia to save their economy. Germany is the biggest economy in Europe and, if she goes, most of the rest will go.

Keep an eye on that.

From what I am seeing, the British Royals are so obsessed with their insane global dictatorship that, even if Germany, France, and Italy go, the UK and US won't stop their insanity. They are so power mad they will keep forcing Russia into a nuclear war.

It looks like Putin has to take out the royals in the UK and probably also in the US.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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