Republic of the USA

Remember that I have been telling you that the Republic of the USA is dead, it just has not finished kicking yet? Remember that I told you that the left is finishing destroying our republic to set up their dictatorship, are right now consolidating power so they won't lose control again and that the elections will just be rigged even more so you can't vote them out?

I am willing to bet a lot of you hated me saying that. So did I but it is the truth. I know, let's do the math, you know I love math.

I told you that Gavin Newsom would win this recall election because it would be rigged.

They have not finished counting all of the votes yet but they have all but declared him the winner because he already has a 30% lead and almost all of that is from "mail-in-ballots", most of which are probably fake ballots.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

People, this should tell you that the 2022 election will be even more rigged than the 2020 election was. You can't win an election that is rigged, no matter how many of you vote to defeat them.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The commie leaders are putting out unconstitutional and illegal mandates to terrorize and control the people and they are succeeding.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

Those unconstitutional and illegal mandates are being enforced by the law enforcement instead of the law enforcement arresting the criminals giving those illegal mandates.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The upper class trash are blatantly not obeying their own mandates while forcing you to obey the same mandates.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The commies are censoring anyone and everyone who dares tell the truth and disprove their lies, misinformation, and propaganda.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The commies are brainwashing your children in the public schools and universities.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The lefty media are lying and covering up for the crimes of the upper class trash against you.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The head of the Pentagon undermined the president of the US without that president having committed any crimes.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The leaders control the people, the people don't control the leaders.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

The leaders are right now bringing our terrorist enemies into our country so those terrorists can wage their war against us in our own nation.

Does that sound like a republic to you?

Then we have our commie "leaders" stealing trillions of dollars from our nation by spending the nation into such debt that the people will never be able to pay that debt off.

Does that sound like a republic to you are an enemy sacking a fallen nation?

And you think our republic is not dead and just has not finished kicking yet? Really?

You better wake up and deal with the ugly truth before it is too late. We have just enough of our republic left to hold them off long enough for us to put together actions to take back control of the land so we can build a new republic.

So, how is that former Christian theocracy and now satanic theocracy doing? Ready to get back a new Christian theocracy or are you just delighted with your satanic theocracy?

Just look at all of the evil and illegal things the left is getting away with because none of their pal DAs will prosecute them and ask yourself if that sounds like a republic to you. I dare you.

Don't worry, God will permit the Muslims to finish off our former Christian theocracy because we let the spawn of Satan turn it into a satanic theocracy and then, if you turn from your sins back to God and call on His name, God will help you build a new Christian theocracy from the ashes of the greatest nation in history.

This sucks, doesn't it?

I hope you enjoyed your sins because we are right now paying for them. Do not believe anyone who tells you that God does not punish His people for their sins, you know, like He punished Israel for her sins. Just like Israel did, you are right now losing your nation because you turned from God. Gee, what a coincidence.

Remember that being mad at me for pointing out the truth won't solve a thing because we all sinned and it was our tolerance of the lefty sins that permitted the commies to gain control of our nation and destroy our republic. It is only that I am pointing out that they have destroyed our republic that we have a chance to win back control of the land and build a new republic but we don't have long left and must first repent of our sins, then turn back to God, and then call on God's name.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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