
Remember that I have been telling you that the Royals are the worst criminals?

Well, let's study and see what criminal charges they will be facing on Judgment Day and this will knock your socks off because EVERYONE will be held accountable for every crime they committed against God's Law, even the Royals. NO ONE is above God's Law.

The first and worst crime they almost always commit is blasphemy because they always hold themselves up as deity, above God's Laws, which is elevating themselves above God, which is blasphemy, and no one is above God's Law, not even the Royals.

Did you know that the Bible says we are not to bend a knee or bow before man, you know, the Royals, because you are only to bow before God?

That means that every time a Royal has anyone bow before them, they are committing an act of blasphemy because they are deifying themselves as gods. If a Royal has just 10 people a day bow before them, they commit 10 acts of blasphemy or crimes against God a day and, if they do that for just one year, they will be facing 3,650 counts for blasphemy before God on Judgment Day. That alone makes them the worst criminals because no middle to lower class person will commit that many counts of the most serious crime.

But, it gets better.

If a Royal takes an army and invades and conquers just a small town to sack or rob it to increase their wealth and his army murders 1,000 people, that Royal will be held accountable for 1,000 murders on Judgment Day. If they sack or steal from 10,000 people, that Royal will face 10,000 counts of stealing on Judgment Day. If he just rapes one person, he will be held accountable for one count of adultery on Judgment Day.

For just that one little conquest, forget about big cities and nations, the Royal will be facing thousands of charges for crimes on Judgment Day, more than any middle or lower class person will face for just one act.

You don't believe me?

If you go out on the street and rob a group of just 10 people, you will find yourself facing 10 counts for robbery because you will be held accountable for every crime against every person.

Every "great conquering hero" like Alexander the Great will face millions of charges for the crimes they committed with their conquests on Judgment Day unless they were conquering to free or protect God's people from oppression by Satan's people.

From God's perspective, those "mighty Royal conquerors" were just bandits or outlaws with a larger gang or outlaw band raiding, robbing, and murdering people. That is all they were. They are no better or different from a street gang that lies, steals, and murders; they just have a bigger army.

Don't believe me?

Wait until Judgment Day and you will see because NO ONE is above God's Laws! Not even the Royals.

Did you know that God told us in the Bible we are to be limited to taxing the people one flat 10% tax or tithe on income and any government that takes more than that is stealing from the people because they are in violation of God's Law?

If a Royal is ruling over 100,000 tax payers and he/she taxes them just one time for more than 10% of their income, they will be held accountable for 100,000 counts of stealing because they will have stolen from 100,000 people.

I sure hope they enjoy that extra luxury they stole from the people.

If a Royal sends their thugs out to oppress the people and those thugs, obeying those orders, murder 10,000 people, that Royal will be facing 10,000 murder charges on Judgment Day.

If you tell someone to commit a crime, you are committing a crime and will be complicit in the crime you tell them to commit.

Today is worse than any time in history because, for the first time since the flood, the Royals have the ability to commit crimes against more than 8 billion people with just one criminal act. Today's Royals and their puppets have already murdered millions of people with their wars they will be facing criminal charges for on Judgment Day.

Just in the US today, our governments are taxing over 100 million tax payers for far more than 10% of their income with them taking at least 50% to more than 80% of your income per year. On Judgment Day, those members of our government that passed and enforced those laws, will all be facing hundreds of millions of charges for stealing from more than 100 million people.

And you think they are not the worst criminals in history?

On Judgment Day, today's upper class trash Royals (the bad Royals) and their corrupt puppets will find themselves facing tens of billions of criminal charges for all of the crimes they have committed against so many people.

Just think about all of those Royals who spent hundreds of years just sacking or stealing from Africa and all of the criminal charges they will face on Judgment Day.

And you think they are not the worst criminals in history? Really?

Remember that Jesus said that to look on a woman and lust after her is to have already committed adultery with her in your heart?

That means that to plan to steal from billions of people is committing the act of stealing from them in your heart, whether or not you actually do steal from them.

When the Royals first planned to murder more than 7.5 billion people to "depopulate the planet", they committed 7.5 counts of murder in their hearts they will be held accountable for on Judgment Day. Now that they are actually committing those murders, it will be even worse.

Do you better understand why Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man or Royal to get into Heaven?

For thousands of years, the worst criminals on this planet have been the Royals and today's Royals are committing more crimes against more people than any Royals in history because there are many times more people to commit crimes against and today's technology makes it easier for them to commit more crimes against more people. It is going to get a wee bit warm where they are going to spend eternity. But, hey, they are going to have plenty of Royal company.

Do you believe me yet that today's upper class trash Royals are the worst criminals in history?

They are openly committing more crimes against more people than anyone else in history and we have not even talked about them lying to billions of people every day. Boy, are their puppet "journalists" going to be facing a lot of criminal charges for the millions to billions of people they lie to every day. I can just see them weeping before God on Judgment Day.

Judgment Day is going to hold a lot of very massive surprises for everyone. You just might want to get right with God.

Do you believe me yet that the Judgment Day will be the most interesting day in the history of this planet?

Just imagine all of today's upper class trash Royals facing hundreds of billions to trillions of criminal charges on Judgment Day.

Can't you just see almost all of the Royals in history completely shocked saying things like, "What, I am not a god and will be held accountable for all of my crimes against all of those people? What? I am just human like everyone else and have to abide by God's Laws?"

That will be wonderful and I am afraid I am going to break out laughing at the Royals more than once.

Man, have they screwed themselves because of their super arrogant greed and lust for power? They hurt and bleed like everyone else and really think they are gods? They can't even speak one habitable planet into existence and they think they are gods? They get sick and die just like everyone else and really think they are gods? How many of them have been raised from the dead? Are they stupid from too much inbreeding or what?

Well, hey, they will be immortal burning in the Lake of Fire forever with the rest of the Royals.

I thank God that I was not born a Royal. I am NOT a god, I do NOT want to be a god, I CANNOT ever be a god. I am just a simple little mortal human and that is fine with me. Let God be God. That is His job, not mine. He can have it. I don't want it. And don't you dare bow down before me!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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