The Modern Islamic Army


After Syria, Jordan, and Egypt lost a number of offensive wars against Israel, and suffered considerable damage to their military forces, loss of lands, and international humilition, Syria developed a brilliant strategy of what the military would call covert mercenary warfare. What Syria did was to "hire" the Palestinian forces as Syria's covert mercenary army to wage war against Israel from Lebanon. This put Syria at limited military risk and limited risk for loss of land while being able to wage a vicious war against her enemy, Israel, and using a propaganda war to fool the naive west into believing that this army was a terrorist army out of her control preventing Syria from being held responsible for her actions in the war. This type of military action is still fooling many people today in spite of considerable evidence supporting the fact that these terrorist armies are actually unofficial, covert mercenary armies for the funding countries.

When Israel was finally forced to invade Lebanon to route the Palestinian mercenary army in order to protect her people from the constant attacks and killing of Israeli citizens, Israel was prevented by the deceived west from also invading Syria and punishing her for her funding of this covert army and military action against Israel by Syria. This covert mercenary warfare against Israel proved to be so successful that Iran and Iraq quickly joined in the covert war against Israel. We are just now finding out that the seemingly peaceful Saudi Arabians had also secretly joined in the funding and waging of this covert war against Israel by paying the families of suicide terrorists very large sums of money.

This new type of warfare has made it possible for countries to secretly wage a vicious war against an enemy with impunity, little or no risk, and use propaganda to make it look like the victim is the oppressor. Covert mercenary warfare has proved so successful that neighboring Muslims countries have been able to secretly hire and use the Palestinian people as their covert mercenary army to wage a vicious and devastating war against the nation and people of Israel with little, if any, risk, international condemnation, or personal loss to those countries for several decades. At the same time, they have been able to make it look like Israel has been the oppressor of the "weaker", homeless Palestinians when, in fact, there are tens of thousands of Arab Muslims in Israel who are Israeli citizens, have good jobs, have their own businesses, vote, belong to the Israeli government, and other wise prosper. These same Arab Muslims even have the choice of being able to serve in the Israeli armed forces when the Jews are required to serve. This does not sound like an Arab or Muslim oppressor to me.

It is only relatively recently that the US has begun to uncover the details of this covert mercenary war. This is largely due to the US being forced to uncover the same kind of covert mercenary war being waged against itself. The US has been very quickly untangling a very extensive and complex web of hatred, murder, and covert warfare against itself and its allies.

As a matter of fact, this new form of warfare has proved so successful that one or more countries have been able to wage a vicious war against the US for over a decade now without the US, its media, or its people realizing that a war was being waged against the US. But the disaster of September 11, 2001 was so great that it got the American people's attention and has caused the US to begin to quickly unravel this very complex covert war against the US and other countries. We are learning a lot with much more still left to learn.

Within the last few weeks, the US has just begun to learn that Saudi Arabia, which had been considered a very peaceful and friendly Arab and Muslim country, has been engaged in at least the covert mercenary war against Israel while pretending to stand for peace in the area. This shocking discovery is leading to discover even more about the true intentions of other "peaceful" countries in the area.

Jihad And Covert Mercenary Warfare

When one puts this new form of covert mercenary warfare together with the truth about what the Koran says and in relation to recent global events, other things begin to emerge from behind the deceptive vail of this global war against non-Muslims. It is important to know that, in the Koran, it is permissible for a Muslim entity to form an alliance with a non-Muslim entity to wage a DEFENSIVE war against another Muslim entity but it is required that, as soon as the war against the Muslim aggressor is finished, the Muslim entity who made the war pact or treaty with the non-Muslim must destroy the non-Muslim entity.

In 1988, Saudi Arabia made such a military pact with the US to keep Iraq from invading Saudi Arabia. The US and her allies spent considerable resources and man power to fight for the protection of Saudi Arabia and other Arab and Muslim countries in the military action named Dessert Storm. But, as soon as that war was over, these countries were required by the Koran to begin to wage war against the US and her allies until either the US and her allies are destroyed or the Muslim countries were destroyed.

This created a problem for Saudi Arabia. She would obviously be quickly destroyed by the vastly superior US military might but she also had to begin waging some kind of war against the US and her allies or the ruling families of Saudi Arabia would have been branded hypocrites by the Koran and it would have been required by the Koran that they be killed.

We put this together with a number of facts and things begin to fall into place.

  • The leaders of the Al-Qaeda covert mercenary army are almost all Saudi Arabian citizens.
  • Better than 90% of Al-Qaeda mercenaries are Saudi Arabian citizens.
  • Better than 75% of known Al-Qaeda mercenaries are living with impunity in Saudi Arabia.
  • The Al-Qaeda mercenary army is funded almost exclusively by Saudi Arabian moneys.
  • Osama Bin Laden is a very well educated member of one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Saudi Arabia.
  • Most, if not all of the covert businesses in the US which have been discovered to be providing funds to support Al-Qaeda are run by and/or based out of Saudi Arabia.

    Suddenly, one realizes that a picture is beginning to emerge and questions arise. Is the Al-Qaeda a covert mercenary army being used and funded by the Saudi Arabian government and her allies to wage war against the US while Saudi Arabia and her allies pretends to be a US allies?

    With just a little research in conjunction with my knowledge about the Koran and Islam I am beginning to unfold what appears to be a very ruthless covert mercenary war being waged against the US, as required by the Koran, because the US dared to save Saudi Arabia's butt from Iraq. What a nice way to treat people who save your butt.

    It appears that Saudi Arabia is "funding" this covert mercenary army by at least several means. The first method seems to be for the Saudi government to award very large construction contracts to the Bin Laden family (and possibly other families) permitting them to earn or launder large sums of money from the Saudi government to the Bin Ladens. Then the Bin Laden family launders these large sums of moneys to Al-Qaeda through various family members by either carrying suit cases full of money directly to Osama Bin Laden or through various other companies while the family pretends to disown Osama and show sympathy towards the US. (Al-taqiyya?)

    Another technique which the Saudi Arabian government appears to be using to fund this covert military operation against the US is for Saudi citizens and businesses to set up businesses or branches in the US through which Saudi citizens either send moneys their earn in the US home to be laundered to Al-Qaeda by relatives in Saudi Arabia or the businesses (usually charities) give the money donated to them by these Saudi citizens to Al-Qaeda. Dozens of these businesses have been shut down by the US government since 9/11. This is with the Saudi citizens claiming to not know that these funds are being laundered to Al-Qaeda. But, as we have already seen, this could be Al-taqiyya.

    Add to this the recent discovery by the US media that Saudi Arabia is paying $25,000 US Dollars to the families of all Muslim suicide terrorists, and this covert mercenary war becomes very well funded and motivated. The question here is, "Did Saudi Arabia pay that reward money to the families of the Muslim terrorists who crashed the US planes into the World Trade Buildings and Pentagon on September 11, 2001?" This would be very powerful evidence that Saudi Arabia is waging a covert mercenary war against the US.

    If this is true, then the following hostile acts against the US would be considered acts of war against the US by Saudi Arabia, her citizens, and any of her accomplices while they have been pretending to be US allies and to be sympathetic towards the US.

    • The bombing of the World Trade Center
    • The bombing of the US military barracks in Saudi Arabia
    • The bombing of the US Embassy in Africa
    • The bombing of the USS Cole
    • The destruction of the World Trade Buildings and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001

    If this is true, then Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries are in effect using Al-taqiyya or dissimulation to earn their salvation by shaking hands in peace with the US and telling the US they are peaceful US allies while stabbing the US in the back with the other hand.

    Will this prove to be true? Stick around and we will both find out. Hopefully, not too late.


But don't believe me! Read the Koran and do the research yourself!
