Biological Warfare
Remember that I have been warning you that the left has plans to turn an even more deadly protist loose on us?
I just got this from Newser via CenturyLink by John Johnson:
"COVID has put the world on high alert for viruses with the potential to wreak havoc, and one such candidate has just re-emerged in India. It's called the Nipah virus, reports CBS News, and while it is not as contagious as COVID, it is much deadlier."
"It is zoonotic, meaning it can jump from animals to humans, and fruit bats are a natural host. Humans can pass it to other humans, and they also can pick it up by eating contaminated animals or even, say, by eating fruit that an infected fruit bat has sampled.
Deadly: The mortality rate for those infected is up to 75%, reports the BBC in an in-depth look at the virus earlier this year."
Keep an eye on this because this is probably not a coincidence. The timing is just too suspicious, especially with them losing control of the people with COVID 19.
"Hey, if you won't submit to our absolute rule with COVID 19, we will turn something even more deadly loose on you."
I keep seeing lefties changing their songs and repeating obviously manipulated data to support their lies.
This tells me they know they are lying to help promote their commie political agenda. They are not innocent stupid people but they are the problem.
Now ask yourself, what kind of person knowingly lies to get you to support their agenda so they can get what they want? Good people? People who want good for you?
They are the people who ignore and try to discredit the truth to keep other people voting for the people they want elected so they can get what they want at your expense because what they want isn't good for the rest of us. If what they want was good for the rest of us, they wouldn't lie about it. The truth will not cause them to vote differently, they already know the truth or at least some of it, and choose to believe the lies because they like the sound of the lies. These people will keep voting for the left in spite of the truth.
Remember that I have been telling you for years that God is making us all make a choice between good and evil.
These people have made their choice, they chose evil, and they will not give up their evil for anything you say or do. Their minds are set on their evil and they will be evil all of the way to the grave.
This caused me to realize that God is finished with this part of His test and He is about ready to make His move just like I have been telling you for years.
What is so sad is that I have known some of these people for decades and thought they were good people but now I realize they were evil and just very good at pretending to be good. They are now showing their true colors.
They have now made their choice, they have openly and unashamedly chosen evil, and they have chosen to follow their god, Satan, into eternal damnation. Their test is finished and soon their judgment and punishment will begin.
This isn't going to be pretty but it will temporarily solve many of our problems, you know, the problems they are causing to get what they want at your expense.
If you think the arrogant, all-knowing, all-wise, superior intelligence, natural elite upper class trash were suffering from their failing plans before, their entire house of cards is about to hit the ground, sending most of them into the bowels of Hell to await Judgment Day.
At least most of their bull crap will finally be over for a while.
Biden just dismissed 18 of Trump's appointees to different military commissions.
Because he doesn't want them "leaking" his treasons so he won't go to jail for treason. These evil tyrants just keep getting worse and worse.
This should tell you that, if you think Afghanistan was bad, "you ain't seen nuttin' yet", baby, because Biden is getting ready to do worse, which is why he got rid of those who would turn him in for what he is about to do. The left is destroying the US so they can set up their global communist dictatorship and it shows how determined the left is to get their global dictatorship. They are absolutely power mad crazy.
I am seeing shadows moving in the background telling me there is a power struggle going on behind closed doors and curtains that most have no idea is taking place. It is a power struggle between good and evil, with the good trying to stop the evil, and it just keeps getting worse because the evil is determined to get their evil way at your expense.
They claim they care about you but they really don't care who gets hurt or killed because all they care about is themselves and their bank accounts. I have been warning you about this for years and it is here RIGHT NOW! The commies are right now trying to make their final move to set up their global dictatorship.
Keep an eye on this.
In this coming election in Commiefornia, don't be surprised if it is so rigged that Newsom wins, you know, with 80 million votes. /sarc
Then you will know that all future elections will be so rigged that the people cannot win them, they will have destroyed our republic, and this is now a true tyranny.
Keep an eye on this.
Remember that I have been telling you that the left converted to Islam in 2012 under Obama?
Don't be surprised to see lefties like Antifa and BLM hanging out and committing terrorist attacks with these Muslim terrorists. If you have been paying attention, you know they will.
Oh yeah, you watch the lefty media cover for the Muslim terrorists the same way they have been covering for Antifa and BLM violence.
Keep an eye on this.
If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present. They are just doing the same crap their ancestors did.
Rent Control
I have been watching the rent control thing for decades and it is the arrogant lefty upper class trash thinking they can do a better job than normal capitalistic economics. After all, they are intellectually superior and know what is best for everyone.
What would happen if they undid rent control?
Easy, the landlords would go completely ape to get all of the money they could, raising their rates to insane levels so that very few would be able to stay in those major cities like New York City. People would be forced to flee the cities, which would force the businesses, who need those people either as employees or as customers, to also leave and that would greatly decrease the demand for rent to where most landlords wouldn't be able to rent their properties, which would force the prices back down to market values to get people to return to those cities.
It is basic economics, people, you know, something the left doesn't understand at all.
Christian Theocracy
Are you ready for a Christian theocracy yet?
Hey, under this severally damaged and quickly dying republic, you are already being mandated by the commies on how you cannot live, with you quickly losing all of your freedoms and rights, businesses are being forced to close, jobs are being destroyed, you are being impoverished, you are being oppressed, and soon will be enslaved.
Hey, what is left to lose, right?
Under a Christian theocracy, you will have freedom to speak the truth but not tell lies, misinformation, and propaganda (thou shalt not lie), you will be free to bear arms because every able bodied person will be a member of the militia (the Bible set precedence when everyone 12 and older was required to serve to fight for their nation), your government and church COMBINED cannot take more than 10% of you income with no taxes on anything else being allowed, you know, like land, gas, sales, and other such pagan taxes, which will prevent the government from growing so big it will be able to seize control of you and your lives, which means you will have better than twice the disposable income you have today to spend on what you want, and you will be much more free than ever before. They can't just keep raising taxes to keep growing their government. That is just the nutshell version.
Wow, that sounds a lot like the US Constitution but better.
Gee, I wonder if, maybe, the Founding Fathers built the US Constitution around Biblical Law, which would explain why the left hates it so much?
Actually, right now, the left is leaving you only two choices, their satanic communist theocracy and a Christian theocracy. To get control of your nation back, you will be forced by the left to establish a Christian theocracy to protect you and your family from them. The law is already written for a Christian theocracy and they cannot add to or take away from that law to set up a commie dictatorship. Think about it.
BTW, economically, financially, and legally, you will be forced to let the left have the "United States of America" designation to get out from under the debt they are forcing on you and set up a new debt free nation that can grow. You will be forced to set up something like the "United Christian States", "Christian Federation", or "Christian Republic", and maybe not just of America. That way, if they keep the name "United States of America", they also keep the debt they created and stuffed in their greedy pockets and you get to start your new nation debt free under a different name.
Don't believe me?
Study law. If they retain the name "United States of America", they legally retain the debt they are forcing on you.
It is the same with a business. If I start a business named Brand X, run up a bunch of debt, you leave that business and start another business named Brand Y, Brand X keeps the debt and Brand Y starts debt free.
Do you believe me yet that you will be forced by the left to start a new Christian nation with a new name because they are RIGHT NOW destroying the USA in every respect so you won't even be able to continue the USA?
If you don't believe me, then study law. The trillions of dollars in debt the left is running up belongs to the USA and will not belong to a new nation under a new name. You WILL soon start a new Christian nation under a new name. You won't have a choice.
Hey, you get to be the founding fathers of your new Christian nation.
With what I see, that is an easy prediction, people. The left is leaving you no other choice so deal with it.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You better....