Mass Murder 3

More and more I am seeing the "revisionist history" or blatant lies of the psychopathic left making it look like their beloved psychopathic pagan heroes and gods, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che, and others were not the psychopathic butchers they really were because the psychopathic upper class trash are learning that the truth about their psychopathic pagan heroes and gods is turning increasing numbers of people away from following the psychopathic upper class trash on their psychopathic crusade to conquer the world, setup their beloved psychopathic commie global dictatorship, and "depopulate the planet" or slaughter billions of people so the psychopathic upper class trash and the rest of the psychopathic lefties don't have to share THEIR planet with the rest of us.

Decades ago, it was very conservatively estimated that Stalin butchered at least 30 million people, probably more, that Mao butchered at least 40 million people, probably much more, and the total global slaughter by psychopathic atheistic Marxists was at least 100 million to probably more than 150 million people and that didn't include the millions of people slaughtered in the wars they started and waged against the West like Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, El Salvador, and others. The total conservative estimate for the number of innocent people slaughtered globally by the psychopathic atheistic Marxist in just 80 years was more than 250 million people globally, almost the population of the US a decade ago.

As of 9/11, the psychopathic atheistic Marxists had the historic record of slaughtering more than 250 million people globally in just 80 years. The psychopathic Muslims had slaughtered more than 250 million people globally but it took them 1,400 years to achieve that slaughter so the psychopathic atheistic Marxists had established themselves as the greatest psychopathic butchers in history by the year 2000.

Therefore, the psychopathic upper class trash decided to use their beloved psychopathic atheistic Marxists to "depopulate the planet" or butcher billions of people buuuuuut the psychopathic Muslims were not to be outdone by a bunch of lowly psychopathic atheists Marxist infidels.

Remember that I told you that the global Muslim population was more than 1.6 billion at the time of 9/11 and had fallen to 1.2 billion 12 years later with better than 90% of those being killed by other Muslims? Remember that 6 months after the global census recorded that horrific slaughter and decrease in the global Muslim population the global Muslim population had mysteriously and miraculously jumped back up to 1.6 billion with most of that increase being caused "by conversion", you know, 400 million Western psychopathic lefties quietly and secretly converting to Islam within 6 months, you know, closet Muslims?

Remember that I told you that meant that the psychopathic Muslims had murdered about 400 million Muslims within 12 years, far surpassing the slaughter rate of the psychopathic atheistic Marxists, and that didn't include the hundreds of millions of non Muslims the psychopathic Muslims murdered during the same time?

That meant that the psychopathic Muslims murdered at least 500 to more than 600 million people globally in just 12 years and since then the global Muslim population has declined back down to the currently estimated 1.5 billion meaning the psychopathic Muslims have butchered at least 700 to 800 million people globally in less than 20 years making the psychopathic atheistic Marxists look like wimps.

Then, when you connect this big dot to the dot that the psychopathic upper class trash plan to butcher more than 7 billion people globally, is there any wonder why the psychopathic upper class trash are replacing the psychopathic atheistic Marxists with psychopathic Muslims to slaughter more than 7 billion people?

If the psychopathic upper class trash were to continue with the psychopathic atheistic Marxists as their beloved killing machine to slaughter more than 7 billion people, it would take the psychopathic atheistic Marxists 2,800 years to butcher that many people globally. But, if the psychopathic upper class trash replace their psychopathic atheistic Marxists with psychopathic Muslims, it would only take a maximum of 200 years, less than one tenth the time, to achieve their evil goal and remember that the psychopathic upper class trash believe and teach that "the ends justify the means", so if achieving their desired end or goal requires their means of purging and slaughtering their psychopathic atheistic Marxists, to the psychopathic upper class trash, that is justifiable and a good thing, which explains why the psychopathic upper class trash are importing millions of psychopathic Muslims into our Western nations.

But, today, in an attempt to finalize the psychopathic upper class trash control over the West so the psychopathic upper class trash can rapidly accelerate their psychopathic slaughter on a global basis, they have to get more of the population to vote for the psychopathic upper class trash and that is getting harder to do with increasing numbers of people's eyes opening to the truth.

To counter this, I noticed that the psychopathic lefties have been giving us even more of their glorious "revisionist history" or blatant lies to prevent more people from turning away from voting for the psychopathic upper class trash.

What the psychopathic upper class trash are doing is rewriting history to make it look like their psychopathic pagan gods were not the psychopathic butchers they really were. For example, I have recently seen them telling the lie that only one to two million people died under the ruthless rule of psychopathic Stalin and most of that was the fault of the peasants who sold their crops and live stock to prevent Stalin from just seizing them and, therefore, the intellectually inferior peasants caused the famine that murdered several million of them, you know, the way psychopaths always blame others for their crimes, when the truth is that Stalin seized all of their land, crops, and live stock leaving the peasants to starve to death.

Use some common sense, people. The intellectually inferior peasants sold their crops and live stock but didn't have the money to buy food to keep from starving to death? Really?

I have seen the psychopathic lefties revising the death toll by the psychopathic atheistic Marxists down to below 100 million and increasingly justifying the butchering they did to make their beloved psychopathic atheistic Marxist gods look good and not evil, you know, the way psychopathic lefties always lie to cover for their crimes.

You do remember that psychopaths are obsessive, compulsive liars, right?

It is like I have been telling you. The psychopathic left NEVER quits because they are psychopaths, they just regroup, reorganize, and keep trying to force their evil psychopathic goals on us with new psychopathic lies. The lefty psychopaths are RIGHT NOW proving what I have been telling you for years, which is the only thing that will stop them is death.

Their insanity, their evil, their lust for power, and their greed are infinite because they are never ending and the only thing that can end them is death because the lefties are psychopaths.

I always pray for their salvation, knowing that the vast majority will continue to hate and reject Jesus, His morals, values, and ethics, and His Laws so they will continue to choose eternal damnation, because God requires I pray for their salvation. But I also pray that God will soon deliver us out of their psychopathic wicked hands and stop their insane slaughter of innocents, especially children.

Sometimes I get so fed up with their psychopathic wickedness that I ask God for my own planet away from their psychopathic eternal insanity and wickedness. I know that planet will come as our eternal paradise following the judgment and those psychopathic evil people being cast into the Lake of Fire to burn forever and I will not shed one tear for any of them because they chose that eternal destination by butchering billions of innocent people, especially children.

Today, I ask that prophesied question; "Lord, how much longer?"

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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