Power Analysis

I have already shown you a little of this over more than a decade but now I need to finish the picture so you can better understand. First, let's finish what is going on in Ukraine.


What is going on in Ukraine right now that ABSOLUTELY none of the great military minds, most of whom are militarily ignorant journalists, can even see? What did I tell you about Putin and Ukraine before Putin even went into Ukraine?

Remember that I told you about the triple encirclement traps Putin had designed into his Ukraine invasion and he activated 2 of them during the war? Remember that I told you that, if he was attacked, he would pull back to an encirclement position to draw the enemy into the trap, encircle them, and destroy them?

Note that the Donbass area is the smallest encirclement area that will require the least amount of time to close the circle providing the Ukraine forces with the least potential opportunity to escape. Basically, it is the best trap.

A rule in combat is that, anytime your military does a strategic or tactical retreat, the arrogant enemy will ALWAYS think, "We have defeated them and have them on the run", and quickly pursue you into the trap. All but a handful of the most brilliant military leaders in history have done that.

The mighty warrior coward, Zelensky cut and ran to Lviv and then Poland where Putin couldn't get to him and his evil cabinet to destroy them, with them doing macho warrior videos in front of green screens to make it look like the great warrior coward Zelensky was in the midst of ye ole battle. Putin also had the 2 Nazi military units dug in fighting them with siege warfare, which was taking too long, costing Putin to many troops and emboldening the stupid Western upper class trash so Putin activated his encirclement trap and the arrogant fools have taken the bait saying, "Russia is defeated and on the run! Charge!" and the idiot Western upper class trash are encouraging those fools by yelling the same thing.

Yes, right now, my brain is hurting.

The mighty warrior coward, Zelensky is now back in Ukraine walking around in the open thinking Putin can't get him here now, "I mean, Putin is defeated, right?", and, if Putin does return, he will just safely flee back to Poland to wait until Russia is defeated again, you know, with only Putin knows how many Spetznaz teams are hiding near him to take him and his entire cowardly cabinet out. Oops!

You can bet that, before Putin makes his move this time, he will cut off Zelensky's escape routes because he knows the coward will run and where he will run to.

Putin also has those mighty Nazi Ukrainian military units pursuing him to his primary bait, you know, the Donbass area I told you he would use as bait because it is the furthest point back in the encirclement pocket and will require the least amount of time to complete the pincer moves to encircle the forces. After all, those Nazi units just loved bombarding the Donbass area civilians before they fled and now they can do it again so they are chasing the "defeated and fleeing Russian forces back to the Donbass bait...uh...I mean area", you know, where Putin will quickly encircle and destroy them.

Once Putin destroys Zelensky, his cabinet, and those two Nazi units, Ukraine will play nice with Russia.

It's a sucker punch, people, and the arrogant fools are falling for it.

Note that the West is still using Ukraine and their stooge Zelensky to cause trouble for Putin and Russia and to bring Putin down to get him out of the way for their global dictatorship. They are leaving Putin no other choice but to invade Europe and increasingly causing Putin and his officers to have nothing to lose by invading Europe or using nukes.


Now you have to understand the power structure of Europe to see its weaknesses and you can bet that Putin and his spies know all about this and more. Note that all of the major nations in the EU are undergoing citizen unrest because of government policies and tyranny and Putin can use that to weaken them even more.

First, the UK is the militarily strongest of the nations in Europe but even she depends on US Military forces in Europe, especially in the UK for protection. Without the US, there would be no Europe today. Right now, with the US only having a one front military, stupid Milley is wanting to "increase the number of permanent US bases in Europe", you know, tying down more of our troops in Europe, which will increase opportunities for Iran, China, North Korea, and others in other areas and decrease our ability to protect our own nation.

When the UK was in the EU, she was the most influential of the nations politically with Germany having the strongest economy but the UK easily paid at least 2 to 3 times more to the EU than she received in funding or benefits from the EU. Because of the way the EU was structured, she felt that the EU had too much influence over what went on in the UK.

Keep in mind that the UK is NOT a true democracy because the Queen or head of the British Royal Family has final say on all government issues just like a monarchy and almost everyone in the Parliament is a member of the British Royal family. The best way to think of the UK is as a uniquely structured monarchy hiding behind a fake democracy.

When the Queen decided that she no longer wanted to remain in the EU because the UK was getting the short end of the stick, she used the government run media, with her running the government, to convince most of the people that they wanted to leave the EU, which is what caused the UK to leave the EU in what is called the Brexit, for which you can't blame the Queen.

When the UK left the EU, it was public knowledge that Germany took over as "leader" of the EU until Merkel began to fall from grace and then France took most of the lead in EU matters. Most of the rest of the nations are not that powerful militarily, politically, economically, or in other ways.

Do you see why I keep using how weak the German military is as an example plus with her being closer to Russia than the other 4 major nations?

It is important to understand that a number of the EU nations are currently openly considering leaving the EU, including but not limited to Italy, Hungary, and Poland with Germany having gotten much closer to Russia and was considering leaving the EU before the Ukraine War. It would be relatively easy for Putin to get at least a few of those nations to be neutral in a war with Russia.

Spain is a fractured nation with Catalonia in the northeast and the Basque in the northwest both wanting to secede and the Muslims in the South wanting to take over from the Spanish Royal Family. There is a lot of division in Spain that Putin could use to either bring her down, break her up, or get her to be so troubled she would become neutral.

If Russia quickly takes out enough of the US troops in Europe with tactical nukes, which won't require too many tactical nukes, and Putin has nothing to lose right now, it is very likely that even the strongest of those nations will make peace with Russia very quickly. Plus you have to keep in mind that there isn't much military for Russia to destroy in any of the top 5 nations except the UK.

I mean, come on, Germany has less than 50 functioning fighter planes that just one or two tactical nukes would easily destroy. There are more functional fighter planes at just Holloman AFB in the US than in all of Germany and that is no exaggeration.

If they did fight, the war wouldn't last long, especially if Putin started using tactical nukes against their strongest military units, and the bull crap would stop and that is what Putin wants.

Bible Prophecy

How will Russia taking Europe effect Bible prophecy?

First, remember that both ye ole British Royal Family and the Catholic Church bought land more than a decade ago where they plan to build Mystery Babylon but they are still too comfortable in their European palaces to get very busy building new palaces in Mystery Babylon in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

If Putin drove at least the top surviving members of the British Royal Family out of Europe to Baghdad, they would very quickly begin building their new palace in Mystery Babylon and not be so occupied with killing Putin, at least for a while.

Keep in mind that Putin is an Orthodox Christian, which church has been at odds with the Catholic Church since the two split out of the Church of Rome about 1,600 years ago and that the Pope has been siding with the upper class trash in causing trouble for Putin and Russia and, therefore, the Orthodox Christian Church. If Putin invaded Italy and posed a threat to Rome, you can bet that the Pope and the lefty members of the Vatican would flee to Baghdad to quickly build a new church or mosque in Mystery Babylon.

Those two things would fulfill the prophecy about the iron mixed with clay for the feet of the figure for Nebuchadnezzar's dream concerning the end time world government and church. It would accelerate the fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy by making those people get off their comfortable butts and begin building Mystery Babylon.

This is one reason why I believe God is using Christian Putin against the pagan Western upper class trash.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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