News 732


Poland has bailed on the US and UK concerning the Ukrainian War and is refusing to send Z Boy any more weapons.

The upper class trash plans fail worse every day and now there is one more nation bailing out on the US and UK plans to set up their global dictatorship.

Maybe Putin won't have to invade Europe after all, well, except maybe to take out the US, UK, Germany, and France.

Then I found this video telling about how Christian Russia has had members of her military training up Russian militias in Ukraine for self defense.

Note how Russia has armed those people, who had been previously disarmed, with military grade weapons and equipment to defend themselves against the West, you know, while the West has disarmed most of its people in Europe and is trying to disarm them in North America. Gee, what a magic coincidence.

Permitting the people to be armed to protect themselves depends on whether or not the government is afraid to permit the people to have arms to protect themselves from their government.

What is really interesting is that the "good guys" in the US are trying to take guns away from the people to make them vulnerable and the "evil" Putin has ORDERED that the educational system train Russian people to defend and protect themselves all across Russia.

"What, you mean Putin isn't afraid of his people the way our lefty upper class trash royals and their puppets are afraid of their people?"

Remember that I have been warning you about the upper class trash royal foundations and how the royals use them for money laundering? Remember that I have told you a number of times that both Billy Boy and Hillary Clinton are members of the British Royal Family?

This video shows you how the lefty upper class trash royals are going to "donate" $25 billion in your tax dollars to the Clinton Foundation for them to "fairly" and legally distribute it to somebody, you know, the other royals, well, what they don't stuff in their own greedy pockets. They never said whom the Clintons are going to distribute it to but it should be very obvious that this is a legalized royal crime, you know, mega grand theft by the royals.

They never stop because they cannot steal enough from enough people fast enough.

Do you believe me yet that all of the royals became rich by stealing from you and your ancestors? Do you believe Jesus yet when He said that they are almost all going to Hell? Now, do you think God wants to spend eternity with these evil, vile, human monsters stealing from you every time they can? Do you believe me yet that these evil brutal savages pretending to be civilized can't stop stealing from you? Do you believe me yet that, on Judgment Day, God MUST incarcerate them all in the Lake of Fire forever to protect you forever and prove that God is a just and righteous God? Do you believe me yet that I am sick and tired of these evil spawn of Satan and what they do to you? Do you believe me yet that God showed me that Billy Boy Clinton will be the Antichrist during the Tribulation?

Hey, he is great pals with the Muslims and owns a mansion in Dubai, a Muslim nation, and it is his favorite place to live. All of the God hating pagans love him just like the Bible says they will love the Antichrist. Watch, if Hillary dies, he will get himself 4 wives and a concubine of sex slaves and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he already secretly has all of that.

Listen, Billy Boy is going to get real popular handing out most of $25 billion dollars and keeping the rest. That will buy him a lot of greedy, corrupt friends.


Remember that I told you about my concern for the US Aegis system in my last essay? Remember that I also told you Russia could use those signals being sent to and from all of our weapons and control centers to locate and destroy all of those targets?

How do you think they are finding and destroying the operators for drones in Ukraine?

Russia is using the signals being sent out by the drone operators to locate, target, and destroy those operators. I already told you that all they need is a frequency scanner and directional finder like the old APR46 the Wild Weasels used in Nam to hunt and kill SAMs by following their radar signals.

We had a piece of equipment in our ECM shop in Korat, Thailand that we put a tape on that we took out of the old F-105 Thuds' recorder that recorded radar signals and other transmissions as they flew through an area and then we used the SAM radar signals to locate those SAMs and we used to plan future missions for destroying those SAMs because we knew where they were.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present.

You could use the exact same system we used for the Wild Weasels to hunt SAMs in 1973 to hunt all weapons and control centers sending out the Aegis signals. Russia does not need any new super duper technology to hunt and kill anything and everything that sends out a signal.

With Russia having been preparing for this war for more than a decade and already doing that with drones in Ukraine, telling me they have and know how to use that technology, you better bet she has already developed the ECM to do that with our Aegis system and has probably been mapping out where everything we have is and been practicing tracking them.

This requires a "passive detection system" that gives out no signals so you can practice using it against potential enemies without them knowing about it. Instead of you sending out signals to find and kill your enemies, telling your enemy where you are, you use the signals they are sending out to find and kill your enemies and they won't even know you are hunting them until their butts arrive in Hell.

I know Russia is using this technology to hunt and kill drone operators in Ukraine so all they have to do is change to watching the Aegis frequencies to hunt and kill our weapons and control centers.

I could easily design half a dozen weapons systems to hunt and kill drones in real time using the old Wild Weasel technology. I would be a holy terror against drones.


And God said, "I have somewhat against thee."

I see too many poser Christians and preachers saying and teaching that we don't have to live by God's Law because Jesus set us free from the Law.

Then what law are we supposed to live by?

Oh yeah, Satan's one law of "Do as you will". That is the message they are teaching and preaching, whether they realize it or not.

God gave us His Laws as a "driver's manual" for living life to have better lives and these people think that God won't punish them for doing the same thing pagans get punished for doing because they are pretending to be Christians?

That is why we are in the mess we are in, because too many people, calling themselves Christians, are not living by God's Laws so we have our governments and media lying to us because they don't have to live by God's Law that says you will not lie.

We have the upper class trash royals, their evil political puppets in government stealing from us everything they can because they don't have live by God's Law that says you will not steal and you can only tax the people 10% of their income.

We have our upper class trash royals murdering people to get what they want because they don't have to live by God's Law that says you will not murder.

We have a massive STD pandemic because we don't have to live by God's Law that says you shall not commit adultery, you know, and spread STDs everywhere, killing everyone.

Gee, I wonder why crime is so rampant all over the US today? You don't think it is because we let poser Christians talk us into not living by God's "oppressive" Laws and to live by Satan's one law of "Do as you will", do you?

People, God has punished Israel 3 times by expelling them from their land for not living by God's Law but God won't expel these poser Christians for doing the same thing?

Either you are living by God's Law or you are living by Satan's law. God's Law is meant to protect you and guide you through life but Satan's law is meant to destroy you, your nation, your families, and everything else. People, God IS His Law so that, if you hate God's Law, you hate God.

And they don't want to live by God's Law that protects them because "it is oppressing them" from doing what they want instead of doing what God wants and would rather live by Satan's destructive law that will completely destroy them and everything? And they pretend to have an IQ? Really?

People, if you accept the payment Jesus made for our crimes against God's Law, you don't have to pay for those crimes in eternity but, if you still choose to live by Satan's law, you will pay for it here on Earth because doing those things will destroy you, your nation, your family, and you will get few, if any, rewards in Paradise for leading the unsaved astray. There will still be a price for living the way of the pagans.

If you lie, when found out, you will pay a price for lying just like the pagans.

If you steal, you will go to jail just like the pagans.

If you murder, you will still be punished just like the pagans.

If you commit adultery, you will still get STDs and suffer the same problems in your life the pagans will. Those STDs will still destroy your life and kill you just as dead as they will the pagans.

If you do not walk with God, you will not get God's wisdom and you will still be left with a reprobate mind just like the pagans.

Jesus paid the price of eternal damnation but He did not negate the problems those sins or crimes will cause you here on Earth. You just might want to rethink living by God's Laws and not by Satan's one law of "Do as you will".

Besides, God warns us that, if we do not live by His Laws, after accepting Jesus as our savior, He will remove us from this life early.

It is not a good idea to turn your back on God so you can sin because, when you turn your back on God, you are turning towards Satan and all of the harm he will cause you and God won't protect you from that harm you bring on yourself.

I have to believe that the people who made up that lie that we don't have to live by God's Law because we are freed from the Law by Jesus were not true Christians but Satan's disciples he infiltrated into the church to deceive God's people and lead them astray.


I keep warning you about the royals in hiding as common people running things.

This video shows one such royal involved in censoring someone on Rumble. At 2:22 into that video you see a letter written by "Dame Caroline Dinenage". Most people don't know that Dame is a royal title for women so that woman who wrote that letter attacking that man is a member of the British Royal Family. Only female Royals are permitted to publically use the title Dame.

Turley only talks about her being a "conservative" and does not deal with the obvious fact she is clearly a member of the British Royal Family trying to censor someone who is exposing the truth about the Royal run lefties.

Remember that I told you that Britain's Parliament is almost all members of the British Royal Family?

Surprise, surprise, Dame Caroline is a member of Parliament just like PM Johnson is, who is also a member of the British Royal Family. The lower level Royals are running their Parliament as a front for the upper level Royals. Their democracy is just a con to keep people from realizing that it is still the British Royal Family that is running the UK and the democracy just means you get to choose which of the Royals you want to represent you in their fake democracy.

Ever since Bastille caused a number of French Royals to lose their heads, including their King, the rest of the Euro-American royals have been inventing ways to hide that the royals are still running and destroying things because they don't want to lose their heads too. They know that sooner or later enough people will get mad enough to remove royal heads so they have disarmed most of the peasants in most of their nations, are still trying to disarm you in the US, and are hiding their true identities as royals from the people to keep from losing their evil heads.

Try to treat people with respect and not rob them blind?

Oh no, we could never expect the royals to do something like that because of their inbred insanity and stupidity and obsessions with greed and power. Why they couldn't steal as much from as many people as quickly if they treated you peasants with respect.

After that letter by a Royal, it would not surprise me at all to find out that the Royals bribed those women to make false claims against Russell Brand to silence him because he was exposing so much of the truth about the Royals. Keep an eye on this.

Magic Coincidences

I was wondering why Poland suddenly went from aggressively providing Ukraine with weapons, munitions, and even tens of thousands of soldiers to refusing to provide Ukraine with more weapons and munitions?

Then I found out that NATO is staging their largest ever war games in Germany, you know, right behind Poland.

Gee, what magic coincidental timing with Ukraine losing, NATO continues keeping the war going, and ticking off Putin, while Putin is clearly ramping up to invade Europe and the US.

"Nah, Putin wouldn't dare attack us magnificent, wonderful, elite Royals!"

Gee, you don't think they finally realized that Putin was planning to attack into and through Poland and Germany into France to stop their insanity like I have been warning you, do you? What, they finally figured out that Putin isn't bluffing about invading Europe and the US? The upper class trash royals are kind of slow witted, aren't they? What do you expect from inbred stupid and arrogant people, sanity?

What kills me is that they are planning to stop Russia's invasion into Europe with 250 fighter planes against Russia's 900 fighter planes and SAM systems.

Who taught these incompetent morons to do a strategic analysis?

Oh yeah, the same people who taught them the tactics they are using to lose in Ukraine. You know that will work well.

Do not be surprised when Putin is finally cornered into staging a preemptive nuclear strike against the US, UK, France, and Germany. The idiots just won't quit poking the bear until he turns them into bear turds.


The lefties failed again. At least they are consistent.

They legalized recreational drugs in Seattle and the drug problem just got much worse until they are now forced to make recreational drugs illegal again.

What did the upper class trash lefty clowns think, that making drugs that incapacitate and addict people legal would cause fewer people to use those drugs and become incapacitated and addicted?

No, they knew that, if they made the drugs legal, it would increase sales for them, which would make them more money and they completely ignored the social harm it would cause because they don't care about you, only themselves and their bank accounts.

They legalized the drugs and it began destroying life in Seattle so they were finally forced to make those drugs illegal again but now they have many times more users to deal with so it is not going to be easy to clean up that mess.

And God said, "Thinking themselves wise, they made themselves fools."

What can you say about such massive stupidity? How many people's lives did they destroy with that great sounding stupid idea?

Queen Lujan

I have been watching this for at least 30 years and, whenever it benefits the left, suddenly mass shootings start happening. The Shooting of children in Albuquerque is suddenly benefiting Queen Lujan and the New Mexico Commierats so suddenly the number of children being shot has increased.

I would not be surprised to find out that the New Mexico Commierat Royals are paying people to murder children so the Commierat Royals can use it to justify them seizing complete control of our government to set up their Spanish monarchy. Keep an eye on this.


I posted this on FB and thought you could benefit from it.

"Here is something I had not thought about until I just saw a political post.

Are we in the process of repeating a certain part in North American history?

By 1,000 years ago, the American Indians in North America had developed the best group of civilizations in the history of North America and equal to some of the greatest civilizations around the world.

The Anasazi and Mogollon in the Southwest traded all the way south to the Aztecs and west to a group of Pacific Coast tribes and the Mississippian People along the entire Mississippi River from the Gulf Coast to at least Illinois and also along the Southeast Atlantic Coast had set up an entire line of city states very much like ancient Greece that traded with each other.

It was the greatest civilization and culture until the US was founded hundreds of years later.

What happened to them?

A mass migration from Asia started with today's Indians fleeing the wars in Asia and there was no wall to stop them. They migrated into North America, raided, sacked, murdered, and enslaved the Indians already living here, completely wiping out their civilizations by the time the Europeans arrived hundreds of years later.

So, here we are today with the greatest civilization in history in the US with a mass migration from all over the world and some of them have started committing crimes in the US because we don't have a wall.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present or deja vu. I have been calling this the fall of Rome II.

If you have studied the fall of other great nations and empires, you should know that such a fall always super sucks really bad for everyone but at least we get to know that the lefty college professors who dreamed up and taught this crap are also going to get to live it and history teaches that most of them will die from their own arrogant stupidity.

Maybe they should have paid more attention to history and less attention to their great sounding stupid ideas?"


"Hey, this is creating some opportunities to learn from and use history. When they destroy your cities, especially the big blue cities they are now destroying, you can do like the Anasazi and flee to the mountains to build cliff dwellings and villages on the tops of plateaus that are much more defensible. Deja vu. You might want to start studying American Indian history.

'Let's see, how do we build a pueblo type fort to protect our families?'

Hint: rocks and clay don't burn."


"I wonder what the Anasazi did that weakened and helped bring down their empire?

They probably thought like everyone else in history that their empire would last forever, you know, like the Romans thought Rome would last forever, the Greeks thought Greece would last forever, the Egyptians thought Egypt would last forever, Britain thought the British Empire would last forever, Spain thought the Spanish Empire would last forever, France thought the French Empire would last forever, and Americans think the US will last forever.

We humans have been wrong every time because we never consider the damage our greedy upper class trash ALWAYS eventually cause to bring our nations down.

I have been studying this for several decades and I believe that, in the next 20 to 30 years, you won't recognize Europe and it is already heading that way. I believe that Britain will break up into Scotland, Wales, and England, Spain will break up into at least 4 nations and is already doing it, France will break up into at least 3 to 4 nations, Belgium will break up into 2 nations, and there is no telling how many nations Germany will break up into because it used to be about a dozen different nations. Keep an eye on this."


"Heck, right now the US is trying to break up into at least 2 nations with red counties trying to break away from blue run states and remember that God told me the US will break up into 2 nations. Look at how many nations Rome broke up into.

Unfortunately, a lot of my friends and family will die in this mess because of the greed of the upper class trash.

If you have seen it in the past, you recognize it in the present."

Senate Dress Code

I hope you are intelligent enough to realize that the stories about the "Senate Dress Code" are just a distraction. It is amazing how much time the media are taking up of your time reporting on "this horrible thing that will destroy our nation. Why, the invalid wore his jammies to work."

BTW, so is the "government shutdown" thingy. Every time they need a big distraction, they shut the government down. That con job has been going on for decades.


Remember that I have been warning you that at least some of the illegal immigrants coming into the US across our borders are young soldiers from nations that hate and want to help invade, conquer and sack the US?

In this video she tells you that Biden just gave work permits to more than 470,000 illegal migrants from Venezuela. People, if just 1% of them are soldiers from communist Venezuela, that is more than 4,000 soldiers being brought into the US just from Venezuela and you can bet there are many more than that.

Do you get the picture and see how bad the problem is when there are many, many more migrants from a lot of nations?

There are at least tens of millions of illegal migrants in the US already and, if only 10% of them are infiltrated soldiers, we have an army of millions of soldiers from other hostile nations "inside our gates" to attack us from within before the fighting even gets started. This makes what happened to Rome, when she got sacked, look like a birthday party.

Do you believe me yet that you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, secure your red zones, and lock and load? Don't you think this is just a wee bit of a national emergency created by our upper class trash royals and their insane puppets to destroy the US to prevent us from stopping their evil global dictatorship? Do you believe me yet that the Royals are inbred bonkers mad?

A lot of people are about to die because of the upper class trash royals and their insane obsession with their global dictatorship but, hey, they have been telling you for decades they planned to kill you all off anyway to depopulate THEIR planet.

Did you notice the mayor of NYC saying a list of names of Latin American countries they want to infiltrate people (soldiers) from to help bring down the US so the left can set up their dictatorship?

Yeah, the lefty upper class trash have sold you out to help those soldiers infiltrate our nation to destroy it. It is called treason.

The one important thing the news proves is that it gets worse every day because the evil lefty upper class trash royals and their puppets never quit. Even after they set up their global dictatorship, they will keep making it worse by murdering billions of you to "depopulate" their planet and by turning on each other with wars to seize control from each other because these raving mad lunatics can never have enough wealth and power.

Listen, if they found another inhabited planet, those inbred royal lunatics would send you in armies to invade, conquer, and sack that other planet to increase their wealth and power. They could not stand the thought that someone on another planet had something the upper class trash had not stolen and the royals did not have complete control and power over that entire planet.

They would have secret meetings about how to steal everything those people have and gain absolute control and power over the entire planet and not being able to would drive them into a furious rage. The Royals make the evil, science fiction villains like Darth Vader look like saints.

That is why, when we colonize other planets, we better set up a powerful defense system because you know these raving lunatics will come after our planets.

They will never quit and they prove it every day. The only thing that has ever stopped them is their deaths.

Do you understand why God is going to have to incarcerate them in the Lake of Fire forever to protect you forever?

God can't just put these inbred lunatics on another planet because, as soon as they could, they would come after our planet.

If He ever lets them out, they will just start over again. That is why I call them human demons, because they are evil and crazy forever. They CANNOT leave other people alone.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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