I Told You So 566

Communist Weapons

Remember that I told you about the lack in quality of weapons for communist countries because they don't want anyone to think for themselves?

This video is about a North Korean missile landing in Russian waters because its navigational system sucks.

North Korea: "Hey, we gots ICBMs, dey cain't hit nuttin' buts we gots em."

Gee, what a magic coincidence. The communist Soviet Union weapons were inaccurate, the communist Chinese weapons are inaccurate, and the communist North Korean weapons are inaccurate.

Maybe it has something to do with oppressive communism?

That is especially true now that Russia has been out from under communism for one third of a century and they have some of the best weapons in the world. They have proven again and again that they can park those babies right in your pocket.


The West is seeing what they want to see about Putin and Ukraine; they are delusional.

For example, Putin threatened that, if Finland and Sweden joined NATO, there would be trouble but, so far, there is no trouble so the West is being encouraged by that, thinking Putin is afraid of them and just talking the talk, you know, how he did concerning sending forces into Ukraine.

They are not even considering that he may not have done anything YET? Maybe he is waiting until the Ukrainian War is over to do something? Maybe he is planning to take care of that during WWIII?

Because of that, their logic is that Putin won't do anything concerning Ukraine becoming a member of NATO so the West is literally and arrogantly flaunting Putin by promising to definitely make Ukraine a member of NATO and, therefore, going to war against Russia. Russia not making a move YET is making them believe that Putin is weak and afraid and, therefore, Putin is just bluffing about a nuke war.

Putin not advancing in Ukraine and only holding his position to destroy Ukrainian and NATO troops is being seen by the Western upper class trash as Putin being weak and afraid and not him being smart, which is why his traps keep working.

There is the strong possibility that Putin is not advancing in part to make the West think that he is weak and afraid to encourage them to start WWIII and send their troops into his traps.

Is this another sucker punch by Putin and will the West fall for it too?

Probably. It is definitely emboldening them and causing them to step even closer to start WWIII. They are now so encouraged that they are chomping at the bit to start WWIII because they have convinced themselves that they can easily either win WWIII against Russia or back Russia down into submission.

All of this arrogant bravado will make it even easier for Putin to stage a surprise nuke attack because they all believe, "Putin would never attack us with nukes because he is afraid to."

And, if they are wrong?

They die.

Z boy is telling the West what they want to hear, you know, just like their worthless generals, that Russia "is fighting tooth and nail" in spite of the fact that Putin still has not gotten most of his troops involved in the shooting war yet. Those troops are sitting back in the first, second, and third defense lines picking their teeth and nails.

Maybe that is what Z boy means by fighting tooth and nail?

None of them are being objective and looking at all of the facts. They are seeing they are gaining a little ground and see that as winning in spite of the super heavy losses and not where Russia is increasingly gaining ground. They see and believe what they want to see and believe and spin it as them winning. They believe their own lies.

BTW, Prigozhin has "gone missing" so some of our experts are saying that he is probably dead. They just don't get it, do they? They are being played and are too arrogant and stupid to admit it.

My first thought is, "What new sleight of hand is Putin up to now? Is Putin stationing Prigozhin at the Belarus/Polish border with other troops for a surprise attack on France, you know, after invading Poland and Germany?"

Listen, when Putin went into Ukraine, he did a surprise preemptive attack against one weak country and you better bet he will do a surprise preemptive attack against the US, UK, Europe, and Canada. He is not going to give any advance warning and you better bet that all of this inner Russian drama is to cover for what is coming but the West is so arrogant they don't get it because they don't want to get it but they will.

ALWAYS prepare for the worst and pray for the best and, that way, you don't get any bad surprises and only get good surprises. If you are ready for their worst, you will crush anything less.

Listen, Putin told us he has a "kill list" so I believe he is just adding names to his kill list for when he makes his move. Just because he is not doing anything today does not mean he won't do something later plus he always likes to plan things out in advance. Putin is not going to compromise his plans to scare the lefty upper class trash royals. They will be plenty scared when he starts nuking the crap out of their upper class homes.

BTW, Iran attacking oil tankers in the Gulf is Iran tying up US troops in that area so it will be easier for Russia and China to defeat the US elsewhere. The US is sending F-16s to the Gulf to protect those tankers. Those F-16s won't be used against Russia or China. Keep an eye on that.

Then I found this video telling you a little more about how bad the Ukrainian offensive has gone. They lost 20% of their weapons and 30% of their German Leopard tanks in the first few weeks and cut it back to 10% since then, probably in part because they had 20% fewer troops to attack Russia with.

Also, the biggest change in tactics was that, in some places, they quit using armored vehicles for their attacks and started using just infantry so they only lost infantry.

I keep seeing YouTube and news organizations telling us that Ukraine is winning and crushing Russia. I have one question for them.

If Ukraine is crushing Russia, why is the West unhappy and unsatisfied with Ukraine's offensive? Do they not want Ukraine to crush Russia like they have been saying they want?

Diet Coke

They are now saying that research shows that Diet Coke is linked to cancer. Surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

About two decades ago researched showed that the sugar replacer, aspartame, which is used in diet, low sugar, and no sugar foods like Diet Coke to make them taste sweet was causing cancer, which is only one of a number of reasons I do not ingest any foods that are diet, no sugar, low sugar, low fat, no fat, low salt, and no salt. I have warned you about this a number of times over the last few decades.

They have known for decades that the chemicals they use to replace the sugar, fat, and salt to enhance the taste cause things like cancer but they have bribed the lefty media and others to keep it quiet so they could make tens of billions of dollars in using those chemicals. Hey, they began planning to murder you all off any way back in 1947 to "depopulate their planet" so they don't have to share it with very many of you peasants so why not make tens to hundreds of billions of dollars murdering you off? Why spend money to murder you off when they can make money murdering you off?

Look, your body uses salt, sugar, and fat and they are not harmful to you unless you consume too much of them in relation to how much you use with your daily activities. If you don't get enough of them, it will kill you so consume them at a moderate level, while exercising at a moderate level and you will be alright.

Come to think of it, you use salt in the "sodium pump" in your nerve and brain cells for them to work right and lefties are really big about using low and no salt foods so their brains won't function right. You know that is not a coincidence.

Maybe they should test lefties for their salt blood level before they let them vote? Are the stupid people suffering from Hyponatremia or low salt blood level?

Now that is an interesting thought.

Then I posted this on FB:

"Most people don't know it but your body needs salt for the "sodium pumps" to make your nerve and brain cells to function right, lefties are big on eating no and low salt foods so their brain cells would not be getting enough salt to function right, and I am now wondering if the stupid people, you know, the lefties, are suffering from Hyponatremia or low salt blood level, which is causing their brains to not function right?

Now that is an interesting thought and would make a good research project.

Are lefties stupid because they are not getting enough salt for their brain cells to function right?

An interesting coincidence is that this lefty stupidity got really bad shortly after the chemical companies began lying and scaring everyone into not consuming salt "because it causes high blood pressure", which later research proved is not true, so the people would use their salt replacement chemicals instead of salt.

So, is it the lefties not getting enough salt for their brain cells to work right in conjunction with the effects of the salt replacement chemicals on their bodies causing their stupidity or is it more genetics?

Probably some combination of the two."

I would love to see that research. So that is my scientific hypothesis on why lefties are so stupid.


It really kills me that most people accept that evolution is undoubtedly true with them constantly changing their theories because they have not proved one significant thing right about evolution and have actually, secretly proved it simply could not happen by accident and coincidence.

Satan's lefty brainwashing, even among many Christians, is almost complete. Most of them will blindly believe anything they are told by their human gods, even if it contradicts something else they were told by those same gods. "I seen it on TeeBee, it gots tuh be true."

I am convinced that the lefties are not capable of thinking for themselves. They are like a bunch of stupid computers who can only think what they are programmed to think.

They make my brain hurt.

The trouble is that, if I showed up at a meeting with all of the top upper class trash royal criminals and told them the truth about how evil they are, they would just do like they have done throughout history, they would must murder me like they did all other prophets for thousands of years. They don't want to hear the ugly truth about themselves and they don't want you to hear it either. That is why they censor the truth; they despise the truth.

Here is Something to Watch

I expect Pence to lose in the GOP primary and then run as an independent to draw votes away from Trump to keep him from winning.

I don't trust that man at all.

Also, the real reason why the West is trying to get Asia to join NATO is to pull them into the war with Russia because they are much better armed and ready for war than Europe. So the West is trying to start a war with Russia, while using Asia to fight that war to save Europe's butts because they pillaged their militaries to get more wealthy. They are trying to use and play Asia for suckers.

The West does not care that, if Asia sends troops to fight Russia, China will take advantage of it to invade the Asian nations.

Remember that, if Asian nations are members of NATO and the West starts a war with Russia, those Asian nations will be REQUIRED to fight in that war with the rest of NATO. Hey, it is the European Royals trying to use and abuse Asia again.

Military Industry

Remember that I told you that the US Military is not up to par because the upper class trash were sacking our military budget instead of improving weapons to stay up with weapons technology?

They quit testing and innovating to build better weapons for most weapons because it costs less to keep making the same stuff they had 30+ years ago, while increasing the prices so they could stuff more of your tax dollars in their greedy pockets.

In the first few minutes of this video that is what Macgregor tells you. Our soldiers are fighting with obsolete junk to make the upper class trash royals more wealth (just like they have been doing for thousands of years), while Russia has been improving their stuff because they knew they were not the best.

You add to that that our upper class trash and their puppets in the Pentagon have decreased the size of our military so we only have, at best, a one front military to launder more money into their greedy pockets (did you notice that they didn't decrease the size of their budget when they decreased the size of the military?) and add to that that they have pillaged our military inventory for the upper class trash to use the Ukrainian War to launder more money into their pockets because greedy people can never have enough wealth and that leaves the US with a second class military that cannot defeat Russia and maybe not even China.

But, hey, don't feel bad because we are not alone, all of Europe, Canada, and Australia have done the same stupid thing, only much worse, so they are almost completely disarmed. Their upper class trash royals have cleaned up their militaries like plucking chickens, while hiding behind the US Military curtain that was also being plucked by our upper class trash.

And you think these inbred morons are smarter than you? Really?

The idiots have all disarmed their own nations while trying to conquer the world to set up their global dictatorship and it has almost completely failed and backfired with your butts now on the line with their butts. Wow, that really worked well.

And, to add insult to injury, they started their woke military crap so they are more focused on our troops being crazy woke people, who will probably sit down and cry the first time stuff starts blowing up around them instead of fighting and not people trained to be combat ready.

Do you believe me yet that we have just a wee bit of a problem that has been caused by our greedy, power mad, inbred upper class trash royals? Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash royals have been intentionally destroying our military so it wouldn't be able to stop their coup and evil dictatorship?

The idiots have screwed everyone including themselves because they have been inbreeding too long.

He tells you that our upper level officers in the Pentagon have not done their job of keeping our military combat ready since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Remember that Germany only had four subs and none of them had left the port in years because their military didn't have the money for parts and repairs?

Macgregor just told us that 40% of our nuclear attack subs are in port for repairs right now, you know, completely vulnerable to attack by Russian and Chinese missile ships. But, hey, just like the Europeans, our upper class trash royals and their puppets are getting much more wealthy by sacking our military. At least they will die rich.

The more I learn, the madder I get at our upper class trash royals and their puppets.

I only watched the first 20 minutes of that to have more time to check other sources.


Then I found this video, where, at about 32 seconds, a top Russian, Kartapolov, said that Putin sent Wagner to Belarus to attack Poland.

Gee, who would have figured?

Remember that this is where you get tomorrow's news today. I told you that, when he sent them there. It seemed like it was the most obvious and probable reason to send Prigozhin and his troops to Belarus, you know, right next to Poland, especially with Poland talking about making war with Russia.

Putin already has more than enough troops in and near Ukraine to finish winning that war when he is ready.

You better bet that, when Russia and Belarus go into Poland, they won't stop until they reach two other nations hostile to Russia, Germany and France, plus Russia is planning to take out the two most hostile nations, the US and UK. People, the idiot Western upper class trash have already started WWIII and most people just don't even know it yet.

Don't you just hate me being right so much?

Right now, so do I but, if I see it and know it is probable, I have to tell you about it because I don't think most of you want really bad surprises like getting vaporized. I just wish we could get rid of these horrible upper class trash royals and their evil puppets and have peace. That would be wonderful.

Then they started to senselessly repeating the idiot Western talking points because that is all they know and want to believe.

Then I found this very interesting video telling us that, by the strangest miraculous coincidence, right after Prigozhin got "exiled" to Belarus, Russia also fired all of their best generals in Ukraine and no one knows where they are, you know, the way Prigozhin has gone missing.

Something is going on that Russia used the "coup" to distract and fool everyone about it, including MI6 and CIA.

He tells us that he thinks Russia is building an entirely new army with these generals in command.

That is kind of obvious, isn't it?

But then he starts giving us his guess on what he thinks Putin is doing.

I think there is another probability. I think they are producing a new ghost army to surprise the West with an invasion into Europe by way of Poland, Germany, and France and have been using Prigozhin and Wagner to distract us the same way the US used Patton to do the same thing TWICE during WWII and it worked both times and it is clearly working right now.

BTW, what is Belarus using Wagner to train their troops for? They are not at war yet so what are they planning?

Keep an eye on this.

Catholic Church

Remember that I told you that the current Pope and Vatican decided and made a public announcement in April 2012 that the Catholic Church was going to convert to Islam if Jesus did not return by December 31, 2012?

They have not converted yet because too many of their true Christians won't convert to Islam.

The Catholic Church wants to make that conversion because they figured out that the one world church of the soon coming Tribulation will be Islam and not the Catholic Church and they just have to have all that power and wealth.

I have been wondering how God was going to sort that out so that the true Christians would not follow their church to convert to Islam.

This video shows what God is doing to solve that problem. He is using all of this satanic lefty paganism openly infiltrating into the Catholic Church with the Church doing things like supporting homosexuality, pedophilia, and having homosexual preachers to chase people out of the Church.

It turns out that the left is literally driving true Christians out of the Church by the hundreds of thousands and probably millions. They have caused at least 800,000 to leave the Church in just Germany in the last few years.

It seems that the true Christians are going to other Christian churches. God is sorting everything out just like I have been telling you.

These idiot Church leaders are in for a very big surprise because they didn't do their homework because Islam won't accept their homosexuality either. They execute homosexuals in Islam.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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