Scientific Bible Study 2

The next bit of science we have to study in the Bible is the very act of creation itself.

You have to understand that the very first chapter of the Bible is the most important chapter in the Bible because it proves that this infinitely intellectually superior being, Yahweh, we call God is real, He lives, and He exists and, without proving that God does exist, all of the rest of the Bible is just meaningless stories, which is why God put the first chapter of the Bible as the first chapter of the Bible.

But, before we can address God creating everything, we need to deal with Satan's pagan fairy tale of evolution, which the pagan evolutionists claim makes it possible for God to not exist and they have used this pagan fairy tale to brow beat many Christians into not believing that the intellectually and physically superior God created everything and is capable of performing the miracles attributed to Him.

Therefore, before we can begin to deal with God and creation, we must first deal with a godless, magical, mystical, miraculous, accidental, and coincidental evolution of life from nothing but dirt and rocks, which is exactly what the pagan evolutionist claim happened, you know, in their magical, mystical, miraculous, and holy primordial cesspool.

You have to understand that the very first living cell is the critical foundation for evolution and ALL of the rest of their pagan evolutionary fairy tales because, without that first living cell accidentally and coincidentally happening, they have no life to evolve into anything and ALL of their other great sounding pagan evolutionary fairy tales are just meaningless hot air. They mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Remember that I was an evolutionist for 30 years before I converted to creation? Which should tell you what?

I know where all of their dead bodies are buried and the evolutionary cemetery I am going to show you totally devastates all of their evolutionary pagan fairy tales. Like I always do on this site, I am going to show you the things the lefty pagans don't want you to know and this gets just a wee bit complex so hang on and, if you get lost, go back to where you got lost and start reading again until you understand it.

A few decades ago, a man named Michael J. Behe, Ph.D., wrote the book,"Darwin's Block Box", which exposed a few of the worst flaws in evolution by pointing out that certain structures are "irreducibly complex", which means said structures where too complex to have been formed in one evolutionary event and there was no way they could have begun to form at a less complex level. In other words, the evolutionists couldn't figure out how these structures could have possibly evolved via accident and coincidence.

You have to understand that Behe stated in his book and later that he naively thought the problem in solving these evolutionary gaps was that other scientists were not aware of these gaps and, therefore, there were not enough scientists working to fill those gaps with scientific research. What Behe was attempting to do with his book was to make enough other scientists aware of these problems so more scientists would work to more quickly solve these problems.

What Behe didn't know is that all of the other evolutionary scientists were very aware of all of these gaps, and not just the ones Behe pointed out, were unable to fill the gaps, and were quietly hiding these gaps because they didn't want most people to know there were so many things the evolutionists couldn't explain that would destroy the ability of the evolutionists brainwashing us to believe in their false fanatical pagan cult of evolution.

So, when Behe made these gaps in their evolutionary theory public, it really ticked off the evolutionary community and, the last I heard, Behe was still being punished and ostracized by the evolutionary community for his sin of making these problems public knowledge instead of helping cover them up.

Boy, are they going to love me or what?

First, you have to understand how incredibly deceptive the evolutionists are in dealing with the first living cell. They call single cell organisms "simple cells", inferring that all you have to do is throw together a first full of molecules, stir a few times, and, whala, you have a living cell.

How incredibly simplistic and wonderfully convenient for them.

The truth is that the simplest living cell is at least a million times more complex than anything we humans have ever created and is anything but simple. The simplest living cell has more than one trillion molecules composed of hundreds of different types of molecules of which all of the right molecules must be in the right places AND in the right positions at the right time for that simplest living cell to function.

Not quite so simple, is it?

To counter the idea of a "simple cell" and the idea of it being so incredibly simple and easy for the simplest living cell to accidentally and coincidentally happen, creation scientists came up with an analysis saying that, "It would be more likely for a tornado to touch down in a junk yard and create a fully assembled 747 aircraft than for the simplest living cell to accidentally and coincidentally happening."

You have to know that that makes a point and sounds really great but it is a gross understatement because a 747 is nowhere near the complexity of the simplest living cell. There are not even a million parts on that plane, much less a trillion and most of the parts don't even have to be on the plane for that plane to function plus that plane can't feed itself or reproduce.

You have to understand that, for the evolutionary fairy tale to be even remotely plausible, the simplest living cell has to be complex enough for prolonged life functions, the ability to take sustenance or food from the immediate surroundings, and the ability to reproduce or you simply could not have life to evolve into anything. That is the minimum requirement for evolution to be able to begin and without those minimum requirements, there can be no evolution.

So I thought about this for a while and realized that another understatement that would be closer to the truth would be to say that it would be more likely for a tornado to touch down in a junk yard and create the entire US military weapons inventory than for the simplest cell to accidentally and coincidentally happen but that too is a gross understatement, just not quite as gross.

You see, even if you include all of the weapons the US military has in storage, you don't have a million weapons, much less a trillion weapons or parts, unless you include all of their guns and bullets, the vast majority of which are in storage and, therefore, are not even necessary for the US military to function. So this is a better analogy but still not accurate.

Then I thought, "What if we include ALL of the weapons for ALL of the militaries in the world?"

But we still wouldn't have a million weapons and most of those weapons don't have to be the right weapons in the right places and the right positions for those militaries to function plus those weapons can't feed themselves or reproduce so this is an even better analogy but is still not close enough to being accurate.

So I thought about this for a while and decided, "What if we wanted to build a structure as complex as the simplest cell using Legos where we have to have more than a trillion Legos with more than 300 different types of Legos and ALL of the right types of Legos have to be in all of the right places AND in all of the right positions?"

And I thought, "OK, that is close enough to the truth and simple enough most people can understand it so that is a good start but only the start."

Then you have to understand that their pagan fairy tale starts with their mythical, miraculous, magical, and holy "primordial pool", which just accidentally happened to have all of the right molecules and conditions to create the first living cell; their primordial cesspool wasn't too hot or too cold. Then there was no intelligent intervention and all of those molecules just magically, mysteriously, miraculously, accidentally, and coincidentally were moved into EXACTLY the right places and right positions at exactly the same time caused ONLY by their holy primordial cesspool being stirred by such things a volcanic gases bubbling up through their primordial cesspool, the winds, and solar heating.

(Listen, don't blame me, I didn't make this ridiculous crap up, their beloved false pagan god, Charles Darwin did that.)

Therefore, you creating that extremely complex structure with those more than one trillion Legos would have to be done by you mixing them up with shovels and brooms and not by you putting them together with your hands because putting them together with your hands would be intelligent intervention and creation and not accidental and coincidental evolution.

Are you getting the picture yet why most scientists who do believe in evolution also believe that even evolution requires "a superior intelligence" or that something or someone with a vastly superior intelligence to us humans had to CAUSE it to happen, which would still be a form of creation?

Just stop and think about that for a while but know that it gets better.

You see, for all of the right molecules to move into the right places and the right positions at the same time, someone or something had to prevent those molecules from having random chemical reactions with each other, destroying your needed molecules and creating interfering molecules that would displace the needed molecules preventing those needed molecules from EVER getting all of the right molecules in the right places and right positions at the same time making it scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for that first living cell to accidentally and coincidentally happen or it ain't going to happen, baby.

Therefore, science requires that the formation of the simplest living cells REQUIRES intelligent intervention or creation.

You have to understand the evolutionists like to deceive you by telling you that, "with enough time", you know, billions of years, "it could happen."

Yeah, and with enough fairy dust, pixy dust, and petroleum jell.

But the ugly truth is that chemistry and molecular biology tell us that the longer it takes to form that first living cell, the less probable it will be to happen because of the continued random chemical reactions decreasing the number of needed molecules and increasing the number of interfering molecules until it reaches a point to where it will not be possible for the formation of the cell to accidentally happen because you simply will not have enough of the needed molecules and have far too many of the interfering molecules to be able to get all of the right molecules in the right places and right positions at the same time.

Therefore, time actually works against evolution and not for it. For evolution to even be possible, the formation of that first cell MUST take place very quickly, while the conditions are just right, which is why the evolutionists dumped Darwinian Evolution in 1984, then Punctuational Equilibria, and they are now stuck with Catastrophism, which is only one step away from Creationism.

Man plans, God laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs...forever. These genius intellectuals who all got the right degrees from the right universities, thinking themselves wise, have made themselves fools before God and court jesters in God's court. Yeah, their brilliance is a joke before God.

But, hey, it gets better.

BTW, how are your one trillion Legos doing? Have they formed your extremely complex structure yet by just mixing them together? What? You need more time for your Legos to evolve into your complex structure?

But in less than 100 years of you mixing them together, the friction will wear them down into plastic dust so that none of them will be able to combine into any shape. It sounds like time will work against your evolution the same as it works against biological evolution. It is called the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

In the next step, these geniuses who got the right degrees from the right universities all ASSUME that, once you miraculously, magically, mystically, accidentally, and coincidentally get all of the right molecules in all of the right places and all of the right positions, you know, via intelligent intervention or creation because evolution can't do it, baby, that those molecules will magically pull together forming a solid cell structure.

Oh, really? These simple minded twits sure assume a lot, don't they?

Actually, there is no scientific reason for those molecules to magically pull together to form a solid cell WITHOUT intelligent invention or creation. Oops.

But, hey, let's say we did magically, mystically, miraculously, accidentally, and coincidentally get all of the right molecules in all of the right places and all of the right positions and we caused those molecules to pull together to form a solid cell, then what?

At that point, the pagan fairy tale of evolution tells us that those right molecules in the right places and the right positions will just magically begin having chemical reactions with the right molecules around them starting the very complex chain reactions which cause the molecular motions which cause life.

Oh, really?

If you study chemistry and dead cell physiology or what happens inside cells right after they stop cell functions or die, you learn that ain't going to happen, baby.

When you die, the vast majority of cells in your body will still have all of the right molecules in all of the right places and all of the right positions with a solid cell structure and do those molecules resume the molecular activity that cause life and, therefore, would regenerate life in your body bringing you back to life or what?

When you die and the vast majority of the cells in your body still have all of the right molecules in all of the right places and in all of the right positions with a solid cell structure but the molecular activity causing life has stopped, those molecules in your cells actually quickly begin having random chemical reactions with the wrong molecules around them quickly beginning the breakdown of those cells called decomposition, which is why your cells and body quickly decompose and return to being what we call biomatter in the soil.

This proves that just having the right molecules in the right places and right positions with a solid cell structure DOES NOT cause spontaneous chemical reactions that start life and that some superior intelligence MUST CAUSE the right molecules in the right places and in the right positions to have chemical reactions with the right molecules near them to cause the complex molecular chain reactions required for cell function and life or that cell will very quickly begin breaking down or decomposing PREVENTING the formation of a living cell.

But, hey, it gets better.

Then we have the problem of having the right sustenance or food for that first living cell to immediately begin ingesting the nutrients for it to sustain life.

You see, there are two problems with this because, first, it is very unlikely that the first cell will accidentally and coincidentally form and start life functions in the immediate area of its required food supply and will probably quickly die from starvation. It is much more likely that the food needed for that first living cell would be somewhere too far away for the cell to get to that food before it could starve to death than for that food to be surrounding that living cell so the cell can begin to immediately ingest life supporting nutrients. Mathematically, it is much more likely that food supply will accidentally develop or appear on the other side of the planet or on another planet than around the living cell.

Second, if that food supply is right where the cell accidentally and coincidentally forms, it increases the probability of those food molecules displacing the needed molecules for forming the cell, preventing the formation of the cell because the food molecules would be interfering molecules during the cell formation.

Therefore, it is required that a superior intelligence would form that living cell in a controlled manner to prevent the food molecules from displacing or reacting with the needed molecules to form the cell right in the middle of that cell's food supply for the cell to immediately begin ingesting sustenance for continued cell functions and prolonged cell survival.

But, hey, it gets better. (Right about now, evolutionists are probably getting tired of me saying that.)

Then we have the reproductive thingy to deal with because single cell reproductive functions are very complex. You see, the cell has to first create an entire other cell within its own cell walls WITHOUT permitting those molecules and cell structures of the new cell to interfere with the molecules and cell structures of the parent cell, sort and separate out more than TWO TRILLION molecules into two separate cell structures, and then incredibly cause the cell membrane to accurately separate those cell structures into two separate cell structures WITHOUT leaving either cell without the required molecules and cell structures to sustain life.

Let's see you intellectually superior humans do that with two trillion Legos.

Now, do you really simplistically believe that the genetic programming to cause and control something so incredibly complex just accidentally and coincidentally happened when that first cell accidentally and coincidentally formed or do you realize that that genetic programming had to be done by a superior intelligence to us humans, you know, God?

Have you noticed that every key step in the accidental and coincidental formation of the simplest living cell REQUIRES intelligent intervention for that cell to ever reach the stage of being alive?

That is what the evolutionists don't want you to know and why they never like to discuss the possibility of the first simplest cell accidentally and coincidentally forming.

A superior intelligence had to CAUSE all of the right molecules to move into all of the right places and in the right positions at the same time without random chemical reactions and other molecules interfering; a superior intelligence had to CAUSE all of those molecules to pull together to form a solid cell structure; a superior intelligence had to CAUSE all of the more than one trillion molecules in those cells to start having chemical reactions with all of the right molecules to start the very complex molecular chain reactions required for cell functions and to prevent the cells from quickly starting decomposition, a superior intelligence had to CAUSE that cell to be created in the presence of its food supply without permitting that food supply to interfere with the complex formation of that cell, and a superior intelligence had to program that simplest living cell to perform and control the extremely complex act of cell reproduction or there simply COULD NOT be life at all; therefore, that superior intelligence we call God, MUST exist.

This is why better than 90% of scientists who believe in evolution believe a "superior intelligence" MUST exist.

What should that tell you?

That these genius God hating pagans who dreamed up and have been supporting the pagan fairy tale of evolution to, first, prove God does not exist, and then, when that failed, to make it possible for God to not exist, have actually scientifically proved that God MUST exist for there to be ANY life, even the simplest life, whether by evolution or creation.

I want to thank all of our foolish pagan evolution friends for sticking with their fairy tale long enough to prove God MUST exist and that, one way or another, creation had to be CAUSED by God.

Man plans, God laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs...forever!

Now, we have to figure out, which god caused the creation of life and how because I just destroyed that fanatical false pagan cult, evolution, at the molecular level by proving that the simplest living cell is "irreducibly complex" and requires a superior being we call God to exist.

At the same time I began studying science 50 years ago, God also caused me to go on a personal crusade to 1) find out whether there is a god and 2) find out which is the real god.

This personal crusade all started as I was walking towards my first archeology class. I clearly remember thinking, "I want to find out if there is a god and who that god is because the last thing I want to find myself doing when standing before this being was to hear myself say, 'Oops!'" Just think about that. You are standing before God on Judgment Day and the LAST thing you want to hear yourself say is, "Oops!" That wouldn't be the best moment in your eternity.

On that day, I began a quest that lasted decades with me studying everything I could find about the truth about different religions. Not the pagan bull crap you hear from the media and the rest of the left, but the truth.

The first thing I learned was that religions which had lots of gods, were man created because man is not capable of mentally creating a being as complex as humans, much less a being more complex than humans or superior to humans. Therefore, when people create false gods, they create gods for everything. They create gods for war, for love, for water, for oceans, rain, thunder, for plants, for everything they deal with in life.

You see this in Hinduism (more than 1,000 gods), Buddhism (a spin off from Hinduism), Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Egyptian religions, Babylonian religions, Sabianism (more than 360 gods), Islam (a spin off from Sabianism, Allah was originally the War God of Sabianism), and others. The Occult have numerous gods, have the worst gods that destroy any possible long term quality civilization, are extremely oppressive, and are too evil to create or build anything.

I only found one religion in which there was just one very complex God, which would have been normal for a vastly superior being to really be a real god. As I read through the scriptures again and again, I realized that this being is far too complex for us stupid humans to make Him up, His Laws make sense in relation to my studies in history and human behavior, and the scriptures show He has the required incredible brilliance for Him to be our true creator. This being is infinitely more brilliant than us humans, clearly has the powers or abilities to do the miracles described in the Bible, and the entire story just makes more sense than anything else.

As I studied the scriptures and other religions, I realized the similarities between Satanism and all other pagan religions so that it became obvious that the other false pagan gods are really just fronts Satan uses to distract us from worshipping and following the one true God of the Bible, whose Laws are very different from the other cult laws and are designed to protect good people from evil people.

It became obvious that the only god that could possibly be the one true God and creator of our universe was Yahweh/Jesus/Adonai/Elohim, the God of the Bible, Hebrews, Christians, and all creation.

This being is the only being I found anywhere who has the infinite knowledge, wisdom, and powers to create our entire cosmos and I want to again thank the evolutionists for proving that He MUST exist.

With all of that behind us, we can resume with learning about this incredible being, God in our next "Scientific Bible Study" because we now know that He MUST exist and that He really can do all of those incredible things in the Bible.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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