News 761


I keep seeing Christians portraying the Antichrist as being openly evil with horns and surrounded by demons. He does not want to openly let people know he is evil. Very few would want to follow him.

One of Satan's big cons is to hide his evil people as being good people, you know, like poser Christians in churches to destroy those churches from within, so more people will follow them. The Antichrist is going to look like most other rich guys for their culture, whether as a Westerner or Muslims but probably as a Muslim. He will probably look like the leaders in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Syria.

Black Plague

Remember that I keep warning you about the situation created in the US by the chemical companies that is at least 20 to 30 times worse than the situation that caused the Black Plague 700 years ago?

As a biologist trained to do lab work and field research, I realized the pandemic potential during a class in wild life management a few decades ago, I sat down and figured out how I would set up a lab in the field to cause a Yersinia Pestis pandemic in the US and how I would spread the disease. It would be so easy and I could easily spread the disease into at least the 50 to 100 largest cities in the US by myself before anyone knew it and, with their rodent pandemics, it would wipe out most of the people in those cities very quickly. We are talking LA, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, New York, and others being turned into ghost towns.

With the help of some moderately trained lefties like Antifa, BLM, or Muslim terrorists, I could easily spread it to every mid to large size city in the US before anyone found out about it.

Remember that, untreated Yersinia Pestis has a 90% mortality rate as the Black Plague and a 100% mortality rate as the Pneumonic Plague even with treatment.

I strongly suggest that, with all of the biowarfare labs they have already found, the US Military really needs to search areas where Yersinia Pestis exists for such a lab and search all known labs for Yersinia Pestis. This is a severe threat to US national security because it could easily wipe out 200 to 250+ million people just in the US.

With all of the diseases I see them farming in bioweapons labs, I cannot imagine that they would not also include Yersinia Pestis, when it almost wiped out mankind 700 years ago and killed more people than any other disease. You just KNOW the lefty nut cases have that in labs somewhere.


I have been waiting for this to happen and it is something new to watch.

Saudi Arabia just turned away a bunch of black Muslims who traveled to do the Muslim Haj as shown in this video.

If you study Islam, you will find that all non black Muslims are taught to believe that ALL blacks, even Muslims, are not humans but are apes. The black Muslims are about to find that out and it will cause a split in Islam.

You see, the rest of the Muslims will need the black Muslims to conquer the world but don't want to have anything to do with any blacks except to make them slaves.

Remember that I taught you that one of the factors in Islam that will cause the Muslims staged to invade Israel for the Battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 to turn their weapons on each other when God causes an earthquake is the tension between the different sects like Sunni and Shiite Islam plus their sub sects. The tension between black and non black Muslims will only make it more likely for them to turn their weapons on each other. There are other factors like Persians vs Arabs that will add to that. Islam is by no means a united religion and they have different factions that appose each other just like any religion but their factions have waged war against each other and murdered each other for 1,400 years.

Keep in mind that the Saudi Muslims insulted the black Muslims at a time when the Saudis need the African Muslims to help invade Israel. That is how much the different Muslim factions hate each other.

It is like I have told you, after the Muslims conquer the world during the Tribulation, they will turn on each other for control and power like they have already been fighting and killing each other for 1,400 years. That explains what the Bible says about 3 members of the Caliphate council being murdered and the Antichrist taking control right after they finish conquering the world except for Israel.


Remember that years ago I told you that we Christians need to make our own calendar because the names of the months and days in the Roman and Hebrew calendars are mostly pagan gods.

I was just watching such an analysis of the Roman Calendar we currently use and the names are mostly pagan gods so that, by using that calendar, we are honoring those pagan gods. Only about 4 or 5 of those months are not to honor some pagan god.

The Hebrew calendar is just as bad because it was formed while the Hebrews were captive in Babylon and they used the names of Babylonian pagan gods for their months of the year to honor and show respect for those pagan gods. For example, the month of Talmud is in honor of a Babylonian god.

I am even more convinced than before that we should have our own Christian calendar using the names of the 12 Apostles for the months and the names of other Biblical figures for the days of the week because we Christians should not be showing respect for pagan gods.

You just know that we are NOT going to use either of those two calendars during the Millennial Reign of Jesus. You can bet on it.

Minimum Wage

The reason why the different state governments keep raising minimum wage is to increase the governments' tax revenues because, the more money you make at work, the more money you pay in taxes, especially if it moves you up into a higher tax bracket, so they are actually taxing the businesses you work for by way of you. It is called robbery.

It is a deceptive way of increasing taxes on business to increase the government revenues so they can increase the government pay for themselves also known as money laundering.

Unfortunately, this is chasing a lot of businesses out of states and even the country to save that extra money, costing you jobs.

Our corrupt governments have more rackets to make themselves more money at your expense. They only pretend to be taking care of you while taking care of themselves.


Remember that I told you that, before WWII, the Commierat Party was pro Nazi socialist, was in support of Nazi socialist Germany, and they and their media were working to keep the US out of WWII until it would have been too late for the US so Nazi Germany, Mexico, and Japan would have had the US isolated without allies to invade and fight so they could set up their Nazi socialist dictatorship in the US, after destroying Britain, the Soviet Union, and Asia so the Pentagon suckered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor to get us into the war sooner?

That also explains why a large passenger ship of hundreds of Hebrews trying to escape the slaughter in Germany before we got into the war was turned away from getting asylum in the US by Commierat FDR and was forced to return to Germany, where most of them were murdered by the Germans.

When you put that together with today's Commierat Party and its communism/socialism, anti-Semitism, and them still trying to set up their dictatorship, it is pretty obvious that party has not changed in 85+ years and is still the same communist/socialist/Nazi, antisemetic bunch of butchers trying to set up their communist/socialist dictatorship today like they were almost a century ago and that is getting more obvious by the day.

Gee, you think that might be why they have no problem helping the Azov Nazis in Ukraine?

BTW, in being pro Nazi before WWII, they were also pro Muslim by then because Nazi Germany was already in bed with the Muslim leaders of Turkey with today's US Nation of Islam being in bed with Iran.

Wow, what a magic coincidence that nothing has changed in almost 100 years. The lefties are still the same republic hating traitors they were 100 years ago.

Do you believe me yet that they never quit and the only thing that will stop them is death? God has to send them all to Hell to stop their evil.

Do you believe me yet that you better pray long, pray hard, pray often, get right with God, secure your red zones, and lock and load? Getting kind of obvious, is it?


I have been watching closely and Hamas keeps coming up with new and more weapons to stage small offensive attacks in Gaza, especially with weapons she had not used before. The only way this is possible is because Egypt is helping smuggle weapons into Gaza for Hamas telling me that Egypt may not be willing to commit her troops to invade Israel yet but she has no problem in aiding Hamas at killing Israelis so there will be fewer to kill Egyptian soldiers.

Remember that more than a month ago Jordan moved their forces up to the Israeli border "to protect themselves from a potential attack from Israel"?

Israel is now expecting an attack from Jordan.

Gee, you don't think Jordan moved her troops to the Israeli border to set up to invade Israel under the cover of Jordan protecting herself from an attack by Israel, do you?

I have been watching that and will continue to watch it.

BTW, they know that weapons have been being smuggled into the West Bank to Hamas from Jordan during this war and before. This should tell you that Egypt is almost certainly smuggling weapons and even troops into Gaza for Hamas. I have even seen evidence that some Hamas terrorists have already fled into Egypt.

Jordan and Egypt are only pretending to be neutral the way Afghan Joe is only pretending to help Israel, while working to stop Israel from destroying Hamas.

Remember that, in the past, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria have ALL invaded Israel for the same reasons Hamas is waging war against Israel now. They all want to destroy Israel and they have all tried to destroy Israel in the past a number of times. Just because they always failed in the past does not mean they will not try again in the future.

You bet that Israel knows all of this but is publically ignoring it to keep those nations from being humiliated into joining in the fight directly but you can bet Israel is watching those nations closely.

Keep an eye on this.

Then I found this video showing that Hamas is now using weapons made in China for the first time during this war. This is pretty good evidence that weapons are being smuggled into Gaza from Egypt.

Remember that Israel recently said they would end the war in Gaza by the end of January?

Then I found this video telling us that Israel has changed to fighting this war for the rest of this year.

Why? Did Afghan Joe finally force Israel to scale back their war somehow?

Then I found this video telling us that Afghan Joe is pulling the USS Ford out of that area, decreasing our forces in that area.

Why? What other forces is he going to pull out soon?

Something recently happened.

Keep an eye on this.


China is continuing to threaten Taiwan, you know, while continuing to smuggle the 10s of thousands of troops she will need to conquer Taiwan into the US and most people are falling for it.

Mahdi Obama

I think the Nation of Islam and Mahdi Obama are using the Biden family as stooges, fools, and patsies to maximize Obama's popularity and acceptance when he seizes control of the US, especially for Muslims and lefties. I think his plan is too intelligent for Mahdi Obama to have conceived it himself. It is more likely that a Nation of Islam team planned this out.

They are using Afghan Joe to turn the Muslims and lefties against Afghan Joe by having him pretend to help Israel, which the Muslims and lefties clearly hate and is turning them against Afghan Joe, while working to destroy or hamper Israel's efforts without most people even noticing.

That way, when Mahdi Obama nukes Chicago and seizes control of the US, while blaming Israel for nuking Chicago, Mahdi Obama will be able to make dead Afghan Joe look like a sucker and fool or patsy for helping Israel and make it look like Mahdi Obama is coming to our aid to rescue us all from evil, back stabbing Israel to cause the lefties and Muslims to like Mahdi Obama even more. It is to make Mahdi Obama look like our messiah saving our butts, which is what Mahdi means, the messiah.

You think I am wrong?

Then watch this video how the Muslims have put together a national organization to turn all Muslims against Afghan Joe. If they are all hating Afghan Joe and he is replaced by Mahdi Obama, who quickly reverses Afghan Joe's policies to wipe out Israel. All of the Muslims and Israel hating lefties will stampede to be among the first to support Mahdi Obama.

You can bet that "Hate Afghan Joe" organization was put together by the Nation of Islam. It is called psychological warfare and the Nation of Islam people were trained in it by the US Military, which they now control. Afghan Joe's entire family is being played for suckers and fools by the Nation of Islam.

North Korea

I am wondering if Kimmy Boy even knows ANYTHING about nuke warfare. He has threatened to annihilate South Korea and the US with his nukes.


The last I checked he only had half a dozen to a dozen small tactical nukes that might be able to annihilate Fiji. Even if he quickly assembled 3 dozen more tactical nukes, he wouldn't be able to annihilate even just South Korea.

Hey, maybe he will even fly one of those super duper spy balloony thingies over Hawaii?

I am sure he is being used as a distraction by China and Russia.

That is why I believe we should give half a dozen good sized tactical nukes to South Korea and Japan each as psychological warfare to deter Kimmy Boy from even thinking about using nukes on anyone.

In the same way, if we also gave half a dozen good sized tactical nukes to Taiwan with South Korea, Japan, and India having nukes, China would think much more about not wanting to start a war in that area. During the Cold War we called that "deterrence" and it works.


Russia is continuing to escalate the war and is taking more land faster. She is greatly increasing her pre attack bombardments to soften up what is left of the Ukrainian troops and the Ukrainian troops are increasingly cutting and running. It is only a matter of time until the Ukrainian troops run hard enough and long enough to turn it into a complete route.

Everything else I have told you would happen has happened and that will soon happen too.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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