News 702


Why do I spend so much time dealing with Russia and the Ukrainian War?

Because Russia is the most significant and maybe only real threat to the lefty upper class trash royal global dictatorship over you. If Russia fails, the lefty upper class trash royals will have a much easier time of setting up their global dictatorship over you and murdering off 7.5 billion of you.

Do you better understand why God made Russia return to being Christian, after the US turned to paganism, and is using Russia to stop the pagan Nazi globalists?

God is using Christian Russia to save your butts from the evil pagans.

Remember that I have been telling you that Russia has a great spy and espionage system?

This video is interesting and provides some important intel. First, notice the list of top targets that should tell you they know where all of those targets are and by firing precision attacks, they need to use fewer missiles, drones, and bombs while doing maximum damage to Ukrainian forces.

Note that Putin is taking out command posts and communications like I told you to do and is called "taking out command, control, and communications" to create chaos in the ranks.

This video also shows you that Russia just committed some of her better weapons against Ukraine to do more damage in less time, while protecting Russian troops. Those thermobaric warheads they mentioned are best used against troops in trenches because they blast a fireball down onto the troops removing the protection of the trenches.

Notice that it says that much less expensive and more numerous artillery are "tasked" with destroying troop positions saving the more expensive and less numerable other weapons for more important targets.

Keep in mind that Russia is using satellite and drone targeting, which is why she is hitting most of her targets. The Ukrainian forces cannot hide from Russia.

Second, it tells you that the reason why Russia has not yet committed all of its reserves to the battle is because they are using their artillery to destroy the enemy troops so they don't need the reserves, are protecting those reserves, and saving those reserves for invading Europe and the US. That is why Russia still has about 300,000 reserves and they just called up another 500,000 reserves that have not been committed to battle yet. But the upper class trash royals and their butt kissing military officers are too ignorant and stupid to understand what that means, you know, like Putin isn't worried about crushing Ukraine.

Remember, remember, remember that I have been telling you that the moron upper class trash royals and their puppets believe Putin is bluffing about using nukes and invading Europe and the US, you know, just like Putin was bluffing about going into Ukraine? Remember that I have been telling you that the upper class trash royals and their idiot puppets have been inbreeding too long?

One reason why they believe Putin is bluffing is because they have been doing nothing but bluffing so they just know that Putin is thinking like them and is also bluffing.

In this video they tell you that they believe Putin is just bluffing, you know, like he was bluffing about going into Ukraine. On Judgment Day you are going to find out just how really stupid the upper class trash royals and their idiot puppets really are. Don't be surprised if billions of people laugh their butts off at them.

First, at the start of that video they start out by lying and telling you that Putin is losing the war in Ukraine to keep from admitting they have also been lying about that and Putin is actually winning the war.

That also shows their stupidity and arrogance in that they are dumb enough to believe that, if they keep lying about Ukraine winning the war, it will just magically happen.

Second, at about 3 minutes into that video the idiot Bolton just plain tells you they are stupid enough to believe Putin is bluffing about using nukes, you know, the way Putin was bluffing about invading Ukraine. He is proving to you that the upper class trash royals and their moron puppets really are that stupid, which is why they just keep pushing Putin to go to war against and invade the West.

Do you believe me yet that these evil morons are right now starting WWIII?

You NEVER underestimate your enemy, always assume the worst, prepare for the worst, and pray for the best or you will get your butt handed to you. You only want good surprises in things like wars and not bad surprises.

You better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load because the most evil and stupidest people in history are running our nations. We really need God to save our butts right now and he just proved it.

People, if they really believe that Putin is just bluffing, why would these evil things stop forcing Putin's hand in starting WWIII? Do you believe me yet that the upper class trash are insane or irrational and out of touch with reality?

"Nah, he won't do it. He is just bluffing so keep doing what is moving him towards doing it. Why, Putin wouldn't dare go to war against us wonderful, magnificent, superior elites," you know, after these same morons have and still are devastating our own militaries.

Hey, why would Putin not go to war against us to stop the upper class trash royal insanity, when he is ramping up his military to be the most powerful military in the world and we are ramping down our military to not being able to win a fight in a kindergarten sandbox?

The idiot upper class trash have made the West vulnerable to being sacked by Alaric Putin and are too arrogant and stupid to figure it out.


This proves that the upper class trash and their civilian political puppets are idiots.

If they give F-16s to Ukraine, it won't change a thing because Russia is destroying most of the weapons Ukraine is getting from the West before they even make it to the battlefield AND every nation that sends their planes to Ukraine will be disarming themselves so they won't be able to stop Russia from holding them accountable for aiding Ukraine in this war against Russia, especially if even just one of those F-16s cause damage inside of Russia, which you know that is exactly what Zelensky wants to do.

These idiots really need to quit smoking whatever they are smoking.

The Western leaders have invented infinite stupidity because their stupidity is never ending.

You have to understand that the definition for insane is to be out of touch with reality and irrational, which they all are. They have been inbreeding too long so their family tree is a nut tree.

The upper class trash are so insanely obsessed with getting their evil global dictatorship over you at any cost to you that they are way beyond irrational. As each new idea and effort fails, they insanely think, "Yeah, but if we just do more of what is not working, it will magically succeed!"

Do you believe me yet that they are greedy and power mad nuts? I am afraid to ask, "How much more crazy can they get?"

The more they fail, the more desperate they get, and the crazier they get.

BTW, it looks like Zelensky is getting ready to jump ship on the West because he realizes he is running out of time and could end up dead any day now. That is why he is suddenly making trips to members of the Eastern Alliance like India, China, and Saudi Arabia.

If he joins ranks with the Eastern Alliance, the Ukrainian War will stop in a heartbeat.

Keep an eye on that.

OK, this is funny. The West is losing the war in Ukraine but to keep from admitting they are losing it and have been lying about it, they are now saying, "No one can win this war so let's talk peace." Instead of admitting they have lost, they cop out by saying, "No one can win it", implying we are all losing it, even Russia, who is winning it, which makes it OK so West can surrender, unless Putin wins this war. You just know that won't end any better than anything else they dreamed up.

That is how they are right now trying to keep most people from realizing that the lefties have been lying about everything and are losing the war. It is a slight of hand and con.

You watch, they will change their song from "no one can win this war" to "everyone won the war" after they get a peace negotiated and most people will fall for it. They will never admit that they have been lying and lost the war and, if they are forced to admit they did lose the war, they will blame Trump.


I got this in an e-mail from Mark;

"I am seeing more and more people referring to the 2020 election as a coup. I think it is beginning to sink in to people's minds. I have been saying that for a good while. I believe the 2020 election was a coup d'etat and the media attack against Trump for January 6 was preplanned as were the so-called riots."

I agree with Mark. It was definitely a coup but don't expect anyone to hold them accountable for their crimes, including treason, because they own and are the law so they have made themselves above the law, you know, just like the royals have been doing for more than 3,500 years.

And God said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Mark is also right that more and more people are figuring out the corruption I have been warning you about for years.

They finally proved what I have been telling you for years. The left is committing treason and everyone involved from the top down should be removed from office, prosecuted and, if found guilty, publically executed. That should include but not be limited to the rich oligarchs, politicians, bureaucrats, academe, media, nonprofit corporations, and others.

What I am wondering is, when will the good people in law enforcement do their jobs, keep their oaths, arrest all of these criminals for their treasonous crimes, prosecute them, and publically execute them for treason?

Remember that I have been telling you that the Constitutional Republic of the US is dead and just not finished kicking yet?

Watch this video about just some of the corruption in our government and pay attention that the upper levels of our government, especially law enforcement, do not uphold and enforce the constitution and they are clearly a part of a communist dictatorship trying to finish off our government and establish absolute control over you.

If they don't enforce the Constitution, you don't have a constitution and our government is trying every way they can to bypass our Constitution to finish it off. They have even started ignoring court orders concerning the Constitution.

BTW, DeSantis is just running right now to get his name out there and that he is a true conservative to win in 2028. I would not be surprised to see him get the job as Trump's VP to increase his chances of being elected in 2028. Keep an eye on this.

Dutch Farmers

You have to understand what the Dutch government is really doing when it is waging war against their farmers. They are one of the largest exporters in the world for food and they are trying to decrease the food they produce to stop those exports.

Where is that food being exported to?

Mostly Africa. The Dutch government doesn't like Africa siding with Russia and BRICS so the government is trying to starve the people of Africa into rebelling against their governments and to supporting the European royals again, while also destroying the lives of some of their farmers.

This will backfire because what will happen is Africa will start producing more food and import more food from other nations in the Eastern Alliance to get around the food embargo from Europe, which will end up only decreasing the European economy more and hurting Europe.

All the US and Europe are doing with their sick, twisted, power mad games is isolating themselves from the rest of the world and turning the world more against them. By angering the rest of the world more, they are increasing the probability that the rest of the world will invade the US and Europe to stop their insanity.

Do you believe me yet that the royals are out of touch with reality and irrational, which is the definition for insanity?

Keep an eye on this.

Businesses Going Woke

What has happened is that there is an entire generation of college graduates who have been brainwashed to believe the woke bull crap (dey got dem duh right degree from duh right ukneebursity), they are starting to take over major corporations and causing those businesses to go woke, believing it will force you to go woke but they are wrong.

It is causing the remaining sane people in the US and Europe to finally get mad enough to rebel against the brainwashed woke lunatics, costing them a lot of money and their jobs. What they are showing is that they are too brainwashed, arrogant, and stupid to learn from the other idiots' mistakes because they arrogantly believe they are smarter than the other woke idiots and will make it work, when they are not smarter but at least as dumb.

This insanity will continue until the woke brainwashed idiots all get fired and the rest learn it was a really stupid idea.

Once again, it goes right back to the lefty academe having caused this insanity. Someone needs to finally hold the academe responsible for their actions, especially in this recent effort to stage a coup because they are the ones who taught those lefties to stage that coup, which makes them complicit in the treasonous crimes.

The academe have been getting away with their crimes too long, they believe they can cause any crime they want and get away with it, and that must stop and soon.


It should be getting obvious by now that the lefty protestors are just unemployed lefties who get hired to show up and protest and they really don't care what it is about that they are protesting. It is just about the money and they really are professional protestors. They are just like Hollywood actors pretending to care about something, while causing trouble, making noise, and destroying people's property for lots of money.

I read some time ago that nonprofit organizations contact, recruit, and pay these lefty protestors $5,000 per week or $20,000 a month to protest and they will protest for anything and everything they are paid to protest for.

People, that is why these people can show up at any protest very quickly and stay for long times. They don't have a real job doing something else. They are unemployed bums being paid to protest whatever.

We need to do away with all of these nonprofit organizations that do things like hire protestors so the upper class trash can use them as fronts to keep from being held accountable for their crimes.


I am so extremely fed up with these ignorant, simple minded idiots who know nothing about the military "reporting on Taiwan". The ignorant clowns wouldn't know a good strategic analysis if it ran over them with a Mac truck.

In their simple minded ignorance all they can see and say is, "China is big, Taiwan is little, CHINA IS GOING TO CRUSH THEM!" All they are doing is doing China's fear mongering for her and it is ALL a bluff by China. China is bluffing about invading Taiwan because she knows better and the idiot lefties are helping her bluff to scare everyone into submission.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

All these idiots can think is that China has 1.4 billion people and Taiwan has 24 million people so China will win, duh, duh, duh. They are so simple minded, they make my brain hurt.

So, let me get this straight, with most of China's Navy committed to protecting other properties around the world and not being able to participate in an invasion, how are those 1.4 billion people going to get across 100 miles of ocean water to Taiwan, swim?

About 99.99% of them would drown, especially with most of them now being "aging people" too old to fight a war, much less swim 100 miles across an ocean. Forget about being able to fight when they got there.

Even if they used their entire navy, China wouldn't be able to get more than maybe half a million people to Taiwan to fight 24 million people and that would only be if Taiwan didn't fire one shot before China's Navy got those troops to Taiwan. Most likely, China would not be able to get more than maybe 100,000 troops to Taiwan to fight 24 million people with an army of at least 2 million and I don't even think she has enough troop ships for just 100,000 troops plus most of her existing troop ships would get sunk before they reached Taiwan.

Gee, I wonder who would win that fight? Do you understand why China has not invaded Taiwan yet?

I don't care how many people China has, if she cannot get enough of them there fast enough, she cannot win anything.

Forget about the rest of what matters like China's struggling economy, inferior weapons, many of which don't even work, her troops being spread out all over the world and China so that very few could actually participate in an invasion, Taiwan's many allies who are also China's many enemies, and much more.

Do you believe me yet that China is being over estimated by the idiots and Taiwan is being underestimated? Do you believe me yet that most "journalists" are ignorant and dumber than rocks?

They make my brain hurt really bad. Somebody needs to smack most of them a couple of times in the face with a baseball bat.

I have been telling you about this for years and the lefties still have not figured it out because they can't do a strategic analysis.

Listen, if China invades Taiwan, she will be lucky to pull back a nub. If I were Taiwan's commander in Chief, after I destroyed China's invasion force, I would invade China and march on Beijing and, right now, I would be sitting in my office looking at China saying, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty."

Listen, I would be trying to get enough of those really nice US amphibious assault ships from the US.

Taiwan may be little but she has a very, very, very big bite.

BTW, I am keeping an eye on North Korea because, if China does get stupid enough to invade Taiwan, she will use North Korea to tie down allied troops in South Korea.

Continental Drying

Remember that I have been telling you for more than two decades about continental drying, how more water is draining and evaporating from our continents than weather is placing on our continents?

This very brief video proves that is true and the idiots still have not realized what is causing it the way I told you it is being caused. This has been going on for more than 3,500 years and the evidence in archaeology proves it but our archaeologists have not figured it out yet.

I even told you how to fix the problem but you can bet they will screw that up too.


I have been wondering and watching concerning the evil tyrant, Trudeau, as to whether he is a member of the British Royal Family or the French Royal Family; probably the French Royal Family. Trudeau is not exactly a British name.

In the G7 conference, he met with Macron, which could mean is he getting ready to bring British Common Wealth member, Canada, under the French royal flag, which you know will tick off the British Royal Family and they would start shooting at each other...again.

You might want to keep an eye on this because ye ole royals have been backstabbing and killing each other for more than 3,500 years.

G7 Meeting

It turns out that the G7 meeting was really about the failing West trying talk the nations in the Eastern Alliance into leaving the Eastern Alliance or at least kicking Russia out, and rejoining the West under the rule of the West.

They are even already threatening China, which should warn the others off and cause them to more strongly unite with China and Russia. Hey, the upper class trash royals only know how to bully, terrorize, and murder people into submission.

They would have to be dumber than rocks to do it because they will be submitting to the absolute rule of the Euro-American royals over them, especially the British Royal Family.

I guess we just have to stick around and see how stupid they are.

Government Oaths

When a government official swears an oath for their office or position, what they are doing is making a "verbal contract" with the people and, when they do not keep that oath, they are "in breach of contract" and should be fired.

That means those people in law enforcement who do not keep their oaths to the people to arrest the upper class trash and hold them accountable for their crimes against the people such as treason are in breach of contract and are even aiding and abetting them in the commission and covering up their crimes, which makes those law enforcement complicit in those crimes and accomplices.

I really wish they would teach at least the basics to law in grade school so people can have better control of the government but you know the government doesn't want that, which is why they don't teach law in grade school.

Commie Bus

Remember that I warned you that, if you are a lefty and are no longer useful to the lefty upper class trash, they will stuff your evil butt under ye ole commie bus? Remember that I also warned you that you are vulnerable in a tyranny, if someone below you wants your job and power? Remember that I also told you that it would only be a matter of time until different factions within said tyranny turned on each other because they always have?

This video shows that is already happening in the Commierat Party.

Fetterman and Feinstein were both really great in their incapacitated state until the Commierats realized they are holding the Commierat Party back in certain areas and now the Commierats are trying to bulldoze their evil butts under ye ole commie bus.

"Out of our way, dysfunctional comrades!"

Also note a very important thing about this move is to get rid of the old Commierats so the younger Commierats can have that power. The younger Commierats have realized that the older Commierats are in their way and the younger Commierats want to use age discrimination to get them out of their way. Hey, no one can trust a traitor, not even another traitor.

Besides, the older Commierats are now failing at almost everything they are doing so the younger Commierats are frustrated and saying, "Get out of our way and let us show you how to do it right, comrades!"

This is getting very interesting because it is causing a split between the old and young Commierats and, as the older Commierats continue to fail, the younger Commierats will get more frustrated and desperate and turn on the older Commierats more and more. This fight has just barely begun and will accelerate quickly.

If the young Commierats are one tenth as smart as they think they are, they can use this recent attempted Commierat coup and treason to get the older Commierats out of their way and, to show they are for the people, have a really big public hanging for those "treasonous Commierats", while singing, "We are the new Commierats and traitors."

That could put those younger Commierats in power really fast. Keep an eye on that.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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