News 575

Evil People

I saw Hannity on Fox say that he didn't wish Billy Boy any harm because Hannity is a good guy. He was obviously virtue signaling to show us he is better than lefties but it really bugs me because it shows that too many conservatives need to learn some ugly truths about the left. They have brainwashed us into caring more about bad people than good people at the expense of the good people.

This is the problem in believing that the left is just stupid and not that they are also evil. You wouldn't want any harm to come to stupid people, only to evil people.

The ugly truth is that you have two choices in dealing with these evil people because that is all the evil left leaves you. You either care about the good people or you care about the bad or evil people.

The reason for this is because the evil people leave you no other choices because they refuse to quit their evil. They prove every day that, as long as they are alive, they will continue to cause harm to the good people they bully, terrorize, oppress, enslave, rob, rape, and murder. They prove that the only thing that will stop them from causing harm to the good people is death, therefore, if they do not die, they will continue to bully, terrorize, oppress, enslave, rob, rape, and murder good people.

If you care about the evil people and wish no harm will come to them that will stop the evil people from causing harm to the good people, then you CANNOT care about the good people because, if you care about the good people, you will welcome the harm to the evil people that will stop the evil people from continuing to cause harm to good people.

I have shown you again and again and again that the lefties are just as evil as Hitler, Linen, Stalin, Mao, Tamerlane, and any other evil people in history. For you to say that you are so wonderful and righteous that you would not wish harm to any of those evil people so those evil people would not stop causing harm to the good people, is the same thing as wishing no harm comes to the lefties.

The lefties are committing the same crimes against humanity that all of those other monsters committed, therefore, the lefties are also monsters. If Hitler were alive murdering people, I would wish that someone would prosecute and execute Hitler to stop his crimes against humanity the same as I wish someone would prosecute and execute the lefties to stop their crimes against humanity because I care about the good people and not about the evil people.

I pray daily for the salvation of all the people, including the evil people, but I also pray that God deliver us from the harm being caused by the evil people, which requires their death.

Listen, I don't wish harm on the lefties except to stop them from continuing to cause you harm. I know that, if they repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their savior, Jesus will cause them to stop causing harm to you but most of them have chosen to hate Jesus and will never turn to Him. I only wish harm on them in that, if they continue causing harm to you, God will kill them to stop them from continuing causing harm to you.

I have watched and studied these evil people for about 60 years and they have taught me that the only time they stop causing harm to good people is when they die and then another evil person steps in and continues causing harm to you. So I started studying to figure out how many of them there are and I found that there are at least tens and probably hundreds of millions of these evil things, which will require you fighting a war to stop their wickedness.

The evil people are choosing to commit their crimes against you and all you want is to be left alone so you can go on with life. It is their choice to be evil and cause you harm, therefore, they should be held accountable for that choice and be executed to stop their crimes against you, just like Hitler, Linen, Stalin, Mao, or any other evil person who chose to commit terrible crimes against humanity should have been executed for the same crimes against humanity that the lefties choose to commit against you.

Because they CHOOSE to be evil and commit crimes against you, I care about you enough to want the lefties to be executed to stop them from committing their crimes against you.

Listen, Jesus is going to plunge these same evil people into Hell for the terrible crimes they commit against you.

Why would I not also want Jesus to plunge them into Hell because of the terrible crimes they commit against you?

Hey, I am just trying to be more Christ like by wanting to protect you from these evil spawn of Satan and they prove every day that the only way to protect you from them is to execute them. In my opinion, God can't kill these evil things fast enough to protect you from them because the longer it takes for God to execute these evil things, the more harm they will cause to more of you.

They better be thankful that I am not God because, if I were God, these evil things would already be dead and burning in Hell so they could not cause harm to any more people ever again. Since I am not God, I have to accept God's will that these terrible and evil things should live a little longer for reasons God knows is best for all of us, such as opening our eyes to just how evil they really are so we will all make an informed choice between good and evil so God can sort out the evil from the good when the time is right.

When God makes that move, I will thank and praise God for protecting us from these terrible, horrible, and evil things.

You see, it isn't if God is going to execute these evil things for their crimes against you and plunge their evil souls into Hell, it is when and they chose to go there, when they chose evil over good.

I have told you before that these evil things cause better than 90% of the problems in your lives, you know, like the pandemic, the shutdowns destroying businesses and jobs, brainwashing your children to submit to their rule, the killer vaccine, the supply line failure, and just about everything else that is destroying businesses, jobs, and people's lives right now.

If all of these evil lefties would die tonight, within just a few days, all of the problems they have been and are creating would just go away. These evil things ARE the problem, God is the solution.

Self Checkout

I just saw an article on a news site that won't let me copy part of it to use as a quote so I just won't give them the credit for the story.

Basically, the story said that people all over the US are refusing to use self checkouts and I say they should refuse because self checkouts are a con.

Think about it, what these greedy business executives are doing is they are trying to con the people into doing work or a job for their business called being a cashier for free. They want you to be stupid enough to work for them for free by you doing the work a cashier does without you being paid for doing that work so they can stuff the money for that job in their greedy pockets.

From what that article said, increasing numbers of people are refusing to work for those businesses for free showing that those business executives think they are smarter than they are and that the people are not as stupid as those business executives think the people are.

You need to tell all of your friends to refuse to work for those businesses for free so the greedy business executives realize you know they are playing you for a fool so they will stop playing you for a fool. Let them know that they are not as smart as they think they are and you are not as stupid as they think you are.

Peasant Chicken

So, what are the evil upper class trash doing to you now?

First, they are trying to wear you down, both mentally and financially. Every time more peasants say, "Screw it," and cave into the upper class trash dictatorship, it encourages the upper class trash to continue with their wickedness because they know that, if they can wear down enough people, you won't have enough angry patriots left to storm their castles.

Second, remember that they control better than 95% of the wealth?

They are trying to wear you down financially knowing that you will run out of money to fight court battles before they do and they also bought and paid for most of the DA's a long time ago so the upper class trash know those owned DA whores won't enforce court orders against them. You can see that with the upper class trash DA whores not enforcing the law against the left but enforcing fake crimes against you.

The upper class trash realized that, if the government imposes illegal mandates against you, all you have to do is win one string of court battles to win that fight but, if each upper class trash owned business imposes illegal mandates against you, you have to win hundreds of strings of court battles to win hundreds of fights to remain free.

That is why this last mandate for vaccines by Biden was not made official and was just a public statement so you couldn't litigate the government and to make it look like the upper class trash owned businesses were "obeying that mandate" by them imposing the mandate on their employees, requiring you to litigate hundreds of businesses with really deep pockets to stop that crap. Basically, the upper class trash are financially ganging up on you.

The upper class trash are hoping that you will soon run out of money to fight them in court, knowing their DA whores won't enforce court orders against them, and you won't have enough angry people left who will storm their castles.

The upper class trash are playing "peasant chicken" with you because they are convinced by the tens of millions of peasants who have already submitted to their dictatorship that the rest of you will eventually just give up and submit to their dictatorship or you just won't have enough angry peasants left to storm their castles. They are playing the long term game of attrition against you.

The upper class trash are forcing you to storm their castles because they don't think you will. They also think you will be stupid enough to keep fighting their Gestapo cops in the streets instead of storming their castles to put an end to this evil until you just wear down and give up to submit to their dictatorship.

Plus they have their lefty peasants going around attacking you, peer pressuring you, and snitching on you to help force you into submission to their dictatorship. Those are the upper class trash "Brown Shirts" and they are just as complicit in these crimes against you as the upper class trash.

Freed Pets

Remember that I have been warning you about freed dangerous pets during this escalating war?

I got this from CenturyLink who got it from Detroit Free Press who got it from AP by Mandi Wright:

"ROYAL OAK, Mich. (AP) - A suburban Detroit woman has been ordered to find another home for her four African caracals after one of the wild cats spent hours on the loose after escaping its enclosure earlier this week."

I have been watching the exotic pet thingy by the left for at least 4 decades and there are a lot of people with exotic pets that, when the owners get dead, the pets get free, and those pets get scared and hungry, those pets will get very dangerous.

You also have to understand that when it reaches a point to where the owners can no longer feed their dangerous pets, most will just turn those pets loose to fend for themselves, you know, with your pets, you, and your kids as dinner. They are already doing this with pets like pythons and crocodiles, especially in places like Florida but they also have a problem with things like alligators and crocodiles living in the sewers of big cities because of this.

You would be amazed at some of the dangerous animals quite a few people have because they have more money than brains. These caracal cats are a long ways from being the worst you will suddenly find yourself facing, especially in the big cities and suburbs.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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