News 665

Data Manipulation

Remember that I told you that they use data manipulation to make the national rate of inflation to be whatever they want it to be?

I was trained how to do that in college.

They do that by either putting in or leaving out of "the basket" prices for things like gas and food that can make their rate of inflation go up or down pending what propaganda they want to put out.

I have told you that my conservative estimates are that true inflation is probably at about 20% to 30% and not their 8.5% lie.

This video shows them manipulating other data to send false messages to support their lies and propaganda. Things have gotten so bad that the upper class trash have gotten really bad about their data manipulation.

Yeah, inflation isn't 8.5%. It is much, much higher.

This manipulation is also why data is not science and science is not data like Fauci taught you. Science is the study of how and why things work, not the study of data.


This video gives you just a tiny taste of the upper class trash corruption gone wild. The upper class trash just keep getting worse and worse every day in destroying the lives of the people and our nations.

Do you believe me yet that these evil things are human demons and spawn of Satan?


Remember that I have been telling you that the lefty college professors are the major cause of our biggest problems with their great sounding stupid ideas? Also remember that I have been telling you that the mostly white upper class trash lefties are working to destroy and get rid of blacks and other people of color?

This short video shows you some of that and the way they do it. They always make it sound like they are doing their insanity for some good reason but it is always for their evil. They have not solved any problems and always create new problems and make older problems worse.

They hate you lowly peasants and really want to murder most of you off. These are evil people.

Life Lesson

I want to share some life lessons with you. The first is the following:

At 73, I find it interesting that most (not all) middle and upper class people are terrified of poverty, especially since I grew up in poverty. They are so terrified that they firmly cling onto a false security blanket that says that "the only reason people are poor is because they are stupid and lazy" and their insecure logic is, "since I am not currently poor, I am not lazy or stupid, therefore I don't have to worry about becoming poor."

Yeah, right. ANYONE can end up in poverty because life happens or God sets up whom He sets up and brings down whom He brings down.

Did you know that Tesla was one of the most brilliant people in the history of the US and he died poor?

In business management, we have a term for rich people who commit suicide because they lost everything and became poor. We call it "stepping out of a tall building" because, following the 1929 stock market crash, thousands of rich people became poor and jumped to their deaths from tall buildings.

That got so bad that all of the major cities at that time passed ordinances requiring windows above so many floors (pending the city) be bullet proof glass so rich people couldn't just jump through the windows to their deaths, often landing on people below.

Poverty just means you have less money than the middle and upper classes so you have to learn to live on less money. You have to be better at financial management. As the saying goes, "You have to make do with what you have."

If you have never been poor, which many of you will soon be, the way to get back out of poverty is 1) you pray long, you pray hard, you pray often, 2) stop the bleeding by getting a job, any job, and stabilizing your life with regular income, 3) undo whatever damage was caused such as eliminating debts, 4) put together a plan, and 5) work your butt off to get back to where you were. If it is God's will, you will get out of poverty.

I first clawed my way out of poverty after I graduated from high school and then again following my first divorce. It isn't fun, is a real achievement, and is not as bad as many people think. You can do it and many of you will have to do it soon because of what the greedy, power mad upper class trash are doing to us now so hang in there and pray long, pray hard, pray often.

Note, the pagan candy butts won't make it because they don't have God on their side. Hey, you can always take the gravity elevator to the ground level.


The most significant thing for being successful in life is opportunity and God is the greatest part to opportunity for it is written that "God sets up whom He sets up and brings down whom He brings down".

Just ask ole Nebuchadnezzar about that because God set him up as the greatest king in history, brought him down for 7 years of eating grass with the cattle, and then returned him to his throne, which he had learned to appreciate. If you want to appreciate something, just lose it. You are all about to learn to appreciate the luxury you have been living with.

God has me here living in poverty with really bad health because He knows that, if I were well with enough money, I would be off doing things, working 60 to 80 hour weeks, instead of teaching you and He wants me to teach you.

For example, I had finally recovered to where I cold ride my bicycle again about a year ago and got up to where I could ride 20 miles on relatively flat ground with hopes of doing 100+ mile rides in the mountains that take all day but God caused me to relapse to where I can't ride my bike any more because He wants me to spend those days teaching you. I had already begun dreaming and planning of things to create and build that would have required 60 to 80 hour work weeks and God said, "No, not yet." So I teach. You better bet that, when I get my health back, I am going to hit the ground running at super sonic speeds and God knows it.

You have to remember that God told us that life is a test and your individual test is how you function and the choices you make with what God gives you in life. Think of life as being a test run or trail for eternity. It is like basic training for Paradise that you have to pass at least the most basic part.

God said, "To whom much is given, much is required and to whom little is given, little is required."

The first and most important part of that trial is whether you will chose to give up things like wealth, adultery, and other temporary physical pleasures to live the way God wants you to live so that you are choosing between God and Satan or eternal Paradise and eternal damnation. If you fail that part of the test, nothing else will matter forever.

The second part is for those who choose eternal salvation and that will determine your position in Paradise with God. God tells us about this buy telling us that, when we are judged by God on Judgment Day, the saved will be given crowns (signs of authority and power over others) and we will be given different numbers of crowns or authority and power over different numbers of people based on how well we did in our test.

This is God choosing his eternal leaders or rulers based on how you handle the authority and power over others here on Earth. Those who show the greatest caring for others will get the most crowns and rule over the most people in Paradise.

Those who do manage to make it into Paradise but abuse their authority and power over others here on Earth will find themselves at the bottom of the heap spending eternity sweeping floors, taking out the trash, and cleaning toilets, which is significantly better than eternal damnation. Be careful how you use what God gives you because it is not just a blessing, it is also a test.

Jesus pointed this out when He told the parable about the three servants who were given money and what they did with that money. Them getting that money or blessing was a test.

Of the blessings God gives you that provide you with opportunity, money is the most significant because, the more money you have, the more you can do with that money.

Listen, Zuckerberg is teaching you that, with enough money, even an idiot can start or buy a business, hire the right management people, and become the richest person in the world. You don't have to be intelligent to have or make a lot of money, you just have to have enough money to hire people who are intelligent enough to manage your money or businesses well.

Don't believe me?

Just watch the news and see the really stupid things some of the richest people say and do. They prove to you every day that they are not the sharpest knives in the draw regardless of how much money they have. Many of the inbred upper class just sign off on whatever their employees tell them to sign off on, which is why so many of them are stupid enough to fall for this globalist crap and are now failing at everything they try.

The more money you have to start life with, the more opportunity you have for living life.

People look up to these mega wealthy people falsely thinking they must be more intelligent.

No, almost all of them had more money to start life. If you just have a little bit of money, you can start your own "mom and pop" business and have to grow it but, if you are given millions of dollars by your parents, you can buy large, successful businesses and hire the right people to manage them for you. That doesn't make you more intelligent, it just makes you more wealthy.

Having more money does not mean you are more intelligent, it just means you have more money.

All of the biggest, richest people today were born into a lot of money, their parents gave them a lot of money to use for seed capital, and they hired a bunch of other people who knew a lot about business management as their entourage or cabinet, and they grew that money into much more money, something few of them could have done without the seed capital their parents gave them.

I am an example of this. I clawed my way out of poverty twice, I am very well educated so that I am "over qualified" to get any local city job, I am trained with my MBA to manage major corporations and government, and I was a workaholic before I became too ill to work and it plunged me into poverty.

I don't care how smarty pants you are, if you are sick enough you can't do anything, you can't do anything and that will plunge your butt into poverty. Heck, I am easily one of the best educated people in the state and one of the poorest people in the state.

I spent more than a decade trying to find a business I could start with just a few hundred dollars in pocket money because that was all my situation allowed. I couldn't get a job so I had to start a business with what little I had. I must have researched several hundred businesses in dozens of industries and found nothing I could start up with such little money.

Yeah, I know, you keep hearing the idiot media tell you about some guy who "started his business on a shoe string". Those must have been some really expensive shoe strings, you know, made out of gold or platinum, because the least I found you had to have to really start a business right today is about $10,000 and that is only pocket money for the rich, you know, like those overpaid journalists.

Is that how much they pay for their shoe strings? /sarc

They also like to tell you about how someone started their business out of their garage but they forget to tell you about the thousands of dollars worth of tools and equipment they had in that garage to start their business. They didn't start that business with JUST the garage.

Listen, you take everything I have learned, everything I have done, and put it all together and that plus $5 will buy me a large soda at Sonic. Of course, I could buy it with JUST the $5 dollars too.

When I studied business management, I learned they understood this because they have a saying that, "It takes money to make money," which I have learned the hard way is very true.

Don't believe me?

See how much money you can make by investing nothing.

When I was in Los Angeles, I had some rich friends who told me that "it isn't what you know, but who you know". The meaning of that is, if you know people with money and power, you are more likely to succeed than, if you don't.

I also learned that the MOST important difference in going to one of the "right universities" is that you will meet spoiled rich kids who have parents with lots of money to either hire you or invest in a business managed by you and their rich brat.

You learn the same stuff reading the same books and listening to the same lectures at the state colleges that you do at the right universities, you just can't meet those spoiled rich brats whose parents have lots of money to help you get a better start after college or even after dropping out of college the way Bill Gates dropped out of Cornell University to start Microsoft with some rich friends he later stole Microsoft from and he later paid a very large out of court settlement to and his rich mother talked the CEO of IBM into using Microsoft in their computers.

Knowledge is a tool you use to design, create, build, succeed with, and survive and is one of the most important parts of opportunity.

In growing up poor for the first few decades, living in the middle class for decades, and dealing with and being trained to work for the upper class, I learned that our parents teach us how to survive at their socio-economic level, which is why most people tend to stay at that level. Most people don't learn to function at a different socio-economic level than their parents taught them.

For example, my dad was a poor construction plumber before plumbers began earning a lot of money and I could calk cast iron pipe by the time I was 12, unlike most 12 year olds, and my grandfather taught me about dirt farming. When I graduated from high school, I expected to have to get a construction job, make very little money, marry a poor woman, have a bunch a of poor kids, and spend my life struggling in poverty but God had other plans for me.

When rich kids turn 16, their fathers take them to their business to "show them around", tell one of their entourage to "teach the kid the business", and, by the time they are 18, they know how to manage that business from the top down because daddy had them trained to know how. By 20, they know more about financial management than most people will by the time they are 100.

An example here is that better than 2/3 of the people who win lotteries, end up bankrupt and worse off than before they won the lottery within one year of winning the lottery because they don't know financial management and do that really stupid thing of "taking care of their friends and family," you know, the stupid virtue signaling thingy, by buying them expensive stuff they don't really need until the lottery winner goes broke and has to declare bankruptcy.

It is suicide by arrogant virtue signaling.

Listen, if their friends and family really cared about that person, they would refuse any gifts from that person until that person had first set up their own finances to take care of themselves and their immediate family for life. The very fact those "friends and family" even accept such expensive gifts before that person and their immediate family are taken care of for life, should tell you that all those "friends and family" only care about is themselves and getting free stuff so they are not very good friends and family. They don't care about the person who won the lottery or they would prove it by insisting that person first take care of themselves and their immediate family.

Don't believe me? How many times have you seen those "friends and family" sell their expensive free stuff to help out the person who won the lottery, after they went bankrupt?

I have not seen that happen one time in half a century.

Listen, if you win the lottery and really want to "take care of friends and family", set your family up right and then start or buy a business that can pay good wages without going broke and then hire the hard working members of your friends and family to help grow that business. You can even make them part owners in that business with you retaining 51% ownership for control. That will do them much more good than giving them a bunch of expensive junk free stuff they don't need and will have to spend a bunch just to maintain.

Some people do learn to function at a higher economic level, which permits them to move up to that higher economic level but, without the knowledge, you are not getting there.

Lefty Academe Suicide

Our "right universities" are committing suicide by stupidity because the lefties have take over those universities and, instead of preparing those students to be successful in life by educating them, they are indoctrinating those students with their agenda driven ideals to cause them to be puppets and servants of the upper class trash.

It is only a matter of time until the rich realize how bad the right universities have gotten and start sending their kids and money to state colleges for an actual education.

Right now, those right universities are being propped up with government money but even that will eventually fail and those universities will be forced to adapt to survive by returning to educating students or go out of business.

With the two youngest generations being more conservative, it probably won't be long before those universities adapt or fail.

Keep an eye on this.

Upper Class

This kills me. The upper class never learn. They are so surprised that FB is falling from the top ranks and heading into oblivion.

Go back over the last 100 years and look at all of the businesses that made it into the top ten businesses for that time and then see how few are still even in the top 20 today. All businesses that make it there eventually fall from the mountain top for a number of reasons but the most common reason is that the top people in that business become over confident, arrogant, and screw up their business. Why, dey is such smarty pants dey caint do nuttin' wrong and then they do everything wrong bringing their business down.

I warned you that Zuckerberg was heading for living in a cardboard box, he lost $71 billion so far and only has $55 billion left and just keeps right on doing what cost him the $71 billion.

Most likely, when he loses it all, he will step out of a tall building before he crawls into a cardboard box just like most rich who go broke. He won't stop doing what is causing him to go broke so he will.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

Lefty Upper Class Trash

I have known for more than half a century that the corrupt members of the upper class and their political puppets, almost all of the Commierats and RINOs, own the criminal organizations that do most of the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and humans into the US and they get kickbacks into off shore bank accounts, which is the ONLY reason all of that smuggling still goes on.

When I was in the service between 72 and 76, the US Navy went to Congress and told them that they had the technology that could stop 100% of the smuggling coming into the US. (I knew that technology very well and used most of it regularly.)

The Commierats IMMEDIATELY passed a bill forbidding the US Military from getting involved in stopping smuggling into the US. They own all of the organized crime in the US.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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