

Al-taqiyya and dissimulation are words used for a practice of Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims. All but some of the most fundamental Muslims consider the act of Al-taqiyya or lying to non-Muslims to be a good work. This is very important when one remembers that, in Islam, salvation is determined by good works. This means that a Muslim lying to a non-Muslim is that Muslim doing a good work to earn salvation. It is almost equivalent to a Christian accepting Jesus as his savior. One of the big differences is that a Christian only needs to accept Jesus as his savior once to become saved forever but a Muslim must do his good works consistently and repeatedly to earn his salvation with the except of the greatest work of dying while fighting non-Muslims.

This is particularly important when one realizes that the only work which can guarantee salvation for a Muslim is to wage war against and kill non-Muslims or at least support those who do wage war against and kill non-Muslims. It is only logical that to lie in support of a war against non-Muslims could guarantee salvation for a Muslim because it would be considered supporting the war. This is a very powerful motivation for any Muslim to lie to any non-Muslim for any reason but especially when concerning any war or military effort against non-Muslims.

I have learned that, for this reason, it is very common practice for Muslims, especially leaders, to lie about the war against non-Muslims. These lies come in many forms such as denying that Islam is a war against non-Muslims, that the Koran teaches salvation through fighting and killing non-Muslims, feigning sympathy for the US concerning 9/11, or Muslim countries denying that they have military intentions against Israel, the US, or other non-Muslim countries.

This raises a number or questions. Are the Muslim peace protestors in the US actually using Al-taqiyya or dissimulation to earn their salvation by lying and trying to interfere with the US and Israel's efforts to defend themselves? Is the Muslim sympathy for the US concerning 9/11 Al-taqiyya earning the salvation of the Muslims by feigning sympathy for the US? Are the Muslim leaders and official speakers using Al-taqiyya to earn salvation by lying to the US media about them fighting because they are "being oppressed by Israel" when there are plenty of Muslims who are citizens in Israel, have good jobs, have their own prosperous businesses, who vote, and are even in the Israeli government?

I recently watched a ABC 20/20 news show by Barbara Walters where she went to Saudi Arabia to confront different people there about text which had been uncovered in public school books which taught hatred and murder of non-Muslims but specifically Jews. I watched as every Muslim male and almost every Muslim female she sat down with to interview blatantly lied about what the Koran says concerning war, hatred, and murdering towards the Jews. Not one of them told the truth. This was clearly Al-taqiyya.

Interestingly, she kept querying about certain terms which stated that Jews would hide behind the trees and the trees would call out to the Muslims, "A Jew is hiding behind me, come and kill him." Not one of the Muslims interviewed told her about the Muslim prophesy concerning the end times (see my page "Koran and Bible Prophesy") where it is said that the Jews and Christians will hide behind the trees and rocks and that the trees and rocks will cry out, "A Jew or a Christian is hiding behind me, come and kill him." Instead, they ALL lied to her about Islam being a religion of peace except for three young radicals who kind of half admitted that Islam and the Koran have an agenda of war and murder. But even they were very careful to tone the militant talk down from what the Koran really says and is preached by the orthodox or fundamentalist Muslims.

It should be noted that I have read on some Muslim sites that a few more fundamental Muslim sites do not commit dissimulation, are open about the warrior mentality of Islam, and are proud that they do not dissemble or lie. But my understanding is that this is only the most "radical" or orthodox Muslims. It seems that the vast majority of Muslims are actually proud that they do dissemble or lie. The problem is, how can you tell which ones are not lying to you if you don't know the Koran and Islam? Basically, you can't believe the few because of the many. It is my opinion that the only Muslims a non-Muslim can believe about anything are the fundamentalist Muslims who openly admit that Islam is a warrior religion and that they are required to destroy all non-Muslims. Even then, we need to be careful.

In summary, Al-taqiyya and dissimulation mean that no non-Muslim can believe anything told to them by any Muslim especially if it has to do with the Koran's perpetual Jihad against all non-Muslims. For that Muslim to lie to you is for that Muslim to do a good work towards earning salvation.


But don't believe me! Read the Koran and do the research yourself!
