I Told You So 555

Sports Fraud

You people really need to go to college and study law and I want to know where our worthless attorneys are when they are needed by the people to protect the people from criminals.

BTW, do you know that you can file charges against people who commit crimes against you?

When you pretend to be someone or something you are not to take advantage of other persons, that is called fraud and you are defrauding them out of what is rightfully theirs, making you a felon, AND everyone who helps you commit your crime is aiding and abetting you in committing that crime and it makes them complicit and an accomplice in the crime. That is basic law.

Also, if you cross a state border before or after committing the crime, it makes that crime a federal felony, making everyone who is an accomplice in the crime a federal felon.

These men pretending to be women to steal athletic victories or anything else from the women are committing fraud and defrauding those women out of what is rightfully theirs so they are felons and, since most of them cross state borders to commit their crimes, they are federal felons and everyone who in any way aids and abets them in committing their crimes is also a federal felon.

The people who are accomplices because they are aiding and abetting the criminals in committing fraud and defrauding the women out of what is rightfully theirs include, but are not limited to, everyone in the sports governing body who permits the frauds to commit their crimes, the schools, the coaches, the media that encourage and support the fraud, the college professors and teachers who teach them and encourage them to commit fraud, and any and all protestors who show support for the criminals to commit their crimes against the women.

EVERYONE who is aiding and abetting them in ANY WAY is a criminal.

These women, their coaches, their families, and their schools should all be filing charges against these criminals for their crimes and, once it has been proven that they committed fraud, you know, by the US Supreme Court, they should litigate everyone involved in committing those crimes for damages.

That pathetic jerk who has been pretending to be a woman to "win" women's swimming events, defrauding women out of what is rightfully theirs, has committed enough crimes to probably put him away for life.

One such successful case will bring down that lefty house of cards like it got hit by the planet Jupiter. Everyone else will realize that they can also go to jail for their crimes and be litigated for damages and they will stop, one way or the other.


Remember that I have been telling you that, when one or more significant nations in the EU/NATO jump ship and make buds with Russia, others will follow?

This video shows that Hungary just jumped ship and is being rewarded by Putin building Hungary a nuclear power plant. AND the EU has approved Russia building the power plant for Hungary.

The lefty dam has cracked with the first big leak starting to let water out and I am wondering who will be next?

Keep an eye on that because this is super huge. There goes ye ole royal global dictatorship.

I am rolling on the floor laughing in tears.


Remember that I have told you that the Muslims wage war against each other all of the time and have been fighting each other for 1,400 years? Remember that I told you that better than 90% of the Muslims killed are killed by other Muslims?

Most of this has been between Shiite and Sunni Muslims because neither side accepts the other side as being true Muslims because of their difference in beliefs but there is even conflict between sects within those two major sects.

This video shows you that the Shiite Muslims in the Taliban are waging war against the Iranian government, which is run by Shiite Muslims.

Also remember that the Taliban Muslims are waging war against the Pakistan Muslims and that the Shiite Muslims in Yemen are waging war against the Sunni Muslims in Yemen and Saudi Arabia and that the Muslims in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan are waging war against each other.

Plus they all wage war against all non Muslims and, if they ever quit fighting each other, the rest of the world will be in big trouble.

Keep an eye on this.


Remember how I keep telling you how bad China's economy really is?

This video shows you even more about how terrible China's economy is. It also shows you that you shouldn't trust economists and big corporations like Black Rock concerning investments they will be selling to you to get out of before they decline.

I told you years ago that the upper class trash will tell you to invest in something so they can sell out of it to you before it goes bust, with you taking the loss and not them.

I also warned you that China would start taking down the upper class trash as soon as they felt it safe for them to do it and he tells you that China is now arresting foreign executives and taking their money.

Gee, who would have figured?


Here is some more interesting information about the royals and their inbreeding in this video I have been warning you about and I have been studying this for decades.

She starts out talking about the Hapsburgs but note that she started including a lot of information about the rest of the royals concerning inbreeding.

Question: with his research showing that inbreeding was bad, why did Charles Darwin marry his first cousin?

Because he was a royal just like I told you and was expected to marry her so he did what he was told to do by other royals. At that time, only the royals went to college and were academe. They wouldn't let some lowly peasant in their universities.

Note some of the problems she pointed out about the royals that were caused by inbreeding and that is the short list. Note that she pointed out that, as I said, their inbreeding often causes insanity and lower intelligence and she even pointed out that one of them only had an IQ of less than 50 with an average IQ being between 85 and 115, which explains their insane and stupid behaviors going on right now.

Those forcing all of their tyranny on you are telling you that they are inbred nuts and stupid and should not be managing anything, much less the entire planet.

Note how many hundreds of years ago the royals began having these inbred problems and they are still heavily inbreeding. Think about that and how much worse their intelligence and insanity has to be today. That is why they are so insanely obsessed with ruling the world and killing you off today. They are inbred bonkers mad because they have all been sharing the same DNA for thousands of years within just 3% of the total population.

Do you get the picture yet?

One problem they had and still have is that they develop the blood disorder, hemophilia, where they cannot stop bleeding and quite a few of them bled to death from minor injuries.

She also pointed out that they were more inbred more than the common public by showing how the royals had the problems caused by inbreeding much more than the common people. I have not been exaggerating their inbreeding.

Do you believe me yet that having more money does not mean you are more intelligent because the royals prove that all of the time?

She also shows you a little about how the religious rulers like the Pope, Vatican, bishops, priests, and others were also royals just like I told you. Everyone in any position of power, authority, or responsibility was a royal.

It is like I told you that any position that had power and required being able to read, write, and do math was always held by a royal so that their academe and many others were all royals. That is why and how they have been able to revise history to make themselves look much better than they were and hide most of their blatant crimes; they were the ones who wrote their own history and were not about to teach you the ugly truth about themselves, which is why the royals control the most important media today.

That is also why all of the rich were royals until today, when almost all of the rich are royals and their academe started calling the richest of them "oligarchs" so you wouldn't realize they are almost all royals.

Note that one thing she was taught to do was to only focus on incest as being inbreeding so that, if they didn't marry siblings, their parents, their children, or first cousins, it isn't considered inbreeding in spite of the fact that they were all part of the same family that had been sharing the same genes for thousands of years. They were still inbreeding, just not as badly so they were less likely to produce obvious mutations.

She even shows you some of their insanity like sleeping with and kissing the rotting, stinking corpse of their spouse and they were that nuts hundreds of years ago. If you really study the history of the royals, you regularly see such insanity.

They created orphanages to get rid of their worst children without having to kill them because they were superstitious and later made abortions legal to get rid of them before they were born. That is what abortion is really all about.

Note that she focused on the royals that ruled and then she showed how some of their heavily inbred children married into other branches of the European Royal Family and they are all still using those very bad genes today, which is the main reason why we have had all of the wars, oppression, slavery, poverty, and other problems caused by the royals for thousands of years.

Note that she said Charles suffered from epilepsy, which has the following symptoms: temporary confusion, staring spells, stiff muscles, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of consciousness or awareness, psychological symptoms such as fear, anxiety or deja vu and he ruled a nation and passed those genes onto his heirs you know, just like today's royals.

Also note that their inbred problems got worse with age.

She points out that the English royal he almost married was his first cousin and how many royals from other branches were also first and second cousins. This is a great channel because she teaches you a lot of stuff about the royals that you won't get in school.

She even shows you how their inbred insanity caused them to wage war against their own family for power because inbreeding also increases violent tendencies. Most of them are all screwed up but their media keep it well hidden, you know, like with Afghan Joe's problems. "Why, it is just his age".

Note that she tells you about the "inbreeding coefficient" and, with him being severely inbred, it was only about 25% and almost all of today's royals are between 3% and 25%.

Do you see why they use that instead of just admitting that they are all 100% inbred because they have been using the same gene pool for thousands of years?

Keep in mind that she was focused on one tiny branch of the European Royal Family but she did mention some of the rest of the branches also being almost so heavily inbred.

After they finally learned about genetics in the early 1900s, they began to marry more distant members of the royal family to keep them all from going extinct but they are still inbreeding and it is catching up to them more and more with time. They stopped marrying first cousins so much and began marrying more distant cousins but still sharing those damaged genes that cause low intelligence and insanity, which is why we have the terrible problems they are causing today.

Do you believe me yet?

If not, go to college and study biology. They are not all nuts but most of the ones who migrate into positions of power and control are nuts.

I hope you realize that stupid and crazy people are going to be easier for Satan and his demons to persuade to do bad things? Did you know that most crazy people think they are the sane people?

People, I have told you and proved to you a number of times that most of the people who own and control most of the top businesses, industries, media, entertainment, universities and government education, and governments are royals and they are not going to tell you that most of their family is inbred nuts; besides, they think they are sane and intelligent and you are nuts and stupid in spite of their many failed great sounding stupid ideas.

Why else do they believe that doing more of what has failed will eventually work?

That is irrational and out of touch with reality, which is the definition for insanity.

Note that all royals in all nations on all continents inbred heavily to maintain control of their kingdoms for their families. It is just that the Euro-American royals are in control now and are deceptively trying to set up a global dictatorship to kill you all off because of their inbred insanity and you need to know about them. They are the single greatest threat on the planet.

So, why are there so many royals today, especially Euro-American Royals?

For thousands of years before the European blue blood Royals became so inbred that they began to die off, especially their children (the more distant relatives didn't have the die off problem as bad), they had really huge families with anywhere from about 8 to more than 20 children per couple, just like all people did. Until recently, almost everyone had big families. My great grandmother had 14 children and that was considered pretty normal back then.

For example, the Kennedy family of JFK had about 8 to 10 kids in the 1930s.

Let's do a little math as an example to show you how huge their families got and how fast. Keep in mind that a few hundred years ago the Royals began calling all but the blue bloods commoners to deceive people into not knowing how many royals there really are and who they are but they still keep track of those family members for marrying purposes.

The two best examples of that were Princes Diana and Princes Meghan, who were both called commoners until after they married and it was revealed that they were royal cousins to their blue blood Royal husbands.

Let's say we start with a royal couple and use the very conservative number of children of just 10 kids per couple. They would start out marrying siblings like our ancestors did following the flood and then, when possible, start marrying cousins. We also assume that half of the offspring will be male and half will be female for simplicity sake.

Their 10 children marry into 5 families that have 10 children each for 50 children, who marry into 25 families that have 10 children each for 250 children, who marry into 125 families that have 10 children each for 1,250 children, who marry into 625 families that have 10 children each for 6,250 children, who marry into 3,125 families that have 10 children each for 31,250 children, who marry into 15,625 families that have 10 children each for 156,250 children, who marry into 78,125 families that have 10 children each for 781,250 children, who marry into 390,625 families that have 10 children each for 3,906,250 children in just 9 generations or about 300 to 400 years or about 4,000 years ago and remember that they inbred like that for more than 4,000 years AND many of those families had from 10 to 20+ children each.

You see that my estimates of tens to hundreds of millions of royals after 4,400 years of inbreeding are very conservative and I keep it that way because they killed each other off a fair amount. If their inbreeding had not caused them to be so greedy, power mad, stupid, insane, and violent, we would probably have at least a few billion royals today without them breeding outside of the Royal Family.

Remember that those numbers got that big really fast from just one couple in just a few hundred years and 4,400 years ago they started with just 3 couples and we now have more than 8 billion people, even after thousands of years of wars, plagues, and other things killing hundreds of millions of people. My estimates are very conservative.

Do you believe me yet?


Remember that I have been telling you about Russia's ECM and EW?

This video reveals that it is worse than I thought.

I told you guys about Russia's EW and ECM because I could tell it was happening. When you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

Their EW and ECM is much, much better than it was when we played with the Soviet Union like a cat plays with a mouse. Once they got out from under that very restrictive communism, their warfare technology took off and they caught us partly because our greedy upper class trash have been sacking our military budget in a number of ways, holding our progress back and now they are playing with us like a cat plays with a mouse.

I always see people talking about how fast weapons systems move or turn or fire but the most important thing in modern warfare is the EW and ECM, how well do they work and how well can you create countermeasures to their countermeasures and we are losing the fight right now because of the greed and corruption of the upper class trash. Russia's stuff is impressive.

Keep an eye on this because it is crucial.

Over 330 UAVs brought down per day?

They can't sustain that loss rate long.

Here is something that you better keep an eye on and is an easy prediction for an ECM weenie. The US forces use an EW communications system called Aegis to coordinate all weapons systems and I have been concerned about someone someday being able to jam it because, if they do, they can completely stop our planes, ships, tanks, artillery, and other weapons systems using it and crush us because our weapons systems cannot work without it. It would be like jabbing our troops using those weapons in the eyes.

If we send our weapons over there that use it, Russia will quickly learn to jam it and put those weapons systems and our other weapons systems out of business, you know, like the F-16.

I have been concerned about this and watching it for years because I know how to beat it.


Remember that I told you years ago that God gave me a dream in which Obama was giving a speech in the front of an auditorium and, when he finished, he turned to his left to leave the stage to go invade Israel and, as he left, the front rows of blacks stood up to follow him to invade Israel and then some rows behind them stood up, that was all lefty whites who had been subjugated to the blacks, to follow and invade Israel?

You watch this video and it should tell you that the lefty upper class trash are using blacks to subjugate lefty whites to do whatever they are told to do, just like the dream said would happen. That dream is in progress right now with the lefty whites being subjugated.

Those angry, arrogant blacks in that video are the blacks from my dream and the clearly lefty whites in that dream were subjugated and intimidated by the blacks.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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