Space Rocks

When I first started this site in November 1999, I wrote an essay titled "Scientific Analysis of the Flood" stating that I felt the Flood was caused by a meteor shower caused by debris from what scientists at the time were saying the asteroid belt was the debris of a planet that exploded between Mars and Jupiter where the asteroid belt is now.

At that time I was contacted by a number of college professors and scientists who didn't like what I was writing but never offered to debate what I said because they knew I was right so I know that the scientific community was aware of my site. They just said some insulting things to intimidate me with no evidence to prove me wrong and let it go.

By the strangest coincidence, not too long after I posted my hypothesis about the Flood being caused by a meteor shower from the planet that exploded between Mars and Jupiter, the evolutionists changed their story about the asteroid belt to an evolution based fairy tale about those solid rocks called asteroids not being from a planet that exploded but were caused by their magic space dust mysteriously, mystically, miraculously, and magically being compressed into solid rock by the almost zero gravity in space, you know, with tons of fairy dust. That is now the fairy tale they tell about all solid rocks called asteroids inside of our solar system and even on the outer edges, where there is even less gravity...but probably much more fairy dust.

I soundly disproved that fairy tale in my essay "Magic Space Dust" so there is no need to repeat that here.

And, by another strange coincidence, they even made up a fairy tale about a planet not being able to explode because "they didn't know of any internal mechanism which could cause a planet to explode," you know, like they know everything about the internal structure and function of our own planet and keep being surprised by various things about our planet and other planets.

For example, they were recently surprised to find out that there are massive pockets of water deep in our crust, you know, just like the Bible said there were "fountains of the deep" or how about them thinking Pluto was half the size it turned out to be when we recently flew a satellite by it or how they just realized a few months ago that they were wrong about Jupiter being just a giant ball of gas in spite of the fact that we quite recently witnessed nuclear explosions on its surface when that broken up comet hit it, telling them Jupiter is a solid planet.

Gee, what else don't they know?

But, hey, they got them thar right degrees from them thar right universities by listening to them thar all-knowing, all-wise, lefty college professors who are too stupid to get a real job.

Maybe they should question their all-knowing, all-wise college professors more often?

Plus, it wasn't that long ago that we humans didn't even know about atoms and molecules, much less that you could use atoms and nuclear fission and fusion to blow things up but that didn't mean you couldn't use nuclear fission and fusion to blow things up, it just meant we didn't know about it. So, if they really don't know how a planet could blow up, it doesn't mean a planet can't blow up, it just means they don't know how it could blow up.

Could a planet explode?

Hey, I know, let's look at the evidence and see for ourselves, I mean, after all, when was the last time they were right about a planet? Besides, isn't that the way science is supposed to work, you know, you look at the evidence and let the evidence tell you what happened, you know, "the scientific method"?

To do this, we first must start with an objective analysis of the evidence. We already know that it is scientifically impossible and preposterous that near zero gravity could have formed the solid rocks in and around our solar system called asteroids and comets by compacting their magical space dust. You have to be either a religious evolution fanatic, be scientifically ignorant, or be very stoned to believe that crap.

So where did all of that debris we call the asteroid belt and the asteroids and comets we see in and just outside of our solar system come from if near zero gravity can't compress their magic space dust into solid rock?

My hypothesis states that it is all the debris from a planet that was orbiting where the asteroid belt is and it blew up 4,400 years ago and not bazillions of years ago.

To test this hypothesis, we have to ask, "What evidence would you expect to see in our solar system after a planet blew up?"

1. We would see a debris cloud or asteroid belt where the planet was orbiting but most of the debris would have left that orbit, especially after thousands of years.

2. We would see significant large, solid rocks floating around inside and outside of our solar system that are debris from the exploded planet.

3. Most of that planet's debris would be irregularly shaped rocks or asteroids because they would be the "jagged, broken" parts of a planet.

4. We would see significantly grouped meteor cratering on one side of nearby planets, like Earth and its moon.

It should be pretty obvious that numbers 1, 2, and 3 have been fulfilled by the asteroid belt and the thousands of asteroids and comets in and near our solar system. They meet that requirement perfectly.

You have to understand that the evolutionist fairy tale explaining meteor craters on planets is that those craters were caused by RANDOM meteor strikes on the surface of those planets over millions and billions of years.

For this to be true, mathematics requires that those meteor craters be pretty evenly place around the planets and there can be no significant groupings. It would also have to be true that the cratering on the side of our moon facing Earth would have to be significantly less cratered than the cratering on the other sides of our moon.


Because Earth is partially shielding the side of the moon facing Earth so that many of the meteors that would have struck that side of the moon would have either struck Earth or glanced off of Earth's atmosphere and been deflected away from striking the moon. Therefore, the side of Earth's moon facing Earth must be significantly less cratered than the other sides of the moon facing away from Earth and the craters on Earth must be relatively evenly spread around the planet for that evolutionist fairy tale to be true.

What do we see with the cratering on Earth and the moon?

If you look at the following NASA science map showing the locations for meteor craters around the world, you will see a very heavy concentration of meteor craters on one side of the planet, in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, and Africa, you know, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and much lighter cratering on the rest of the planet. This is strong evidence for a heavy meteor shower caused by a planet exploding. (Note that scientists believe that Australia used to be much further west, right by Africa and all of that cratering would explain why Australia broke away from the continent.)

But the best evidence for a meteor shower caused by an exploding planet is the cratering on the moon. Our scientists were surprised to find out that the side of the moon facing Earth, you know, the partially protected side of the moon, was much more heavily cratered than any of the other sides of the moon facing away from Earth.

Gee, why?

The only thing which could have caused this combination of cratering on Earth and the moon would have been for a massive meteor shower caused by an exploding planet striking Earth with the moon behind and just to one side of Earth so the inner face of the moon would also be struck by the same meteor shower.

OK, we have all of the evidence we would expect to see if a planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter exploded so, how would what we see have been caused or what would have been the dynamics causing this evidence?

To answer this, we would have to run a complex model of a planet exploding in that orbital space but I want to keep it simple enough a 7th or 8th grader can understand.

First, we don't know the size of the planet, its orbital speed, the force of the explosion, the direction of the planet's orbit, or its exact orbital path so we have to make some assumptions for our model.

Earth's orbital speed is approximately 67,000 miles per hour and Mar's orbital speed is approximately 52,000 mph so I want to use the nice round and easy to work with number of 50,000 mph for our dead planet's orbital speed because it will also be easiest for people to understand. We will also assume that the explosive force of the planet quickly accelerated the debris to a nice round, easy to use and understand 10,000 mph plus it is a nice conservative estimate. Then we will assume that, if you were standing on the dead planet's north pole before the explosion and facing in the direction the planet was orbiting, the planet was orbiting counter clockwise so that the front of the planet would be at 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock would be to the right and facing out towards Jupiter and space, 6 o'clock would be the trailing edge of the planet, and 9 o'clock would be to the left and facing the sun for easy reference points.

Also, the fixed point in space where the planet blew up will be point A and the moving center of the planet, even after it blew up, will be point B, also for easy reference points.

Why is this important for understanding the dynamics of this event and what we should see following the event?

Because, in a more simplistic model, if you are traveling at 10 miles per hour straight ahead, orbiting the sun, and some force suddenly causes you to also travel at 10 miles per hour to your left, 90 degrees away from the direction you were heading and towards the sun, then you will be traveling at 13 mph at 45 degrees from the point where the second force acted on you, you know, point A, which will tell us what direction and speed you will be traveling in relation to the sun, which will tell us approximately what to expect the effect the sun will have on you. You see, you will be heading towards the sun at 10 mph but not directly towards the sun, which will cause you to be in a decaying orbit around the sun and that will cause the sun's gravity to have a different effect on you than if you were just heading straight for the sun.

Follow me closely and, if you get lost, just go back and read it again more slowly. This will get a little tricky and I will try to keep it simple.

The main factors that will most affect the trajectories of the debris from the dead planet when it explodes where it will end up will be the orbital speed of the planet, the explosive force of the planet, and the sun's gravity on the debris from the planet but you have to understand that the other planets will have a lesser effect on the debris by the planets' gravity changing some debris trajectories or just colliding with some of the debris.

First, you have to understand that every grain of dust and sand on that planet has the kinetic energy to be traveling through space at 50,000 mph and the entire planet will be accelerated away from the core of that planet or point B at 10,000 mph in all directions from the core. Second, the different parts of that planet will change in speed in relation to point A and the sun, which is critical for what we will see.

For example, the matter right at 12 o'clock will be accelerated to 60,000 mph in relation to point A because that matter will be blown forward or away from point A by an additional 10,000 mph (50,000 + 10,000 = 60,000) while the matter right at 6 o'clock will be decelerated to 40,000 mph in relation to point A because that matter will be blown back towards point A by 10,000 mph (50,000 - 10,000 = 40,000). The matter right in the center of the planet or point B will continue moving away from point A at 50,000 mph.

This means that the matter blown forward will be traveling significantly faster than the matter which was blown backwards and slowed so that the matter at 12 o'clock will eventually catch and pass the matter at 6 o'clock creating a massive debris cloud all of the way around the original orbit and the sun, just like we see today. Gee, what a coincidence.

Mean while, the debris just a few degrees either side of 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock will be accelerated and decelerated respectively but also be blown slighting to one side of the original orbit causing the debris cloud to spread out to both sides of the original orbit, you know, just like we see today. Gee, what a coincidence.

You also have to understand that only the matter right at 12 o'clock and right at 6 o'clock will remain in the planet's original orbit because everything else will be blown to one side or the other of that orbit. This means that very little of the debris from that planet will remain in the asteroid belt formed by that planet's debris because better than 99% of that planet will be blown to one side or the other and, by the strangest coincidence, our asteroid belt only has about 4% of the matter contained by our moon. Gee, what a coincidence.

You also have to understand that the matter on the left side of the planet right at 9 o'clock will be blown towards the sun at 10,000 mph and the matter right at 3 o'clock will be blown away from the sun at 10,000 mph but both of these will continue moving in the planet's original orbital DIRECTION but not in the original orbital path at 50,000 mph so their trajectory will be determined by a combination of their orbital speed plus the explosive speed.

This is very important because it means that matter on the left side of the planet won't be heading directly towards the sun but will be in a decaying orbit around the sun and the angle of the orbit and speed will be different for matter from different points between 12 o'clock, 9 o'clock, and 6 o'clock, with some of it being pulled into the sun, some of it being pulled into lower orbits around the sun, and some of it being thrown by the sun into higher orbits or completely out of our solar system.

The same is true for the matter between 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, and 6 o'clock but with different dynamics because that matter will be traveling against the sun's gravity, which will slow that matters' rate of travel away from the sun.

For example the orbit for the matter at 9 o'clock will be decaying faster than the orbit for the matter at 10 o'clock which will be decaying faster than the orbit for the matter at 11 o'clock and this is important.

The matter at 9 o'clock will be moving towards the sun fastest, be accelerated by the sun sooner and the most, will achieve a lower orbit around the sun and accelerated to a higher speed eventually causing that matter to be flung by the sun out into space at the outside of our solar system just like we see large amounts of matter there today, of which some is occasionally pulled back by the sun as comets, just like we see today. Gee, what a coincidence.

Yep, that is how those solid rocks got that far out in space without the evolutionists magic space dust being compressed into solid rocks by near zero gravity. Just shot the crap out of that evolution theory, didn't we?

Now the matter at 11 o'clock will be in a much more shallow decaying orbit which will cause the sun's gravity to eventually speed it up enough at a higher orbit around the sun for that matter to be thrown into an elliptical orbit around the sun between Mars and the sun just like we see "Near Earth Objects" or asteroids orbiting the sun today without the evolutionists' magic space dust being compressed into solid rock by near zero gravity in space. Gee, what a coincidence.

Now, soon after that planet's explosion, that rapidly expanding wave of planet debris, now called asteroids, would have struck Earth and the moon causing that concentrated cratering we see on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean on Earth and on the inside of the moon's surface facing Earth. Gee, what a coincidence.

There, now we have massive evidence of a planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter blowing up and creating what we see today with zero evidence of near zero gravity compressing their magic space dust into solid rock in space. The evidence is everywhere in space.

Doesn't that make much more sense than the evolutionist fairy tale?

But, it gets better. (I bet you evos didn't want to hear that.)

BTW, I believe that huge canyon on Mars was caused by a massive meteor grazing that face of Mars and gouging out the canyon. That canyon doesn't look like it was caused by erosion but looks more like a huge gouge by a big rock.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You better....

Pray long, pray hard, pray often!!!

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